Enjoy the world

Chapter 252 Liu Xiahua

This stone pavilion is much more majestic than the square pavilion with four ridges and spires in Fufeng Garden. It is built of pure white stone with smooth and smooth texture. It is actually a double eaves verandah roof structure.

The eaves are nearly nine meters long and five meters wide, based on the bridge, and the pavilion railings at the front and rear are the bridge railings. From the perspective of a long lift, there are two pillars on the left and right. If you look at the front of the bridge from the water, there are four rows of pillars on the left and right, with a total of eight stone pillars in a pattern of three rooms and one entrance.

Hua Zhenxing walked under the big willow tree. There was a couplet carved on the two stone pillars on the east side -

The wind moves thousands of silk threads and listens to the willow color

The water traces thousands of ripples and looks at the sparkling sound

When Hua Zhenxing saw this couplet, he couldn't help but stopped and was lost in thought for a moment. It's not that he read it wrong, the words engraved on the stone pillars are "Listen to the color of the willows" and "Look at the sound of the sparkling trees". How can Liu Se listen? Listen to the movement of the wind and know its shape, know its color from its shape, feel its spirit from its color, and its spirit is alive.

This sentence contains the realm of "close your eyes and listen to the shape", and it has a deeper meaning. Closing your eyes and listening to the shape is the first-level assessment standard of Yangyuan Technique summarized and formulated by Hua Zhenxing.

The Yangyuan Technique was taught by Old Man Yang, but many related things were verified and explored by Hua Zhenxing himself. Old Man Yang never said that you can get a certificate for practicing Yangyuan Technique. I have never heard of such a thing since ancient times.

Since ancient times, the realms of cultivation have been called the inner vision realm, the refining realm, the great medicine realm, the alchemy realm, the returning realm, the golden soup realm, the fetal movement realm, the infant realm, and the yangshen realm in alchemy.

Each level of cultivation requires going through kalpas. For example, to reach the realm of inner vision, you must first go through the kalpa of lust. There are also nine kalpas: kalpa of lust, kalpa of body, kalpa of elixir and kalpa, kalpa of demonic realm, kalpa of wind and evil, kalpa of delusional mind, and kalpa of vacuum. , Bone-changing tribulation, Sea of ​​suffering tribulation.

After going through a sea of ​​hardships to reach the realm of Yangshen, it is the end of the world's laws. The next step is to ascend through the legendary punishment of heaven. Old man Yang usually introduced these to Hua Zhenxing like telling stories, and Hua Zhenxing himself had also read about them in many Taoist and Tibetan materials.

The various levels of the Yangyuan Technique assessment roughly correspond to this, except that the fifth realm of transition is divided into five and six levels, and step-by-step assessment standards will be formulated in the future. But on the other hand, it is slightly different from alchemy practice.

Of course Hua Zhenxing is aware of the existence of these calamities in practice, but the method of Yangyuan Technique does not deliberately emphasize these calamities, but only tells practitioners what to do in each link.

The Yangyuan Technique tries its best to downplay the impact of these calamities. The main purpose is only to reach the realm that the body and mind can achieve. Even if each level of realm cannot be cultivated, as long as the practitioner's physical and mental state is okay, usually there will be no problems, at least in becoming a This was the case before for the senior Yang Yuan Shu master.

This is like an unlimited upgrade qualification exam. Once you reach the level, you can naturally pass the exam.

Since ancient times, cultivation has been difficult and dangerous. The difficulty lies in the diligent cultivation and the danger lies in the difficulty of surviving the disaster. If the problem of dangerous disasters is not solved, it will be impossible to promote it on a large scale, let alone include it in the compulsory education curriculum.

Calamity is not an accident that you will encounter in the process of practice. Although it often happens in the form of accidents, it is inevitable in itself and will definitely happen as long as you reach a certain step.

For example, in the lust tribulation before getting started, the so-called lust does not only refer to the desire of love, but lust can refer to "real objects". The first feeling of practicing Yangyuan Technique is the sprouting of vitality, and the effect is to sharpen the senses. As the vitality sprouts, the senses become more and more sharp, and the disturbance and stimulation of external objects will become stronger and stronger, and one's own emotions and desires will be invisibly affected. enlarge……

If you don't go through this step, you won't be able to develop senses that surpass those of ordinary people, and all subsequent realms of cultivation will be out of the question.

So what to do? Just do whatever you have to do! Speak clearly so that everyone knows what they will face at the beginning of practice and why it will happen?

From the perspective of cultivating the art of cultivation, just be a normal person, maintain normal behavior in this state, experience it, gradually adapt to it, and return to normalcy while maintaining normality.

What if you can't do it? That means you can’t practice it! There is a special characteristic of Yangyuan Technique. It’s no big deal if you fail to practice it. Just continue to be a normal person. Even if you can’t get the first-level certificate, you can still exercise your body and mind and prolong your life.

Another characteristic of the so-called calamity is that it does not mean that it does not matter once you reach this level of cultivation, but that it lasts throughout your cultivation. For example, in the case of S Yu Jie, even a peerless expert will still be affected by emotions and desires as long as he is still in the human world.

When Hua Zhenxing saw this couplet, the first thing he thought of was the Yang Yuan technique he had cultivated and the assessment standards for each level he had set for it.

Thousands of threads blowing in the wind and listening to the color of the willows can symbolize not only the closing of eyes to listen to shapes in the first-level assessment, but also the spiritual consciousness describing the shapes in the second-level assessment, and even the touch of objects and objects in the third-level assessment standards. As for the fourth-level assessment standard, mana is used to light up the luminous beads, which is actually a magical form... So what about the next level?

Hua Zhenxing practiced more than just nourishing energy. The road he walked was much more difficult than that of later learners. When he reached the bridge, he suddenly felt something. After standing still for a moment, he walked to the center of the pavilion.

There was a soft straw mat placed in the center of the pavilion. It looked like Uncle Mo's craftsmanship, but there was nothing else. Hua Zhenxing sat down on the straw mat.

In the bamboo fenced courtyard in the distance, Old Man Yang came back with Manman, and first planted a ridge of peppers on the lower ground. When the vegetable field was finished, Old Yang rubbed his hands with a very satisfied expression.

Taking advantage of the old man's happiness, Manman asked, "What did Xiaohua do wrong that you keep punishing him without eating?"

Old Man Yang smiled: "I didn't punish him, I just asked him to fast. Sometimes in cultivation, you need to fast, otherwise you won't be able to sit still for many days. The reason may sound crude, but that's what happens to mortals... So I asked him to do it first. Fast for three days, and then you should be almost done."

Manman asked curiously: "What is inedia?"

Old Man Yang: "I also have to teach you. Although it is impossible to truly inediate yourself if you have not reached the seventh level, and it is not necessary to do inedia if you reach the seventh level, it is still necessary to start in advance."

Old Man Yang explained the method of fasting to Manman again, and the way of explaining it was different from when he taught Hua Zhenxing last night. After finishing the lecture, Manman was still thinking. Although there were still some things she didn't understand, she had memorized it and knew how to practice.

Manman, who was thinking, inadvertently looked up into the distance and suddenly said: "Why is Xiaohua missing?"

Hua Zhenxing was sitting in the pavilion. Manman also had very good eyesight and could see from this position. What she was talking about was just a feeling, as if Hua Zhenxing was no longer there, as if invisible and without a trace.

Yang Tehong: "With the help of the magic circle, his form and spirit have been integrated into this world. He is running the magic circle and not running the magic circle, so you have this feeling... Leave him alone and don't disturb him. He, go to the front and help me set up the loofah stand."

Manman: "You always want to grow loofah? Great, I still remember the loofah soup made by Xiaohua!"

Hua Zhenxing was sitting in the bridge pavilion. A gust of wind blew by, and the big willow tree at the head of the bridge fluttered over the stone pavilion. His position is actually the center of the Yangyuan Valley Formation, and the Fufeng Pan is placed in the center of the bridge arch under his seat. He is experiencing the world through the Fufeng Pan.

He had had a similar feeling in Sanhu Town. He could clearly perceive everything in the circle, as if it was everywhere. Now that the Fufeng Disk has been placed here, the three old men have initially built a more mysterious cave formation. Through the Fufeng Disk, he can detect everything in Yangyuan Valley, but he only detects it, and he does not take any other actions.

So Old Man Yang said that he was running the magic circle but not running the magic circle at the same time, just like a person was breathing but not breathing intentionally. At this moment, Hua Zhenxing is actually experiencing a feeling similar to the "inward vision" at the beginning of practice, but the content of the inner vision is different.

When you first experience the tribulation of desire in your practice, your senses become more and more acute, and the disturbance and stimulation from the outer environment become more and more intense. In this case, you need to enter a state of concentration to shield the outer environment and understand yourself, the internal organs, the meridians, and the qi and blood. The operation gradually becomes clear and observable. This is the so-called inner scene, which is the inner view.

Cultivate the inner scene to nourish the essence, make the five internal organs, qi and blood circulate to an innate and perfect state of health, and eliminate hidden injuries and hidden diseases. This is the state of body training. After practicing the form, all the senses and perceptions will be connected and spiritual consciousness will be born. When the fire is pure, the soul will appear by itself, and it can detect external objects and control external objects. Even if you sit still in the room, the soul can see everything outside the body. This is the so-called external scene.

The last time he came to this valley, Hua Zhenxing realized an unprecedented state. He seemed to have turned into the consciousness of heaven and earth, feeling and understanding the existence of all things (for details, see 115, vivid and vivid). This was his breakthrough to the four realms. Opportunity.

At this moment, his form and spirit seemed to have really transformed into this world. As long as the area covered by the Yangyuan Valley Formation was his form and spirit.

He could hear and see what Old Man Yang and Manman said and did, including everything that happened in the valley, but he turned a blind eye or heard nothing.

He now knew exactly the scope of the formation. This valley is more than ten kilometers long and several kilometers wide, but this is only the area of ​​the valley at the foot of the mountain, while the scope of the formation is much larger. It is divided by the surrounding ridge lines. The longest point is about 16 kilometers and the widest point is about 16 kilometers. About ten kilometers, with a total area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers.

All this was originally an exterior scene, but now it seems to have become an interior scene in the form and spirit. The exterior scene and the interior scene are one, and there is no difference between the sound and the color at this moment.

What needs to be emphasized is that this is not an imagination, nor an imagining of the state of heaven and earth in my form and spirit, but a practical experience. If we use imagination instead of experience, we may not be able to survive the tribulation of the demonic realm or break through the four realms, let alone a higher realm.

Hua Zhenxing alone cannot do this with his own cultivation. How can his consciousness cover an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers? It is only with the help of the ancient formation that he can have this experience. He is in a state of immobility. status.

With the help of the Fufeng Pan and the Yangyuan Valley Formation, Hua Zhenxing turned this area of ​​heaven and earth into an inner scene in the body and mind. This was a feeling that could only be experienced after breaking through the five realms of cultivation. He realized it in advance. This is a kind of silent guidance. Only when you can experience some realms do you know what to do.

These three days of Hua Zhenxing are not just about sitting still. Although his soul is strong, it is impossible to always activate the Fu Feng Pan to transform the form and spirit into the heaven and earth enveloped by the entire formation. He basically maintained a normal schedule, cooking for Old Man Yang every day. Manman consciously helped, and the two of them also helped with farming.

There are more than 20 irregular vegetable plots scattered in the small courtyard, which add up to less than three acres. It is actually easy to handle with Old Man Yang's magical powers. But the old man didn't. Instead, he asked Hua Zhenxing and Manman to help plant them one by one. This was also fun, and of course they were all planted in three days.

Even if Hua Zhenxing and Manman don't use magical powers, they are very agile with their hands and feet. Manman also helped Old Man Yang build four armchairs and two coffee tables, which were placed on both sides of the main room for entertaining guests in the future.

Hua Zhenxing has been practicing fasting without eating anything except drinking clear spring water. He extracts the essence of vitality from heaven and earth every day to nourish his body and soul. This is the fundamental secret of Yangyuan Technique. He looked a little confused, always distracted, and seemed to be blind to everything, but he didn't hit the door while walking.

In the early morning three days later, Hua Zhenxing felt that he was clean physically and mentally, and once again walked onto the causeway and came to the couplet. This time he did not enter the stone pavilion, but sat down under the big willow tree. Sound and color are integrated into one body, and Wan Lai enters the form and spirit, and then enters a mysterious and mysterious state.

He sat here for three days and three nights, and he didn't move at all. Three days later, in the morning, the rising sun shone slantingly from the east, but drizzle began to fall in the sky.

The willow tree that has not yet sprouted new leaves could not stop the rain from falling, but the rain passed around Hua Zhenxing's figure and did not wet his clothes at all. But at some point, the situation suddenly changed. Raindrops fell on his hair and body, and he seemed to have merged into the misty rain.

At this moment, the world turned into the inner scene of Hua Zhenxing's soul. The scope of the inner scene of Yuanshen is the hundreds of square kilometers covered by the Yangyuan Valley Formation. This time Hua Zhenxing did not use the Fufeng Pan, let alone the great formation in Yangyuan Valley. He had not done that in the past three days.

At this moment, he had an epiphany, and he himself had reached such a state.

I'll take a day off tomorrow and continue updating the day after tomorrow.

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