Enjoy the world

Chapter 215 What to do for them

Yue Gaole drank the wine in his glass, put down the glass, and glanced at Hua Zhenxing. Hua Zhenxing immediately poured it for him again. Several people were sitting around a square stone table under the lychee tree. Manman was on Hua Zhenxing's left hand side, Yue Gao Le was on his right hand side, and Dong Zegang was on the opposite side.

Yue Gaole picked up the cup again and looked at Hua Zhenxing and said: "Boss Hua, like Lawyer Dong and Charles, you grew up here. The difference is that Lawyer Dong has read the best in Fesoport school, and then went to the best university in the country, and engaged in a career that is considered the best by ordinary people here.

Needless to say, you never went to school and grew up in a grocery store. In fact, you are just a domestic boy. As for Charles, he went to school to be a gang reserve, and it was natural for him to join a gang when he grew up. But now, you all have joined the new alliance.

Charr is the leader of the new alliance and is respected and admired by all. But don't forget, Charles was once a gangster and the backbone of the Big Head Gang. Doesn't he have any experience of committing crimes? Everyone knows this is impossible!

There is a word in the East called "old society". To quote it here, let's call it the old era. Not to mention Boss Hua, they are all people who have come from the old era, which was an era full of evil and most people had no choice.

If they are all good people and do good things, then what business does it have for you? If that were the case, Afroport and even the Kingdom of Kilili would not be the most impoverished and chaotic place in the world, and would not have spawned today's new alliance.

But what is your attitude towards Ciel? What is your attitude towards Lawyer Dong? They are all people who have struggled in the sinful world, and they are all people who have joined the new alliance and contributed to it. Boss Hua, you have to hold your glass of wine evenly! "

Hua Zhenxing: "Can you stop shaking your hands when you speak? Don't spill the wine again, it's quite expensive!"

About Gao Le: "What kind of wine is this?"

Hua Zhenxing: "The highest-end Klin Daqu, which is not sold outside."

About Gao Le: "Klin Daqu, I thought it was Wuliangye." Seeing Hua Zhenxing glaring at him, he changed his mind and nodded, "Well, I think this wine tastes better than Wuliangye. It is Mr. Yang's special brew. Right? The level is really high! Boss Hua, you haven’t answered my question yet."

Hua Zhenxing turned around and said, "Manman, what do you think?"

Manman: "Xiaohua, do you still drink?"

When Hua Zhenxing saw that his wine glass was empty, he nodded and said, "Drink a few more glasses."

Manman took the bottle and poured a glass of wine for Hua Zhenxing, then wrinkled her nose and said, "It's different. Of course Charles and Lawyer Dong are different."

Hua Zhenxing: "Tell me more specifically, why are they different?"

Manman said while thinking: "Everyone here knows who Charles was and what he did before. Seeing Charles is like seeing himself in the past. I have heard many people say this personally.

Charles did not hide anything and never defended himself. His first speech, "I am Charles", which many people will memorize, was about these things.

No one would think that the current Charles is still the same Charles as before. What Charles criticized was himself back then, as well as the old times and the old society that Mr. Ye just talked about... Am I right to say that? "

Manman stopped and asked with some hesitation. Hua Zhenxing drank a glass of wine: "Yes, that's very true! Be confident and continue talking. Let's talk about Lawyer Dong."

Manman poured him another glass and said: "Lawyer Dong has never stood up to speak about "I am Dong Zegang". Most people here don't know his past. This is also the first time I heard about it today. He has done that kind of thing before, and it seems that he has done it many times.

We all know what Ciel has done, and no one thinks that what he did was right, not even him in the first place.

But Lawyer Dong is different. He is an elite and has always been a respected social elite, at least he thinks so. The person he is now has not said goodbye to the person he was in the past. This is how I feel. "

Hua Zhenxing raised his cup towards Yue Gaole and said, "Lawyer Yue, the eyes of the people are sharp."

Yue Gaole also raised his glass and said, "Well, Manman's eyes are sharp!"

Hua Zhenxing: "I'm sorry to make you laugh! There is a kind of people who can be said to be opportunists who seamlessly connect the old and new eras, but in fact there is no real change.

The New Alliance wrote "Serve the People" on the wall, but they didn't understand what it meant. They also claimed to be the elite among the people, and being able to join the New Alliance was a reward.

If they are not given a high position, they may still feel aggrieved and feel that they have not received the respect they deserve. But is this kind of person really one of our own?

The development of the new alliance has been going smoothly until now, with almost no setbacks. But once encountering difficulties, can we expect such people to fight side by side with everyone?

I can't go back to the old Fiso Port, neither can Shire, and we don't want to go back either.

But if such people can go back, it will still be seamless. At that time, they may not feel that they have betrayed their ideals, because there is no such ideal at all. "

Dong Zegang is sitting across from him. Is it appropriate for Hua Zhenxing to say this to his face? However, both Gao Le and Man Man thought it was quite appropriate. Yue Gaole even brought a glass to Hua Zhenxing to touch it, and then they both drank. Manman stood up and poured wine again.

After having three glasses of wine after these words, Yue Gaole smiled again and said: "Who is our friend and who is our enemy? This is the primary question."

Hua Zhenxing answered with a blushing face: "We must unite the majority and make a few enemies and many friends. I understand this principle."

Manman interjected: "So Lawyer Dong still wants to unite and seek unity through struggle, right? I also heard what Charles said in his speech. I heard that Shen Zhuangyuan wrote those speeches for him, but Shen Zhuangyuan also Quoted from elsewhere.”

What is Dong Zegang doing? He was choked and looked very ugly. In fact, Hua Zhenxing had given him a lot of face. He specially invited him here to eat, said these words at the dinner table, and specifically asked him to eat before speaking, otherwise he would not be able to eat now.

Dong Zegang finally took a breath and said, "Xiaohua, you have said so much and I have heard it all. What do you think I should do?" His voice had become low and hoarse. The momentum just now.

Hua Zhenxing finally put down his glass and said: "Mr. Yue is not from the New Alliance. I am just an assistant at the Chunrong Dan Center. Manman is an assistant at the Yangyuan Technique Center. They are not as high as you, but this does not prevent us from asking questions." thing.

I have a suggestion. Last time the New Alliance held a mass meeting, three elderly people were present. There will be another gathering like this, and there will be one soon. We can even hold one just for you.

You can tell your past experiences on stage like Charles did, and tell those people in the audience who were once ignorant in your eyes, so that they can open their eyes and see clearly who you and people like you once served. And what did they do?

I will also call the representatives of Dongguo customers to the scene. You can apologize in person and tell them what happened. What I want to talk about when I come to you today is not whether you violated the laws of Kilili Kingdom and Fiso Port, but who you are now.

I hope you do all this sincerely, not out of helplessness, not because those lowly people are trampling on your dignity, but that you should truly respect them. Welcome to the new alliance! "

Dong Zegang gritted his teeth, poured himself a glass of wine, made toast gestures to the three people at the same table, and then drank it all in one gulp and said: "Okay, I will do that!"

Yue Gaole looked at Hua Zhenxing and said, "Will the people in the audience throw rotten eggs?"

Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said: "Definitely not. The people in Fesuo Port do not have such luxury! Many of them have never eaten eggs in their lives. If they don't even have eggs, where can the rotten eggs come from?"

Manman asked worriedly: "What should I do if I throw stones?"

Hua Zhenxing: "This kind of behavior is not allowed. There will be people on site to maintain order and educate the masses. I hope that Lawyer Dong can become another person like Shir. As for the stage, there will also be people to protect him."

Dong Zegang: "Xiaohua, you are now the person in charge of investigating this case. In terms of specific business, what else do you need me to do?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Among the people we rescued, there was a former police officer from Dongguo Shanghai Economic Investigation Brigade named Chen Weihu, and it was he who remembered your name.

You and Mr. Chen are also involved in the investigation. You do not need to go out to work, but you are responsible for analyzing and organizing the information. When the case becomes clearer, you will have to go on a business trip to Dongguo on behalf of the local authorities of Fisoport. "

Dong Zegang was a little surprised and said: "Send me to Dongguo?"

Hua Zhenxing nodded and said: "Yes, since you are sorry, then take action and do something for them. Among these twenty-nine people, Officer Chen is still a citizen of Dongguo. As for the other people, no matter what their status, at least They are also the family members of Dongguo citizens. These people will have to be sent back sooner or later, and it will be your responsibility.

You have several tasks. The first is to send the person away, and the second is to represent the Fiso Port authorities and provide the East China police with the secret information of the case that we have found out and assist them in their investigation. In addition, you should also try your best to find out the situation of Dayanyang Company in Dongguo, and the Fiso Port police should also have information. "

Dong Zegang: "When I go to Dongguo now, I heard that there is a 14+7 policy. First, I will be quarantined in a centralized quarantine for two weeks, and then Isolated at home for seven days. In some places, I will be observed at home for another seven days."

Hua Zhenxing: "Then you should comply with the local policy and quarantine for as many days as you need. After the quarantine is over, you can come out to work and the expenses will be reimbursed by the city government. Staying in a hotel is much more comfortable than in a plantation. I will teach you by the way. You should cultivate your skills. If you feel bored during the quarantine, then practice."

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