Enjoy the world

Chapter 180 No one can be taught without distinction

Hua Zhenxing immersed himself in drafting the document, while also discussing with Gao Le and recording various suggestions made by the other party. In a short time, he wrote two full pages of A4 paper.

This scene is a bit like Shen Sishu "coaching" him to write a "composition" a few months ago. The composition he wrote at that time was the speech of "Feng Zibin". Hua Zhenxing also participated in the writing of the ten speeches that Charles later published publicly.

But today, what he wrote became the "Regulations on the Teaching and Management of Yangyuan Shu (Draft)", and the person pointing at him became the unfamiliar great magician Yue Gao Le. There is a saying that there is no difference in teaching, and for Hua Zhenxing, there is no difference in being taught.

Just then Manman came. She was wearing a new skirt today, with a shell white base and wavy patterns in pink, light green and lake blue. A small sachet decorated in the same three colors hung on the skirt, making her look more supple.

She was barefoot without socks and wore a pair of straw sandals. Straw sandals were once the symbol of Straw Shoes, and many people in the New League still like to wear straw sandals. They are indeed very suitable for the climate of Fiso Port, as long as it is not in the rainy season.

But Manman's pair of straw sandals simply give off the feeling of luxury handicrafts. They are a pair of straw sandals that are both soft and tough, and very comfortable. The uppers and shoe straps are woven with white soft grass and have delicate wavy shapes.

Although this pair of shoes is not a magic weapon, it is not extraordinary either. It was knitted by Manman himself, and the materials used were carefully selected and processed using refining techniques. Under normal circumstances, it can be said to be invulnerable to fire and water.

As for the craft of weaving straw sandals, of course she learned it from Uncle Mo. Hua Zhenxing has been making straw sandals since he was a child, and he also knew that Uncle Mo could knit various styles of straw sandals, but he had never seen such beautiful women's straw sandals before.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Mo, who looks like a simple and honest old farmer, has such a literary heart and can teach Manman how to knit straw sandals like this. By the way, familiarity with the refining techniques is secondary. The key is that the things are beautiful.

According to Uncle Mo himself, this is called craft aesthetic design, well, he has the final say!

Manman came to the courtyard and took a look: "So there are customers today? No wonder there is no one at the counter."

Hua Zhenxing: "This is lawyer Yue Gao Le, here to talk to me about bail."

Manman: "Then you guys chat slowly, and I'll go to the front to look at the store."

Hua Zhenxing and Yue Gaole clearly had such a big "screen" in front of them, but Manman turned a blind eye to it, as if only they two could see it.

The business of the grocery store has not been very serious recently, because the boss and the assistant are often away. In the past, when the grocery store was empty, Lei Dajin of the Straw Shoes Gang would personally or send someone to help guard the store, but he no longer does this.

Kelin District Supply and Marketing Cooperative now has three outlets open, and more outlets are being rolled out. The closure of grocery stores does not affect everyone's shopping.

Of course, the senior executives of Huanxiang Industrial and New Alliance all know the special status of this grocery store. They usually like to stop by here to buy things and chat for a while when it is open, but forget it when it is not open.

But looking at the grocery store's accounts, it can be seen that the grocery store's business has not been affected at all, and is actually doing better and better. Because Old Yang is not only engaged in retail but also wholesale, and even Huazhenxing doesn't know where he buys the goods. Now the entire economic environment of Feso Port has improved.

Yogaole watched Manman walk back to the shop and whispered: "The straw sandals are good, and the sachet is even better!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Where are the people?"

Yue Gaole turned his head and said, "She has found a treasure."

Hua Zhenxing: "Did she pick up the treasure?"

Yogao Le asked back: "Isn't it? Do you know that you have accomplished a miracle that is neither big nor small? A miracle that many people in the Gambia Court may not want to see."

Hua Zhenxing: "What miracle?"

Yogao Le: "Without causing any turmoil, it naturally lifted the authority of the priests and transformed the beliefs of a nation. To be more precise, it transformed the spiritual beliefs of a tribe and reshaped the cultural landscape. "

Hua Zhenxing reacted and said, "You mean the Poseidon Clan?"

Yue Gaole nodded and said with some emotion: "The spring breeze moistens everything, and the light and dust are harmonious. This is not a method you created, but it is a method you inherited."

Do the Poseidon tribe still believe in Poseidon today? This issue is no longer important. Their true belief is to create a better new world. Huazhenxing has shown it to them in the process of building the Kelin District.

If most people in the new alliance still don't know Hua Zhenxing's identity, the entire Poseidon clan has become Hua Zhenxing's staunchest supporters and followers.

It doesn't matter whether the Poseidon exists or not, even if it can really give power to a certain priest. Because their only priest now is learning the art of nourishing the essence from Hua Zhenxing, and Hua Zhenxing has also taught the art of nourishing the essence to the entire tribe.

Practicing the art of cultivating the essence can also obtain the so-called divine gifts in legends, but there is no need to believe in any gods.

The Poseidon clan has gone through many hardships and even reached the edge of annihilation. What saved them was not the Poseidon, nor actually the art of cultivating energy, but the changes brought about by Hua Zhenxing's creation of a new alliance and the Klin District.

Nowadays, the adult men and women of the Poseidon tribe are the key employees of various projects of Huanxiang Industrial. Due to the population structure, the Poseidon tribe still has many children. Hua Zhenxing plans to build a national education system. First, he must build a school next to the Poseidon tribe's settlement.

Hua Zhenxing said thoughtfully: "I just want to make this place better. They can feel it and have already felt it."

Yogao Le: "What about this little girl? Has she realized that you have removed the authority of the priest?"

Hua Zhenxing: "You are asking this question. Do you think she is stupid? You can ask her yourself if she is clear. What has she gained as a result, and what has the entire Poseidon clan gained? Is it reasonable and necessary?"

Yue Gao Le: "It's boring to talk like this. Can't people be a little poetic? People like her don't have to be smart or stupid, they are just pure. If she hadn't met you, she and her people would be in danger, so I said she should choose It’s precious.”

Hua Zhenxing suddenly frowned and said, "Wait a moment, I'll make a call."

In Jin Dianxing's reception room, all the serious matters that should be discussed have been discussed, as if many of the disagreements just now had never happened. Locke enthusiastically invited the two guests to stay for lunch, and now it is time to chat before the meal.

Ke Mengchao has already left. He is very busy. He leaves with the drafted document. He can convene a meeting to discuss it later. After further modifications, if there are no objections, the draft can be officially promulgated.

From Hua Zhenxing's point of view, Ke Fuzi came here today to help Locke and work on site. Those two envoys helped Hua Zhenxing save trouble. If it hadn't happened today, Master Ke would probably have left the management system to Hua Zhenxing as "homework".

Huazhenxing was very conscious and had already taken the initiative to complete another "homework" while watching the live broadcast.

Lian Na showed her elegant tea art and handed the exquisite tea sets to the guests. The two guests quickly left their seats and stood up to bend down to thank them, looking flattered.

It was inevitable to talk about O'Haim during the dinner. Locke asked them why they came to contact and register on behalf of Gambistine as Oheim's bodyguard? Breshi explained to him that they would not be out and about directly as mages, it was just a cover.

There is a legal advisor beside O'Heim called Jorge Le, who is also a fringe magician who is registered and supervised by Gumbis Court. Although this young fourth-level magician has a low status, he has a wide network of contacts, is good at business, and is good at socializing.

This time O'Haim wanted to come to Fiso Port and needed to hire some bodyguards, so Yue Gaole acted as the middleman to get them involved. Brexi and the other three accepted the employment and came to Port Feso under cover of this identity.

Now that O'Heim was mentioned, Brexi and Pidan certainly didn't forget that they were still his bodyguards, and their employer was still in the detention center! They also knew that yesterday's appointment with Gao Le's lawyer hit a snag at the Public Security Bureau, and bail was refused.

Bresch tentatively asked Locke if he could try to bail out O'Haim through local connections. A few days after arriving at Fiso Port, Oheim was imprisoned in the detention center. In fact, their face was not good.

At this moment, Lian Na's phone rang. She said sorry and went out to answer the phone. After entering, she winked at Locke and then replied with a smile: "As long as you two can guarantee that, Mr. O'Heim will be under arrest." If you don't want to escape before your conviction is officially pronounced, we can help you resolve this awkward situation.

You can inform the lawyer who asked Gao Le to meet with Mr. O'Heim this afternoon. If everything goes well, he can be released on bail tomorrow. "

Sure enough, it will be easier if you find the right person. Braixi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, Ms. Lina and Your Excellency!"

Locke reminded again: "I can help you bail Mr. O'Haim out, but he will be under residential surveillance. You must not help him abandon bail and abscond. Do you understand?"

Before the two of them could answer, Lian Na asked with a smile: "You came here today and were not discovered by the supervisors, right?"

Pidan smiled and said: "Of course I haven't been discovered, and I won't be discovered by them when I go back."

They came to Fiso Port from abroad and underwent nucleic acid tests and blood tests. They are still in the observation and isolation period and theoretically cannot leave the compound where they live.

But Brexi is a senior fifth-level magician, and Pidan is also an outstanding fourth-level magician. It is actually very easy for them to sneak out. The people on duty outside can't find it at all. That's how they came today.

Locke waved his hand and said: "With the cultivation level of the two of you, there will naturally be no problem, so there is no need to talk about this kind of thing.

Regulations are regulations, and what should be observed must be followed. Form and procedure are also very important. The two of you can come and go as you please, as long as you don't get noticed, but others still need to be isolated and observed. "

Locke and Lina were quite generous and did not dwell on whether they had violated the rules and escaped, and promised to help them secure O'Heim's bail. But Locke repeatedly reminded not to use magic to help O'Haim escape bail, especially before a formal trial and conviction.

In the backyard of the grocery store, Yogao Le asked: "Why did you call Lina instead of calling Locke directly?"

Hua Zhenxing smiled and said: "I think Lian Na is more capable in this kind of situation, and some words are suitable for her to say. The mission of the two envoys has been completed, and your investigation mission should also be completed, right?"

With a wave of his hand by Gao Le, the circular light mirror disappeared invisibly, finally ending the live broadcast. This made Hua Zhenxing secretly speechless. As the conversation deepened, he felt more and more that this great magician of Yue Gaole was unfathomable and even exceeded his imagination.

He himself is now a Four Realm monk and can theoretically cast many spells or divine spells. Only in this way can he understand how powerful Yue Gao Le's circular light mirror is.

Not to mention anything else, the conversation and discussion between the two of them did not affect the circular light mirror at all after they continued to perform it for such a long time, and the "live broadcast" was always in progress.

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