Enjoy the world

Chapter 218 Have you learned it yet?

Yue Gao Le: "I'll tell you a little story. It's really just a story. There is a man, his name is not Hua Zhenxing, but Gu Wentong. The place he went to is not Banda City, but the place that Boss Hua is most familiar with. Port of Fiso.

He thinks he is very capable and has reached the peak of the Five Realms. He is indeed quite powerful in the eyes of others. In a small and broken place like Fesuo Port, with his cultivation level, as long as he uses some means, he can do whatever he wants.

So Gu Wentong went crazy and dared to do whatever he wanted. What was the result?

Although Fiso Port is small, dilapidated, poor and chaotic, it has hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are four-level monks like Boss Hua, Manman, Locke, Lian Na, and Wang Fengshou. Boss Hua also has a group of three-level monks under his command, and he also controls an armed army.

He had two companions who were magicians, and they didn't know what he wanted to do in advance. What’s even more frightening is that there are three elderly people with great magical powers in Fesuo Port, and there are even more unpredictable great magicians like me..."

If these words were spoken at a normal speed, I'm afraid it would take a while, but at this moment it was a conversation in the heart, so it was very fast, just in a blink of an eye.

Hua Zhenxing asked: "What do you want to say? Remind me not to act recklessly and repeat the mistakes of Guwentong when I think I have the means? I am not Guwentong, and Banda City is not Fesoport."

Yue Gao Le: "I know you are not Gu Wen Tong, and Banda City cannot be Fiso Port, otherwise this shabby place would be too scary! But what happened to Gu Wen Tong is also a lesson. At least you are not as good as him now, just a mere A Four Realm monk.

There are so many experts in the small Port of Fiso, how can you be sure that there are no experts living in seclusion in Banda City? The intelligence team you sent will not be able to detect these situations.

If you have some means on your own and want to take care of the entire Banda City by yourself, that is actually no different from Gu Wen Tong. "

Hua Zhenxing: "I didn't intend to do that. We didn't rely on the cultivation of the four realms to defeat Feso Port. We relied on the purpose of the new alliance and mobilized the masses to carry out social transformation."

Yue Gaole: "That's right. I thought you were going to kill him directly."

Hua Zhenxing: "To say this, it seems that Mr. Yue doesn't know me well enough."

Yue Gao Le: "I'm understanding this right now! We are partners after all. We have signed a ten-year agreement, and we still have business to do. We can't just watch you go astray."

Hua Zhenxing: "Is there anything else you would like to remind Mr. Yue?"

Yue Gao Le: "Actually, with Gu Wentong's ability, as long as he doesn't make such big moves, it's very easy to do something without anyone noticing. Almost no one can prevent him."

Hua Zhenxing: "I didn't want to make a big move. You mean, there are experts in Banda City? What do you know about the situation? Just say what you can!"

Yue Gao Le: "I have never been to Banda City, and I really don't know much about the situation, but you should be lenient when you predict the enemy. For example, the defecting magician, the self-taught wild monster, and the witchcraft passed down by I don't know which tribe. Maybe twice.

A place like Jili Country where no one cares is actually more suitable for such people to live in seclusion. Control a gang, occupy a neighborhood, and as long as you don't show off on weekdays and solve all kinds of troubles secretly, you can live a more leisurely and comfortable life in this chaotic place. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Aren't you talking about the original Locke? Could it be that there is a defected magician in Gambistine in Banda City? Do you think I am not an opponent and need to be carefully avoided?"

Yue Gaole: "I don't know if there are any, but all the magicians in the world are not under the control of Gambiste. Not to mention the magicians, monks from the Eastern Kingdom who have rebelled against the sect and violated the precepts may also live in seclusion there. ."

Hua Zhenxing: "It's normal to have experts. Are there three elderly people and experts like you in Banda City?"

Yue Gaole: "This is impossible! How many cities are there in the world? Let alone an expert like me, even if there is an ordinary great magician, if there can be one in one city, it will not be the current world.

Have you heard of the aggregation effect? Like attracts like, and wherever there are experts, it will often attract strange people from all walks of life, and more experts will be cultivated. "

Hua Zhenxing: "I understand what you mean. I won't ignore the risks because I think I have some cultivation skills, and I won't make a big fuss that affects innocent people."

As he spoke, he also thought of the former Feso Port. Even if there were not three old men, there were actually masters such as Manman, Locke, and Gunslinger hiding among the people, each with their own incredible methods. Such a situation cannot be ruled out in the unfamiliar city of Banda, so we must not be careless and don't think that because of our cultivation, we can be superior and control everything.

However, Yue Gaole was a little angry and said: "What do you understand! I told you that story because I wanted to ask you, have you learned the magic of transformation?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Ah! Did you make too much of a turn? I didn't react at all!"

Yue Gaole: "That's because you are stupid. If you were smarter and heard me mention Gu Wentong, you would have understood what I was reminding you."

Hua Zhenxing: "I've learned it, but I'm not as high as Gu Wentong. Manman is a little better than me."

Yue Gao Le: "Nonsense! If the two of you are now at the level of Guwentong, all the training instructors in Gambistine will hit the wall. Just know how to use it. Sometimes the magic is not about how high the level is, but how to use it." Use it wherever you want."

Hua Zhenxing: "Now that I really understand, I will change my plan a little bit right away... By the way, can you remind me what masters are lurking in Banda City?"

Yue Gaole: "I don't know, and I don't need to know. I'm too lazy to meddle in your business."

The motorcade drove smoothly and entered the back entrance of a hotel. The neighborhood here is equivalent to the trading area formerly controlled by the Golden Gang of Port Feso. Under the control of the Xingsheng Gang, as long as it does not violate the interests of the Xingsheng Gang, the security under normal circumstances is pretty good, and at least the safety of tourists can be guaranteed.

This five-story hotel is owned by the Xingsheng Gang. It has yards at the front and back and covers a large area. There is another independent three-story building next to the hotel, which is the office of Xingsheng Company and the headquarters of Xingsheng Gang.

The three cars were all disguised cars, and they actually dared to drive directly to their hometown because the people in the cars were not ordinary people. The members of the Xingsheng Gang who were guarding the back door of the hotel did not see the flaw and opened the door directly. This was too insensitive!

The car door opened, and the first person to get out was Scar Laneck, the boss of the Xingsheng Gang. Someone came up to him and said, "Boss, why are you here? What's going on with these people?"

Scarab glanced at him and said with a straight face: "This group of people are the newly arrived group, the customers introduced by the office. Erzangzi, you first find someone to take them to arrange a room to rest, according to the highest standards. ."

Translated from the local dialect into Dongguo dialect, this man's name is Erpolezi, so there is no need to give him a nickname. The so-called office, whose full name is the International Office of the Giraffe Conservation Program of the Bugida Foundation, is a local organization that has regular cooperation with Xingsheng Gang and often introduces high-quality tourist customers.

Erzhanzi: "Where were the people in the original car?"

Scar Lahuo said: "In order to take over this big business, I joined the team with the Dalu Gang. They grabbed the customers and ran away. I will take the car to pick up the customers halfway. You must make arrangements for them."

The Dalu Gang is another local gang. Like the Xingsheng Gang, it is related to the senior leaders of the Defense Front. It also runs the tourism business. The two are relatively far apart in their territories, but they often cooperate in national parks.

Erpole is looking for someone to arrange this group of tourists. According to the highest standards, it means that this is the most expensive sightseeing group, and it will naturally make the most money.

No wonder the boss would temporarily transfer the bus back and pick up this busload of guests on the way. The escorts escorting the bus were all guarding the front line and were not familiar with the two poles.

After the guests had made arrangements, Scarlabo told him again: "Gather all the cadres together. Regardless of whether they have anything to do or not, they will come to the meeting tonight. If the phone cannot be reached, someone will be sent to notify them. They must all be there at eight o'clock. It’s in the conference room on the second floor.”

The so-called cadres refer to the small leaders within the gang. According to the local dialect, they are the managers who can speak well. It is not easy to translate in Dongguan.

At this time, several other gang members also gathered around: "Boss, what happened?" They also felt that Scar's expression and tone were a little different from usual. He acted very serious and even spoke out of habit. He cursed loudly.

Scarab said with a gloomy expression: "What else can happen! Isn't it the investment hotel project in Fesuo Port? A group of customers came again. They formed a group and hired mercenaries as bodyguards, planning to come to Fesuo Port to negotiate with them. Let's settle accounts! I'm tired, no one can disturb me, I'll find an empty suite to rest, and wake me up at 7:30."

Erzhanzi: "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Scarla was stunned for a moment, then replied: "Yes, of course, the most beautiful one, you know who I'm talking about."

Scar entered the suite, and as soon as he sat down on the sofa in the living room, "the most beautiful girl" was brought in, and he also closed the door. He looked up and saw that she was a beautiful woman of Bailuo descent. She had chestnut hair, brown eyes, very white skin, and a curvy figure. She seemed to be in her twenties.

The woman's expression was a little fearful, but after she came in, she immediately changed to a flattering one, and said in a provocative tone: "Boss, it's been a long time since I came here. Why did you just think of me today? Is it..."

As she spoke, she leaned on the inside of Scar's right leg, slid down and sat on the ground, then reached out to touch... then her vision went black and she fainted.

Looking at the expression on Scar's neck, it seemed that he was also startled by her.

At 7:30 in the evening, Er Zhanzi knocked on the door of the room again: "Boss, the time is up, everyone is here."

Scarab put on his clothes and walked out. Erzhanzi wanted to peek into the room, but Scarab had already closed the door and said with a straight face: "Let's go downstairs together."

Erpolezi was a little surprised and said in surprise: "Shall I go to the meeting?" In addition to the arbitrary Scar Labo, there are seven other "cadres" in the Xingsheng Gang, which does not include Erpolezi.

Scarab glanced at him and said: "You don't have to have a meeting, but after the meeting, there will be another task for you. From now on, you will stay in the lobby of the hotel, waiting for my orders at any time, anywhere. do not go."

The boss was acting very strange today. Something important must have happened. It was rare that he paid so much attention to the second pole, and the second pole was guarding the hotel lobby.

The high-level meeting of the Xingsheng Gang ended at nine o'clock that day. Then someone drove the bus and the truck transporting supplies to the door of the office building. Someone moved out a lot of things. Scarabo personally stood by to supervise.

It was completely dark by this time, and the power supply in Banda City was slightly better than in Fiso Port, but not much better. Only a few blocks have street lights, and residents in most blocks have no electricity at home. There is no shortage of lighting in the hotel.

If someone is in the office building right now, they will find that it is very "clean" and the tourists who came in the afternoon are all moving things. Someone whispered: "Do you want to take all your computers and mobile phones with you?"

Wang Fengshou replied: "Yes, turn off all the mobile phones first, take them back and deal with them. Take away all the documents and information you can find, don't leave a piece of paper! Also pack everything in the safe, and we will sort it out when we get back. …Don’t ask for the furniture, what’s the point of moving the chairs?”

Someone put down the chair and said: "I think this chair is quite good. I am short of a suitable one in my office. There should be room in the car..."

Wang Fengshou said with a straight face: "Big Speaker, if you do this again, you will be punished with a demerit! This is official business, don't involve yourself in private matters, and follow the command in all actions! Our car has to pick up other things on the way."

Before the convoy set off, Scarlabo came to the hotel lobby again and told Er Pangzi that the gang had an emergency operation, and Er Pangzi's task was to take care of the hotel. If anyone asked, he would say that the bosses were all on business.

Scar Laneck also said something special: "From now on, the place of this hotel will be left to you. You must perform well today."

Except for the second pole and the ordinary gangsters who were "on duty" in the hotel, the senior executives all went out overnight. It seemed that something major had happened, and even the doors of the office building were locked. The remaining members of the gang were now under the command of Erpolezi, who felt very happy.

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