Enjoy the world

Chapter 38 Not here

After Ding Qi explained something, Hua Zhenxing understood what had just happened. It turns out that this secret realm has another special value. Ordinary people will not retain their memories when they enter the secret realm and come out again. After entering the secret realm yesterday until eating hot pot in the evening, Ding Qi used his unique method to protect Hua Zhenxing's consciousness.

In other words, Hua Zhenxing should be able to retain the memory from entering the secret realm yesterday until eating hot pot in the evening, but Ding Qi did not do this again. So "theoretically" speaking, Hua Zhenxing will not know what happened in the secret realm today after he comes out, just like the time in his memory has been inexplicably missing for half a day.

But Hua Zhenxing remembered it very clearly, which made Ding Qi a little embarrassed. Hua Zhenxing asked in confusion: "Ordinary people can't remember what happened inside, so what kind of people can retain their memories?"

Ding Qi: "You are a person with a clear soul. Although you have just developed your spiritual consciousness, you were able to easily let me get close to you yesterday without realizing it. So I thought you were still not close to being ready. I didn't expect you to have reached this level."

Hua Zhenxing: "I just killed Jin Datou yesterday. I thought all the troubles were solved, and I got a little carried away. I can understand what you mean by the clarity of the soul. It should be the feeling I found after entering the secret realm yesterday..."

At this point, Hua Zhenxing suddenly realized that the words Ding Qi asked him before leaving the secret realm seemed to be a test. Hua Zhenxing couldn't remember it anyway. No matter what the result of the test was, only Ding Qi knew it, so he would avoid embarrassment after going out.

These masters are all so clever! Hua Zhenxing thought about it carefully and found that fortunately there was nothing out of the ordinary in his words and deeds. He said what he wanted to say and what he should say.

"In addition to ordinary people not being able to retain their memories, are there any other requirements for entering and exiting secret realms?" Hua Zhenxing asked with some worry.

Ding Qi: "A secret realm like this has been isolated from the outside world for a long time, and the microbial environment will be different. If you enter or exit rashly, you may contract an inexplicable disease that has no cure. It can be regarded as a very serious disease." It’s acclimatized. Of course, you don’t have to worry about this anymore.”

Hua Zhenxing said with lingering fear: "So that's it!"

Ding Qi: "Since you already know this and still remember what happened just now, then think about it again, if you become my disciple and master my unique secret method, this secret realm will be yours alone. No one can argue with you, right?"

Hua Zhenxing: "A world for just one person? It's better to put on a quilt and sleep, and dream about everything!"

Ding Qi: "That's different. Dreams are fake, but this world is real!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Teacher Ding, I am very willing to call you teacher! I am very interested in your unique secret method, and thank you very much. If you are willing to teach me, I also want to learn it, but the secret method is not only knowledge, learning and practice It's also two different things.

According to what you said, if it takes ten years to concentrate on practicing in the secret realm and eventually become the master there, I think it's better to forget it. At least now I have more important things to do, and it's impossible to spend all my time and energy here.

I still need to practice the Yangyuan Technique myself. I don’t know when I will become a high-level Yangyuan Technique master. If that day comes, I should really study your unique secret method... But I don’t want such a world. "

Ding Qi did not feel disappointed, but smiled and said: "This kind of secret realm, I call it Fangwai, and what I created and taught myself is called Fangwai Secret Technique. And I think your ambition is not Fangwai, right here world……"

At this point, his tone suddenly stopped, and he turned around and said bluntly, "By the way, it's hard to get the gold out of there. You once said that it would be better to open a gold mine outside to waste the time. Have you found a place?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I'm just making an analogy, but there are indeed many gold mines in the Black Wasteland."

Ding Qi pointed to the hillside in the distance and said, "Look at the terrain outside, does it look a bit similar to what you see in the secret realm?"

"It's a bit similar!" At this point, Hua Zhenxing had a flash of inspiration in his mind. He suddenly realized something and couldn't help blurting out, "We found a gold mine in the secret realm, so the same direction outside..."

Ding Qi took over the conversation and said: "Is there also a gold mine? Is it true or not? You might as well go and have a look. I'm not familiar with this place. How about you lead the way? Do you remember the direction?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Of course I remember. I can even measure the energy with my feet. Walk northwest, it's less than thirty kilometers away."

Ding Qi: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's set off! Get there before dark and see if we can find anything."

The terrain in the outside world is somewhat similar to what is seen in the secret realm, but there is only a rough outline to refer to. Hua Zhenxing walked according to the direction in memory, basically along half of the mountain range. This road went very fast, Hua Zhenxing's speed was almost unreserved, and Ding Qi could keep up anyway.

They arrived at their destination just as the sun was about to set. Hua Zhenxing was not sure whether he had found the right place. What he saw in the secret realm were small hills covered with gravel, but here were towering mountains and large cliffs.

Hua Zhenxing walked around a few times and said: "I didn't find any gold mines. There were no gold nuggets in the rock formations or in the gravel here. There didn't even seem to be gold sands. Otherwise, the veins were buried relatively deep, and I couldn't sense them at all. Arrive." Hua Zhenxing has learned to use his spiritual consciousness, but he uses his spiritual consciousness to sense the rock formations, and the depth is only a few inches.

Ding Qi: "Although spiritual consciousness is mysterious, we cannot rely on it for everything. There are always things that are out of reach. We can use a stupid method to dig in and take a look. This is the simplest and most effective. You just stay back!"

Ding Qi chose a suitable place and inserted a long stick into the rock like a chisel. Hua Zhenxing was dumbfounded. He chopped this stick with his own hands, then sharpened one end and baked it hard with fire. The stick was still tough, but it could never be inserted into a rock like tofu!

It’s not that the stick is powerful, it’s Teacher Ding who is so powerful! The stick body carried a strange tremor, shattering the surrounding rocks, and actually opened a "door" on the mountain wall. If opening the secret portal is a magical secret method, then what he is performing at this moment is a real hard-core kung fu, like a human excavator.

Teacher Ding forcibly dug a tunnel into the mountain, breaking through the earth and rocks and flying out. People actually walked in slowly. Hua Zhenxing hid to the side, and his consciousness followed Teacher Ding's footsteps and extended into the mountain.

Ke Mengchao in the distance smacked his lips and said, "This teacher Xiao Ding is really working hard!"

Mo Shangtong nodded and said, "You have some strength!"

Yang Tehong squinted his eyes: "Is there a gold mine here? I have lived here for so many years, but I have never found it!"

Mo Shangtong: "This is a very ancient primitive stratum. If the veins are deep inside, they cannot be found without exploration."

Ding Qi dug a tunnel in the rock. It was the size of an ordinary door. The digging speed was not very fast, but it was already quite amazing. Almost twenty minutes had passed and it had been dug more than two meters deep. He always maintained a stable rhythm. , gravel kept flying out.

Seeing that he had dug so deep, but no traces of gold ore were found in the rock formations, not even the tiniest gold particles, Ding Qi felt a bit stuck at the moment, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue digging.

Hua Zhenxing outside was also secretly wondering - is there really a gold mine here? Suddenly, I suddenly remembered that dream again and recalled more content in the dream. It has nothing to do with the system or the actions of those old men. It is purely his own imagination. There is indeed a large gold mine to the west of the Fiso Port in the dream, and it seems to be at this location.

In the dream, this is a large-scale modern gold mine that is safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly. It uses program-controlled blasting technology and a variety of state-of-the-art large-scale mining machinery. The efficiency is much higher than that of Teacher Ding digging holes with a stick at the moment.

It’s not that Teacher Ding is not very capable, this is the advantage of modern industrial civilization! His ability is beyond imagination, but it took almost half an hour to dig a mine tunnel that is three meters deep and can accommodate one person. Compared with the requirements of large-scale industrial production, what can this do?

Besides, masters like Teacher Ding are rare in the world, so it would be too wasteful to use such skills in mining. The peerless master is not a humanoid excavator. Such things should be left to blasting technology and mining machinery. Teacher Ding only needs to cultivate his character, discover secret places, and live freely...

"Xiaohua, why are you dazed here?" Just as Hua Zhenxing was thinking about it, Ding Qi had stopped digging and walked out with a long stick.

What Hua Zhenxing was thinking in his heart came out subconsciously: "Teacher Ding, it would be such a waste for a talent like you and such great ability to be used to dig mines! This method cannot be used to mine gold mines."

Ding Qi was amused by him and said with a smile: "What are you thinking about? I'm just taking you to find out if there is a gold mine here."

Hua Zhenxing: "Did you find it?"

Ding Qi: "Let me take a breath first."

Hua Zhenxing: "Then you rest first. I'll go hunting and cook dinner for you later."

He soon returned from hunting, and today's prey was a male springbok. At the end of the dry season, the foothills of this area are home to springboks. He washed and cleaned the gifts at a nearby water source. When he came back, Dinqi had finished his rest and dug a hole there. The tunnel was almost five meters deep into the rock formation.

Yang Tehong in the distance muttered: "Teacher Xiao Ding is so tired. He has defeated his own army. If he can't find the gold mine today, it will be embarrassing... Xiaohua started to barbecue again. What do you think? Why are the skills you’ve been taught since childhood so good?”

Hua Zhenxing didn't wait any longer. He lit a bonfire and burned the clean stones, then grilled the thinly sliced ​​meat on the stones one by one and sprinkled the seasonings carefully. Perhaps attracted by the aroma of barbecue, Ding Qi finally stopped digging, walked out with a stick and said: "Hey, stone slab barbecue? The smell makes you appetizing!"

Hua Zhenxing raised his head and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Ding! Have you found the gold mine? It doesn't matter if you can't find it. Just rest first and eat meat..."

Ding Qi secretly adjusted his expression. He still looked calm and calm, but his clothes and hair were already stained with a lot of dust. He put his left hand on his back and stretched out his right hand and said, "Look what this is." ?”

In his palm, there were three natural gold nuggets, also known as gold nuggets. They were very irregular in shape. The largest one was as big as a cherry, and the smallest one was about the size of a mung bean. Hua Zhenxing jumped up, jumped over the fire and said, "Found it?"

Ding Qi nodded slightly and said: "There is indeed a vein deep in the mountain rock. I was lucky. I may have found the tip area where the vein extends. The entire vein should be buried very deep."

Hua Zhenxing: "I'll look for it too... Please help me watch the meat so it doesn't burn." He took out the barrel of the gun from his backpack and fixed the bayonet, and also put on a steel finger tiger on one hand, excitedly He ran into the tunnel dug by Ding Qi, and ran out happily again in a short time, with a cigarette butt-shaped natural gold nugget in his hand.

Ding Qi smiled happily and felt that the barbecue was particularly delicious during dinner. Of course Hua Zhenxing was even happier. Old Man Yang in the distance frowned and said: "They actually found a gold mine! If it is a large gold mine, it will not be a good thing for Xiaohua and this place."

Master Ke also looked worried: "Yes, this place will be destroyed, and I don't know how many lives will be lost!"

Mo Shangtong: "It's definitely not a good thing at the moment, but it won't be a bad thing in the future. I have to remind this child to say hello to Teacher Xiao Ding."

Ke Mengchao: "Shall we go there now?"

Yang Tehong: "Don't worry, let's see what else Teacher Xiao Ding wants to do?"

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