Enjoy the world

Chapter 258 Night Attack

It was Mo Xiaoyue and Xia Changqing who beat up Zhou Heyuan. The reason was very simple, just four words - they didn't like it!

After Zhou Heyuan broke up with Li Xiaoyang, he was very unwilling to accept it. He blocked Li Xiaoyang in the dormitory area several times, wanting to ask why and trying to redeem him, but Li Xiaoyang didn't give him a good look at all.

Later, the department leader criticized and warned Zhou Heyuan, telling him that it was wrong to do so. Although the unit has no control over young people's affairs, this kind of thing depends on your own will and you cannot harass the employees of the unit. If you do this again, you will be dealt with by the security department. of!

Zhou Heyuan also took a rest and quickly shifted his target to another girl, Nova who had just come to work at the headquarters.

Nova was knocked unconscious and brought back by Hua Zhenxing during a raid on the Xingsheng Gang. Her hometown is the country of Seiya in the east of Roba Island. When she was thirteen years old, she was kidnapped by a local criminal gang on her way home from school and sold into slavery abroad.

Later, she was controlled by the Xingsheng Gang and became a "hostess" in the hotel. Before the New Alliance liberated Banda City, she was lucky enough to be rescued by Hua Zhenxing in advance, and she is already twenty-one years old this year.

When being questioned at the Public Security Bureau, her experience aroused Xia Changqing's sympathy, and Xia Changqing introduced her to a job in the New Alliance.

Nova quickly adapted to her new life. What she had experienced over the years was like a nightmare. Now that she finally woke up, even her childhood memories had gradually faded away. Nova never mentioned her past, as if she had traveled to a whole new world.

I work during the day and attend night school cram school at night, mainly studying policy and basic conversation in Dongguan. After she had a little foundation in Dongguan, Xia Changqing found connections and transferred her to Palm Manor to work at the headquarters of Huanxiang Industrial.

Being able to work in the Palm Manor, live in the dormitory in the manor, and eat in the canteen of the headquarters is a paradise-like life that most residents of Fiso Port envy.

Not all Bailuo people are blond and blue-eyed. Nova's skin is very white, but her hair is chestnut and her eyes are brown. She is tall, has three-dimensional facial features, and is very good-looking.

After Nova came to Palm Manor, her personality became more and more cheerful. She gradually no longer lowered her head when speaking. She also liked to smile more and more. She looked more beautiful when she smiled, and people around her had a good impression of her. , I usually take good care of him.

A young beauty like her would definitely attract attention, and Zhou Heyuan also noticed her. Zhou Heyuan also deliberately inquired about Nova, and vaguely heard some things. Nova was once the "number one courtesan", no wonder she is so sexy and alluring.

Zhou He found that his colleagues took good care of Nova, and no one usually made things difficult for her. Especially those male colleagues, they are willing to help Nova with anything, so Nova learns Dongguan quickly and her business progresses quickly.

Why is this? Of course it was because he was so beautiful. Zhou Heyuan couldn't help but curse in his heart - licking the dog!

But Zhou Heyuan also discovered that although those licking dogs took good care of Nova, no one took the initiative to ask out Nova or pursue Nova. Analyzing the reason for such a strange phenomenon, it may be that he dislikes what others have done before.

This made Zhou Heyuan very uncomfortable. He was both licking and disgusting. Could it be that he was suffering from schizophrenia?

But Zhou Heyuan didn't know that the reason why Nova was transferred to the Palm Manor so smoothly and received everyone's care and help at work was not only because of Xia Changqing's face, but also mainly because of Hua Zhenxing.

Nova was knocked unconscious by Hua Zhenxing and brought back conveniently. The purpose was of course to save her life. If she was left behind, she would definitely be severely tortured. Hua Zhenxing did not want to implicate innocent people because of his relationship.

But in the eyes of others, Xiaohua just did a private job, planned and directed a very beautiful raid, and also brought back a great beauty.

It is impossible for Huazhenxing to go around looking for people to tell him what he means. In fact, he has nothing to say, but many people have already regarded Nova as a "Huazhenxing person".

So everyone takes good care of Nova, and no one will deliberately embarrass her. Besides, Nova herself is quite likable. As for why there were so many young men in the headquarters and no one took the initiative to ask Nova out, it was the same reason.

Huanxiang Industrial selected ten women to take Chunrong Dan and conducted long-term follow-up records. Cui Wanhe, who was in charge of the nomination, drew up a list of candidates. There were thirty people in total, and the names of Li Xiaoyang, Cui Yun, and Nova were all on it.

Nova was ultimately not selected simply because she did not meet the requirements. These ten people must have conclusive and credible birth certificates, with clearly dated photos and videos for each age group, and must be able to withstand inspection.

This was difficult for Nova to do, so she was ultimately unsuccessful, but including her on the reserve list itself showed an attitude. The final decision-maker on this list was Liena, director of the Chunrongdan Center, and Liena specifically explained the reasons. As for Li Xiaoyang's name, which was also crossed out by Li Na, there was no explanation. Anyway, the number of places was limited.

Zhou Heyuan did not know these inside stories because he was not of a high enough level and lacked concern for certain things, so he did not pay attention to the information he should have. That's why he thought that the male colleagues at the headquarters disliked Nova's former identity.

In fact, most of the colleagues at the headquarters do not know what Nova did before. Not everyone has such a leisurely mind as Zhou Heyuan. In Fesuo Port, which is changing rapidly, there are already too many major events happening every day.

The empty Zhou Heyuan fell in love with Nova again, or was attracted by Nova. He decided to pursue Nova, take the initiative to date her, and make friends to satisfy each other! Zhou Heyuan did not dislike Nova's former identity, he was even moved by his "great tolerance".

He took the opportunity to ask for the other party's contact information, often chatted with Nova, and even invited her to dinner and so on. But Nova rarely leaves the Palm Manor. There is a canteen for three meals a day, so there is no need for Zhou Heyuan to treat her.

Nova was very polite and courteous to her colleagues, and paid great attention to maintaining the hard-won friendly relationships. Therefore, it was best not to be too indifferent to Zhou Heyuan's enthusiasm, but she had no intention of going further.

Zhou Heyuan felt a little unhappy, and secretly thought that this bitch was still reserved. Given his status, he was willing to associate with her, which was considered to be a compromise. On the other hand, Zhou Heyuan also believed that Nova would not reject him and that he could get it done as long as he created a suitable opportunity.

Don’t you eat in the cafeteria for three meals a day? Zhou Heyuan decided to invite her to have a midnight snack together! Don’t you just live in Palm Manor and don’t go out? Then have a romantic barbecue on the beach outside the manor!

That night, Zhou Heyuan prepared barbecue items on the beach, and then called Nova to invite him to have a barbecue with her. He even spoke specifically in English.

As a result, Nova rejected him on the phone in Dongguan, which was not very fluent, saying that she still had work to do and was working overtime in the dormitory, so she would not go to the barbecue. She thanked him for his kindness. Nova also suggested that he invite colleagues from the department, many of whom should be available.

After Zhou Heyuan hung up the phone, he muttered angrily and scolded Nova. Suddenly, his eyesight went dark. It turned out that a cloth bag, including his head and upper body, was covered in it. Then he was kicked to the ground and hit. He was beaten and kicked.

Judging from the physical sensation, there should be two people who hit him. After the beating, someone leaned into his ear through the bag and said in a hoarse voice on purpose: "Don't harass Nova again, otherwise it won't be so easy next time!"

After a while, when he was sure that the person had gone far away, Zhou Heyuan struggled to take the bag off his head. Although he was not beaten to any broken bones, his nose was bruised, his face was swollen, and his whole body hurt!

He felt the deep malice of the world and wanted to shout out - this is not fair!

Why is it that Li Xiaoyang is hooking up with others, but no one says that she is harassing Xia Er, Locke and Li Xiaoyang? And he just wanted to hook up with Nova, but someone covered his head and beat him.

Zhou Heyuan felt threatened. Feiso Port was no longer safe. Lonely, he finally made up his mind to resign and leave. Fortunately, Huanxiang Industrial had recently opened a dedicated transportation line with Dongguo.

Zhou Heyuan left with disappointment and sadness, but more people came to Fesuo Port and stayed. This is the most dynamic, orderly, and fastest-growing place in the eastern part of the Black Wasteland, at least in the past year.

The Lofogen Hydropower Station has held a groundbreaking ceremony before the start of construction. Comrade Lofogen, the new mayor of Feso Port, personally presided over it. Even the president of the new alliance, Charles, took time out of his busy schedule and rushed back to Feso Port to attend the ceremony. , the hydropower station will be fully constructed soon.

The high-standard bridge connecting both sides of the Beiluo River has six lanes in both directions and can accommodate heavy-duty vehicles. The piers have been completed and the bridge deck is being laid. It is expected to be officially opened to traffic soon.

Twenty kilometers north of Gaoqiao Town, in the wilderness outside the agricultural reclamation area, the new airport has been fully constructed. The construction unit is still Dongguo Construction Aid Project Department, and the commander-in-chief is still Lei Yunjin.

However, the project department is responsible for many more engineering projects than last year, and the scale is also much larger. More than 6,000 construction aid workers have arrived from Dongguo one after another, and many workers' families have also come, totaling nearly 10,000 people.

New schools are under construction in Gaoqiao Town. The signs on the left are Gaoqiao Town Primary School and Gaoqiao Town Middle School. The signs on the right are Dongguo Huiying School Jiliguo Branch. It is planned to officially open in early September this year. The project needs to be carried out quickly!

Zhou Heyuan's departure didn't seem to have any impact, as if he had never been here. The colleagues in the Palm Manor didn't know that Mo Xiaoyue called Xia Changqing to beat him up together.

On the night when Zhou Heyuan left by boat, Mo Xiaoyue fell asleep in his dormitory and Xia Changqing fell asleep at his own home. Suddenly he felt a little breathless and woke up at the same time. His eyes were dark when he opened them, and he couldn't even move his hands. He kicked his feet. I found that I was no longer on the bed, and there was sand under me.

It turned out that someone had put a cloth bag on them at some point, taken them out of the house and threw them into a piece of sand. What's even more frightening is that they didn't even wake up during the process!

The two of them were about to call for help and struggled when they heard a voice shouting: "Be honest!"

They immediately became obedient, and then were whipped through a cloth bag. It felt as if they were whipped with tree vines. After the whipping, a voice said: "Get up!"

The two stood up and hurriedly took off the bag, and then they saw each other. There were two people standing on the beach by the sea, it was Wang Fengshou and Li Jingzhi. They heard the voices of these two people just now, so they were so honest.

Apart from Mo Shangtong, the person Mo Xiaoyue fears the most is Wang Fengshou. Wang Fengshou is his immediate boss, and he usually receives training. Mo Xiaoyue did not understand many things at the beginning, and it was normal for him to be criticized at work. He was also very convinced of Wang Fengshou and knew that his thesis and martial arts were far from satisfactory.

Besides Charles, the person Xia Changqing fears the most is Li Jingzhi.

Xia Changqing is Xia Er's cousin. This Eastern Mandarin name was given later, so he simply adopted the surname Xia after Charles. He used to join the Big Head Gang with Ciel, and later joined the New Alliance with Ciel. He did not get eliminated by the tide of the times, but progressed with the New Alliance.

Xia Changqing first worked in the security department of Huanxiang Industrial and was trained by Li Jingzhi. Later, he joined the patrol team and served as squad leader and deputy platoon leader. When the New Alliance Army liberated Banda City, he was transferred to the Fiso Port Public Security Bureau and was recently appointed captain of the detective brigade.

Xia Changqing is two years younger than Charles, and is nineteen this year. At the age of nineteen, he became the captain of the Detective Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, which can be regarded as a middle-level leader. It would be unbelievable to be placed in other places, but Feiso Port has special circumstances.

The population structure here is too young. The average life expectancy was once only about thirty years old. It is simply unrealistic to expect that the leaders of all departments are comrades in their forties or fifties!

With the new alliance successfully liberating the Port of Fiso, conditions in all aspects have been greatly improved, and people's average life expectancy will also increase greatly. However, the population structure cannot be changed in a short time, and the average age of everyone is still very high. young.

According to the latest decree issued by the New Alliance, one is legally an adult at the age of sixteen and can participate in various formal jobs. The new history of this city only started more than ten months ago. With Xia Changqing's qualifications and background, his performance is already considered outstanding.

In a society undergoing drastic changes and rapid development, it is often full of opportunities and challenges. There are many new leadership positions but talents are scarce. Many people are promoted or progress very quickly.

But then again, it is impossible to expect a nineteen-year-old boy to do anything without being rough. Xia Changqing is nineteen this year, and Mo Xiaoyue is a little older than him, twenty-two this year.

In the night, Wang Fengshou looked at the two of them with a half-smile, while Li Jingzhi asked with a straight face: "Do you know why you were beaten?"

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