Enjoy the world

Chapter 243 A very brief article

A week later, the Afriso Port Education Work Conference was held. The meeting was chaired by Shen Sixu, Hua Zhenxing and Manman were also present, as was Xu Juan, the newly appointed deputy director of the Education Bureau of Fiso Port. This meeting was very grand and important, even Mayor Locke attended.

Locke had just taken off his hat as acting mayor and was officially appointed as the new mayor by the People's Committee of Port Feso. But most people here know that it is Ke Mengchao who can really make the final decision.

Ke Mengchao also returned to Fesuo Port on this day. The deep mountains and valleys that seemed far away were just like a walk to him. He could show up at any time when he wanted to come back.

The core issue discussed at the meeting was how to open a public school in Fiso Port? Currently, only primary schools are considered, and mainly only the first grade of primary school.

Shen Sishu first submitted a research report, which covered the current education situation in Afroport and the quality characteristics of most local people. Today's meeting is not to discuss this report, but to directly quote the conclusions of this report.

This report was written by the working group present. The content was clear to everyone, but it was new to Xu Juan.

In line with the principle of considering difficulties as much as possible, the current education situation in Aisoport basically treats most people as illiterate, but illiteracy also has its characteristics.

The local dialect does not have a written language, and the African Education Commission has no intention of creating a written language for the local language, and the dialect itself does not contain many modern words.

Because of the legacy of the colonial period, the official languages ​​of Kilili Country are English and Spanish, but the indigenous residents of Fiso Port basically only know dialect.

In recent years, the public education in Fiso Port has been basically based on English, but the level is poor. Charles is already a rare good student. Many people cannot understand English at all and only master some simple conversations, such as "Give me the money" and the like.

Because of this, it is completely feasible to implement public education based on Eastern Mandarin, because for the locals, they are learning a new language anyway.

The survey results show that it is easier for locals to learn Dongguan than people from Mizhou and Luobazhou because there are no written and language barriers.

Mizhou and Lobazhou countries use almost all alphabetic characters, while Dongguo uses symbolic characters. Therefore, there are certain obstacles when they re-learn Dongguo characters. The language functional area in the brain has been formed, and they need to re-train another a way of thinking.

However, the indigenous residents of Fisoport do not have such obstacles, so they learn the Eastern language much faster.

Primary school education starts with language education. It is best to set up a preparatory course before primary school, or a public kindergarten, to allow those children to master simple Dongguan conversations in one to two years.

But it is obviously too late now, so we can only focus on the key point first, which is to spread primary school education to the first grade in the city. All children aged six years or older but less than fifteen years old can enroll in school.

Why is the age range so large? Because everyone is at this level! You can imagine that there will be six-year-old and fourteen-year-old children in the classroom together. This will have many derivative problems to be solved, and every detail must be considered in advance.

There were originally ten public schools and one private school in Fiso Port. Now they have all been converted to public schools and expanded. One new school has been built, which means there are 12 schools. Most classrooms have been temporarily converted into first-grade classrooms, and each school retains a small number of classes for other grades to provide education for children who have reached the corresponding level.

First of all, we must prevent campus bullying. The original public school in Fiso Port was simply a preparation camp for gangs. Gangs and fights occurred almost every day. Many children even learned to smoke leaves in school.

This phenomenon must be eliminated, especially when the age of students in each class is very different. When arranging seats, follow the principle of rows from front to back according to age.

The school is temporarily under semi-military control. In addition to the teachers, two patrol members are assigned to sit in the back of each classroom during class to punish anyone who dares to cause trouble. The "Teaching Management Punishment System" has been formulated and passed unanimously at this meeting.

As a digression, the New Alliance People's Liberation Army was developed on the basis of the original Klin District Patrol Team. After the establishment of the New Alliance Army, the establishment of the local patrol team was still retained, which is somewhat similar to the Eastern Armed Police Force, but there are also differences. .

The next focus is to solve the problems of teaching content and teaching staff. Judging from the current conditions, this problem is almost unsolvable.

Public education in Fiso Port cannot all be run in the same way as the overseas branch of Huiying School. The cost would be too high. Moreover, the overseas branch of Huiying School pays all the expenses for Huanxiang Industrial. Now these twelve schools are run by Funding is provided by the Municipality of Porto Fiso.

Could it be that if these people sit together in a meeting, something can be done? It’s really solved!

Teaching content is not a problem. Not only now, but also in the future, from primary school, middle school to university, there will be no shortage of teaching content in various subjects, majors, and categories. What is lacking is only teachers and students of the right age.

There is a very special background here. Since the beginning of last year, an epidemic has spread around the world. In some countries, such as East China, the whole country has even started online classes, and a large number of educational resources have been released online.

The Fiso Port Municipal Government has established a special department, mainly in Dongguo, to collect these online coursewares. There are various coursewares from various schools, teachers, including various university majors and schools, and a huge database has been established. .

These resources are an enviable and unimaginably vast accumulation of civilization. If only a small group of people like Fesogang were given a hundred years, they would not be able to create them. But now, due to the special historical background, in a short time All collected.

The next key task is to screen and filter out the most concise and essential parts, which are suitable for education in Africa, and gradually form a complete system in the teaching process.

This system will become more convenient to refer to later on. It is precisely in the initial stage that the most factors need to be considered, and it is unlikely to be copied as it is.

For example, if a comprehensive university is established in Port Aiso in the future, we can also refer to the Huiying model and find a university in Dongguk to cooperate in opening an overseas branch.

But right now, in the first grade of elementary school, although there are ready-made lesson plans for reference, it is basically like drawing on a white paper. Similar meetings have been held more than once, and today a decision was to be made.

According to the initial discussion plan, primary school education mainly includes four main courses: Chinese, mathematics, ideological and moral character, and natural knowledge, plus three supplementary courses: music, art, and physical education.

Later, it was Ke Mengchao who made the final decision to incorporate ideology, morality and natural knowledge into Chinese classes, and the main subjects became Chinese and mathematics.

This kind of merging is actually not difficult. What the teaching and research department has to do is to make it as natural as possible. The content of ideological education and natural common sense should be regarded as texts in Chinese education, so that children can learn both language and characters. these contents.

In the first semester of the first grade, no other classes are arranged, only Chinese, and the teaching content starts with Charles's ten speeches. This is taking into account the local characteristics of Fiso Port.

Each of Charles's ten speeches is not long. The drafts written by Shen Sishu use commonly used Dongguo characters. They are played repeatedly in the citizen square every night in local dialect and Dongguo. They are familiar to the locals, especially the children. I can memorize it.

"I am Charles", "Opportunity is Hope", "Our Forest", "Can't Be Ignorant", "Labor Creates the World", "Build a Beautiful Home Together", "Who Are Our Friends", "Unity" Is the Power", "Every New Day", "Master of Destiny".

Starting from "I am Ciel", we first memorize the text and then teach it word by word. In fact, we don't know exactly how long it will take to learn it. We need to summarize the future teaching progress arrangements based on the actual situation.

The minimum requirement is that this text can be taught in the first semester; the best expectation is that all ten texts can be taught in the first grade of primary school. After completing the first semester of teaching, the situation of each school should be summarized to determine the formal teaching progress in the future.

Although the current core is how to manage the first grade of primary school, the teaching plan cannot only consider the first grade. After these ten texts are completed, the subsequent texts are actually ready.

Written by the textbook drafting team led by Shen Sishu, it was actually handed over to Hua Zhenxing for review. In the end, of course, Ke Mengchao made the final decision. Twelve articles have been finalized so far.

"What is law", "From natural law to statutory law", "What kind of law do we need", "The meaning of law", "Principles pursued by the judicial system", "The goal of social fairness", "Law and Morality", "The Source of Morality", "Public Order and Social Etiquette", "Integrity of Heart", "Cultivating Good Values", "Bad Habits".

At first glance, this seems to be the content of law, philosophy and sociology. Those who don’t know the situation would think this is a basic course for undergraduates in some university! In fact, they are primary school texts, which only cover the simplest concepts. Each article is only about a hundred words long, and they are very short articles.

If you have finished studying these articles, the subsequent texts will introduce the new alliance and introduce some natural knowledge. These are the contents of Chinese education. Primary schools follow a five-year system, and the teaching materials and teaching progress of each grade must be summarized based on practice.

Mathematics, that is, simple arithmetic, will be taught from the second semester of the first grade of primary school, and supplementary courses will be appropriately arranged from the second grade.

Most of the people present here have a background in education in the East, so the discussion at the meeting often compared it with basic education in the East. Many people are not educators, so everyone asked Xu Juan, what aspects of Dongguo's basic education are worthy of recognition, and which aspects have been criticized the most?

The meeting lasted all day and entered the free speaking period in the afternoon, with the most relaxed atmosphere. Xu Juan didn't say anything else. She just talked about the various complaints about the school from all walks of life and parents. Someone made special records to study how not to make the same mistakes again.

The situation in Fiso Port is different from that in Dongguo. School is not only a place to learn knowledge, but also a place to help parents take care of their children. There are five classes in the morning, the first class is morning reading, and the next four classes are main classes; there are four classes in the afternoon, the first two classes are main classes, and the last two classes can be arranged for supplementary classes, games or self-study.

In short, school should be dismissed after parents get off work, and homework should be completed at school as much as possible. This is an arrangement that is in line with the characteristics of Fisoport.

Those under the age of 15 are studying in the first grade. This group of students is very special in history and is called the new batch. Many years later, many people still proudly claim - I am the new generation!

So what about people over the age of fifteen? The New Alliance has already experienced this - conducting night classes!

Referring to the model of the national literacy class in Dongguo back then, night school tutoring was conducted in accordance with the principle of individual voluntariness and arrangement by the unit. Night schools only teach Chinese and arithmetic. In principle, the study period is one year, and outstanding students can study for another year in advanced classes.

Advanced classes will learn more than a thousand commonly used Dongguo characters, as well as equations and geometry. If you still perform well in advanced classes, you may be recommended to study at a technical training school in the future. Of course, the technical training school is still under preparation.

It is now early March, and the new first-grade primary school is scheduled to start in early September, with half a year of preparation time left. Once the educational content and teaching plan are in place, in the next six months, in addition to expanding the school building, the most important task is to train teachers.

In the short term, there is no need for the overall level of the teaching staff to be high, as long as they can master the educational content of the first grade of primary school by the time the school starts. In the following period, the teaching team must also continue to learn and always be one step ahead of the students.

After the meeting, all matters were settled, and Hua Zhenxing breathed a sigh of relief, but Manman asked in a low voice: "Xiaohua, do I also want to go to school?"

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