Enjoy the world

Chapter 169 I can do my job

Hua Zhenxing was shocked again. How did Yue Gaole know what Old Man Yang said to him in the yard last night?

Thinking back carefully, Old Man Yang didn't use any magical powers at that time. He was just having an ordinary conversation, but people outside the yard probably couldn't hear him. What's more, Yue Gao Le was at the Public Security Bureau, several kilometers away from here.

If you look carefully at Yue Gao Le's appearance, your expression is calm and normal, and there is no abnormality in the vitality rhythm.

He has blond, semi-long hair with a slight curly arc, blue irises, and three-dimensional facial features. He can be said to be quite handsome. His posture is very straight and graceful.

When Hua Zhenxing opened the door and saw him, he reacted with surprise, but he kept smiling calmly and didn't care at all. He actually spoke fluent Dongguo, even with a slight accent of a certain local dialect.

How did you hear Hua Zhenxing? Although he has never been to Dongguo, some of the employees of Huanxiang Industrial speak with such an accent.

When he escorted Rozchild away more than half a year ago, Hua Zhenxing was 1.78 meters tall. Now he has grown a lot taller, at least 1.83 meters tall, and Yue Gao Le is about the same height as him.

Yogao Le was wearing a casual shirt and loose linen trousers, which looked very casual. There were no trademarks on the clothes, but judging from the material and the craftsmanship of cutting and sewing, they were obviously worth a lot of money, even more expensive than those so-called luxury goods. Big brands are all expensive.

He doesn't have any extra accessories on his body, no watches, rings, necklaces, brooches, cufflinks, bracelets, etc. His trouser pockets should be empty, and he doesn't even have a wallet or mobile phone. How can he buy anything?

Seeing Hua Zhenxing's surprised look, Yue Gao Le spoke again: "Boss Hua, what's wrong with you? Are customers just staring at each other when they come to the door? Fortunately, I'm not a lady, otherwise it will cause misunderstandings."

Hua Zhenxing finally said: "You are standing at the door. There is no need to put your face so close. It shocked me just now. In fact, you can knock on the door! I am not the boss, I am just a boy."

Yue Gaole: "I'm rude and I apologize to you! I admit that I just planned to peek through the crack in the door, but you suddenly opened the door... As for the boss, the one who has the final say is the boss. Obviously, now You should be the one who has the final say here.”

These words made Hua Zhenxing a little uncomfortable. He took a step back and let Yue Gao Le in: "Please come in! What do you want to buy?"

Yue Gao Le walked through the door: "The so-called groceries are all-inclusive. I came here today to buy two things. One is local legal services, and the other is a bail procedure."

Hua Zhenxing asked: "Legal services, you are a lawyer yourself, why do you come to me? As for the bail procedures, you should go to the Public Security Bureau, why are you here?"

Yue Gaole explained in a very sincere tone: "Although I am a lawyer, I am not a local lawyer. I don't have the qualifications to practice in Jili Country. Even if I had one, it doesn't seem to work well in today's Fiso Port.

My employer, Mr. O'Heim, is a guest invited by Huanxiang Industrial. Your Huanxiang Industrial has a legal department. Now that he has legal troubles, I think Huanxiang Industrial should also provide corresponding help.

I have inquired and found out that the head of the legal department of Huanxiang Industrial is Dong Zegang, who is the lawyer here. I would like to hire him temporarily for the client. As for the bail procedures, to be honest, even the leaders of the Public Security Bureau here don’t know what to do because they haven’t had time to formulate regulations yet. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Lawyer Dong, I can call him later and you can talk to him yourself. As for the bail procedures, even the Public Security Bureau has no rules, so it's useless for you to come to me."

Yue Gaole said unhurriedly: "I once watched a Dongguo movie, and I was deeply impressed by a line in it, 'If you want an imperial edict, let's write him one.'

The Public Security Bureau has not formulated any rules yet, so please ask Boss Hua to formulate them. We can also bring in Lawyer Dong to discuss how to formulate it, and try to ensure it is reasonable, reasonable and legal.

This place is still under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Kilili, and it is possible to follow the laws of the Kingdom of Kilili. Just give me a figure for how much bail you want. From what I know about Mr. O'Heim, he will definitely find a way to jump bail and abscond. "

If these words were said by another person in another situation, they might make people shocked. However, Yue Gaole's tone was very calm and his expression was very calm. He was telling a certain fact. He even said that O'Heim would definitely abandon bail and abscond.

Hua Zhenxing was stunned for a moment before replying: "Mr. Yue Gaole, are you sure you are O'Haim's lawyer? You told me in advance that he would jump bail and abscond, and you still want to bail him out?"

Yue Gaole smiled again: "Looking at Boss Hua's reaction, it turns out that he is the one who has the final say, because you are questioning this issue, not others.

I say this just because I can be honest, so that I don’t have to bail him out. If he jumps bail and absconds, you will think that I am his accomplice.

I'm just telling you what Mr. O'Heim will do. If you know it well, I believe he won't be able to run away. I'm just performing my duties, and I can't take other people's consulting fees in vain.

You should have heard that I am actually here to give you money. This is a big deal. When customers come to the door, does Boss Hua just stand and talk like this? Could you please invite me to have a cup of tea in the yard behind, and we can chat slowly.

I know you have a lot of doubts about me, otherwise you wouldn’t have been using that little girl’s healing magic on me these past two days. Although I am healthy, I still have to thank you for your care. "

These words made Hua Zhenxing blush. The appointment with Gao Le was very interesting. Hua Zhenxing had never seen anyone like him. He talked about everything, but he still seemed very calm.

Hua Zhenxing and Manman secretly performed so many magical healing spells, trying to test each other's reaction, but they already knew it and even came to "say thank you" today. This kind of thing is really embarrassing for whoever does it.

He invited Gao Le into the backyard, sat down under the lychee tree, and brewed a pot of tea. Hua Zhenxing poured it for him first. He still felt a little confused. Why did he invite someone here because he was so dizzy? It's really unfathomable.

But Hua Zhenxing is not afraid. He has never been afraid of anyone on his own territory. No matter how powerful Yue Gaole is, can he be more powerful than three old men? Even though Old Man Yang is not at home at the moment, he will probably come out suddenly when necessary.

This is Hua Zhenxing's confidence. It can also be said that Old Man Yang has trained him to be a bit reckless. Anyway, he invited people in for tea, and then asked: "Mr. Yue, are you also a magician?"

Since the other party spoke so bluntly, Hua Zhenxing didn't beat around the bush, and his title was very interesting. Yogao Le itself was a surname, and he directly used an abbreviation, just like calling Rothchild Dr. Luo.

Yue Gaole held the tea cup and said: "Of course I am a magician, but like you, I am not just a magician. In addition to magic, I have also learned many things. For example, now I am a lawyer. Degrees, certificates.”

Hua Zhenxing: "How high is your cultivation level?"

This is a rude and even taboo word among strangers and monks. People who are familiar with and close to each other will know each other's cultivation. Monks can often only observe and judge when they meet for the first time. Unless the other party is willing to tell, it is not easy to ask questions.

Hua Zhenxing also knew this, but at this moment, he was led astray by Yue Gaole, so he asked as he wanted to.

Yue Gaole smiled and replied: "When you meet for the first time or in a social setting, if you suddenly ask the other person what degree he has, it is disrespectful and it is not a job interview.

But I can tell you that I am a doctor of law. As for how high my cultivation level is, I can’t say. In fact, there is no need to say. "

Hua Zhenxing: "I'm rude. If you don't want to say it, just don't say it. Just pretend I didn't ask, but why don't you need to say it?"

Yue Gaole: "Because when I came here, I had no intention of using magic. As long as no one uses magic to deal with me, I can be treated as an ordinary lawyer... This tea is good, thank you!"

He had finished a cup of tea and handed over the empty cup in his hand. Hua Zhenxing poured another half of the glass for him and said, somewhat lost, "According to your custom, you should say buy me a glass of wine. Why did you say you wanted tea just now?"

Yue Gao Le: "This is not just about doing as the Romans do, as guests do as they please, because it is too much to get up early in the morning to drink. Should we continue to sleep after drinking too much? Let's talk about small talk later, let's talk about business."

Hua Zhenxing: "What is business?" For the first time in his life, he had a very absurd feeling about the word business.

Yue Gaole said seriously: "The bail procedures for my employer, Mr. O'Heim. There is no law and order in many places in Guilin, but the legal provisions are still very complete. I believe that they can also be implemented in Fiso Port. Your Public Security Bureau leaders are still Not very comfortable with it.

Mr. O'Haim's crimes were serious, including conducting multiple illegal drug experiments without the knowledge of the test subjects. And according to the consensus we have reached about this person, he will definitely find ways to jump bail and abscond.

For such a person, the bail amount must be set very high, so that he will have to pay the price even if he abandons bail and absconds. I'm sorry, but your place is still very poor. This is either derogatory or describing the facts.

If Mr. O'Haim jumps bail and absconds, the bail money will be forfeited. I'm not sure what the total fiscal revenue of the Fiso Port local government was last year, but I suggest you charge him bail according to this figure. "

Hua Zhenxing frowned and said: "The financial revenue of the Afroport government last year? The statistics are very confusing, but you really asked the right person. I know a rough figure, which is almost six million meters of gold. The sources are complicated, and even include many Management fees handed over by gangsters.”

Yogo Le interjected: "As far as I know, the official name should be community tax agent."

Hua Zhenxing: "Call it whatever you want, but I have no intention of letting O'Heim be released on bail pending trial. No matter how this person is dealt with in the future, he must undergo a formal trial and be convicted."

Yue Gaole: "Boss Hua, you may have misunderstood. I didn't want O'Heim to escape. I just told you a procedure. If he wants to abandon bail and abscond, you can just catch him again."

Six million meters in gold is indeed a bit low. The municipal expenditure of Fisoport this year should be relatively large, so let’s triple it and charge him 18 million meters in bail.

According to the laws of the Kingdom of Kilin, you only need to pay 10% upfront, which is 1.8 million meters in gold, but you also need to provide a sufficient guarantee.

I believe that Mr. O'Heim has enough financial resources to provide cash and guarantee, and I will help him complete the relevant procedures, even as a meeting gift. "

Hua Zhenxing wondered: "Meeting gift? Mr. Yue, why are you doing this? We are not familiar with each other!"

Yue Gaole smiled bitterly and said: "Boss Hua, you have misunderstood again. It is my duty to help the employer solve the problem. If I had not found you and said such words, there would have been other ways to release O'Heim on bail. come out?

If I do that, it will be enough to prove that I am an excellent lawyer who can help employers solve various complex emergencies. He must be hoping to be released on bail, as he looked at me with that pleading look yesterday, like a drowning man trying to hold on to the branches on the shore.

As for jumping bail and absconding, that's just my judgment. If it really happens to him, it's his own choice. As an adult, there are some common senses that don't need to be told by others.

So this meeting gift was actually given by O'Heim himself, and it is also needed here. He should try his best to make up for what he has done. "

Hua Zhenxing: "This compensation is not enough!"

Yogao Le smiled again: "Boss Hua, what we just talked about was bail money. I hope to complete my task. If Mr. O'Heim's crime is confirmed, the court can also impose a huge fine on him. That's another question. Something happened.

From what I know about him, he will definitely pay the bail, but he will definitely not be willing to pay the huge fine. He would rather spend money to bribe the jailer to give him a chance to escape. "

Hua Zhenxing was speechless. After a long time, he asked, "Are you really speaking for your client?"

Yue Gao Le: "People don't tell secret words. Even if I don't say this, I believe you can think of it. Even if you can't think of it at the moment, there are many experts around you who can think of it. Then you might as well talk about it. I can do my job."

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