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Chapter 364 Boss Hua is angry

Judging from Locke's intention, he obviously wanted to persuade him to drop the topic. Hua Zhenxing also took a cup and said, "We won't discuss Chinese cabbage anymore... Mr. Yue, I feel like you are almost dripping with water."

Yue Gao Le: "What water am I dripping with? I'm not your little magician who specializes in water!"

Hua Zhenxing: "I mean, your face looks like it's going to rain on a cloudy day today."

Yue Gao Le: "It's raining? It's thundering! How can you be in a good mood when this kind of thing happens to you? This is not a problem of one or two people, nor is it an ordinary faction fighting. If it is not handled well, the entire Cracks may appear in Cambysteen."

Hua Zhenxing: "It's so serious. Have you investigated the reason?"

Yue Gao Le: "His Majesty Ting Zong made arrangements overnight yesterday to temporarily control all the people involved in Yinfeng Mountain. How can we investigate clearly before we take action? I am just preparing for the worst and considering the worst first. Serious situation."

Hua Zhenxing: "Then why do you think they wanted to assassinate Dr. Luo?"

Yue Gaole raised his head and said, "Others may be confused, but can't you three guess it?"

Lian Na said: "Is it because of the Yangyuan Technique or the Spring Rong Pill?"

Yo Gao Le: "It's all possible. The specific reasons can only be determined after investigation."

Hua Zhenxing: "Why?"

Yogao Le sighed: "As far as I know, the great magician Adaman is the most stubborn traditional representative of Gambistine. He insists on everything old, but thinks that he is holding on to his own glory.

I brought the art of nourishing energy back to Cambystine, which was very beneficial to many magicians in maintaining their vitality, and then it was also promoted in Cambystine. But I didn’t first learn it from Boss Hua, but from the Vitality Club, and then I came to find Boss Hua.

I did not say your name, Boss Hua. What I said to Gambistine was that I learned from the new Vitality Club in Brussels that someone is teaching such a set of cultivation techniques, and it should come from the East.

So I visited the Kunlun monks again to complete and improve this set of techniques... Ting Zongmian thought it was worth learning from, so it was included in the further training system for the magicians of Gambistine. "

Lianna: "Then the great magician Adaman thought that the Vitality Club should be banned and banned from promoting and teaching Yangyuan Art?"

Yue Gaole nodded and said, "Yes."

Hua Zhenxing: "Why? The art of Yangyuan was not passed from Gambistine to Vitality Club, but from Vitality Club to Gambistine. Gambistine himself is a student, so why is there any reason to prohibit teachers from teaching others? s student?

Besides, according to what you told Gambistine, Dr. Luo was not the founder of Yangyuan Technique. He learned it from Eastern monks, and the source should be the Kunlun cultivation world. Can Gambistine still prohibit Kunlun monks from teaching the art of cultivating energy? "

Yue Gaole explained: "Gombistine really cannot interfere with how the Kunlun cultivation sects teach their secrets. But the Kunlun cultivation sects never teach the secrets like the Vitality Club.

In the long historical years, after various explorations and many painful lessons, whether it is Gambistine or Kunlun League, they have long had a strict inheritance and supervision system to control the negative consequences of practicing secret techniques as much as possible. To a minimum extent.

But as for the Vitality Club, they don't understand these rules at all. .

It was just a club for the rich and powerful, and the criterion for recruiting members was the combination of power and wealth. In their eyes, the so-called vitality technique is not a secret technique with the purpose of practicing itself, but a form of mysticism, a broker that connects power and wealth.

This is intolerable to Adaman..." While speaking, Yue Gaole sent another spiritual thought, and a roar sounded in the spirits of Hua Zhenxing and others, accompanied by the sound of slapping the table. .

Hua Zhenxing used his supernatural powers to judge that this person was speaking in a hall, which should be a meeting-like occasion. This person was speaking angrily and banging the table.

"We have become perceivers, immune persons, and sober persons. We have rejected the temptation of the devil, accepted the test of the gods, and obtained the power given by the gods. We have the responsibility to protect the glory of the gods!

Cambystine no longer seeks secular authority, but wholeheartedly accepts the guidance of gods, studies the brilliance of divinity, and seeks the meaning it brings to the world.

But what about the Vitality Club? What do they think of the Vitality Magic? It is a game for the rich and powerful to play and a tool for enjoyment. Apprentices are not selected based on outstanding talent and firm belief, but the qualifications for learning are determined based on the status of the rich and powerful. This is a challenge to the gods!

In modern times, we have given up too much glory. Today we can no longer tolerate the existence of the Vitality Club. This is to protect our last dignity! "

The roarer is the Great Magician of Adama, this was the speech at the Council of Cambystine Temple. The members of the Templar Council are not elected, and becoming a great magician is their only condition.

There are two types of members of the Templar Council. One is the research type, called Templar Bishop, such as Adaman; the other is the "hands-on" type, called Templar Knights.

The boundary between the two is actually rather blurry, and sometimes it is just a division of duties. At the same level, the general status of a Templar Bishop is higher than that of a Templar Knight, because they often occupy management-type priesthoods.

Adaman spoke Guding, and Hua Zhenxing only had a rough understanding of this ancient "dead language", far from being proficient.

On the contrary, both Locke and Lina are able to master it skillfully, because Guding is a required course in the inheritance of magical arts in the Gambistine system, and they spent a lot of time learning it during their apprenticeship in magical arts.

Since Yue Gaole used spiritual thoughts, it has its own mystery. Regardless of whether Hua Zhenxing can understand Guding or not, the spiritual message has its own "translation" function and introduced the background of Adaman's speech.

What’s interesting is that the English name used by Rozchild when he promoted and taught the art of Yangyuan in the Vitality Club should be “vitality art”, while the Guding name used by Adaman is “vitality magic”, at least if it is translated back to Eastern Mandarin should be like this.

"In Gambiste, are second-level monks also called immune?"

Yue Gao Le's words and divine thoughts contained a large amount of information. After listening to it, Hua Zhenxing's question angle was so strange. Is this some key information? Locke and the other three were a little stunned for a moment.

It took a few seconds for Yue Gaole to answer: "Since ancient times, second-level magician apprentices have been called immune, but it is rarely used because it is not enough to summarize the various characteristics of second-level magician apprentices.

I know you also thought of this title and told Rothchild. But you didn’t invent this title, and it wasn’t the first thing you thought of. What you thought was an idea came to you, but in fact, countless people had already considered it. "

There was obviously something wrong with his words, and Locke interrupted: "Did Adaman propose to eradicate the Vitality Club at the Temple Council? The Temple Council should have rejected this proposal, right?"

Yogao Le: "Eradicate? No, no, no, how could there be such a crazy proposal on the Templar Council? Adaman just asked for ways to ban the Vitality Club and prohibit them from teaching the art of Vitality.

Ting Zongmian rejected his proposal, thinking that Gambisting should not and had no right to do such a thing. However, many members of the Templar Council present also admitted that some of Adaman's words were not unreasonable.

Therefore, the situation of the Vitality Club deserves continued attention and is a new problem we face in the new era.

Gambistine decided to intervene at the appropriate time and provide correct guidance, telling them the secrets of this world that are unknown to ordinary people, and urging them to abide by the rules of the magicians..."

Hua Zhenxing probably understood what Gambistine meant. He did not want to ban the Vitality Club. In fact, Gambistine did not have any power to ban it, but wanted to incorporate it in another way.

Gambistine wants the Vitality Club to become a magical inheritance organization under their supervision. What this organization inherits is the magic of vitality.

The value of the Vitality Club, to Gambistine, lies not only in the magic of vitality. The members of the Vitality Club are either rich or noble. As long as they practice the art of vitality, certain aspects of their affairs in the future will have to be supervised by Gambistine.

As for why Gambistine hasn't taken action yet? Because Rozchild, who plays the role of "mentor" in the Vitality Club, has barely broken through to the second realm with his own cultivation, or he is just an immune person.

At this time, Lian Na whispered again: "Actually, I am also a member of the Vitality Club."

Yogaole smiled bitterly and said: "Your situation is different. You are a magician registered in Gambistine and do not need additional guidance and prompts. If that day comes, if necessary, you Identity is still useful.”

Then he turned to look at Hua Zhenxing and said, "Actually, you were the initiator of this matter."

Hua Zhenxing curled his lips: "I don't think there is anything wrong with promoting Yang Yuan Technique among the powerful and famous. To me, the real problem is that Yang Yuan Technique can only be promoted among the powerful.

Dr. Luo has Dr. Luo's approach. He has his own purpose, and I have my own approach. In the three schools in the agricultural reclamation area, there are now Yangyuan Shu instructors stationed, and the teaching content of Yangyuan Shu is included in the middle school level.

We have also stationed Yangyuan Technique instructors in Yangyuan Technique centers across the country to be responsible for the training and promotion of Yang Yuan Technique. Although it is currently only a key selection system, the purpose is to cater to all people.

What does Gambistine think of this matter? Does the faction represented by the great magician Adaman also want to ban our schools and Yangyuan Art Centers established in various places and prohibit us from teaching Yangyuan Art? "

Yogao Le: "You want to ask Adaman about his attitude towards this? He has no attitude because he doesn't know at all!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Don't know?"

Yue Gao Le: "Boss Hua's own intention is to keep a low profile and develop, so how could I sell you out?

I got the Vitality Technique from the Vitality Club, and then found out that its source was taught by monks from the Eastern Kingdom. I then obtained a more complete secret of Vitality Technique from the Eastern Kingdom monks, and it became the vitality magic technique promoted within Gambiste. .

As for the Yangyuan Technique promoted by Boss Hua in Jili Country, if students don’t go to Yangyuan Valley, they probably don’t even know Boss Hua’s name, right? If they go to Yangyuan Valley, they will abide by the disciplines and secrets of Yangyuan Valley and won't talk nonsense, right?

In the eyes of people like Adaman, most of the country is still in the barbaric era. The witchcraft of various tribes is popular. Even if you accidentally hear about the art of nourishing the essence, you will probably regard it as part of the primitive witchcraft here. Planted. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Okay, maybe what you said is the truth. But it is impossible for Gambistine not to know the existence of Yangyuan Art, and he should also know the relationship between Yangyuan Art and the Divine Art of Life, and he should know better what I am doing here. Because Mr. Yue knows it very well.

What is Gambistine's attitude towards this, and what does Mr. Yeo think of it? "

Yogao Le: "Is Gambistine's attitude important to you?"

Hua Zhenxing: “It’s not important, and I don’t care, but it must be taken seriously.”

Yue Gaole: "I am the special envoy of Emperor Ting Zongmian and the business partner of Boss Hua. If we are sitting together drinking together at this moment, doesn't it already represent Gumby Ting's attitude?

How can the Yangyuan Shu Center and the Vitality Club be confused with each other? You are a very formal practice and inheritance organization, with qualified Yangyuan Technique instructors and a complete set of rules and regulations, but does the Vitality Club have one? "

Hua Zhenxing: “I didn’t think well, so I planned to send Yangyuan Technique instructors to the Vitality Club to not only help Dr. Luo train and promote Yangyuan Technique, but also provide practice guidance and tell them what rules they should abide by in the future.

But it is not the rules set by Gambisting, but the rules of Yangyuan Valley. The Sanxing Precepts and Shared Execution Precepts guarded by the Kunlun League must also be observed by Yangyuan masters, including those of the Vitality Club.

In addition to the content of the "Code of Divine Magicians" formulated by Gambistine, which involves the gods and Gambistine, there are similar provisions in the "Code of Magicians" of Yangyuan Valley. "

About Gao Le: "Boss Hua is so smart!"

Hua Zhenxing: "You're so clever! I only remembered it when the incident happened."

Yue Gaole: "What about Adaman's words? It doesn't sound unreasonable. What does Boss Hua think?"

Hua Zhenxing sneered: "What's the point? He accused the Vitality Club of using power and wealth to measure whether people are qualified to teach the art of vitality? From what standpoint did he say this?

He did not stand for everyone, let alone those who did not possess power and wealth. What he defended was only the privileges and majesty of the priestly class in ancient times.

He believed that only the priest class he represented was qualified to determine who could learn divine arts, including upgrading divine arts.

The era of priests has long been buried along with history, but this set of tricks, this set of words, and this kind of thinking have been inherited in a new form. I am referring to people like Adaman.

What he protects is the so-called glory and privilege of the priest, and he thinks he has a self-evident high dignity.

Is he rebelling against the powerful? No, he just believed that the secular dignitaries should also obey the will of the priests and serve the priests. He believed that there was a nobler class above the secular dignitaries, and he regarded himself as the representative of this class.

He believes that he has the right to interpret justice, and even Gambistine cannot accept his proposal. What do you think?

Of course, magicians must abide by the rules of magicians, just like they must abide by laws in the secular world, but who made this law, what is the basis for it, and who does it serve?

Is it up to Adaman to decide who is qualified to teach magic? He doesn't deserve it! Moreover, the art of nourishing the essence was not passed down by Cambystine. Could it be that Cambystine named it the divine art of vitality and it became Cambystine's divine art?

The art of nourishing vitality was taught to Dr. Luo by me. I am very clear about the effect and goal of practicing it, which is the physical and mental realm and the accumulation of vitality. As Dr. Luo's cultivation level gets higher, I will also remind him what he should pay attention to in the future.

If Dr. Luo caused harm to his life, then go ahead and punish him. But he did not cause this consequence. Unless there is real evidence to prove the harm of Yangyuan Technique, who has the qualifications to ban him? What's the point of sending a magician to assassinate him?

If even a man like Lochild could not save his life against the wishes of a priest like him, then who else in the world would dare to say that he would not be killed at will? "

Yue Gao Le held a glass and said: "Drink, drink, Boss Hua, don't be so excited. I'm just asking you what you think of Adaman's words, and nothing else. The assassination has not been investigated clearly, and it was not Adaman's fault. It may not be due to his instruction.”

Hua Zhenxing: "Adaman was born in the Hidden Maple Mountain Monks, and the assassin was also from the Hidden Maple Mountain Monks. Do you dare to say, Mr. Yue, that this matter has nothing to do with his attitude? He is the kind of person I just evaluated. ."

Yue Gao Le raised his glass and drank it down and said: "Boss Hua is so knowledgeable, I am really surprised!"

Hua Zhenxing suddenly slammed the table and said, "Don't be so weird! How knowledgeable is God?"

This slap stunned the others.

Today, Yue Gao Le was clearly filled with anger and was in a very unhappy mood. However, as he was talking, Hua Zhenxing banged the table and got angry. He actually went to Yue Gao Le. I don’t know which words made this kid angry. Angry?

Everyone has seen Hua Zhenxing get angry, and they have also seen Hua Zhenxing kill people, but in their memory, they have never seen Xiaohua banging the table and swearing like this. Yue Gaole put down his wine glass, tilted his head and said, "What's wrong, Boss Hua? How did I offend you? I was clearly praising you just now."

Hua Zhenxing yelled and scolded: "An adult knows that one plus one equals two. You say he is smart. Who the hell thinks you are praising him? I have never gone to school for a day. It does not mean that I am ignorant, nor does it mean that I have no knowledge. I have read books, done nothing, and have no knowledge.

Do you think I haven’t met real-life priests, or that I shouldn’t know about the priestly era in history? Do you think that I have never met people like Adaman, or do you think that people like him represent a very high level?

I just talked a little bit against common sense, and you praise me for being knowledgeable? So do you think that under normal circumstances, I shouldn't understand this? Are the three old people who taught me since I was a loser?

I built the agricultural reclamation area, I created a brand new country, I created the Yangyuan Technique, and I am the chief instructor of Yangyuan Valley. Do you still think that I have not received modern education and lack enough knowledge to analyze this kind of problem? ? "

Locke and Lian Na didn't know how to interrupt for a moment, while Yue Gaole waved his hand and said: "Boss Hua, please don't get excited, that's not what I meant.

It doesn't matter what you say, put the glass down and don't wave it around like that... It makes me think you have an ambush outside! "

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