Enjoy the world

Chapter 309 There is no distinction between education and discrimination

The so-called monk is not an ordinary concept of "talent". The so-called cultivation refers to a state that one's body and mind can achieve. It is impossible to cultivate monks on a large scale, and it is impossible to cultivate them on a large scale.

Whether it is the Kunlun practice world or the magical master system in Gambistine, they all adopt the "elite inheritance model" of focused discovery. The master or mentor has to search and observe the world for a long time before selecting a successor.

Because the requirements for talent in cultivation are too harsh, some people have no hope of reaching the realm even if they practice for a lifetime, and the hard work invested by the teacher is in vain. Even in this elite mode, there is no guarantee that every carefully selected successor will eventually become a master.

The purpose of many experts looking for successors is not to cultivate talents for society, but to ensure that there will be people in the future.

This method of searching, screening, testing, and then selecting successors among the crowd also has great flaws. For example, if a person like Shi Shuangcheng has talent, she will not be ignored; but if there is a child in a residential area two streets away from her home who is as talented as her, she may not get attention... let alone Mao A person like Dudu, who knows who she is?

It’s not just about finding talented people. Even if someone has this talent, his character and temperament may not be suitable for practice, and he may not even want to become a disciple to practice. Even if he embarks on the path of practice, he may not be willing to put in so much hard work and survive many disasters.

Locke once introduced to Hua Zhenxing that the apprentices accepted by magicians can eventually become official magicians. The overall probability is only about one in ten. Many apprentices will be just handyman assistants throughout their lives.

In the dream that Hua Zhenxing once had, even under the most ideal conditions, the proportion of people who had been trained in Yangyuan Technique since childhood would eventually be able to break through to the fourth level was no more than one in a thousand. That is equivalent to investing the entire society’s educational resources in training. Of course, the actual situation cannot reach the most ideal state, so this ratio will only be lower.

Of course, Hua Zhenxing is currently unable to devote all of society's educational resources to education, but he has tried his best to invest the social resources at his disposal, screen within a controllable range, and screen out as many people as possible with the most outstanding talents. .

Being able to do this is already very rare. For example, if a monk wants to choose a successor, he can just choose among this group of people. This not only saves a lot of time and energy, but also greatly ensures the success rate.

Pan Cai was worthy of being a Dacheng monk. He almost immediately discovered the most valuable aspect of Hua Zhenxing's approach.

But the screening mechanism developed by Huazhenxing is extremely costly! For example, how much is the support of the three elderly people behind the scenes worth? This is not a matter of money at all, it is simply impossible to calculate! How high is the cost and difficulty of liberating and transforming society? At present, there are so many countries in the Black Wasteland, but it seems that no one has really succeeded!

Even if we talk about the Yangyuan Master training system itself, how much manpower, material resources, and financial resources need to be invested? Especially after students reach level three, the cost will rise sharply. Even Hua Zhenxing had to find another way, combined with the practice of sharpening his spiritual consciousness, to let these people start refining pure gold and refining the basic raw materials of Chunrong Dan.

After the Yangyuan Master breaks through the fourth level, he still wants to continue training. If he follows the traditional method of training monks or magicians, the various investments required will increase by orders of magnitude. Hua Zhenxing is currently having a headache for this... …

Hua Zhenxing's method of cultivating Yangyuan Masters requires huge investment in various aspects, but it can be coordinated and diluted in other ways. For example, he used the New Alliance to liberate Fiso Port and complete the social transformation process, and then established a citizen education system to promote the art of nourishing energy, which is extremely difficult to replicate.

Although Pan Cai's eyes were vicious, he saw what Hua Zhenxing was doing. But Huazhenxing invested so much money and developed this screening model within the scope of his control. What is its real purpose? Pan Cai didn't think too clearly yet, but Xiao Guang beside him saw it more clearly.

Hua Zhenxing certainly didn’t want to build a super sect in Yangyuan Valley. If that's the case, even if these people are harmless to society and can be self-sufficient in the mountains, they may not be of much benefit. On the contrary, they are equivalent to draining away the most talented people in society.

It's a pity that Xiao Guang is not on the flying carpet today, otherwise Shi Shuangcheng would have heard the implication when he relayed Mr. Feng's words, "What I dislike the most in my life are gangsters."

In Xiao Guang's view, the more important purpose of Huazhenxing is to cultivate and gather talents for all walks of life. Let’s not talk about the fourth-level Yuan Yuan Shu instructors. We can no longer look at them with the eyes of ordinary people. Even if he is a third-level Yuan Yang Master, he at least has the state of clear soul, and his learning ability is far beyond that of ordinary people.

There are still too few level three Yuan Yang masters, so what about the second level Yuan Yuan masters? These people have at least survived the test of "physical calamity" and are no longer infected by ordinary diseases. How valuable are they as talents in a country where life expectancy is so low and various epidemics are prevalent? You can be more confident and assigned to various important positions!

Even Xiao Guang himself had the same plan. He recently took a fancy to a local aboriginal named Tu Lianghan and recruited him into the action team of the Banda City Comprehensive Law Enforcement Department. He also recommended Tu Lianghan to participate in the training at the Yangyuan Shu Center. If he can practice successfully and train himself well at work, he might be able to take over his current position in the future.

Xiao Guang knew that he could not serve as the operations captain of the Banda City Comprehensive Law Enforcement Department forever. He would stay in this position for at most two and a half years, or at least a few months before being transferred.

In addition to Pan Cai and Xiao Guang, other people traveling with them were also learning about the situation in Yangyuan Valley, and each had their own surprises and sighs. At dawn the next day, just after breakfast, someone from Yangyuan Valley had been sent to pick him up.

Of course, when worshiping a mountain, you cannot break into the void by yourself, you must be guided by someone from the mountain. It was Wang Fengshou and Locke who led them into Yangyuan Valley. This standard was already quite high!

Walking into Yangyuan Valley along a seven-foot-wide stone road, this road is very smooth, even if you are riding an electric balance car, it will be no problem. It does not go straight down, but curves and rises according to the terrain... When you walk into the valley, you feel like you are in the Jiangnan of the Eastern Kingdom.

As long as the sect's dojo is large enough, there will usually be such a path, which may be secluded, ethereal and dangerous, or majestic. In short, it will make those who come here gradually develop a desire to admire the Tao.

I remember that in the Dingfengtan Dojo, from the mountain gate to the core area of ​​the dojo, there was a dangerous mountain climbing environment, with vines hanging on the walls everywhere, and cliffs flying into the clouds around corners... In fact, the straight-line drop was only a few hundred meters high, but it gave people an endless feeling. A feeling of remoteness and mystery.

The scale and atmosphere of Yangyuan Valley far exceed that of Dingfengtan back then, but the road under your feet seems simple and unpretentious, hiding the magic in the ordinary. Passing through the grassy slope and entering the lush jungle, the sound of water disappears and appears, sometimes walking with several streams, sometimes shaded by green bamboos, and various exotic flowers and plants, all of which are a natural scenery.

Pan Cai and others walked for almost three kilometers and passed through a white stone square. Not far ahead, their eyes suddenly opened up. At the end of the road was a small square paved with large stones. In the center of the square was a colorful glazed pavilion.

Shi Shuangcheng and others built a glazed pavilion in the Wage Desert. After bringing it to Yangyuan Valley, they decided to place it here to become a landscape. Old Man Yang liked it very much, and even took action to refine it again to prevent it from being damaged by bumps.

If you stand in the glazed pavilion, you will see the classical house-style building on the hillside. On the door is a plaque saying "Headquarters of World Nutrients", and on the side of the door is a sign of "International Nutrients Association", which is An office building in Yangyuan Valley.

Opposite the office building, across the small square, at the foot of the mountain and halfway up the mountain, is the dormitory area of ​​Yangyuan Valley, where caves of various sizes are located. The hill on the right side of the dormitory area is the training department, and the hill on the left is the research institute.

Wang Fengshou and Locke who welcomed the guests also made many introductions along the way. The current facilities in Yangyuan Valley can accommodate up to 3,000 students for further training at the same time, but currently there are not so many students and so many instructors.

Before the Dongtian Barrier is completely built, the scale of the facilities here will not be expanded, but according to the long-term plan, the total number of students and faculty will eventually be able to accommodate 10,000 people.

All the guests were a little confused. What is the concept of a scale of 10,000 people? Is this the plan to overthrow the Kunlun League and eradicate Gumbisteen? Even today's Kunlun Alliance may not be able to gather so many monks at the same time, and they are concentrated in one dojo!

Not to mention that many people here are here for further training. How many people will be accumulated in one batch after another? What does Yangyuan Valley want to do? Is it to dominate the world? If the Kunlun League or Gambistine knew about it, would they kill them now?

But after thinking about it, everyone felt that this was too much to worry about. The fourth-level students trained by Yangyuan Valley didn't seem to be a threat, and this was just a so-called long-term plan. Who couldn't do PPT?

For now, it is said that three thousand students can be trained and furthered here, but in fact there are only a few dozen. But despite this, some words still feel awkward. For example, who are the faculty and staff? Is this a monastic university?

Someone asked in a low voice: "Faculty and staff? Isn't this a sect?"

Locke smiled and said: "This is not the inheritance sect, but the headquarters of the World Yangyuan Master. Our plan is to promote and train the Yangyuan Technique to the world. That is our chief instructor, Mr. Hua Zhenxing..."

Hua Zhenxing and Manman were waiting in the glazed pavilion. When they saw everyone arriving, they walked out of the pavilion to greet them. Xiao Guang stepped forward to introduce them one by one. As soon as he introduced Pan Cai, Hua Zhenxing smiled and waved his hand: "There is no need for Captain Xiao to introduce me. I know all these distinguished guests. The "Genealogy of Disciples of the Past Dynasties" from Dingfengtan is now in It’s Yangyuan Valley.”

Pan Cai has not been recorded in the genealogy of his disciples, but the other eighteen people are among them, namely: Zhu Zhen, Liu Zhiyuan, Wang Longming, Chen Gaihao, Mo Qi, Mu Qingyu, Xiang Tuoyu, Zhang Junming, Liu Buying, Zhu Yujing, Chen Feng, Zhu Chengli, Zhu Xiaojiu, Zheng Tongjun, Guo Xiling, Yang Weiye, Meng Luowei, Zhou Xingyuan.

Among them, Mu Qingyu, Liu Buying, Chen Feng, Guo Xiling, and Meng Luowei are women, Zhu Chengli and Zhu Xiaojiu are brothers, and Mo Qi and Mu Qingyu, Zhang Junming and Liu Buying, Zhu Yujing and Chen Feng is still a couple. In fact, Xiang Tuoyu and Meng Luowei were originally husband and wife, but they later divorced.

The "Genealogy of Disciples of the Past Dynasties" only records these people's names, teachers, titles, dates of birth, when they entered the family, when they entered the genealogy, and what weapons they were given. However, it does not record their specific descriptions, and it is impossible to record them. What happened in these twenty years.

But Hua Zhenxing seemed to know them all very well, and he directly called everyone by name during greetings. This was an obvious hint: Yangyuan Valley had known that you were coming for a long time, and could also find out your identity. origin. It may seem unfathomable, but in fact the inside story is simple. Xiao Guang has already reported the information he found to Yangyuan Gu.

After the greetings had been exchanged, Hua Zhenxing continued, "There are a few distinguished guests who are currently in Yangyuan Valley. Let's meet together. Maybe we are still acquaintances."

The guests were welcomed into the reception room of the office building. The reception room was filled with tables, chairs and tea sets made from local materials. Refreshments were prepared. Guang Ren, Shi Shuangcheng and Yue Gao Le were sitting here. Jiang Huaigu, Fan Da Ke and Cui Wanhe were sitting there. When this guest saw the large group of people coming in, they all stood up to signal.

Manman stepped forward and introduced: "This is the great magician Yue Gao Le, the envoy of Gambistine. You may not be familiar with it. This master Guang Ren is a disciple of the Zhengyi sect. He is also a Zhengyi disciple. I am the youngest Dacheng monk in the sect, I believe you all have heard about it.

As for this person, she is Shi Shuangcheng, a disciple of the Three Dreams Sect and the daughter of the leader of Kunlun Alliance Mei. She is here on behalf of her master, Mr. Feng... This is Engineer Jiang Huaigu and a third-level student at our Yangyuan Technique Center. , I believe that several of you are familiar with him and are colleagues with him. "

The group of disciples originally destined for Fengtan, headed by Pan Cai, were dumbfounded. They were not aware of this situation in advance.

I thought that whatever happened in the wild country thousands of miles away had nothing to do with the Kunlun Alliance, but it turned out that Guang Ren was sitting here, representing the Kunlun Alliance. Shi Shuangcheng's identity is even more special, as he represents his master Feng Junzi! Not counting this, why did an envoy from Cambystine show up?

The reason why Dingfeng Pond was destroyed back then was because Lu Mubai colluded with a great magician from Gambistin and tried to use the Dingfeng Pan to plot against Mr. Feng. The result... it makes me cry just talking about it!

As Yue Gao Le, it seemed very abrupt to appear on such an occasion. The great magician took the initiative to explain without changing his face: "I am an investigator from Gambisting, directly representing His Majesty Ting Zong. The incident at Dingfeng Pond was related to Gambisting. I heard that Dingfeng Pond was related to Gambisting." The escaped disciples of Fengtan are gathered here today. They want to settle the cause and effect of the past, so they are here to bear witness."

There was a major conflict that had been brewing for a long time between Gambistine and the Kunlun Alliance. The destruction of Dingfengtan occurred in this context, like a small prelude before the opening of the big drama.

The great magician who attacked Mr. Feng was named Johnson. It was a very common name, but his cultivation methods were anything but ordinary. Johnson, like Lu Mubai, was completely destroyed on the spot, making it impossible to trace and interrogate him.

The formal conflict between Gambistine and the Kunlun Alliance broke out later, and after it subsided, the two sides returned to superficial peace.

Gambistine explained to the outside world that this conflict was provoked by a black magician lurking within the organization. After the coronation of the new Tingzong Yeager, this internal faction has been completely eradicated, and Johnson was a member of this faction at the beginning.

Regarding this matter, Gumbisteen made an explanation, but the specific details were not investigated clearly. Why did Johnson join that faction, and how did he get involved with Dingfengtan? It is still a confusing account.

As for Dingfengtan, no explanation has been given, because the leader and the sect are no longer there, and the disciples in the mountain have also dispersed. No one has ever stood up to express apology, investigate the cause, come to accept the crime, or give an explanation.

Today, a Dacheng monk named Pan Caizhe appeared as a disciple of Dingfengtan and summoned his fellow disciples to gather in Yangyuan Valley, so it is necessary for the investigators of Gambisting to be present! ——This is what Yue Gao Le means.

Hua Zhenxing waved his hand and said: "We are all guests from afar. Let's sit down first and drink tea! Speak carefully if you have a reason, and speak slowly if you have anything to say."

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