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Chapter 157 Everyone has something to gain

It was Liana who had used the blood sacrifice magic to open the Book of Inheritance, so she had been pouring mana into it, and then Locke stopped it in time. Everyone now roughly knew what the Book of Inheritance was about.

A simple analogy is like reading a book or checking stored information on a computer, but there are special requirements for how to open it. What they received was the divine thought left by the creator of this book, the great magician Fulgen three hundred years ago.

When we were in Brussels a few days ago, Old Man Yang had just shown this trick to Hua Zhenxing, so Hua Zhenxing had already seen divine thoughts. But through a book as a medium, specific spiritual thoughts can be sent to future generations hundreds of years later, and the method should be more sophisticated.

Why not just use a book? Because many contents are difficult to describe, such as a certain color, no matter how you describe it, you have to see it with your own eyes to truly understand it.

Colors can still be conveyed through image information, and for other information such as enlightenment states and deep experiences, this state or experience can only be directly told to others in the form of spiritual thoughts.

At this moment, Hua Zhenxing already understands the Blood Sacrifice Technique. The divine thoughts obtained from the Book of Inheritance have been introduced. It can mainly be used for tracking or identification. There are many changes that the user needs to explore by themselves, and it can even be used for curse attacks.

The way to open this book of inheritance requires the direct male descendants of the great magician Fugen to use blood that has not lost its biological activity to perform blood sacrifice for verification.

Since it was a test of pricking her finger and drawing blood, Lian Na naturally thought of the blood sacrifice technique, and she succeeded after trying it.

It seems that as long as they know the principles and methods, others can also open this book of inheritance. All they have to do is capture Locke alive and learn the art of blood sacrifice. Frick had already found Locke but didn't kill him directly. Is this the same reason?

Frick is dead and no one can verify it anymore, so we can only make this guess.

To describe it more accurately, the spiritual thought emitted by the Book of Inheritance seems to be a clear memory, and the memory of others suddenly seems to become one's own memory. The content contained in this memory is what the original great magician Fulgen wanted to leave to future generations.

If you want to receive this kind of spiritual thought, you usually need to have the cultivation of the Four Realms and have passed the test of the Demon Realm. Otherwise, it will be difficult to tell what is going on, and you may even mistakenly think that you have traveled through time.

The cultivation of the three realms has reached the state where the soul is clear and clear, and it is barely possible to interpret these divine thoughts, but the impact on the soul will be great.

Just imagine the feeling of suddenly having a memory in your mind, which seems to be your own experience, but not at all in your current identity. This may cause two consequences: first, confusion in self-perception; second, being unable to bear such a huge amount of information, resulting in Consciousness collapses.

Among the four, only Manman was still in the third realm, so Hua Zhenxing immediately realized something was wrong and reminded Manman to collect the soul and use the same method to deal with the devil realm.

Although the divine thoughts emitted by the Book of Inheritance are not Manman's own inner demons, and this experience is not a demonic realm, the nature is similar to Manman. This was a small accident, and Locke stopped Lina's spellcasting in time.

Calling a halt at this moment was just right for the other three people.

Theoretically, after the book of inheritance is opened, all the inheritance of the great magician Fugen can be imprinted into the soul. However, some too advanced contents are still beyond their understanding. They are information that has not yet become clear in the chaos. Forcible interpretation will still be difficult. Impact the soul.

Therefore, the book of inheritance is not a one-time item. As the cultivation level becomes more and more advanced, when it is opened again, it can accept and understand the content of higher level magical cultivation. If you have any doubts, you can also look for answers in the memories of predecessors.

But no matter what, the feelings of the predecessors only belong to the predecessors and can only be learned from, and each step requires personal practice.

For example, if Locke wants to know how to play with paper airplanes, his ancestors may not be able to give him a clear answer, but he can draw a lot from their ancestors' experience in practicing the puppet-eye technique.

The four people present today have all received the magical inheritance of Fulgen's system, within the scope of their respective understanding and acceptance.

The most important thing for Locke is not the magical methods, but the complete magical master training system. Otherwise, even if he becomes an official magician, he won't know what to do next, unless he learns from Lian Na, or he can only modify Hua Zhen's practice of cultivating energy.

Today's Locke doesn't have to do that. His original foundation is the inheritance of the magicians of the Fulgen family. The best way is to continue practicing and use Yangyuan Technique as an auxiliary and reference.

For Manman, the "teaching" she received from Zha Xin was actually a dead end. If she had not met Hua Zhenxing, she could have followed the practice path of a magician. She was originally a priest of the Poseidon clan.

Now that she has met Hua Zhenxing, practiced Yang Yuan Technique from scratch, and perfected her own practice system, there is no need to do that anymore. Wouldn't it be nice to continue practicing Yang Yuan Technique with Xiao Hua?

Besides, there are three experts with great powers behind Xiaohua, who are certainly better than that book!

For Hua Zhenxing and Manman, with the inheritance they received today, they will be able to perform various magical arts in the future. There will be no problem in going out and pretending to be magicians in the future. Even those who are not masters may not be able to tell.

The four people at the table said nothing. Hua Zhenxing and the other three were quietly comprehending and interpreting the inheritance content they had just received, while Manman closed her eyes and fell into concentration.

I don't know how much time passed, but Locke's right hand suddenly made a thumb-picking movement. A faint white light appeared, and the wound that had stopped bleeding gradually scabbed and healed. This is healing magic.

The wound on his right thumb was originally very small and superficial. If he followed Hua Zhenxing's habit, he would put it in his mouth and suck it twice and ignore it at all. However, Locke still used the magical healing method just to verify what he had just learned. s method.

How long has it been since? I'm afraid it's just the simplest method of healing magic. It's quite extraordinary for Locke to be able to use it immediately after receiving the inheritance! No wonder Mr. Dawson has always believed that he is the best talent among the young generation of Fulgan Foundation.

Hua Zhenxing noticed this scene and looked at Locke with admiration. Then he stretched out his hand and added another healing magic to Locke's thumb.

The scab that had just formed on that pitiful little wound fell off on the spot, leaving only the tender pink skin showing that the area had been injured.

What Hua Zhenxing used was also the simplest method of healing magic. It was also just learned, but it felt subtly different from what Locke had just used.

The foundation of his cultivation is Yuan Yuan Shu, and the essence of Yang Yuan Shu is to accumulate vitality, and the healing magic he performs is actually better.

If Old Man Yang were here, he might give him a slap on the head and curse: "Look how good you are!" At the same time, he would secretly praise him in his heart, and he might even be secretly proud, because he trained this child. .

But the only onlooker at this moment was Lian Na, and Lian Na said nothing, only concentrating on the inheritance she had received.

For Lian Na, she actually does not lack the basic inheritance of the magical system. Frick has taught her a long time ago. As a great magician, Frick also left her with a method similar to the divine mind seal.

If according to what the monks from the Eastern Kingdom said, the method left behind by the great magician Fugen through the Book of Inheritance should be called the "mind of controlling the gods", and it can only be mastered by at least seventh-level monks.

Sending spiritual thoughts directly to another person is a method that monks in the Sixth Realm can master. Divine thoughts are just a form, and the content they carry is ever-changing. It can be a memory or just a few simple sentences.

Among them, the most brilliant and important one is the divine mind seal. For example, what Old Man Yang imprinted into Hua Zhenxing Yuan Shen a few days ago was a spiritual mind seal.

It contains various secret techniques that can be practiced after breaking through the four realms, including not only the basic techniques of nourishing the essence, but also various methods of controlling and refining weapons...

These things were not all instilled into Hua Zhenxing at once, but they were in a state of being able to interpret as much as they could. If Old Man Yang is not around, Hua Zhenxing can continue to practice according to the guidance of the divine heart seal.

Of course, Old Man Yang is still alive and kicking. If Hua Zhenxing has any questions, it might be better to ask him himself.

Leaving the mind to control the gods requires a higher level of cultivation than sending the mind seal of the gods, because it is more difficult to accomplish. The caster himself is no longer here, but he can travel through time and space through the objects he carries, indirectly leaving his spiritual thoughts to future generations.

But this method is still different from the direct imprint of spiritual thoughts left face to face.

The book of inheritance itself is equivalent to the existence of the spiritual heart seal. It is impossible for future generations to accept and understand all its contents at once. It may be necessary to open the book of inheritance many times as the cultivation progresses.

The idea of ​​controlling the gods is maintained by the mana left by the creator. It is equivalent to a signal source. The more times it is turned on by future generations, the weaker the signal will be until it cannot be interpreted or completely dissipates.

In order to delay this process as much as possible, every time the book of inheritance is opened, the opener needs to inject his own mana. However, this cannot completely stop this trend, so it is still necessary to minimize the number of openings.

There is only one situation in which the Book of Inheritance will not be damaged, that is, future generations have fully understood and mastered all the contents in the Book of Inheritance, and have the means to use the Mind of God to give it " Signal” reinforcement.

At least Locke couldn't do it today. He was still far away, so it was a wise choice to stop in time.

The inheritance content obtained by opening this time is enough for Locke to practice to a fifth-level magician. In other words, before he fails to become a fifth-level magician, it is best not to open this book of inheritance again.

This is also the case for Hua Zhenxing, Lian Na and even Manman. They have all received inheritance, but they only received the part of the content that they can currently understand.

Accepting and understanding the content of the inheritance does not mean that you have learned and mastered it. You still need to practice and verify it yourself. If Locke opens the Book of Inheritance next time, if they want to read it and Locke is willing, they can continue to follow the book.

Locke and Hua Zhenxing performed magical healing spells on the spot. Their original basic skills were sufficient, and they only used the simplest method. This was already an astonishing talent.

Hua Zhenxing couldn't help but glance at Locke's chest again, and then found that Lian Na's eyes were also looking there. They both looked away again, feeling a little embarrassed, but the content of the embarrassment was different.

A pendant hangs from Locke's chest on a thin rope. The shape of the pendant is a golden ball of twigs. The pattern is exactly the same as the golden pattern on the cover of the Book of Inheritance. If you look closely, you will see that it is actually a white spar wrapped in a golden twig flower.

The predecessor of this pendant is the Anji Falium Platinum Chain that Hua Zhenxing obtained from Frick. It can be literally translated as Angel Treasure Chain in Dongguo language. It was once an artifact inherited from the Fulgen family.

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