Enjoy the world

Chapter 233 A pool of spring water

In fact, the great changes in Dingfengtan that year still left many unsolved questions, such as whether the legendary mountain-preserving beast Mo Qilin existed? Mo Qilin has never been seen by outsiders, and among the contemporary disciples of Dingfengtan, no one except the leader Lu Mubai has seen him.

The reason for this doubt is that the leader of the Kunlun Alliance, Mei, was alarmed at the time and went to the damaged sect dojo in Dingfengtan to investigate.

As far as Leader Mei knows, even if an auspicious beast like Mo Qilin dies, it will leave behind its relics, or it can be called another name. In short, it is a very special thing, but it was not found in the ruins.

As the leader of Mei Alliance, he would never talk casually. If Mo Qilin really existed, then it is very likely that the relics of the auspicious beast would be left behind after his death.

Therefore, in reality, either Mo Qilin is just a legend, or the relics of the auspicious beast were taken away along with the sect's three scriptures and the Dingfeng Pan, and it is impossible to verify the matter.

The so-called Three Classics of the Sect are the most important classics and documents in the formal inheritance of a sect, including the Genealogy of Disciples of Past Dynasties, the Golden Book of the Sect, and the Genealogy of Handled Artifacts. 》

Only the elders in the sect are qualified to read the three canons of the sect. If ordinary disciples want to know the contents, they also need to be relayed or taught by their elders. They are things within the sect. Even though the contents recorded in them have long been known to the world, the classics themselves are not available for outsiders to view.

The "Genealogy of Heirloomed Artifacts" records various inherited instruments and important items in the sect.

Every magic weapon belonging to the sect will have its origin recorded. If the sect made it by itself, the method and process of refining it, as well as the year and month when it was made will be recorded; if it was obtained by chance, the process must also be explained, such as a gift from a fellow disciple, a donation from a disciple, etc.

Each magic weapon will be described in as much detail as possible, including its characteristics, handling methods, and magical functions. If the magic weapon has a special origin, one or more pieces of history worth highlighting will be added.

Sect inheritance artifacts may also be lost or lost, such as being given to outsiders or accidentally damaged. The specific circumstances and the year of occurrence must also be noted.

It will also record other information related to the artifacts, such as the physical properties, origin, collection and refining methods of various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, etc., and mark the history related to the sect.

Such a manual of artifacts is also a treasure. After studying it, disciples of later generations can understand the refining characteristics of various magic weapons and the wonders of royal weapons through the ages. Even if many magic weapons are no longer handed down to the world, they can still learn from the manual of artifacts. Something gained.

"Genealogy of Disciples of All Generations" is a record of the genealogy of cultivation inheritance and a history of sect inheritance.

It records the origin of each disciple and the origin of joining the sect, when he was named, when he entered the sect, when he achieved great success, when he sat down or ascended.

There are large spaces between these records for additional notes. For example, if a disciple has any deeds worthy of additional recording, they will be written in small characters at the back.

Some heirs may eventually be missing, so it is necessary to record when and where the person last left news. Some descendants may be punished and expelled from the house, and the reason and process of the incident must be noted.

The "Golden Book of the Sect" is the most important of the three canons of the sect, and it sets the rules for the sect.

The writing on it is branded with magic power and cannot be damaged by ordinary people. If one of the pages is forcibly torn off with magic power, all the contents will be destroyed. It is even more impossible to add, delete or tamper with it, as doing so would destroy the entire golden book.

The golden book first records the creation process and rules of the sect, and usually includes annotations with thoughts about the gods, how the sect came into being, why there are such rules, and then various rituals. rail.

Unlike the artifact genealogy and family genealogy, which need to be continued and supplemented at any time, once the gold book is established, it cannot be changed at will, not even deleted. If you want to change the contents of the golden book, not only does the sect need to make a decision, but the golden book also needs to be melted and rebuilt.

Precisely because the whereabouts of the three sects of the sect are unknown, it is no longer possible to fully investigate how the Dingfengtan sect was established, what its secrets were, what it has now, and who its disciples are.

Although Dingfengtan has declined in modern times, after all, it has been passed down for thousands of years, and there should still be a lot of good things. Whether something was taken away by someone during the accident has become a confusing account that cannot be verified. Someone took away the three canons of the sect, presumably for this purpose.

Xiao Guang and other three brothers built Sanhu Town on the outskirts of Banda City, but there was such a tortuous foreplay! How does the "system" know this? There is no explanation for this, anyway, this is what it told Hua Zhenxing.

However, the "system" is not omniscient. Many details in this message are not clearly stated, let alone omnipotent, because the task still needs to be completed by Hua Zhenxing.

Seeing Hua Zhenxing's dazed reaction, Xiao Guang thought he had been suppressed by himself, and said with a smile: "I should be much older than fellow Taoist, so I'll call you Brother Hua. Brother Hua, why are you and me so different?" This? We three brothers can also become four brothers in the future. Wouldn’t it be good to cooperate with Xifu to maintain health? "

Hua Zhenxing came to his senses, stood up and said, "Boy, it's not convenient to do anything here. I'm afraid that too much movement may hurt innocent people. Can you change the place?"

Colonel Lin finally couldn't hold back his anger and said angrily: "You are seeking death on your own, there is no need to change places!"

Xiao Guang waved his hand and said: "Third brother, we don't have to take his life, we just need to teach him a lesson and make him swear an oath!"

Until now, one of the two brothers is a good person and the other is a bad person, but it is not them who take the lead, but Sima Zhi, the second among the three brothers.

The three brothers' manor has a large water feature in the backyard. This water surface is actually a bay, but it is separated from the lake outside by a zigzag long embankment. The long embankment is equivalent to the backyard wall.

There is a stone arch bridge in the middle of the causeway, and there is a pavilion in the center of the bridge. There was also a banquet table in the pavilion, and Sima Zhi was sitting at the table drinking with a cup in hand.

What he is sitting on is not a chair but a stool, which has both a "backrest" and "armrests". Two young women, one on the left and one on the right, were lying next to his legs. There was another young woman standing behind him. He raised his head and leaned against the soft ditch.

Looking to the left and right sides, there are two beauties sitting on the chairs. One is responsible for pouring wine at any time, and the other is responsible for helping him pick up the food. These five people were not the only ones serving him. While Sima Zhi was eating the delicacies that were brought to his mouth, he was still looking out of the pavilion.

There are seven women dancing outside the pavilion. Have you ever seen ballet wearing a grass skirt? This is almost the scene.

Each of them only wore two grass skirts. They were real grass skirts. They seemed to have been refined with magic power. They were slender and soft. The top grass skirt was shorter and the bottom grass skirt was longer.

These twelve women are not purely local aborigines. They are of Dongzhou descent, Luoba descent, and different mixed ethnic groups. They have different styles and are very eye-catching. They have been kept in the manor by Sima Zhi in recent years and are known as the "Twelve Beauties of Three Lakes".

In fact, Sima Zhi didn't play like this every day. The reason why he set up such a table today was somewhat intentional. This was the time when he should be letting loose and ecstasy, but Sima Zhi was a little absent-minded because he was controlling the center of the formation with his spiritual consciousness and paying attention to what was going on in the private room of the restaurant.

The so-called array hub is the wind-fixing disk. In the magic circle set up in Shanhu Town, he can detect various movements with the help of the wind-fixing disk. Sima Zhi didn't think that his eldest brother and his third brother would be unable to resolve the matter. He thought that there was no need for him to take action today, but the negotiations in the private room actually collapsed in the end.

Sima Zhi put down his wine glass and was about to activate the magic circle, but his soul suddenly fell into a trance. Not only his soul was affected, but even his five ordinary senses were momentarily lost. After recovering, he found that he and the table had been moved to the pavilion. outside……

Xiao Guang meant to let Sima Zhi take action first, run the wind-fixing disk to activate the magic circle, and directly immobilize Hua Zhenxing.

As long as Sima Zhi operates the wind-fixing disk within the magic circle they have set up, he can at least instantly stun Hua Zhenxing's soul and five senses. Not only his body, but also his spirit, energy and magic can be immobilized for a moment.

Although the magical function of the fixed wind plate cannot be fully activated, it is enough to deal with Hua Zhenxing. The movement will not spread outside the private room, and it will not even damage things in the room.

After speaking, Xiao Guang raised his hand, and water flowed out of his sleeve, covering his entire palm, and turned into spray, like many transparent ropes.

This is his magic weapon, called "A Pool of Spring Water", it's such a sultry name! Among all the magic weapons of the original Ding Feng Tan sect, it also ranks among the top three.

This object usually looks like a ball of fist-sized water droplets. It can be gathered together and change its shape at will. When Xiao Guang carried it with him, he turned it into a transparent film covering his right forearm, making it very concealed.

A pool of spring water is not a magical weapon, but it can be regarded as a top-notch magic weapon. It also has a very special and magical function, which is emergency healing.

Under the control of magic power and spiritual consciousness, it can quickly remove foreign objects such as bullets, connect broken bones, close wounds, stop bleeding, and promote recovery from injuries. It can even stay partially or completely in the body and can be easily removed afterwards without hindering body movement, making it easier to use than any hemostatic bandage or surgical suture.

Such a magic weapon is rare. When it comes to treating surgical injuries, especially in emergency situations, it is even better than Manman's Youshui Incense.

Of course, a pool of spring water can also be used to attack. If Hua Zhenxing is immobilized by the magic circle, he will be tied up by the invisible rope turned into a pool of spring water. Even his divine energy and magic will be banned. At that time, Xiao Guang will have no choice but to use his power to attack. Disposed of.

But as soon as Xiao Guang's magic weapon poured out of his sleeves, he felt that his soul was in chaos and his five senses were lost. Even his energy and magic were instantly locked. At this moment, the thought in Xiao Guang's mind was whether his second brother, Sima Zhi, had made a mistake. Why did he become the target of the attack?

A pool of spring water retracted into her sleeve, and then there was a blur in front of her eyes. Xiao Guang found that she was still standing at the table. Schoolmaster Lin and Hua Zhenxing were also still there. Even their postures had not changed, but the private room was gone!

The people and banquets remain the same, how can the private room disappear? It turned out that they had changed places and appeared on a stone arch bridge.

Not to mention Xiao Guang and Principal Lang were confused, Hua Zhenxing was also confused! How come in the blink of an eye, I saw three old men changing places to drink, and even moved my table over? There were seven more women wearing only grass skirts and straw curtains next to them!

There is also a banquet table in the pavilion in the center of the bridge. The tables and chairs are clearly from the lobby of Sanhu Restaurant. The food on the table was ordered by Old Man Yang earlier, and the wine was brought by Old Man Yang himself.

The three old men looked calm, but there was a big black man at the table who was obviously frightened. He was rolling his eyes and gasping for air with his mouth open. Ciel's expression seemed to be asking - who am I, where am I, what's wrong with the world?

There are currently three banquet tables on the stone arch bridge. The table for the three old men is in the pavilion. The table originally occupied by Sima Zhi in the pavilion was inexplicably moved to the north side outside the pavilion. The table for Hua Zhenxing and the others appeared on the south side outside the pavilion. side.

The first person to react was Hua Zhenxing. He had realized what had happened. Although he didn't know how the three old men did it, one of them must have operated the fixed wind plate.

An old man actually activated the magical function of the fixed wind plate to move instantly in the magic circle, moved their own banquet table to the pavilion, moved Sima Zhen's banquet table out, and moved Hua Zhenxing's banquet table out. Moved over, it’s quite lively!

What's even more mysterious is that a space suddenly became vacant in the noisy lobby on the first floor of Sanhu Restaurant. Three elderly people, including Charles, disappeared along with their tables and chairs, and no one noticed. From the perspective of the people nearby, it seemed that there was nothing there, just an inexplicably empty space.

Xiao Guang and the other three brothers immediately realized that they had met an expert today, and the other person's cultivation level even exceeded their imagination. This person interfered with Sima Zhi from a distance, and then took over from Sima Zhi to control the wind-fixing plate and rotate the magic circle, causing a big banquet move.

It has been twenty-two years since the three brothers obtained the Wind-fixing Pan, and it has also been twenty years since they built this magic circle. It is possible to move some objects through the air, but it is also impossible to teleport anything in the magic circle. When I wanted to deal with Hua Zhenxing just now, I could only freeze his spirit instantly.

But at this moment, someone moved three banquet tables, and they teleported with everyone and everything. Even Lu Mubai, the head of Dingfengtan back then, couldn't do this in the sect's dojo!

The three brothers are not stupid. They know that the Wind-fixing Disk is very useful in the magic circle, so they can also react. Since such an expert controls the Wind-fixing Disk and also controls the magic circle, life and death can depend on the opponent's thoughts. No one dared to move.

Xiao Guang was the boss after all. He turned pale and took a deep breath. He took two steps towards the pavilion and bowed: "I wonder which master is here? If my three brothers have offended anything, I hope that the master will forgive him." .If you are sent, you must obey!"

Ciel in the pavilion hadn't recovered yet and didn't react at all. The three old men didn't seem to hear and didn't even look outside the pavilion. Mo Shangtong frowned at Yang Tehong and said, "Why don't you move these girls away?"

The results of the Spring Festival Couplets event have been announced in the book review area. For details, please view the easter egg at the end of this chapter!

Original couplet——

First couplet: The east wind in front of the living room nourishes the purple energy

Second line: The world of pedestrians makes the rain contain true beauty

Hengbiao: The Land of Joyful Thoughts

Award-winning book friends (in fact, many of the second couplets are very good, but you can only choose four representatives)——

The Gold of the Great Sword: A hundred grasses turn into spring in the distance

Master Yijinxuan: Dreams of entering the world come true

Silent sky and empty sky: The auspicious snow in Youxian Mansion turns into auspicious clouds

cherrylk: China is really good at dealing with the world

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