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Chapter 213 I understand

According to the current governance structure of Kilili State, administrative units at the state and district level, such as Fisoport, can actually apply for local resident status for foreigners.

Each person is worth more than one million. Can the New Alliance do this kind of business by itself? And there is absolutely no fraud! If you talk about building a hotel, then build one. In fact, it doesn’t necessarily need to be a hotel, it can also be other investment projects.

Even if they don’t engage in investment, they just sell passports directly... Thinking of this, Huazhenxing suddenly woke up. There is no need and should not be done by the New Alliance to engage in this kind of "human trafficking" business. Its inherent profit logic is contrary to the purpose of the New Alliance itself. of.

Geng Fanjian explained: "I am not seeking a passport from Liguo, but so that I can apply for naturalization in another country in five years."

Hua Zhenxing: "Have you ever been to Bieliang?"

Geng Fanjian: "I haven't been there yet. I planned to sign up for a group tour during the Spring Festival holiday last year and check it out, but I couldn't go because of the epidemic."

Hua Zhenxing: "I just came back from the country of Beili two months ago. To be honest, I don't understand. You have a successful career in the country of Dong and your life is very comfortable. Why do you have to go to such trouble and suffer like this? ?”

Geng Fanjian stopped twitching, raised his head and said in confusion: "Suffering? I'm afraid you misunderstood. Bieliang is a very developed country, and you should have gone to a relatively chaotic neighborhood..."

I went to the Laken Grand Garden Palace! Hua Zhenxing complained in his heart, waved his hands and said: "Don't worry about this issue anymore, and even if you get the passport of Jili Country, you may not be able to naturalize in other countries. It is just that possibility. What did you think at the beginning? "

Geng Fanjian lowered his head again and said: "I am mainly doing this for my children, for their education..."

Hua Zhenxing was really shocked at this moment. How many wrong medicines did he take to send his child to Fiso Port for education? You must know that one of the biggest headaches for the Fesoport Municipal Government right now is how to build a school, otherwise it will not be able to retain people at all!

Even the best and only private school in Fesoport, Grace School, may not be as good as a municipal school in Geng Fanjian's hometown in terms of teaching quality, and there are many private schools in Dongguo now. With Geng Fanjian's local financial status, it is impossible for his children to receive a better education.

Hua Zhenxing asked in surprise: "What do you think, are you planning to send your child to study here for five years? Do you want him to be bullied and sucked every day?"

Geng Fanjian quickly shook his head and said: "No, I have no plans to send them to Jili Country to study. If possible in the future, they can be sent to Beli Country to study.

Even if you are not sent out and have a foreign status, you will be admitted as an international student when you take the university entrance examination in Dongguo. The admission threshold will still be a lot lower. I heard that there are scholarships..."

At this time, Ye Yuhong leaned into Hua Zhenxing's ear and whispered a few words. Hua Zhenxing showed a look of astonishment and interrupted Geng Fanjian: "Please introduce your social connections and fill out this form... tell me, what does your father do?"

Ye Yuhong is also a technical staff member of the Dongguo-assisted construction project and serves as an engineer in the heavy oil power station project. During this period, the heavy oil power station project had been installed and was nearing the end of commissioning. Ye Yuhong originally had nothing to do and could return to China. However, Huanxiang Industrial struck while the iron was hot and ordered another 100,000-kilowatt unit. Anyway, Huazhenhang happened to have money on hand.

Ye Yuhong was a single technical geek and liked it very much, so he voluntarily stayed and continued to participate in the project. During this period of free time, Huanxiang Industrial also hired him as a consultant, not only in terms of technology. Today Hua Zhenxing came to inquire about Geng Fanjian and needed someone to accompany him who knew the situation in Dongguo, so Ye Yuhong came with him.

"My father is the leader of the Urban Construction Bureau and has retired." At this point, Geng Fanjian suddenly stopped talking and asked with some vigilance, "Why are you asking about this? Does it have anything to do with this matter?"

I don’t know if Cai Zhenxing understood it just now, but Ye Yuhong did.

Geng Fanjian was in the decoration and building materials business in China. He insisted that his wealth was innocent when talking to people, because some businesses could be arranged through his father's connections without much effort.

But then again, in a market with such fierce competition, why should he hand over many businesses to him and make a fortune? I have gained a net worth of tens of millions just like this. It would be untrue to say that there are no problems at all.

Geng Fanjian's father retired last year. Around that time, many local leaders who were serving or retired were dismissed, so he had to be careful, otherwise he would not be fooled at the promotion meeting.

He applied for a passport from several countries under a new name, and if necessary, could transfer assets to an overseas account opened with this identity. That was his plan, but he was sent to the plantation before he could do anything.

Ye Yuhong whispered a few words into Hua Zhenxing's ear again. Hua Zhenxing continued to ask: "You have a net worth of several million yuan, so why didn't you find a way to bribe the guards to escape?"

Geng Fanjian's expression suddenly became frightened, and he murmured in a low voice: "I have thought about this, but all my assets are in China, and a lot of funds are in the company's books, so it is not easy to deal with.

Many of us have thought about this idea, but later we didn't dare to say anything.

Because there was a person who did this. He had an identity of several miles away and had transferred more than one million yuan to an overseas account with this identity. The day after he was imprisoned, he told the guards that he was very rich. , willing to spend money to buy freedom..."

Hua Zhenxing: "Who is it? Point it out first."

Geng Fanjian: "If he's not here, he's already dead, that's the one who died! He's two years younger than me, and we came together as a couple.

When the guard heard about it, he reported it, and then someone from nowhere asked him for his account and password, as well as legal entrustment procedures, and all the money was transferred away.

Then the gang refused to let him go and tortured him every day, trying to get him to spit out more money. He couldn't bear it anymore and died, and his wife also went crazy.

Later, the guard who beat him to death was punished. According to the natives who lived with me, it was because the plantation was short of manpower and they couldn't kill us casually..."

Geng Fanjian almost understood the situation here. There were still a few people to ask later, so Hua Zhenxing ordered people to send him back to rest first. Geng Fanjian stood up from the chair, but suddenly knelt down and said: "Mr. Hua, Leader Hua, Chief Hua, please send me back to Dongguo as soon as possible! I can pay you, just tell me how much you want!"

Hua Zhenxing: "You get up first! We will notify Dongguo of the situation for verification, but first we need to investigate the matter clearly. You are safe now, just take a good rest for the time being. As for the cost issue, I believe it is not a problem.

But I have to remind you one thing. Is your current status a citizen of Kyri Kingdom or a citizen of Dong Kingdom? We don’t know what the official attitude of Dongguo will be. We are only responsible for reporting the situation truthfully. "

Geng Fanjian's expression changed again, and he begged with a tearful voice: "Sir, please, can you not tell this matter, and just say that we are citizens of the Eastern Kingdom who were in trouble in the Kingdom of Jili?"

Hua Zhenxing did not answer. Xia Changqing, who was standing next to him, gave Geng Fanjian a tug and said, "What a beautiful thought! All the good deeds are yours? We are police officers. We don't owe you anything for saving you. We are just serving the people!"

Geng Fanjian: "I am also a people!"

Xia Changqing: "You don't understand what serving the people means. Go back and listen to the lecture! How can someone who can sacrifice for the right goal cover up your mistakes and cover up the truth?

The reason why we will rescue you is for fairness and justice. The order established on this basis is to protect the interests of the people. Only by adhering to it and maintaining it can sacrifice be meaningful. This is serving the people. "

Xia Changqing is Charles's cousin. He is eighteen years old this year. This Dongguan name was also given later. He originally joined the New Alliance with Charles and was an activist and model learner. Now he works in the Fiso Port Public Security Bureau. Today he also accompanied Hua Zhenxing for questioning.

Many of what Xia Changqing said just now were reciting Charles's speech, which many people in Fesoport are familiar with.

The rescued people all needed psychological counseling. In addition to inviting several professional doctors from the international hospital, Mr. Yang also instructed the staff to make other arrangements.

After their condition improves, we organize them to watch special promotional videos every day about the past, present and future of Fiso Port. In short, we use this method to restore their spiritual life first.

For most locals, the key information they receive should be the changes that have taken place in Fiso Port and the hope for tomorrow. But for people like Geng Fanjian, it is more important for them to truly understand the former Port of Feso and the current Kingdom of Kilili.

Such a special promotional video must be more than the 15 minutes played before the rally. The various video materials are very detailed. They have been broadcast for half a month without repeating the same video. There are versions in Eastern Mandarin and local indigenous languages. According to Old Man Yang, this is a more effective treatment for them.

Hua Zhenxing: "Mr. Chen, I heard that you were once a policeman in Shanghai City?"

Chen Weihu: "I did serve as a police officer, but for some reasons, I have left the public security system."

Hua Zhenxing: "You are the one who reminded Wang Chengdong not to transfer funds to overseas accounts first, and you are also the one who reminded him not to take the initiative to spend money to buy freedom, and to check the situation first?"

Chen Weihu: "Yes, I feel that this is not an ordinary kidnapping. Even if it is a kidnapping, those people are very unprofessional and cannot communicate and negotiate normally. They are all the same. If the message cannot be conveyed, any negotiation will be a failure." Nothing came of it.

Even if you want to spend money to buy freedom, the main purpose is not to give them money, but to spread the news that we have been kidnapped in this way. So I told Wang Chengdong, if you can't do this, don't move. "

Hua Zhenxing: "It doesn't matter if others are deceived, Officer Chen will come here and get into trouble like this?"

Chen Weihu: "I am not a criminal police officer. I used to work in the Economic Investigation Brigade. My main job was to sit in the office and do data analysis. And I personally did not participate in this investment immigration project. Wang Chengdong is my boss.

When Boss Wang hired me, he was already involved in this project. I came here with my boss, thinking I just found evidence that I had been cheated. Moreover, my boss had been here before and the itinerary was all arranged. I was careless, more or less out of my control..."

Among the twenty-nine "guests from the East" who were rescued, one person had a very special identity. His name is Chen Weihu, and he used to be a police officer. He himself did not participate in this investment immigration project. He came with the boss of the company he worked for.

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