Enjoy the world

Chapter 241 History repeats itself again

After all, Hua Zhenxing is also a Four Realm monk. When he was controlling the weapon, he didn't need to say it to the three old men. He also felt it. After those words just now, he seemed to have become the master of the magical weapon, instead of just receiving the inheritance of the divine soul brand. people.

For people, only those who give life, nourishment, and success can be given names. Most people are named by their parents, either their biological parents or their adoptive parents. This is the relationship between giving birth and raising children. For example, the name Hua Zhenxing was given by Old Man Yang.

Many parents also ask others to help name their children, such as asking a fortune teller to give them a "good" name. This does not mean that fortune tellers are qualified to name other people's children. This is still a matter of parents exercising their rights and just seeking consultation.

In another situation, for example, the monk's dharma title and the artist's stage name are usually given by the master. The master has to teach him how to enter a certain profession or a certain discipline. This is the one who bestows success.

Some people will change their names when they become adults, or give them pen names and online names. These are also the ones who give success, because everyone's achievements both depend on themselves and belong to themselves.

The name of a person is like this, and the name of an artifact is similar but slightly different. Only the owner of the artifact can name it. Hua Zhenxing once confusedly named the Shenyin Gun. At that time, he didn't quite understand the meaning. Now he changed the name of Dingfeng Pan to Fufeng Pan to fully understand it.

At this time, Old Man Yang seemed to remember something again and used his spiritual mind to transmit the message. It was not long, and the three brothers, who had changed their clothes and wore blue armbands, took a small path along the long embankment to the pavilion. Xiao Guang asked: "Senior, you urgently called me to wait. What are your orders?"

While they were busy, Old Man Yang's voice suddenly sounded in his soul, asking them to come over quickly. Old Man Yang was able to move them directly to the bridge before. Now the plate in the center of the array has been changed. Perhaps it was also to avoid shocking the world and let them come on their own anyway.

Old Man Yang said with a serious face: "We just forgot one thing. The sect of Dingfengtan is no longer here, and the three of you are not called by your original names. Now that Dingfeng Pan has been renamed Fufeng Pan, the magic in your hands Qi Feng Zhan, it’s time to change its name.”

Xiao Guang was a little dumbfounded, but still asked cooperatively: "What name should I change?"

Yang Tehong: "Xiaohua!"

Schoolmaster Lin, who was in a daze, said in surprise: "Xiaohua?" It was so strange that the name of a magic weapon could be Xiaohua, and the two brothers next to him glared at him.

Yang Tehong almost stopped tensing up, but she still tried her best to keep a straight face and said: "Xiaohua, what do you think?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Let's call it Chun Yuzhi. Let's change the plaque in front of this villa. Don't hang it anymore and replace it with Fufeng Garden."

Spring rain branches? This name sounds a bit perfunctory, but the three brothers don't have any objections. There is not much emphasis on naming ordinary magic weapons, so it is decided.

Hua Zhenxing handed the plate in his hand to Mo Shangtong and said, "Uncle Mo, it's okay. Please take the Fufeng plate."

Yang Tehong: "Let's go home and have dinner."

Xiao Guang: "Where do you want to eat? What do you want to eat? The working group has arrived in Sanhu Town. Do you think we will arrange a working meal at the manor or at the Sanhu Restaurant?"

Yang Tehong: "Of course I'm going back to Fesuo Port for dinner...Old Mo, show your child your skills!"

It seemed a bit far to go back to Fesuo Port. It would take six or seven hours to go racing. The three brothers and Hua Zhenxing were very puzzled. Mo Shangtong threw the plate in his hand like a flying saucer, but the plate did not fall to the ground and spread into a square of one foot against the outside of the causeway.

Old Yang took the lead and walked forward with square steps, his hands behind his back. Mo Shangtong and Ke Mengchao led Hua Zhenxing into the plate as well. The plate feels very stable, no different from being grounded.

In the shocked eyes of the three brothers, the Fufeng Pan flew into the sky and disappeared in an instant. It has been twenty-two years since they got the wind-fixing plate, but they have never used it like this!

Hua Zhenxing has flown on a plane, including Locke's private plane, but few people in the world have flown in such an open aircraft. The Fengfeng Pan flew fast and steadily. You could hear the wind in the sky, but you couldn't feel any wind pressure.

Standing on the fixed wind disk, you feel as if you are in an independent barrier, isolated from the strong winds of the outside world, and you cannot feel the thin air and biting cold at high altitudes, but your sight is not blocked and you can have an unobstructed view of the surrounding scenery.

The sun has just set, and only a dazzling light from the top of the arc is exposed on the outline of the mountains to the west, illuminating the red clouds in the sky. Looking down, he could see the wilderness below. Hua Zhenxing's eyesight was very good, and he could vaguely distinguish various groups of animals.

Hua Zhenxing has long been familiar with the feeling of looking down from a high altitude, because he can extend his senses through the bamboo magpies, but today he stood on a big plate and flew up by himself, which was something he had never dreamed of before.

"How many people can fly on this support pan?"

"You can put the entire Poseidon clan in it! As long as you have such great magical power."

"With this thing, there's no need for a helicopter!"

"You kid, do you want to tire your Uncle Mo to death? You can buy a helicopter for money, where can you, Uncle Mo, buy it?"

"Xiao Ke, what are you talking about? Where can I buy them? Speaking of helicopters, we really need to get two helicopters. They will be used by the New Alliance Army or local patrols on weekdays. If necessary, they will be transferred to the Yangyuan Division headquarters. ."

The three old men want to build the Yangyuan Master's headquarters in a deep valley. Even if they have such a good thing as the Fufeng Pan, they can't use it as a cargo driver. Besides, they can't always use Uncle Mo as a cargo driver.

Lala Huo was just joking. The Fufeng Pan is the centerpiece of building the Cave Heaven Paradise, so it cannot be easily used. Although local materials can be used to build the Yangyuan Shu training and further training center, which is the global Yangyuan master headquarters, after all, there are still many materials that need to be transported in from outside.

It is isolated from the outside world, there are no roads at all, and it is impossible to build the road in a short time. Helicopters are also a means of transportation for people to travel.

The Fengfeng Disc flew very fast, and Uncle Mo also turned a corner and lowered his altitude in the valley.

The climate here is different from the wilderness outside the mountains. There is often drizzle, there are fish in the lakes, birds in the woods, and there are communities of animals in the mountains and fields - this is something Hua Zhenxing did not find last time, and it was impossible last time. I have this kind of vision today.

Hua Zhenxing also saw the place where he last encountered Frick. The traces left by Frick's near-death blow were still there. The vegetation was destroyed by the roots, and a deep ditch was plowed on the ground. Now there are new vegetation in the ditch. .

Fufeng Pan flew forward, crossing the waterside hill where Hua Zhenxing camped last time. The traces of the earthen stove he built were still there. The three old people didn't say they would have a picnic here tonight. They just inspected the terrain of the mountains and rivers. The Fufeng Disk then flew up and over the mountains, heading west along the agricultural reclamation area, and finally turned a small corner and returned. Arrive at Fiso Port.

The artifact was hovering in the backyard of the grocery store, and the people around it didn't notice it. They fell directly into the courtyard. While Hua Zhenxing was still reminiscing about this incredible and wonderful journey, Yang Tehong had already greeted him: "Go and cook! Don't forget to buy a helicopter later."

The purchase of a helicopter has been put on the agenda, and Huazhenxing has consulted a lot of relevant information. However, for such a highly professional issue, it is best to let Li Jingzhi and Van Dyke make the decision.

Hua Zhenxing's plan is to purchase a helicopter in the name of the Chunrong Dan Center and the Yangyuan Shu Center respectively, for both military and civilian use, and place them with the New Alliance Army on weekdays. The New Alliance Army will also be responsible for maintenance. However, the two centers have cost.

When necessary, both Chun Rong Dan Center and Yang Yuan Shu Center can be recruited, and the New Alliance Army will provide maintenance personnel... The connection procedures in this area are easy to handle, it just depends on what kind of helicopter you buy.

Of course, the model is to choose a general-purpose helicopter. It does not need fixed airborne weapons, but it can be equipped with weapon racks or pods, which can be installed when necessary. When performing ordinary patrol tasks, it can also have a machine gun position on each side of the door. .

In this way, the new alliance can be regarded as having an air force. In fact, strictly speaking, it is still an army aviation force.

As far as Hua Zhenxing knows, the Kilian government actually also has an air force. It is said to have five aircraft, two fighter jets, and three multi-purpose aircraft converted from imported trainer aircraft.

However, based on the level of ground maintenance and combat training provided by the Kilian government, how many aircraft can fly and how much combat capability they will have after flying is a very illusive answer.

Li Jingzhi is still in Banda City, and he means to ask Hua Zhenxing to discuss with Da Kezi. In fact, the first thing to decide is not what kind of aircraft to buy, but which country’s helicopter to buy? The answer, of course, is to order from Dongguo.

General-purpose helicopters are large-scale weapons and equipment, and at this stage, they should be the most expensive and most advanced equipment owned by the New Alliance Army.

The procurement of weapons and equipment must not only consider combat effectiveness, reliability, applicability, and cost-effectiveness, but also political factors.

Which system of equipment to purchase is equivalent to choosing which system to embrace. Ordinary light weapons don't matter, but modern advanced equipment must rely on the support of the system behind it.

Order a batch of rifles. No matter where you buy them, they will always fire. If they break, you can find a way to repair them yourself. If the repair fails, you can also disassemble the parts of other guns and exchange them.

However, the technical content of modern advanced equipment is getting higher and higher, and almost every subsystem cannot be fully understood by small countries, let alone cracked and mastered.

For example, a small country purchased advanced equipment from the United States. It will continue to rely on the United States for logistics, system maintenance, weapons provision, information and data link support. It spends much more money than purchasing the equipment itself, and even needs to use these weapons. Recognized by the United States.

Not to mention the direct conflict with the United States and its allies. Even if such a conflict does not occur, the other party believes that your military actions are not in line with their interests or wishes, and may even prevent your missiles from firing and your aircraft from flying. !

Therefore, for big countries, important equipment, especially modern high-precision equipment, must be independently developed and controlled. Even if it is obtained through outsourcing, it must be guaranteed to have no hidden dangers and a thorough understanding of its technology, especially the core control system must be To master.

It is obviously impossible for the New Alliance to have this capability. The construction of the Fiso Port has already reached a stable cooperative relationship with the East Country. The standard weapons of the New Alliance Army are also purchased from the East Country. This is a political choice.

In fact, Dongguo's helicopter technology has never been considered advanced. It was not until recent years that it made a breakthrough and mastered the complete system. This is already very difficult.

What Van Dyke recommended was Dongguo's latest development of the Dongzhi-20 general-purpose helicopter, which can be appropriately modified according to the needs of the new alliance army. Delete some unnecessary equipment to reduce costs, appropriately modify the cabin layout, improve transportation capabilities to perform multi-purpose tasks, and add combat capabilities through pods and pylons when necessary.

After the new alliance captured Banda City, another important gain was that it had the autonomy to purchase equipment. Arms smuggling alone cannot arm a modern army, and no matter how large-scale a gang is, it is still a gang.

The New Alliance Army is equipped with Dongguo's standard weapons, which were previously purchased through Colonel Konu's relationship in the name of guarding the front. There is no longer a defensive line, but interestingly, history seems to be repeating itself.

When the New Alliance Army captured Fiso Port, Major General Farah, who was guarding the front, did not take it seriously. He believed that this was just the rise of a large local gang that integrated all the gang forces in Feso Port, just like the Sanhu Gang integrated the entire West Water District.

Now that the new alliance has taken over Banda City, the government of Kilili Country is also doing nothing. They saw it as nothing more than a power struggle within the Guard Front that resulted in the failure of the original leadership.

As for the name Defending Front, it is no longer called the New Alliance, it doesn’t matter! In the history of Jili Kingdom, similar things have happened countless times, and no one would find it strange.

Fiso Port and Banda City were originally the territory of the Guarding Front, and they are still the territory of the Guarding Front, but the Guarding Front has changed its leader and name. This is the attitude of the Gilguan government and their collective understanding of this matter.

Major General Farah's whereabouts are now unknown. In fact, he is being interrogated and investigated by the New Alliance, but the outside world has long thought that this person has disappeared.

The new alliance's control of Banda City did not cause obvious damage. Instead, it brought a more stable order in a powerful way. What is even more interesting is that the latest appointment of the Gilguan government has actually been made.

Xia Ziyu was appointed as major general, commanding the local army in Banda City, and Ren Guangzhi was appointed as colonel, commanding the local army in Fiso Port. This is the official title awarded by the official of the Kingdom of Kilili.

As for the original Colonel Konu, he has retired and the new alliance has arranged a new job for him.

Xia Ziyu was born as a local aboriginal, and his Dongguo name came from later. He is a key member of the original grass shoe upper and a deputy that Li Jingzhi has been cultivating. Li Jingzhi's name did not appear on the list of officer corps reported by the New Alliance to the government of Kilili Kingdom, but Xia Ziyu was listed as the chief military officer.

Xia Ziyu became the major general of Jili Kingdom, but it was just in name, and Jili Kingdom had no control over this place.

The New Alliance Army is not a warlord force.

Ren Guangzhi, like Xia Changqing and Gu Shuimen, has been Charles's partner since childhood and his most important confidant. He has experienced the changes of the times with Charles and has not been eliminated by the tide of the times.

Regardless of the fact that the title awarded by Kilili Country has no practical significance, according to the almost absurd current situation of Kilili Country, its local troops also have a power granted by the government, that is, they can independently purchase equipment, provided that they find ways to finance it themselves.

We can't rush the helicopter matter. Even if the plan is finalized, it will take time to get the equipment. Banda City has just been liberated, and there is still a transition period of several months for the follow-up work. While establishing a new order, we must also focus on spring plowing and production.

For many people in Huazhenxing and Fiso Port, this period of time is like a new year.

The tenth day of the lunar month is auspicious and perfect!

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