Enjoy the world

Chapter 322 Shi Shuangcheng, who loves reading

"How are the conditions of those workers now?" This is what Hua Zhenxing asked Sima Zhi.

After the meal, they found a conference room in the office building to discuss the issues of Wage Mining. Sima Zhui had already reported the relevant information, but Hua Zhenxing still had to ask again and list the situation in order to organize his thoughts. There were Xiao Guang, Lang Xiaomin and Shi Shuangcheng nearby, so they could all participate and brainstorm.

Everyone present here has the cultivation level of the Five Realms. In such a paradise of immortal cave and heaven, a meeting is held to discuss mundane matters outside the mountain. However, Hua Zhenxing and others have obviously been used to it for a long time. Even Shi Shuangcheng does not think there is anything inappropriate about this scene. Feeling, it was obvious that she was also led astray by Hua Zhenxing during this period.

Sima Zhi: "Order has been restored to normal, all gangs have been eradicated, and the brothels and casinos have been ordered to close. The related assets confiscated are being counted. It is roughly estimated that there are tens of millions of gold, which can supplement the financial income of the new alliance. , but it is far from enough to acquire Wage Mining..."

Hua Zhenxing: "Let's not talk about the acquisition for now, let's talk about the situation of the workers."

Sima Zhi: "The production of Wage Mining has not been affected for the time being. Workers are still doing their original work, but many people are emotionally unstable. Wages have been paid this month. There are no gangs this time, and they are all paid in full." I left them to myself, but they were very nervous and scared, which made me feel like a child who couldn't find his parents..."

All the gangs have been eradicated. The workers who were controlled by the gangs in the neighborhood seem to have lost their backbone and are full of fear for the future. After receiving the money, they no longer have to be exploited by the gangs, but all the money belongs to themselves. Instead, they feel very uneasy. Some even I don’t dare to go home anymore, which is a very thought-provoking phenomenon.

"Why is this?" Although Hua Zhenxing already had the answer in his mind, he still asked.

Shi Shuangcheng showed an expression of "I know this question" and took the initiative to say: "It's a bit like Stockholm Syndrome!"

Xiao Guang smiled and said: "It's a bit similar, but I'm afraid it's more than that. Can Director Shi be more specific?"

His smile was gentle. In front of Shi Shuangcheng, he was like an older man facing the leader's children. He tried his best to just ask questions and listen, and was not eager to express his opinions. Looking at Sima Zhi and Lang Xiaomin, their attitudes are also similar.

Shi Shuangcheng rolled his eyes and said while thinking: "Of course it's not that simple, the reason should be more complicated. I have read relevant research and found that people's needs are hierarchical. The first is the most basic physiological needs, such as food and clothing; The second level is security, which directly determines behavior patterns and ways of thinking.

The so-called safety is not only physical safety, but also psychological safety. When a person has adapted to a living environment and survival pattern, and it is suddenly broken, he will feel anxious and afraid, because he is suddenly faced with the unknown and will be at a loss.

People live in a familiar environment and according to established patterns, and everything in the future is generally predictable. Those people originally knew what they had to do every day, what they could get, and how to survive and protect themselves.

The gangs were indeed exploiting them, but they also organized them and told them what to do. But now, they can't predict the future, they have lost their organization and their backer, and they don't know who to rely on.

The new alliance is still completely unfamiliar to them. They cannot imagine such an organization. They may only think that outsiders have defeated the original gangs and taken control of their neighborhoods. "

Hua Zhenxing also laughed: "When you say that, it feels quite scary. The needs you just mentioned, the next third level is love and respect? Teacher Shi has read a lot of books, and it doesn't feel like a high school graduates.

I remember Ke Fuzi also said that the emergence of gangs is to fill the void of order. People cannot build a society in an unordered environment, otherwise the society would have collapsed and the population would have become extinct. There are many extinct tribes in human history. "

Xiao Guang sighed: "Wage City has been liberated, but they are terrified. Just like people who have been in the dark for a long time, they will feel dazzled by the light at first sight."

Lang Xiaomin seemed to be inspired and said: "We can not only smash an old society, but also build a new world." He also received education from Dongguo in his early years. Now he has been working on the front line for more than half a year and has become an education department official. leadership.

This time it was Shi Shuangcheng's turn to laugh: "You can't just recite quotations, what about the specific work?"

Sima Zhi: "The working group went into various communities, organized activists to talk about their suffering lives, and held mass rallies to promote policies... We have already experienced these things. However, we encountered some objective difficulties at Wage Mining because they are not usually accessible. Those workers.”

The construction sites of mining companies are scattered in many areas in the countryside, and the workers they employ live and eat at the construction sites. Workers can theoretically go home one day a week, but most won't because the round trip is so long.

Some people get paid by going to casinos and brothels, and some people also go home, often just for a visit and leaving some money or shopping for their families. Many of them have a concept of family that is closer to a biological family.

Nowadays, casinos and brothels are gone, and the gangs that controlled them have also disappeared. Many people simply don't go home for the time being, and they don't seem to know how to live a normal life for a while.

This also brings difficulties to the work of the new alliance, because the working groups in each community want to contact these workers, and their time is very limited. They may only have the opportunity once a week or every month, and the effect is greatly reduced.

This is different from the situation of Huanxiang Industrial. The worker team of Huanxiang Industrial was formed on the basis of new alliance members. From the beginning, they regularly participated in night school studies. Many of the backbones later became new members of the night school cram school. teacher.

However, if they want to organize the workers of Wage Mining, the New Alliance will have to send working groups to various construction sites, but these are the internal sites of Wage Mining. This industrial and mining group invested by overseas capital may not welcome it. Refusal due to legitimate reasons such as safety and construction site management.

If the new alliance forces this, it may intensify the situation... Sima Zhi has just assumed the leadership of the working group and is still in the research stage. Although various plans have been conceived, they have not yet had time to implement them.

Hua Zhenxing asked again: "Team Leader Sima, do you have any specific plans?"

Sima Zhi replied: "The most feasible solution I can think of now is for the Wage City officials to set up a labor dispatch company, so that those workers can become employees of the labor dispatch company and then be dispatched to work in Wage Mining.

In this way, their work benefits, working environment, and working conditions can all be negotiated with Wage Mining through this labor dispatch company, which is equivalent to reorganizing them all. "

His plan is actually equivalent to replacing all the original gangs with a labor dispatch company, and then uniformly dispatching employees to Wago Mining. It can also negotiate with Wago Mining on welfare and other matters.

This idea sounded good, but Shi Shuangcheng shook his head repeatedly and said: "I hate this kind of labor dispatch system. It is simply a service package tailor-made for powerful big capital. How can it compress labor benefits and evade social responsibilities?" How come! Is this what the new alliance has been doing from the beginning?"

Sima Zhi wondered: "Isn't labor dispatch very common? This system exists all over the world, including Dongguo! As long as it is implemented within a reasonable range, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Nowadays, Wage Mining is in a special situation, and we Just take a step back, that will solve the problem."

Shi Shuangcheng asked: "It is very common and is done by all countries in the world. Does it have to be reasonable? Does using this method to serve Wage Mining attentively conform to the purpose of your new alliance?"

What did the seniors say when we were eating just now? What is the purpose of doing this, and what principles should we adhere to from the beginning? "

The ensuing discussion was almost all Shi Shuangcheng's opinion output, while Hua Zhenxing and others tried their best not to interrupt. Shi Shuangcheng seems to have a lot of knowledge and opinions on this issue. There was a blackboard in the conference room, and she stood up and wrote on the blackboard while talking.

The labor dispatch system is indeed very common, and there are many forms. It is almost impossible for non-professionals to fully explain it. But no matter what the tricks are, the core of the labor dispatch system that Shi Shuangcheng hates is the same, which is to replace the substantive labor relationship with a nominal labor relationship.

For example, a person works for Company A, but in terms of labor relations, he is not an employee of Company A, but is sent to Company A in the name of Company B.

This person signed a labor agreement or employment agreement with Company B, and then Company B signed a labor export agreement with Company A to organize a group of laborers to work for Company A or provide services for Company A.

The person's salary can be paid directly by Company A, and Company A also pays a service fee to Company B; or Company B can collect it on its behalf, and then pay the salary to the person after extracting a service fee.

Modern legal scholars divide employment relationships into many forms, and not all dispatch work is labor dispatch. The labor dispatch system that Shi Shuangcheng dislikes has only one criterion. Does it replace the actual labor-employment relationship with the export of labor services?

Specific principle: The person works for the company and is engaged in a labor position within the company's production and operation system, and this labor position has long-term and stable characteristics.

This does not mean that this person's job is long-term and stable, but that no matter how many people are replaced to do this job, this position in the company will be long-term and stable.

For example, a large group company engaged in point-to-point logistics needs to hire a large number of logistics personnel, which is a typical labor-intensive industry.

However, logistics personnel are highly mobile, the working conditions are difficult, the working environment is dangerous, accidents are prone to occur, and various customer disputes are prone to occur. The cost of formal recruitment, management and operation is relatively high.

So someone came up with a way. The company does not hire these logistics personnel directly, but hires employees through many labor dispatch companies and then lets them do the job.

These logistics personnel are not formal employees of the company. The purchase of labor insurance, compensation for work-related injuries, and the handling of disputes and losses are all handled by the labor dispatch companies. It is also easy to dismiss and rotate them.

What's more, some capital groups will set up a series of labor dispatch companies through complex equity investments, and then recruit and train personnel to be dispatched to their own companies to work as employees.

In other words, they do not directly hire employees who should have signed formal labor contracts, but secretly do it themselves, avoiding many legal responsibilities.

When labor disputes, work-related accidents, or claims for losses occur, the responsibility lies with those labor dispatch companies. And those labor dispatch companies can close down at any time. At worst, they can just set up several new labor dispatch companies to replace them.

In this way, production and operation costs are reduced and an accountability firewall is established. In other words, I not only want to hire people to work for me, but also want to pass on all legal social responsibilities.

This is the labor dispatch system that Shi Shuangcheng hates. She has seen many such examples in Dongguo in recent years. Even high school students can see the tricks! The plan proposed by Sima Zhi fully meets this standard, regardless of its original intention.

Not all dispatch labor relationships meet the above-mentioned labor dispatch system standards. Although some businesses are also in the name of labor dispatch, they are essentially different.

For example, TEPCO has undertaken many large-scale projects in Fiso Port and dispatched a large number of construction personnel. These projects are all invested by Huanxiang Industrial. None of these Dongguo construction workers have signed labor contracts with Huanxiang Industrial, but it is not a labor dispatch relationship.

Because Huanxiang Industrial did not sign a labor dispatch contract with Dongfang Electric Company, but only signed an engineering construction contract with it. This is equivalent to TEPCO taking over a project and organizing its own team to complete the project in other places.

Of course, for large infrastructure companies such as TEPCO, the workers who work for them may also be dispatched by labor dispatch companies in Dongguo. This has nothing to do with Huanxiang Industrial.

The labor dispatch system exists because it has a market, its existence value and its economic logic. It first appeared in the context of transnational labor exports.

Usually in economically developed countries or regions, there is a shortage of labor in certain industries, and these jobs are jobs that local people are unwilling to do. The working environment is poor or difficult, and the cost of directly hiring locals is very high. Therefore, overseas labor dispatch companies are used to recruit cheap overseas labor to fill the gap, and they can also bypass the welfare policies stipulated by local laws.

This is clear exploitation, but the exploited party has no better choice. Because economically underdeveloped areas lack many industries and jobs, local laborers have to find opportunities to earn income.

This kind of organized formal dispatch is at least bound by a formal labor dispatch contract. At least it is more secure than scattered workers going out to do odd jobs or illegal work. It can also negotiate better treatment conditions for labor workers, so it also has certain existence value.

The labor dispatch system can also provide thoughtful design and considerate services for powerful capital, helping them reduce labor costs, avoid legal accountability, and transfer social responsibilities. So once it appeared, it was played by major capital groups in various ways...

Unexpectedly, Shi Shuangcheng, a high school graduate, actually thought a lot about this issue and talked a lot about it while typing on the blackboard. She might not have explained it clearly in some parts, but several people attending the lecture, especially Hua Zhenxing, added a few words at the right time and helped her sort things out in secret.

Finally, Shi Shuangcheng asked: "No matter who the shareholder of Wage Mining is, it is a local company in Wage City, and it is the largest company in the area and has the largest number of employees. It employs local miners in Wage City. If according to Instructor Sima What does the plan just proposed mean?”

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