Enjoy the world

Chapter 312 Seeing cause and effect

After on-site discussions in the reception room, Huazhenxing determined that there are three types of people who can obtain the good fortune opportunities in Yangyuan Valley. They can be briefly summarized as follows:

The first is those who have been trained by the Yangyuan Shu Center and have reached a certain stage of cultivation and voluntarily signed the "Entry Agreement", such as Mao Dudu, Xia Changqing, etc.

Second, although they are not monks trained by the Yangyuan Art Center, but they have practiced Yangyuan Art to a certain level, they can apply by themselves and are willing to sign the "Valley Entry Agreement". After being approved, they can also join the Yangyuan Valley, such as Wang Fengshou, Locke, etc.

Third, Yangyuan Valley's scarce talents are unwilling or inconvenient to formally join Yangyuan Valley, but they can apply and swear to work for Yangyuan Valley for ten years and not to share the secrets.

The third situation is equivalent to recruiting high-end talents from outside. Is ten years worth it? That depends on the specific situation. The value of good fortune cannot be measured by general standards. Besides, Yangyuan Valley does not deny treatment.

There is no need for a disciple of a large sect like Guang Ren to do this, and it is almost impossible for him to do so. But this has great appeal to many casual cultivators, especially those originally from Dingfengtan.

The person at the end of the second row of seats on the left said weakly: "What if I also apply?"

The speaker was Mo Qi, a former disciple of Fengtan. He was one of the youngest among this group of people, only a few years older than Pan Cai. Hua Zhenxing nodded immediately and said: "As long as Mr. Mo Qi applies, you are welcome to join Yangyuan Valley."

Not to mention Mo Qi was tempted, everyone who came with him was tempted, but it was difficult to speak out. Everyone had their own concerns, and they had to take into account various constraints in reality. Only Mo Qi was the first to speak out.

When Xiao Guang saw this situation, he knew it was time for him to speak. He stood up and said, "Back then, I was their senior brother and I could understand the thoughts of the junior brothers. If it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't let go of the sect's inheritance, I wouldn't be so far away from each other. Come here.

But everyone in Dongguo has basically married and started a business, and at this age, some are old and some are young. If they all join Yangyuan Valley, there will be many problems that are difficult to solve. I wonder what Yangyuan Valley is thinking about? "

Xiao Guang's words are very true. This is the most realistic issue. Are these disciples originally destined for Fengtan willing to join Yangyuan Valley? Of course they do! The only problem is that Yangyuan Valley is too far away from home, and many things are difficult to solve.

In their view, this is to rejoin the sect that has a direct inheritance relationship with the original Ding Fengtan, a sect with a larger scale and better conditions. This sect is still in its early stages of creation. If they join now, they will be almost equivalent to the founders of the sect.

Moreover, Yangyuan Valley is different from most sects in the world. It has a strong foundation in the secular world, namely Huanxiang Industrial and New Alliance. In the future, it will even have a country as its development base. Did Dingfengtan have such good conditions back then?

Cui Wanhe, the director of the propaganda department of Huanxiang Industrial, stood up and took out a stack of brochures from the back seat. Each one was thick and full of pictures and texts. It was obvious that he had prepared it a long time ago. There were no more than nineteen copies.

Xiao Guang was already a staff member of the new alliance government, so he did not need to read the brochure. Pan Cai and others were each issued a copy. Cui Wanhe took the initiative to introduce: "The question that Director Xiao raised just now is very critical, and I believe it is also the one that everyone is most concerned about. Yangyuan Valley has already considered it..."

Different people have different perspectives. For example, Hua Zhenxing already knew that Pan Cai and others would not be able to make any waves when they arrived at Yangyuan Valley. Even if a few elderly people did not come forward, they would have been clearly arranged.

But Cui Wanhe was inevitably a little unsure, and had been quite nervous just now. Seeing that the situation developed as expected by Hua Zhenxing and others, and that the work that had been arranged for her to be responsible for was already implemented as planned, she was inevitably a little excited.

With this excitement, he started to speak loudly and called Commander Xiao into Commander Xiao. Because of Cui Wanhe's unintentional slip of the tongue today, Xiao Guang later had an exclusive title in Yangyuan Valley, which was "General Manager Xiao"... I won't mention this for now.

Yangyuan Valley provides comprehensive resettlement measures for this group of special talents. If they are willing to sign the "Valley Entry Agreement", Huanxiang Industrial and the New Alliance can also provide various services and assistance.

Yangyuan Valley will neither confiscate personal property nor restrict personal freedom, but will provide Tao, Dharma, teachers, partners, land, wealth and other conditions needed for practice.

Whether in Yangyuan Valley or in the secular world outside the mountains, Huanxiang Industrial and New Alliance can provide a large number of positions or posts, which can be assigned and deployed according to the actual situation of this group of people. Talents like them are in various walks of life. All karma is lacking.

If they want to keep their property in Dongguo, they can keep it. If they don't want to keep it, they can dispose of it by themselves. For example, if someone was originally a businessman, as long as he had the energy to take care of it, he could control it remotely from the Kingdom of Kilili, or simply move the business to Fiso Port.

These are all secondary. Except for Pan Cai, all the guests here have at least broken through the four realms more than 20 years ago. They can settle down almost anywhere. The most important concern is how to settle their families.

If it is convenient, family members can take it over, and Huanxiang Industrial will be responsible for the arrangements. As long as they have received basic education in Dongguo, they are now high-quality talents in Guiliguo.

Huanxiang Industrial welcomes even the families of those Dongguo aid workers, not to mention the families of these monks. As for whether they are used to it in life, Huanxiang Industrial has also considered it and can place them all in the farming area.

Gaoqiao Town, Xintian Town, and Tianhe Town in the agricultural reclamation area have now begun to take shape. The residents are almost all Chinese, and there are no language barriers or cultural barriers. If someone likes to experience different customs, then there is no problem in arranging to live in the city of Fisoport.

If there are elderly people at home who need care, they can also be taken over and placed there. Even if the elderly people do not participate in specific work, it is meaningful from the perspective of improving the age structure of the population. As for whether it can adapt to the climate, in fact, the climate in Fiso Port, especially in the agricultural reclamation area, is similar to that of the southernmost city in the Eastern Kingdom.

I heard that many residents in the northernmost part of Dongguo like to go to the southernmost city of Sanya to buy houses. If they can adapt to the climate there, they can also live in Kililiguo. It can also provide larger houses, terraced houses with yards, where you can not only grow vegetables but even raise chickens.

The education of minor children is a big issue, which is also introduced in the material. Huanxiang Industrial cooperated with Dongguo Huiying School to set up primary and secondary schools in the agricultural reclamation area.

Huiying School is established by a private education group in Dongguo. It may not be as good as the top primary and secondary schools in large cities in Dongguo, but its teaching level and teaching staff are still much better than ordinary schools in ordinary cities.

If you want to go to university after graduating from high school... There are currently no universities in Fisoport and Banda City, but there will be in the future. Moreover, the new coalition government will use diplomatic channels to allow these children to go to Dongguo to study at university.

There are two situations. If they are already a Chinese national, they can take the international student route. If they still retain their Dongguo nationality, they can take the Dongguo Unified College Entrance Examination. Dongguo has relevant policies for the children of foreign personnel studying there.

Some parents may want their children to study in overseas universities and study abroad in countries other than Dongguo, such as the Roba Union, so it would be more convenient to do so in Kyri.

In short, children who are in middle school can take over to study. If the child is taken care of in Dongguo and does not want to transfer to another school, the parents will be given a total of three months of family leave every year. This is a special matter, targeted at the nineteen people here today.

As for the children who are already in college, Huan Xiang Industrial will not make any other arrangements. However, they can come to Fiso Port during winter and summer vacations. Yangyuan Valley is responsible for the round-trip transportation and related expenses. They are also welcome to work in Jili Country after graduation.

Yangyuan Valley has tried its best to consider the details of study, work, life and other aspects, making it easy for these people to move their homes here. Of course, if they can handle it themselves, they don't have to accept their family members. This is by no means forced.

After Cui Wanhe finished his introduction, Hua Zhenxing said with a smile: "There is a small conference room next to it, and refreshments have been prepared. You can discuss it yourself, and we will not disturb you for now.

Yangyuan Valley has also prepared a welcome lunch, and everyone is asked to attend on time in an hour. Regardless of whether you join Yangyuan Valley or not, you are all valued guests here, and I hope to become friends in the future. "

The guests were all let into the small conference room and asked to hold the brochure and close the door to discuss among themselves. Only Xiao Guang accompanied them.

Two hours later, the luncheon was set. Except for the three elderly people, everyone else in the valley was present. In fact, there were only ten more fourth-level students working here. There were also five people outside the mountain who were at the scientific research station. On duty.

Yangyuan Valley is such a large place, but it feels like it's not crowded now. There are only four tables including guests, but the standard of this meal is extremely high. Even though Pan Cai and others were wealthy and well-informed in Dongguo, they had never tasted such delicious food.

As the owner of this place, Hua Zhenxing took the lead in toasting and delivering a speech, thanking the distinguished guests such as Guang Ren, Shi Shuangcheng, Yue Gao Le and the original monk Feng Tan for coming. In fact, I have been eating and drinking with Gao Le for who knows how many days. Only Pan Cai and the others came here for the first time.

The atmosphere was harmonious, but when Pan Cai and others heard such welcome words, they felt something was wrong. The situation was completely different from what they expected before coming. How did it develop into this situation? It seems that he hasn't reacted too much yet.

When everyone was sitting around the table and toasting each other, Hua Zhenxing finally asked: "How are you thinking about it?"

Wang Longming was the first to answer: "Junior Brother Pan Cai discussed it with me. We both want to sign a ten-year agreement. Is that okay?"

Hua Zhenxing replied: "Mr. Pan Cai can do this. As for Mr. Wang, you are not suitable. But you can sign a formal agreement to enter the valley. As long as you apply, we will definitely welcome it."

Wang Longming: "Why is the difference right?"

Yue Gao Le was holding a wine glass and interjected: "It's not that we treat people differently, but that people are different. I have worked for Yangyuan Valley for ten years and swore not to tell the secrets to others. If I don't reach a great level of cultivation, can I guarantee that I will abide by my oath?" "

The inheritance of artifacts cannot be seen in language, text, etc., and can only use divine thoughts and heart seals. Only Dacheng monks can master the method of spiritual thoughts and heart seals. Even if ordinary monks receive the inheritance, they cannot pass it on to others.

These are not the important points. If his cultivation is not complete, who can guarantee that he will not break his oath in the future? The reason why the Dacheng monk swears to be trustworthy is rather complicated. Hua Zhenxing still cannot fully understand it now, but he knows that such a standard is enough.

Therefore, the third condition mentioned today, although it is not explicitly stated that it is only for Dacheng and above monks, this is the actual operation. It was originally just a back door for Yue Gaole, but unfortunately Yue Gaole still could not agree.

The original disciples of Fengtan finally made their decision. Pan Cai signed a ten-year service agreement and swore not to spread the secrets of this place to others, while the remaining eighteen people expressed their willingness to officially join Yangyuan Valley.

When you come to live and practice thousands of miles away from home, no matter how thorough and thoughtful the arrangements are in Yangyuan Valley, there are still many difficulties to overcome and many things to deal with.

But compared to the many obstacles on the road to spiritual practice, this price is nothing. What they really get is something that ordinary people can't imagine. It is a physical and mental realm that transcends the ordinary world, and they cannot let go of it as long as they become monks.

This result was already expected by Hua Zhenxing. As long as they dared to come, Hua Zhenxing would be sure to stop them from leaving. Thinking back to when Pan Cai contacted his classmates and everyone was willing to go overseas together, today's situation was already destined.

On the contrary, Pan Cai did not formally decide to join Yangyuan Valley immediately. Instead, he took advantage of a loophole and was willing to swear to serve Yangyuan Valley for ten years. This surprised Hua Zhenxing, but he did not show any dissatisfaction.

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