Enjoy the world

Chapter 330 Quiet Dawn

After Wallish worked as a miner for a month and received four "treatments," he was finally promoted. This is not a deliberate arrangement by Feng Zibin, but the managers really need talents like him. He has at least one advantage that many people here do not have, that is, he can master multiple languages, especially proficient in Lanxi.

Lanxi is his native language, so it is impossible for him not to be proficient in it. Almost all the various documents and records of Wage Mining in the past are in Lanxi, and people who don't understand it can't manage them.

As the new policies signed by him are gradually implemented, capable logistics personnel are needed to cooperate with the working group, and he is an activist in the eyes of the working group, so it is natural to promote him.

If such a good thing can happen in the first week, Wallisi will definitely be pleasantly surprised. When he received treatment for the first time, he made a request to Feng Zibin for a change of guard, but the result was rejected.

But Feng Zibin did not completely reject the possibility of letting him change his job. He just said that he had to rely on himself. After waiting for another three weeks, his wish finally came true.

But Wallich no longer feels so urgent about this, probably because he has received multiple treatments. He feels that his physical and mental conditions have improved a lot compared to a month ago, and he can adapt to the work of a miner. He also made many friends as Vaglian.

Although he had been bullied a lot during this period and had some conflicts with other miners, which he kept in mind in a small notebook, there were also many people who helped him. Everyone ate, lived, and worked together, and of course they were emotionally involved. Getting closer.

There are more than 1,500 workers in this mining area, as well as about 100 managers, and nearly 100 working group members have come successively. Of course, Vaglian’s contact during this period was far more than just the nine co-workers who lived in the same dormitory with him.

When it was time to take a break, some local indigenous residents invited him to play in their neighborhood, saying that the girls there would be very interested in him.

To be honest, Wallis was tempted, but he didn't go after all. On the one hand, it was because he was not familiar with the place, and on the other hand, it was because of the gap in concepts and aesthetics. Although he felt that he was capable now, it was not his ideal place to use his skills there.

Although he declined the kindness of his co-workers, Wallisi still spent his own money to buy some delicious stir-fried dishes in the canteen. He thanked the friend who specially invited him to be a guest, and made an appointment to go out to eat noodles and drink together when he came back from his break. A wine.

The Youpo Noodle House outside the gate of the mining area has just opened. It also sells other side dishes. It also serves wine for dinner, including Kelin Daqu and local banana wine produced using the latest production technology.

Opposite the Youpo Noodle House is a larger activity center with a Dongguan language sign of "Workers' Home". Various amateur cultural activities organized by the New Alliance have been moved here.

These two places are converted from the original casinos and brothels. The water and electricity used are supplied by Wago Mining, but the staff are all from the New Alliance working group.

Just after treating the guests in the cafeteria and making a promise to go to Youpo Noodle House next time, Wallis was transferred and promoted.

Although the desire to change jobs is not as strong as it was at the beginning, it is still a good thing worth celebrating, and Wallich is very happy, which means that his work ability and quality have been recognized.

Sometimes things in the world are so strange. Thinking back to when he was appointed as the general manager here by Yimailei Group, he felt that he had suffered a major setback in his life, his career and future were hopeless, and he was depressed for a time. But now he was promoted from a front-line miner to an ordinary manager at the lowest level, but he was very excited and felt recognized and respected.

He changed dormitories, and regardless of whether his previous relationship was good or bad, his former co-workers all congratulated him. He said that everyone still works in the same mining area and friends are still friends.

Then he fulfilled his promise and invited the miners with whom he had made friends to go to the newly opened Youpo Noodle House for a toothpaste ceremony, and also treated everyone to drinks. For this reason, he specially called Feng Zibin. Of course, he was not inviting the Lord to have noodles with him, but wanted to bring over two bottles of good wine that he had collected.

Feng Zibin agreed and sent someone to quietly take him back to his previous apartment and let him take it by himself. Wallich picked two bottles. In his opinion, these two bottles of wine were not high enough to entertain the Lord, but they might be famous wines that the miners would never have the chance to drink in their lifetime.

Unfortunately, at the wine table, the workers still felt that Klin's Daqu was more enjoyable. Having said that, everyone still drank both bottles of wine to show their dignity, and then ordered Klin Daqu.

Wallis invited a lot of people, and after the meal, he spent almost all the twenty-odd yuan he had left!

Feng Zibin did not confiscate his personal property and belongings. His salary was regularly transferred to the designated bank account, and the bank would automatically deduct insurance premiums, alimony and other expenses.

However, he could not use these things during the "treatment" without Feng Zibin's permission. Feng Zibin had to arrange it when he went back to get two bottles of wine. Although he has been promoted now, the next salary payment from the mine will have to wait for another half month. Fortunately, food and accommodation on the construction site do not cost money, otherwise he would not be able to live this life. It seems that he really needs to be careful with his budget.

The workers had a very good impression of him and praised him for being a leader without any pretensions and still recognizing these ordinary miners as their friends. Others claimed drunkenly that they had long seen that Vaglian was different, and now the prediction has come true.

This was a very interesting conversation over the wine table. After living together for a month, Wallisy could already understand some simple local dialects, but it was far from smooth communication, but he could roughly understand what these people meant. .

Wallisy felt secretly amused in his heart. He was just promoted to the lowest level of ordinary management. What's there to show off? His true identity is the general manager of Wage Mining! When he thought of this, he felt inexplicably happy, and he actually felt a sense of "incognito private visit".

Wallis worked at his new job for half a month and received his salary for the second time. This time, the total was seventy-five Romanian dollars, including half a month's miner's salary of twenty-five Romanian dollars, and fifty Romanian dollars. Half a month's salary for logistics management positions.

With the joy of "the poor suddenly becoming rich", he was actually promoted again. The speed of promotion was simply too fast!

Wallisy didn't know that there was a background to his promotion this time, so Hua Zhenxing specially greeted him. The Wage Municipal Labor Committee has been established and has officially started work. The first local pilot project is Wage Mining.

Wallich was transferred from the logistics department to the human resources department and became deputy director, mainly responsible for connecting and cooperating with this work. Hua Zhenxing knew very well that Wallisi's ability would definitely be sufficient for the job, but it would depend on his work attitude and ideological understanding.

Wage Mining employs nearly 20,000 local miners, and among its entire staff, only about 300 people were hired and then dispatched from Luoba Continent.

In addition, there are more than 1,500 middle- and lower-level managers who are hired locally. These people are inextricably linked to the Lions organization and local gangs, and have direct interests. It is precisely for the hiring, promotion and dismissal of this type of people that Wage Mining can decide independently and does not need to report it to the headquarters Yimailei Group.

In the second mining area where Wallis worked, he saw with his own eyes that many of the staff around him were changing. Some middle managers were investigated and punished and left to accept the transformation of the new alliance. Some miners, especially activists under the leadership of the working group, left on their own initiative and returned to work in various communities in Wage City, or were transferred to other positions.

But this series of actions did not affect the production and operation of the mining area, because people continued to add people. Many of the people who replaced the original middle management positions were even members of the working group. Wage Mining has recruited a new group of miners in various neighborhoods. The recruitment is of course completed with the cooperation of the working group.

Wallich is aware of this change. Whether it is the headquarters or the mining area, he has personally signed many transfer and appointment documents. Looking back afterwards, we can see that the new alliance moved very quickly. It replaced so many personnel in less than two months and basically took control of the production structure and management system from the middle level down to the middle level of this large enterprise.

But in the process of these changes, the great changes in Wage City were not so eye-catching.

Of course, the new alliance cannot allow this company to continue to be a closed island. It includes arranging shuttle buses and allowing miners who take turns to return to the neighborhood regularly. This is all intended to do this. They should be exposed to and integrated into the latest changes in the entire Wage City and become a part of the change.

There are also many new faces among the members of the working group, all of whom are new activists from various neighborhoods. Mixing sand, using the advanced to drive the backward, following the mass line, and first grasping the grassroots are all old tricks of the New Alliance.

These adjustments were completed under the leadership of Sima Zhi's team and with the cooperation of the Wage Municipal Government. Hua Zhenxing couldn't do everything himself, and the only person he personally greeted and promoted was Wag Liang.

Warich clearly saw this series of changes, but he had no intention of objecting. On the contrary, his enthusiasm for work has been aroused and he feels full of energy every day. This may also be the "treatment" that continues to deepen. reason.

Feng Zibin had prepared many documents and put them in front of him, but he only made suggestions. He also asked him gracefully whether he would sign or not. Even if he didn't sign, he would not force him to do so, but could Wallis not sign?

The grassroots absenteeism management of Wage Mining was originally handed over to the major gangs, but now it is just handed over to the new alliance. There is no doubt that the new alliance will only do better.

After being promoted to the deputy director of the human resources department of the second mining area, after six consecutive sessions of treatment, Wallisi's physical and mental condition is getting better and better. In addition to his daily work, there are two things he is most passionate about now: One is a night school cram school, and the other is a training class for nourishing energy.

After the completion of the "Workers' Home", the working group finally launched a formal night school for workers, an important part of which was the teaching of Dongguan. The introductory textbooks used are not "Hundred Family Surnames" and "The Thousand-Character Essay", but twelve speeches by Charles.

These speeches are projected on a large screen every day after dinner, in both local dialect and Eastern Mandarin versions, and many people are already familiar with them. Originally, there were only ten speeches, and the content was drawn up by Shen Sishu. Later, Charles added two more speeches on his own, which also increased the teaching workload of grassroots staff.

The original legal official languages ​​of the Kingdom of Gila include Lansi, Hansi, and English. The new alliance did not announce the abolition of this provision, but in actual work, it is obvious that Dongguo has been chosen as the only official language. language.

Wallisy didn't care about this. Instead, he thought it would be good for everyone to learn Dongguan together. At least they could communicate with each other more smoothly.

As for the Yangyuan Technique training class, it was finally opened after Wallis had been looking forward to it for a long time. The early recruits were all the activists of the recent period.

Although Hua Zhenxing was sitting in Wage Mining as Wallis during this period, there were still many things that he paid attention to and dealt with on a daily basis. By mid-October, Pan Cai and other nineteen Fengtan disciples had settled their affairs in the East Kingdom and returned to Fesuo Port. Some of them even brought their families with them.

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