Enjoy the world

Chapter 231 Fuck them

The atmosphere at the wine table seemed to freeze for a moment, but Charles felt secretly happy in his heart. In fact, after shaking hands after entering the door, Ciel didn't like these two guys, and the more he looked at them, the more disgusting they became.

Xia Er has had a good relationship with Hua Zhenxing since he was a child, and now the more he looks at Xiao Hua, the more he likes her. But for some reason, Ciel unconsciously felt a deep dislike for these two Eastern monks who were very similar to Xiaohua in many aspects. In short, he just felt very uncomfortable. Politeness didn't show.

At this moment, Principal Lin's words hit home. There were three elderly people sitting on the first floor, with Xiaohua beside them. What else did Charles dare not say? Anyway, he doesn't know how powerful these people are, but they are definitely not as powerful as himself!

It was quiet for several seconds, and Xiao Guang suddenly smiled. He smiled and said to Xia Er: "Mayor Xia is really impressive! Don't worry, we have always been willing to abide by the laws of the Kingdom of Jili. We just want to control Sanhu Town." Create a paradise, a rare and quiet place.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop. Many times, we have to pay a price for peace. Now I want to thank you for finally eradicating the greedy guard front. I wonder what you want from us? I won’t say anything. Mayor Xia can make his own conditions. "

He said this while looking at Ciel, but actually he also said it to Hua Zhenxing. He didn't think that local natives like Ciel could understand allusions such as "Utopia".

Hua Zhenxing did not answer, but Charles replied: "I have no conditions. If Xiaohua hadn't told me that there are three Dongguo monks with great magical powers living in seclusion in Sanhu Town, they would be the bosses behind the Sanhu Gang and actually control them. I will not come to visit the entire Sanhu Town, but directly send people to take over Sanhu Town."

Xiao Guang laughed and said, "How could Mayor Xia find us three brothers? We live in seclusion here and have never been famous. It turned out to be the guidance of fellow Taoist Hua."

Hua Zhenxing finally said: "You guys are not famous, right? At least that time I appeared as Farah. It was dark in the middle of the night. You recognized me at a glance. It seems that you are very familiar with Farah. .

It’s just that this place is poorly informed. Ordinary people in Banda City don’t know you and have never heard of it. Now the top officials of the Sanhu Gang have been rounded up, but this place is no different from usual. Obviously everyone here knows who is calling the shots. "

Schoolmaster Lin suddenly interjected: "Are you serious about what Mayor Xia just said?"

Ciel: "Of course I am serious, and it means literally, without any hint!"

Xiao Guang laughed and said: "We just wanted to test it, not really to bribe government officials. We just wanted to see if the new alliance was really as different from the Guarding Front as stated in the promotional materials? Tell us. That’s all!”

Charles still spoke slowly: "The rules of the new alliance are that anyone who attempts to bribe government officials must also be reprimanded. If it is found that it is true, at least he must receive at least three days of community labor education and wear a conspicuous sign. To warn others.”

This is what the New Alliance did in the Port of Fiso. For those who attempt to bribe public officials of state agencies, even if the bribe does not actually occur, for example, the other party does not receive his money, as long as the attempted bribery is verified, the person who attempted to bribe will be punished. admonishment.

The specific method of discipline is to first attend a study class and learn the regulations of the new alliance in this regard. It doesn't matter if you are illiterate. You can explain it orally and then take an oral test.

The assessment content is the relevant regulations taught in the study class. If you cannot answer the questions, you have to continue studying. The purpose is to deepen your impression. In addition, depending on the severity of the case, he must undergo at least three days of community labor education, and the location is the community where he lives or lives, and must be seen by familiar people.

For example, security patrols, maintaining traffic order, urging everyone not to litter, not to defecate in the open, not to mess around in public toilets... The security patrol teams organized by the New Alliance are all local strong indigenous women, wearing orange armbands. , but those who have been trained to participate in community labor wear blue armbands, which can be seen at a glance.

Xiao Guang's face was a little stiff, but he still kept a smile and said: "He who doesn't know is not guilty!"

Charles shook his head and said: "No, no, no, you don't know that the New Alliance has sent someone to send you the materials, including documents, audio and video, and the notice of this invitation. Since you are here today, It means you have already read the material.”

Ciel really brought the stubborn temper of the local indigenous people to the extreme, and he was a bit unwilling to give up.

For some reason, Hua Zhenxing suddenly wanted to laugh, and then he actually laughed. He smiled and said: "Mayor Xia's reminder is a kind of admonishment. I think Mr. Lang doesn't need to attend the class. As for community labor and other things, just replace it with other things. Because there will be a lot of work in the future, all of which require The three gentlemen are cooperating."

Colonel Lin glanced at Ciel. He was not angry, because he felt there was no need to be angry with such a person. The protagonist today was not Ciel. Mayor Xia is obviously a puppet controlled by Hua Zhenxing, otherwise how could he have been brought here alone, and Hua Zhenxing is very trustworthy!

At this time, Xiao Guang said again: "Fellow Daoist Hua, can you lend me a moment to speak? Let's talk in private."

Charles immediately stood up and said: "You want to talk in private? No need to lend a step, I will give you the room and I will go out for a walk."

Xiao Guang said to Principal Lin: "Then you go out with Mayor Xia for a walk, or change to a private room and order another table. In short, you must entertain Mayor Xia well."

Hua Zhenxing waved his hand and said, "No, Mr. Lang, please sit down too! Charles, go find a place on the first floor by yourself. I will inform you after we finish talking here."

Charles: "Okay, I just saw some familiar old people on the first floor, and I just happened to go and join a table."

Charles left on his own initiative and did not ask Mr. Lin to accompany him. He dared to wander around in this restaurant, and Hua Zhenxing knew that he must have gone to the first floor to share a table with three elderly people.

However, in the eyes of Xiao Guang and Colonel Lin, this scene looked at each other and both showed expressions that showed that Xiaer was completely following Hua Zhenxing's "order".

The door was closed again, and there were only three monks left in the room. Xiao Guang took the initiative to raise his glass and said, "Brother Hua, I admire you very much. I'll toast you!"

Hua Zhenxing: "What do you admire about me?"

Colonel Lin: "It's something that was tacitly understood, why do you still need to ask?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I think it's better to make it clear to avoid misunderstandings. You two want to talk to me alone. What do you want to talk about?"

Xiao Guang: "Fellow Taoist actually controlled and cultivated such local indigenous people, established forces and annexed all the gangs, and even raised an armed team to overthrow the defensive line. I admire your aggressiveness, it is a rare action Pai, this is the courage of young people!

Fellow Taoist, please rest assured that we three brothers all have the temperament of Xianyun Yehe and are used to being carefree. It is enough to have a peaceful place like Sanhu Town. We will not tear you down, nor will we compete for your power or secretly People who control you.

It is really rare to meet a fellow Taoist in this place. We are the same kind of people. If fellow Taoist Hua is unable to handle something and needs help from our three brothers, please feel free to ask. Cooperation is the right thing to do.

We will not interfere with the secular affairs of the new alliance on weekdays. Taoist friend Hua will just arrange a few advisory positions for us. If we encounter anything, we can discuss it behind closed doors. "

Hua Zhenxing was a little dazed. What kind of routine or brain circuit was this? Listening to Xiao Guang's words, do the three brothers want to directly replace the three old men?

Hua Zhenxing frowned and said, "I didn't quite understand. Did Mayor Xia just say it clearly?"

Colonel Lin interjected: "I understand, no matter what kind of subordinates, no one can take benefits without authorization. What you give him is his. If we have anything, we don't have to talk to him, we can just go to Taoist Fellow Hua directly. .

My elder brother has just announced the cooperation plan. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Hua has any other suggestions? "

If he followed the train of thought of these two people, Hua Zhenxing realized that he didn't understand, so he simply stopped talking. He picked up the wine dispenser and filled up the wine glasses. He picked up the wine and said, "I'll toast you two too, and then I'll explain it clearly at once." ."

After the three people toasted, Hua Zhenxing said seriously: "We are here today actually to stand up for the New Alliance's working group. Because I know that although the New Alliance controls the top leaders of the Sanhu Gang, it has not solved the problem and truly controlled It’s you three brothers who live in Sanhu Town.

As for the policies of the new alliance, they were introduced in the information I sent. It is our firm determination to eradicate the criminal gangs that control the various neighborhoods, maintain public security, fight crime, and establish a good new order and new customs. moving target.

The security in Sanhu Town has always been very good, which is commendable, but the reason is that you do not allow anyone to cause trouble in your own territory, let alone other forces to interfere in the affairs of Sanhu Town. But for the people here, including the members of the Sanhu Gang, their wealth, life and death are all decided by you.

The purpose of the new alliance is not like this. Our goal is not to serve one or a few people, but to protect the rights and interests that everyone should have. So after today, the working group of the new alliance will be stationed in Sanhu Town, Xishui District of Banda City, and will no longer only serve you three brothers.

As for Ciel, he has grown into the leader of the new alliance, a true leader. He is not a puppet controlled by me, nor does he serve me alone. I support him not because he listens to me, but because he can implement the purpose of the new alliance and is the most suitable leader. "

Schoolmaster Lang lowered his face and said, "Does the new alliance want to use force to expel our three brothers from Sanhu Town? Have you ever thought about the benefits to you and what the consequences will be? Fellow Daoist Hua?" "

Hua Zhenxing quickly shook his head and said: "Mr. Lang misunderstood, I never had this idea. You have lived here for twenty years. The security here is very good and the economy is relatively good. These are also your contributions.

As for your cooperation with the Defense Front, the New Alliance does not want to pursue it. If you have dealt with the Guards Front or helped a criminal gang to do something, the new alliance will punish you. Then I am afraid that most of the people in the city will have to be punished, which is simply unrealistic.

That's the reason from the old times. Many people are just helpless and have no better choice. Our purpose is to transform the world, not to destroy it. The new alliance protects the rights and interests that everyone deserves, including yours.

Your assets, such as this restaurant and that manor, including those farms and land, still belong to you as long as they were acquired by legal means. The new coalition government will protect your legitimate operations and no longer be harassed by gangs or extorted by officials.

With your methods, I'm afraid you don't need these protections and can decide everything on your own, but this is a promise for everyone. You are hermit monks, you can live a good life wherever you are, and you can continue to live freely in the future. As long as you don't commit any crimes, the new alliance will not disturb you.

As far as I know, Mr. Sima Zhi, one of your three brothers who is not here today, is in good health and has dozens of women in the manor. He is not a member of the New Alliance. According to the customs and habits of this place, this kind of lifestyle issue does not seem to be a problem, and the New Alliance has nothing to do with it.

As long as he does not violate the law, they are not restricted in their freedom of life, and are not subject to coercion, coercion or deception. It is all voluntary and the new alliance government will not interfere... Am I clear enough? "

Xiao Guang smiled slightly: "Fellow Daoist Hua, I basically understand what you mean, but I want to say a few more words. The so-called Sanhu Gang is only called so by the ignorant locals. In fact, there is no such gang at all.

Its official name is Sanhu Town Comprehensive Development Co., Ltd., and the eleven people you arrested are actually the leaders of this company. Please put them all back, this is also my condition. "

Hua Zhenxing replied: "It doesn't matter what their name is, it just depends on what they do. The new alliance has a unified policy towards members of the underworld criminal gangs that control each neighborhood."

For ordinary gang members, we mainly criticize, educate and participate in study classes. For key members, we implement a policy of combining study and labor reform. We will never tolerate and resolutely suppress the die-hards who have committed the most heinous crimes!

The current work is in the phase of verification in batches, using a combination of four methods: voluntary confession, cross-examination, mass accusation, and investigation and verification, to encourage voluntary confession and accusations against others.

If the leaders and backbones of the Sanhu Gang are innocent, you don't have anything to worry about. However, the working group has not yet entered Sanhu Town and Xishui District, nor has a new people's government been established. It is too early to talk about these. "

Colonel Lang snorted coldly: "Fellow Daoist Hua, I call you Friend Daoist for the sake of fellow monks from the Eastern Kingdom. I'm not really afraid of you and the new alliance behind you!

Don't use any official talk. Let me just state our bottom line, which is to live in peace and harmony. The new alliance can do whatever they want in Banda City, and we won't interfere, but don't reach out to Sanhu Town. Sanhu Town will still be Sanhu Town, and what happened in the past will be what it will be in the future! "

Xiao Guang then said kindly: "My third brother has always been quite aggressive with his words. Please don't mind, fellow Taoist Hua! But what he said is indeed the bottom line for us three brothers. As long as we are in peace, if fellow Taoist Hua has any other requests, , we will try our best to be satisfied as much as we can, after all, we are the same people, so it is not easy!"

Hua Zhenxing did not take the wine glass, but directly picked up the wine dispenser and drank it all in one gulp. He sighed and said, "Don't call me fellow Taoist, we are neither fellow Taoists nor friendly neighbors.

I came today not to negotiate terms with you, but to inform and invite you. Mayor Xia even came in person to show his sincerity and attention, but you have obviously rejected the invitation.

I don't care about your bottom line, just like you and I don't care about Farah's bottom line. I only care about what the world should be like, and what can it be like? The new alliance has made a promise, and I don't need you to promise anything! "

Colonel Lang stood up and slammed the table, but without making any sound, everything on the table was shaken, and all the cups, plates, bowls and chopsticks flew into the air, strangely maintaining their original shape, and then He slowly dropped back to the table without spilling even a drop of soup.

He said coldly: "I'm really upset, you are no match! The entire Sanhu Town is in the magic circle we set up, even if the Dacheng monk comes, we can't get it. Little boy, you have never seen the Dacheng monk, right? I’m afraid I’ve never heard of it. I can prevent you and your Mayor Xia from leaving Sanhu Town today!”

Hua Zhenxing showed no fear at all. He raised his head and said, "Are you threatening me? This is not a threat to me personally, but to usurp the rights and interests that should not belong to you, to threaten the entire new alliance, and to threaten everyone."

"Third brother, please calm down, why is this so important?" Xiao Guang waved his hand and turned to Hua Zhenxing, "The new alliance has taken control of the political power and the army, and thought that we three brothers could not afford to offend, but have you ever thought about it, fellow Taoist Hua, I am not an ordinary person,

If you really break up, it will not only put you in a worrying situation, but also put your relatives, friends, and all the important people in the new alliance at risk. "

Hearing this, Hua Zhenxing finally changed his expression, and before he could say anything, he was slightly startled again. It was not that the other party's threat was effective, but that there was a sudden movement in the "Huanxiangguo Mission System" in Yuanshen. , released a new task——

Task 9: Fuck them!

Mission Reward: Fixed Wind Plate

Take a day off tomorrow and continue working the day after tomorrow.

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