Enjoy the world

Chapter 229 The Great Flood

Liberating Banda City is a very beautiful ideal. The new alliance has eradicated the Guard Front and various gangs, but the next step must be to establish order, rely on the masses and mobilize the masses.

But there is a big question here, what kind of people are most of the people?

Don't take it for granted that they have noble sentiments and noble qualities. As far as Hua Zhenxing has seen with his own eyes, the vast majority of the indigenous residents here have nothing to do with these two!

Talking about worldview and outlook on life seems a bit far-fetched, even a bit extravagant. Many people’s most basic values ​​are disappointing.

The significance of value judgment is that even if a person makes a wrong choice, he should know where he went wrong. The reason may be because he has no choice or because he has not withstood the temptation.

Human weaknesses are often similar. The light of civilization is to teach people to think and summarize, to know clearly the consequences of each behavior, and to know what their current situation is related to their past behavior. This is the ideological enlightenment in human history.

For many reasons, it is difficult for each individual to spontaneously summarize them. It requires the accumulation of cultural inheritance.

Many people here have never thought there is anything wrong with reaching out to ask for money from strangers since they were young. Going one step further, they steal if they can't get it, and rob if they can't steal it. Many people don't think there is anything wrong with this, and are not ashamed of it, and are even proud of it.

Yes, as long as you can get what you want, steal, or rob based on your ability, it is great.

When dealing with local people, you often feel that they have no sense of time. For example, if you arrange to meet at nine in the morning, it may be good to arrive at twelve o'clock. It was agreed that it would be something tomorrow, but I might not think of it until next week or forget it altogether.

The so-called lack of time concept is just an appearance. They don't know what "trust" means and the value of keeping one's word. When a business is negotiated, the service is temporarily reduced, or the price is suddenly raised. The negotiated job is paid and then left, and then the person can never be found again.

I have learned to lie since I was a child, and every promise I make is almost untrustworthy. No matter what I promise in advance, I won’t do it if I can’t do it. I just want to deceive the benefits, and I don’t even think about the consequences this will bring to me.

Sophistry will only shirk responsibility and never admit mistakes. In their values, as long as they do not admit their mistakes, they have not made any mistakes. As long as they can evade, they have no responsibility. As long as they can escape punishment, they can commit crimes.

In all things, we only look at the effect, regardless of the cause, and never know or think about where the effect comes from.

Is the world really so broken? If everyone around you is a liar, you won't trust others.

Old Yang's grocery store never gives credit, because almost no one will actually pay back the money, and it never gives out expired food to the hungry for free, because as long as it does, a large group of people will come to the door. Ask for free. If the request fails, the store might be ransacked.

Old Man Yang is not afraid of this, but he never causes trouble like this.

What we see from the Port of Fiso to the Kingdom of Kilili is not necessarily the collapse of civilization, but that civilization has never been truly established. From a primitive tribal society to an industrial colony, the colonists used the most brutal method to suppress them at the bottom of industrial civilization, plundering various resources, and even the human population itself was used for trafficking.

The order established by the colonists did not include civilized enlightenment. At most, it only forcibly instilled a certain belief and told people what kind of rules would be implemented, but did not make people think about why?

So everyone can only complete self-enlightenment, just like the good guys in the gang are as powerless.

It is conceivable that when Hua Zhenxing saw such a real world since he was a child, how desperate he felt in his heart? That's why he had such a dream, recreating a country of fantasy in the deserted wilderness.

What kind of despair makes a child even have the wish to "destroy the world". He doesn't realize that deep down in his heart, he actually has the urge to destroy the world, if he doesn't see hope in the end.

Hua Zhenxing does not believe in the god of Cambystine, nor does he believe in the god of the Celestial Kingdom sect to which Cambystine belongs. But he had also read Cambystine's "Covenant" and the story of the great flood in the Covenant, which destroyed the world and washed away all sin.

Hua Zhenxing hates the world around him. Of course, what he hates is not the flowers and plants, but the people in this world. If this world has reached the point where you are disgusted, you must be disgusted by most people.

Fortunately, there were a few old people who had been guiding him, telling him that the prerequisite for hating people was hating what they did. What should really be disliked was the reason why they did those things. Real salvation is to change those reasons, which requires another torrent.

Therefore, Hua Zhenxing’s aspiration is to create a world that will take root again.

He has done things to save people. For example, he saved Dr. Luo, which may change his destiny. For example, Dr. Luo also wanted to take him away from here. But Hua Zhenxing's mentality is complicated, and his desire is not to save a specific person.

Of course Hua Zhenxing wants to save the Fesuo Port where he is located, but is there any chance that those people can be saved? He even believes that this generation may have no hope, and that true and complete change will have to wait at least one generation later.

Hua Zhenxing is both a pure idealist and an active practitioner, an optimistic activist and a pessimistic observer. So today when talking about Banda City, Hua Zhenxing talked about his worries and looked at Charles with a tortured look.

Charles patted Hua Zhenxing on the shoulder and said: "I know what you said is true. Most of those people are not good people, and I was not one. So there are some things that I can only do, and I must definitely do it. We did it. Otherwise, why didn’t you become the president of the new alliance instead of me?

Liberating Banda City is not more difficult than liberating Fiso Port. I think it is easier than Fiso Port! We cannot treat serious problems with strong medicine, but we must make radical changes.

Let everyone realize that the world is different, and they themselves are also different. They can have a new life and see hope and opportunities. I don’t think a generation is needed, give me three months and I will show you another Banda City.

Hua, if you have time, I suggest you go to the New Alliance’s military camp to experience it, and live and eat with them as an ordinary soldier. You will have a feeling that their lives only begin after joining the new alliance..."

Hua Zhenxing: "Three months? You haven't even drank yet! What are the specific measures? How do you plan to implement them to protect people's livelihood, restore order, change the face of society, and change people's consciousness?"

Charles: "The successful experience of the New Alliance in Fiso Port can be learned here. Starting from the grassroots level, we first implement community management and resident registration systems. Then organize all people and let them discover their own value.

Improving sanitation, repairing toilets, cleaning up messy buildings, re-planning and renovating neighborhoods, and providing an unprecedented public security environment for everyone. These are the most basic things. Anyone who causes damage at this time will be resolutely suppressed.

The mass rallies we hold should not only criticize gang leaders, but also those gangsters who undermine the new order, so that everyone knows what things should not be done anymore and why they cannot be done.

The assets of those gangs will be confiscated and managed by the new alliance. First, ensure the supply of supplies and organize everyone. There will be no place to steal, no place to rob, and no place to extort.

Even if they have nothing to do, they must create meaningful things for them to do. The reward is shopping coupons from the supply and marketing cooperative, as well as the encouragement and respect of the new society..."

Hua Zhenxing: "What do you want them to do?"

Charles: "Illiterate people who are illiterate may not be unable to master skills. There are too many things that can be done. Each community must establish study classes and training classes and provide them with tools...

For example, plumbers may need professional training to repair a house, but ordinary bricklayers and laborers can basically master the simplest tasks as long as they are taught by a master and study hard for half a month.

There is a lot of work that can be done in Banda City, such as leveling farm land and water conservancy and irrigation systems. Spring plowing is about to begin. Ensuring food production is also one of the top priorities. "

Hua Zhenxing: “How many resources can you invest?”

Charles pondered: "We currently have manpower, but as for material resources. The supply of grain, oil and non-staple food in Fiso Port this year is sufficient. I also need to sort out the inventory of various materials in Banda City and have them uniformly deployed by the supply and marketing cooperative. But In other aspects, we still lack a lot of construction materials and various tools..."

Hua Zhenxing: "Is three hundred million meters of gold enough?"

Charles was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I will pay 3 billion meters of gold to buy all the deserts in Fiso Port and north of the agricultural reclamation area, which is about 96,000 square kilometers. I will pay it off in ten years, 300 million yuan per year. This is not for you. The money is the financial revenue of the new alliance government. Is it enough for you to liberate the entire country?"

Charles: "It's not just about the money."

Hua Zhenxing: "I know, this is not about money at all. Just like it is impossible to explain truth with fists, but without fists, sometimes it is not easy for people to listen to your reasoning."

Charles grabbed Hua Zhenxing's arm: "Are you serious?"

Hua Zhenxing: "When did what I said not be true?"

Ciel: "If that's the case, three years is enough!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Three years? There have been more than one coup in Kilili Country. If you want to be the president of Kilili Country, with the current strength of the new alliance, let Dafeng Harvest help you plan it. There is no need to wait so long, one week enough."

Charles: "I'm not the same person I used to be, and that's not the kind of president I want to be."

Hua Zhenxing: "It seems that you really wanted to be the president. Didn't you want to be the leader of the Big Head Gang?"

Charles: "Don't keep mentioning these things. I don't even remember them! Were you kidding me just now? Where did you get so much money?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Anyway, I have my own ideas, but I have something to discuss with you in advance..."

Hua Zhenxing said something to Charles. Charles stared at Hua Zhenxing for a long time with wide eyes, then slapped him hard again and said: "You still have this idea! Don't worry, I will never leak it in advance. , I will definitely cooperate with you when the time comes.

But I have a question, how did you think of it? If you think about it for another person, you actually want to do it? "

Hua Zhenxing asked: "For a person like me, living in a place like this, do you think I am suitable to be the president of the country?"

Charles smiled: "You're not suitable. It's up to me and you to do this kind of thing. It's inconvenient for you."

Hua Zhenxing: "Back then, your ideal was to be the leader of the Big Head Gang, so what do you think the ideal of a person like me should be? If there was no new alliance today, what would you guess?"

Ciel blinked for a long time and said while thinking: "You really shocked me. If I didn't know your plan, there would be no new alliance today. Let me think about it carefully.

You are much more capable than me. You were born here but you don’t look like a local. What is the most ideal life... Hey, are you like the three Eastern monks in Sanhu Town? "

Hua Zhenxing smiled bitterly and said, "That's how they chose me, but I'm not them, so I invited them to negotiate today."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

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