Enjoy the world

Chapter 295 Everyone’s Street

Everyone watched a mass rally in the rain in the morning and had dinner at Sanhu Restaurant at noon. It’s not the restaurant in Sanhu Town, that’s the main store. Sanhu Gang originally opened a branch of Sanhu Restaurant in Banda City. Now the scale has expanded to seven. It’s a bit similar to the idea of ​​Youpo Noodle House. They are all properties under the name of the Yangyuan Shu Center.

Of course, the Yangyuan Shu Center also needs office funds. At first, it was all paid for by Huazhenxing personally. As the scale of the business becomes larger and more and more people are trained, this cannot always be the case, and now it has begun to raise its own funds.

After the New Alliance eradicated the Sanhu Gang, the Yangyuan Shu Center took over the former Sanhu Gang's industries, including Fufeng Garden. Compared to other large-scale gang leaders in Banda City, the fate of the three brothers was pretty good. At least they were not directly suppressed. Instead, they were banned from cultivation and accepted the transformation of the new society. Today, they have even become the backbone of business in various departments.

The Yangyuan Shu Center is a talent training center. It trains a large number of students in turn, investing a lot in each student, and the opportunities these students can get are more than money can buy.

If such a group of talents were to be fully off-duty for training, not only would it be a huge waste of talent, but the center would not be able to afford it in the long run. Therefore, the Yangyuan Shu Center also engages in production and operations during the training period. For example, third-level students must complete the prescribed tasks of refining pure gold in order to master the method of refining spiritual consciousness and sharpen their spiritual consciousness.

Banda City also produces mineral gold, and the output is much greater than that of Fiso Port. After all, there are three rivers with sufficient water all year round, and most of the mineral gold is found by local tribesmen on the river beaches during the rainy season.

The new alliance banned the extremely poisonous local alchemy, and replaced it with supply and marketing cooperatives to purchase mined gold. The purchase price was actually higher than the gold originally extracted by the local indigenous people.

This is not because the supply and marketing cooperative is generous, but because the original gold purchase channels here were controlled by black market gangs, and the price given was too low. Originally, the Golden Gang controlled by Locke in Fiso Port was engaged in this business. The gangs in Banda City were larger and there were several, and now they have been suppressed.

Only third-level students can master the method of refining spiritual consciousness and sharpen their soul in this way. There are still so many first- and second-level trainees, and there are even more trainees who have not yet started in the training. During the training period, production will not be delayed, and at the same time they will be arranged to "industry" in various industries under the center.

For example, the manager, front desk, and chef of this restaurant are the official staff of the Yangyuan Shu Center, while almost all the other kitchen assistants, food servers, and waiters are students undergoing training.

The Yangyuan Shu Center is not taking the opportunity to use its labor force in vain. It will also pay wages to these students, and if the investment in training is converted into cash, it will be much higher than these wages.

But the restaurant's profits are one of the center's funding sources. Every property under the center is actually a training base, and the training is not just about cultivating energy.

Take this branch of Sanhu Restaurant, for example. Students can learn production operations and management through on-site work, with the focus on cultivating learning abilities and good behavioral habits.

Everything here is new, and all talents are in short supply. Even qualified waiters who meet the requirements of the new alliance are hard to find. After they have been trained, whether they have mastered the art of nourishing energy or not, they can play a greater role in other production positions.

At least this one "be serious about doing things", originally many local people simply couldn't do it, but if they can't do this, they can't even think about practicing Yang Yuan Shu.

Diligence and hard work are essential in many stages of spiritual practice, but at the entry level it is not hard work, so the training tasks are not onerous. After work, these students also need to receive other training, which is equivalent to those private night schools held by the New Alliance, but the content is improved...

The few people did not sit in the lobby on the first floor, but asked for a private room on the second floor and closed the door to chat. Manman introduced the restaurant and the Yangyuan Shu Center, when suddenly someone knocked on the door. Hearing the knock on the door, he knew it was probably a cadre of the New Alliance.

Why do you say that? Because the sound is not loud and has an interval rhythm, it seems very regular. The local people's habit of knocking on doors is basically not like this. Instead of knocking with their knuckles, they slap directly with their hands. The banging noise makes a big hole in the door.

Therefore, if things want to change, not only must there be a general direction, but also countless small details. Hua Zhenxing admired Master Ke very much. In addition to formulating big policies and purposes for the new alliance, he also formulated many small codes of conduct, which were detailed in all aspects of life and work, including how to knock on the door before entering a house.

This old man is so thoughtful! When Banda City was first liberated, local residents could tell whether the person knocking on the door was a New Alliance cadre. As for now, many people have learned to knock on doors like this...

The emotion about knocking on the door just flashed through Hua Zhenxing's mind. In fact, he already knew who was coming at the door, and immediately shouted to come in. Someone pushed the door open and came in. Hua Zhenxing stood up and asked, "Director Gu, why are you here?"

The visitor is Gu Shuimen. Like Xia Changqing, he originally joined the Big Head Gang with Charles. He also helped Charles take care of the banana garden and wine shop. He is one of the few former Big Head gangs who can "progress" with Charles to this day. Help members.

Charles resigned as mayor of Feso Port and took office as mayor of Banda City. The new alliance transferred 8,000 cadres from Feso Port, including Gu Shuimen. Gu Shuimen is twenty-three years old this year, but it is not an exaggeration to call him a veteran cadre. He can even be regarded as one of the elders of the new alliance.

Gu Shuimen replied: "Director Hua, Director Manman, President Xia heard that you accompanied the distinguished guests to visit Banda City. He was too busy with work and couldn't get away, so he specially entrusted me to be the accompanying guide and introduce him at any time. Various situations..."

Hua Zhenxing and Manman accompanied Shi Shuangcheng and Guang Ren around. Although they did not notify Charles before coming, it was not a top-secret operation. When they were in Fiso Port, Locke and Lina were accompanying them all the way, so Charles should have heard about it.

Hua Zhenxing understood Xiaer's temper and knew that he would definitely be unable to get away, otherwise he would have come here long ago. And they had just spent the morning shopping in Banda City, and Gu Shuimen came to the door during lunch, which showed that Charles had a good control over the local situation and could find out any news he wanted to know immediately.

After lunch, we continued our visit, and Gu Shuimen accompanied us all the way. Huazhenxing also asked a few questions about his recent work and life situation. Gu Shuimen's family has moved to Banda City. He currently works in the municipal government secretariat. He studies while working and gives lectures at night classes for cadres in the evening. He is already very prestigious among local cadres and the masses.

The rain stopped in the afternoon and the sky briefly cleared up. More people were seen in the streets and alleys. They also saw a dispute between locals.

The reason was that someone bought a batch of things at the farmer's market, and the seller borrowed a rickshaw to help him transport it home. The price had been negotiated, but when the things arrived, the person refused to pay.

The two got into a dispute, and then the buyer suddenly wanted to bargain. Of course the seller refused, and the buyer said he wouldn't agree and stopped buying. But the boss had already borrowed a tricycle to transport the things to the door. If he took them back as they were, it would be a wasted trip. Not only would he be exhausted, but he would also lose time. It was very uneconomical.

The buyer may have noticed this and did this on purpose. As a result, the seller called the patrol team, and the patrol team notified the joint law enforcement brigade of the community to judge right and wrong and mediate disputes on the spot.

Seeing the arrival of the Joint Law Enforcement Brigade, the buyer immediately changed his mind and expressed his willingness to pay the agreed upon original price and begged not to impose additional penalties. Shi Shuangcheng asked curiously, what is additional punishment?

Hua Zhenxing told her that the situation was similar to what he saw in the morning. This person also has to go on stage to apologize in public, confess his mistakes to the public, and accept criticism from the public in order to pass.

Shi Shuangcheng: "Hasn't he already admitted his mistake? Will he still be dragged on stage to be criticized?"

Hua Zhenxing glanced at Gu Shuimen, who sighed and said: "This kind of thing used to be a common phenomenon here, and it was much worse than open urination.

Therefore, mass gatherings must be held to criticize, and propaganda must be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He is not the only one who needs education! If the Joint Law Enforcement Brigade doesn't come, will he admit his mistake? It is a waste of social resources and additional penalties are warranted. "

Shi Shuangcheng: "A common phenomenon?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Yes! If you grew up in a place where you can steal and rob whenever you can, and as long as you can get things, you are considered capable. How can you have the concept of integrity in transactions?"

Gu Shuimen smiled bitterly and added: "Today, the seller is suffering a loss. In many cases, the seller will also suffer a loss..."

He also told a short story. The largest farmers' market in the area, its cargo transportation business was once controlled by the Sanlun Gang. The name of this gang is so simple, but its power is not small. If you buy things in that market, you can only take them back yourself. If you want to hire someone to transport them, you can only hire their people.

Unless you also have the support of local power, it is common for the goods to be delivered not to the place where you have paid. If you want them to be sent to the place to unload the goods, you often have to pay more. After the New Alliance liberated Fiso Port, the Three Wheel Gang was of course eradicated, and the Joint Law Enforcement Department also focused on combating this phenomenon.

But there are all kinds of disputes in the world. Just like today, the seller borrowed a tricycle to deliver the goods, but when he got there, the customer turned out to be a defaulter and did not want to pay the originally agreed price.

Shi Shuangcheng asked again: "I didn't quite understand what they said. How much is this batch of goods worth?"

Hua Zhenxing: "According to the price agreed upon by both parties in advance, including payment and freight, it is equivalent to thirty yuan in Dongguo currency. The seller just delivered it to the place, and the buyer had to bargain for half of the price. He was only willing to pay fifteen yuan, otherwise he would not take it. "

Shi Shuangcheng: "What kind of department is the Joint Law Enforcement Brigade? Is it urban management?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I know the Dongguo City Management Bureau you're talking about. I saw it online. They also have a sign saying "comprehensive law enforcement." The joint law enforcement brigade here was somewhat inspired by it, but the actual situation is different.

It is an executive agency of a special department and has real law enforcement power. It can quickly handle civil disputes using simple procedures. At least three people must be present when handling the matter, and audio and video records must be left. There is a person over there with a law enforcement recorder, which was imported from Dongguo..."

The police in other places wouldn't bother to deal with such a trivial matter, a fifteen-dollar dispute, and I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to deal with it. The person involved wouldn't even be worthy of reporting it.

If you want to report a crime, you have to go to the police station, because they don't have a phone number at all. Should you let the salesman drive a tricycle and pull a load of goods to the police station?

There were so many things like this in the past that it seemed impossible to deal with them. But because there were too many, the new alliance had to manage them, and Uncle Mo introduced a simple procedure.

If such a dispute occurs, the parties concerned can go to the nearest patrol team, which will notify the joint law enforcement team.

The city government established a joint enforcement department, and each of the rezoned communities has a joint enforcement brigade. The brigade is divided into different teams, each team consists of at least three people, specializing in mobile handling of similar incidents.

The joint law enforcement team has joint authorization from relevant municipal departments and can perform certain functions and powers of public security, industry and commerce and other departments, and can make mandatory penalty decisions on the spot. If the person being punished is dissatisfied, he can appeal to the Joint Law Enforcement Department.

Guang Ren nodded and said: "This is equivalent to the ancient yamen, and it is a mobile yamen."

Hua Zhenxing nodded again and said: "Yes! This is ancient times, even more ancient than the ancient times of the Eastern Kingdom. There is no other way.

We want to establish a new order that can protect people's legitimate rights and interests. It must be efficient to have practical significance. If the procedures for people to protect their rights are too complicated and too expensive, they are actually condoning bad habits..."

In the ancient times of the Eastern Kingdom, the Yamen Gate was equivalent to a comprehensive law enforcement department. People could go there to complain about any disputes. Ordinary people could not distinguish between various functional departments and there was no need to distinguish between them.

Guang Ren was just making an analogy. In the ancient times of the Eastern Kingdom, the cost of going to the yamen to resolve disputes was very high, and the efficiency was also very low. Many things were left to local clan self-determination, and only when things got serious did they go to the government.

Things today are very special, and they are not easy to handle either according to ancient or modern methods.

Was a dispute over a mere fifteen dollars worth a trip to the Yamen in ancient times? If the delivery owner files a lawsuit in court, then asks a lawyer to collect evidence, define the losses, wait for the judgment, and then apply for execution after winning the lawsuit... this is impossible!

But this kind of thing must be dealt with quickly, otherwise the bad social status quo cannot be reversed, which is why such a special joint law enforcement department appeared.

In short, the establishment of a new order must be accompanied by the corresponding construction of the spiritual core, which is what the ancients called enlightenment, and enlightenment must not be passive.

After watching such a "minor dispute", everyone walked through another community cultural square, where a rally was also held. No one was criticized on the stage, but a large screen projection was playing Charles's speech.

Hua Zhenxing asked in confusion: "When did this speech come out? I haven't even heard it."

Gu Shuimen explained: "The recording was just completed this week. It is President Xia's twelfth speech."

Shi Shuangcheng: "This speech is interesting. So many people like to pretend to be his relatives?"

Gu Shuimen: "If you had come here two years earlier and just chatted with the locals, someone might have told you that he was a relative of the president's family and that he could accomplish anything in the country. If you asked him to do something, you would have to give him some help. The good thing is that he dares to agree to anything."

Shi Shuangcheng: "Are there many such people?"

Hua Zhenxing took over the conversation and said: "I don't know how many, but as long as you want to do something, you will definitely meet him. For example, some local chief, a tribal prince, a mayor, a minister, or a relative of the president. They cheat like this If I don’t have your money, I will just think that I am smart enough and capable.”

Guang Ren shook his head and said: "A traitor, he betrays his trust and thinks he knows it, but in fact he abandons his friends. This is a great fool."

Manman: "I can understand this sentence. Uncle Ke said something similar."

Gu Shuimen continued to explain: "After the New Alliance liberated Banda City, many people on the street became relatives of President Xia... President Xia hated this deeply and made a special speech."

Charles's eleventh speech is called "Protecting Everyone's Shoes". It was a speech he wrote himself after coming to Banda City. Hua Zhenxing has already listened to it.

But his twelfth speech was recorded just this week, and it was his own reflections, not a draft by Shen Sishu. Hua Zhenxing has been busy with other things in Yangyuan Valley recently, so I was able to hear it today. The title is "I Have No Such Relatives".

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