Enjoy the world

Chapter 304 Fright Alley

Hua Zhenxing led everyone into this alley. Most people didn't go out during the rainy season. Many idle residents were squatting or sitting under the eaves. Most of them were men, not too old, and they all looked over. .

Some people looked numb and unresponsive, but their necks were turning with the footsteps of several people. Some people showed ferocious expressions without any scruples, and some people were smiling. The smiles made people feel hairy, as if they were vicious dogs seeing flesh. bone.

Even though Shi Shuangcheng was a very brave man, he had goosebumps at this moment and whispered: "Why are they only looking at us, but no one says hello?"

Hua Zhenxing: "You'd better hope no one greets us."

Shi Shuangcheng: "Didn't you say that there would be a bunch of kids holding your legs asking for money or stealing wallets?"

Hua Zhenxing: "It was a small scene. It wouldn't happen in this neighborhood. It's usually in public places or places frequented by tourists. It's not easy for adults to rob openly. Children asking for money won't be in much danger."

Guang Ren suddenly said: "There are people following from behind, including the one who was standing on the street just now. There are five people with knives. One of them has a pistol... The gun has been drawn out. They are about five people away from us. Ten meters.”

Hua Zhenxing: "Taoist Priest, can you use a gun?"

Guang Ren: “I just learned it, and I’m not very proficient yet.”

Hua Zhenxing: "Then take the time to master it, you will be able to use it later."

Guang Ren: "Actually, you don't need a gun."

Shi Shuangcheng also interjected: "Xiaohua, do you have any misunderstandings about the Kunlun Sanxing Precepts? If you encounter criminals who want to commit murder with swords and guns, you can use your magical powers."

Hua Zhenxing: "That's true, I'm just used to using guns."

When Guang Ren was a child, he only touched real firearms during military training in college, and fired a total of five bullets. But this time when he crossed the desert and came to Wage City, in addition to the small pistol he carried with him, Hua Zhenxing took two more pistols, two submachine guns, and a rifle.

That rifle can be fired single-shot or continuously. In the single-shot state, it can be used as a sniper rifle without a scope in Hua Zhenxing's hands, and it is also equipped with a grenade launcher. Of course, all kinds of bullets, grenades, and grenades were prepared, and they were all stuffed into Guang Ren's space artifact.

They simply treated Guang Ren, a Dacheng monk from the first sect, as a mobile warehouse. Shi Shuangcheng stuffed Guang Ren with ovens, charcoal, meat skewers, etc., and this morning they stuffed him with a colorful glazed pavilion, and Hua Zhenxing stuffed it. They are all firearms.

Monks generally do not use magical powers to deal with ordinary people. The precepts of Sanxing that Kunlun Alliance adheres to are: first, do not pretend to be saints by pretending to be holy, and confuse the countryside; second, do not obtain supernatural powers and forget the Dharma, and harm all living beings; third, , it is forbidden to use Taoism for evil purposes and blackmail the people.

However, the prohibited behaviors of Sanxing Precepts do not include the current situation. If they are attacked by gangsters, the monks should use whatever magical powers they have and try to avoid shocking the world and hurting innocent people. In fact, they don't need guns at all.

While he was talking, a young man with dull eyes suddenly walked out from behind a half-collapsed courtyard wall nearby. He should be slightly younger than Hua Zhenxing. He was naked, not even wearing shoes, but holding a hand in his right hand. Holding a large syringe with a very thick needle, he stopped directly in front of several people.

Hua Zhenxing stepped forward and protected Manman behind him. Guang Ren also turned sideways to block Shi Shuangcheng's sight and glared at him.

In Banda City, Master Guang Ren's glare was a trick he had tried many times to get rid of those who blocked the way, but it seemed to have no effect at this moment. The young man looked straight over, his eyes seemed unfocused, he raised the syringe in his left hand and said a short English word: "Money!"

Hua Zhenxing replied clearly with a simpler English word: "No!"

Without saying a word, the young man pierced Hua Zhenxing's left chest with the syringe in his hand. It was so simple, direct, cruel, and barbaric. There was not even a bargaining process, and he did not say another word, "If you don't pay, you will be killed." You" and the like.

Maybe he couldn't speak such complicated Yinyin, or maybe he wasn't sane at all. From the young man's perspective, his needle penetrated Hua Zhenxing's left chest, but there was no such thing as piercing the flesh and blood. It felt like it was coming out of the body in a strange arc. No wounds could be seen at all, and even the clothes were not torn.

Of course, Hua Zhenxing couldn't let this young man hit him. He used the magic of transformation, which was the best method of Gu Wentong, the magician of Gambiste. Later, Hua Zhenxing also learned it from Yue Gaole. Although it was not as sophisticated as Gu Wentong's use, he could already use it freely.

The back of the boy's hand and elbow were slapped by a force. His arm turned inward, and the syringe pierced his own left chest, which was the same position where it pierced Hua Zhenxing's "body" just now.

The young man's dull eyes suddenly became somewhat sober, and he opened his mouth wide as if he wanted to say something, but his throat seemed to be strangled by an invisible force. He slowly fell to the side and back, then half-turned and lay in the muddy water. It was as if he was being supported by an invisible force. He didn't make any sound, not even a splash of water.

Shi Shuangcheng and Guang Ren had never killed anyone before, and this was the first time they saw Hua Zhenxing kill someone with his own hands, so neatly and without any sloppiness! Shi Shuangcheng's voice trembled: "This, this is..."

She didn't know what to say, so Manman asked: "According to your Dongguo language, do we still have to fight for 300 rounds?"

There were also local residents on both sides of the alley who saw this scene. Some stood up in surprise, while others hurriedly ran back to the house and closed the door. However, no one screamed or exclaimed. This scene seemed to be strangely muted.

The boy's body rolled sideways and fell against the wall. Hua Zhenxing continued to move forward, and everyone followed suit. Guang Ren whispered to Shi Shuangcheng in a low voice: "Even if this child doesn't die today, his lifespan will be less than half a year."

Shi Shuangcheng: "You just..." Before she could finish her words, eight big men suddenly walked out in front of them, each holding weapons and blocking their way. Three of them held pistols and the other five held machetes. At this time, the five people behind also followed, one holding a gun and four holding knives, blocking them in this narrow alley.

There were thirteen murderers in total, four guns, nine knives of different lengths, and they all wore shoes.

There was a person in front of him who must be the leader. He had curly short hair and looked about eighty or nine years old. He was wearing a short-sleeved camouflage top with pockets on his upper body and a pair of Asdadi sneakers on his feet. He was holding a pistol horizontally and pointing at Huazhen Avenue. : "Dongguan guys, you killed our people."

He spoke Yinyin, which is considered relatively fluent among the locals. He used a title with a strong discriminatory meaning, which could barely be translated as Dongguo Lao. Hua Zhenxing didn't defend himself, but just asked: "What do you want?"

The man replied: "You two girls are staying, and everything you have on you is staying, including your clothes."

Hua Zhenxing said the short word again very clearly: "No!"

The leader immediately shouted in local dialect: "Shoot those two men!" Gunshots rang out immediately, but it was not him who shot first, but Guang Ren behind Hua Zhenxing.

The gangster spoke the local dialect and was probably calling his companions to do something. He thought Hua Zhenxing and others could not understand, but in fact they all understood. Needless to say, Hua Zhenxing and Manman, Shi Shuangcheng has been able to understand a lot of daily conversations in the local dialect during the time he has been here, and Taoist priest Guangren can basically understand them.

After the man finished speaking, he faced Hua Zhenxing and was about to pull the trigger, but found that the gun seemed to be jammed, and was immediately shot down by Guang Ren. Taoist priest Guangren took out a nine-millimeter caliber pistol from the space artifact. It did not have a silencer. The sound of the gun was deafening. Almost at the same time, Hua Zhenxing also fired. He drew his gun and turned around, knocking down one of the five people behind him. The only gunman.

They each fired only one shot, so there was no need to fire again. Manman had already taken out the Spring Rain Sword, which was a long box. After opening it, a beam of light flew out, and the other two gunmen in front had a blood mark between their eyebrows. Their eyes were distracted and they fell to the ground softly.

Shi Shuangcheng also turned around, and a sword light flew out from the button of his right cuff. There were five people behind them. One of the gunmen was shot dead by Hua Zhenxing. Two others rushed over with machetes, but almost simultaneously they groaned and fell into the mud without making any sound. The tip of one of them could be cut. Stones fell into the soil in front of their feet.

Shi Shuangcheng's denim jacket has nine metal buttons, five on the front, two on the collar, and two on the cuffs. The buttons are actually a set of lightsabers, and she is only using one of them at the moment. The sword light flew out again, severing the weapons in the hands of all the other gangsters against the handle, and all the blades of different lengths fell to the ground.

Six of the thirteen gangsters were killed in an instant, and the remaining seven also realized what they were doing. They screamed and ran away, throwing away the hilts of the knives in their hands.

Hua Zhenxing sighed and said with a serious face: "Let's go, leave this neighborhood, and be careful of the cold guns around us."

Guang Ren: "It doesn't matter... Uh! What are you doing?"

I saw Shi Shuangcheng taking out a pile of Lu Wu Talisman with quick movements and taking a photo of each of the four people. Guang Ren wanted to say that when he activated his consciousness, he would not give the people in the buildings on both sides of the alley a chance to shoot coldly, but he did not expect Shi Shuangcheng to move so quickly and finish the filming before he could stop him.

Shi Shuangcheng: "Just be on guard against someone shooting cold shots around you!" With the Lu Wu Talisman protecting him, he was really not afraid of anyone shooting cold shots in the buildings on both sides of the alley. Ordinary pistol bullets did not pose a threat at all.

Hua Zhenxing smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, there is no need. We can take precautions ourselves." In fact, what he really wanted to say was, don't be so extravagant and wasteful. This time he consumed four more Lu Wu Talismans.

Shi Shuangcheng said, "Just in case, what if they throw a grenade?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Don't let them have the chance to throw it out."

Manman asked instead: "Can this Lu Wu Talisman withstand the power of a grenade explosion?"

Shi Shuangcheng: "It should be possible to block it. This was personally sacrificed by Master Cheng of the Wan Bian Sect. The fragments of the explosion can definitely be blocked. If the distance is too close, the whole person may be blown away by the shock wave..."

Shi Shuangcheng seemed very calm, calm, and reacted quickly. She drew her sword steadily, and immediately offered her talisman to protect everyone. Faced with Manman's questions, she patiently explained a lot. But it was obvious that she was still nervous and nervous as she kept talking, but even her lips were still white.

Facts have proved that there is really no need to waste Lu Wu Fu. They took two turns through the alley and walked out of the neighborhood. There were people along the way who tried to hide in the dark for a cold shot, but none of them had a chance to shoot. An invisible sword energy struck, and the attackers all took action in the dark corners.

They had just left when another person walked into the alley where seven corpses were lying. He was wearing a dark long windbreaker and his shoes were not stained with any muddy water. He was clearly Yogao Le. Other surrounding residents and gang associates who had the courage to come out to inspect the body turned a blind eye to him.

Yue Gaole seemed to be talking to himself: "It's really fun! Aren't you afraid of meeting real masters? Of course, there are no masters in such a small gang, but someone in Gambiste sent a group of magicians The master has arrived in Jili Country and is inquiring about Chunrong Pill."

The people around him couldn't hear these words, nor could Hua Zhenxing, Manman, and Shi Shuangcheng who had gone far away. However, the voice turned into a spiritual thought and resounded in Guang Ren's soul. Only Guang Ren knew that Yu Gao actually Enjoy "escorting" in secret.

At this time, Hua Zhenxing and others had arrived at a relatively clean road. There were drainage facilities on both sides of the street, and there were police officers standing in a canopy not far away.

The police on duty obviously heard the gunshot just now, because it was blocked by a large mess of buildings, so the gunshot seemed a bit distant and indistinct. The policeman glanced at the direction from which the gunfire came and determined which block it happened in. There was a look of contempt and disgust in his eyes, but he had no other reaction.

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