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Chapter 151 Seeking Skin from a Tiger

O'Heim was very familiar with the current situation in Fiso Port. He called the new alliance a "social organization". In fact, he was taking care of Lord Feng Zibin's dignity and did not directly call it a gang.

But no matter how well-informed he is, due to the limitations of his knowledge, he still won't understand the nature, historical origins of the new alliance, and Huazhenxing's true purpose of creating the Klin District.

Port Fiso has always been like that. From a "normal" perspective, the new alliance is nothing more than another gang that replaced the Big Head Gang, but it is bigger, more successful, and more powerful.

As for the true nature and purpose of the new alliance, I am afraid only people like Locke can truly understand it.

But O'Haim called it "a steady stream of wealth", which immediately aroused Hua Zhenxing's vigilance. He regarded it as a gangster and said that there are two kinds of people, one is a broken brain, and the other is a gangster. There is an ulterior motive.

Hua Zhenxing showed a surprised expression, turned around and said: "Precious resources? Don't be kidding me! I grew up there. Selling the entire Feso Port is not worth a corridor here."

O'Heim smiled again: "All the works of art on display here are works of art. The value of works of art lies in the culture they carry, and they are the crystallization of human's unique skills.

But in my opinion, it is also a product, a product that has been produced, or a result, a paradigm for future generations to refer to.

They belong to the wealth that has been created, and what you have, your Lordship, is a fruit tree, a tree that is constantly producing fruit.

To put it bluntly, if this corridor suddenly disappears, it may not have any impact on the current Bili country. As long as those who know about it don't tell, people outside the palace will not even know what happened. But the resources you have are different..."

Hua Zhenxing asked: "Did the sudden disappearance of Fiso Port have any impact on the current Belize Congress? I don't think so. People outside may not know what happened either."

O'Heim said meaningfully: "We don't discuss its disappearance, only its existence. Its current existence is very meaningful. I heard that the New Alliance controls a large territory, and everyone in the Klin District obeys the New Alliance command, and people are the most precious resource.”

Hua Zhenxing finally turned around and faced O'Heim seriously: "I agree with this, Mr. O'Heim, you are very insightful! If there are no people, it is meaningless to talk about wealth. The so-called wealth means that it has Human values."

O'Heim: "But the resources I just mentioned may be worthless or even a negative asset. They are mouths waiting to be fed, hearts needing comfort, and desires that conflict again and again. But if Find the most reasonable way to develop it, and there will be a steady stream of wealth."

Hua Zhenxing showed an expression of sudden realization: "Mr. O'Heim, do you want to discuss cooperation with me?"

O'Heim: "Yes, your lordship guessed it."

Hua Zhenxing: "Then just say it!"

O'Heim: "Lord Rothchild introduced it to you. You must already know that my main investment industry is medicine. There is a very important project now, and Her Royal Highness the Princess is also very concerned about it.

It requires your Lordship's assistance and will bring you huge profits. As long as this cooperation is successful, there will be a steady stream of opportunities in the future. This project is not suitable for public disclosure at the moment, so Her Royal Highness the Princess also hopes that I can come and talk to you. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Is it so important that even Her Royal Highness the Princess cares about it? We should talk about it carefully. Mr. Feng has never been in charge of the specific affairs of Huanxiang Industrial, he just invested a sum of money in them.

Today I have brought Ms. Cui, the head of publicity of Huanxiang Industrial, and you can exchange contact information. Mr. Tang, the vice president of Huanxiang Industrial, and Mr. Yang, the director, also happen to be in Brussels these days.

You can talk to them about specific plans. You can talk about whatever you want. I won't interfere. "

Huazhenxing didn't ask about the specific business content at all, and asked O'Haim to talk to Huanxiang Industrial, as if he didn't want to worry about it. This was in line with Feng Zibin's cynical playboy character, and it was just right and not annoying. Disgusted.

Hua Zhenxing waved, and Cui Wanhe came over to contact O'Heim. The two exchanged contact information and agreed to meet with Vice President Tang Senzhi tomorrow for detailed discussions. O'Heim also expressed his gratitude to Hua Zhenxing.

Feng Zibin is obviously a hands-off boss to Huanxiang Industrial. Among his huge wealth, Huanxiang Industrial is just a small investment project.

Although it may not be as small as he said, it is at least an investment project that is not very important and does not have high expectations.

However, with the introduction of Feng Zibin as the controller, in a sense, Oheim is equivalent to getting the legendary sword of Shangfang from the Eastern Kingdom. Talking about cooperation with Huanxiang Industrial will be much smoother, at least in Oheim. It seems so.

After the greetings here ended, when O'Heim walked to a corner alone, Sir Mace leaned over and whispered: "Sir, I heard what you just said.

As far as I know, Her Royal Highness the Princess has not entrusted you with any cooperation with Lord Feng Zibin, and she has no knowledge of what just happened. "

O'Heim quickly lowered his head and said: "But Her Royal Highness the Princess is also concerned about the progress of the vaccine, which is very important to other countries."

When he spoke, he secretly wondered how Sir Mace could hear him even though he spoke so quietly. His ears were too sharp. Could it be that he had been staring at him?

In fact, he was thinking too much. Sir Mace was not staring at him, but had been paying close attention to Hua Zhenxing. When he saw him coming to Hua Zhenxing to talk side by side, he subconsciously took a few steps closer to hear what they were talking about. How much did it actually mean? Not what a gentleman should do.

Sir Mace was still displeased and said: "Whatever you do in the future, please do not do it in the name of Her Highness the Princess! We are well aware of some situations, but it is not suitable to involve Her Highness the Princess. Didn't you see Lord Feng's reaction just now? You don't even want to Let you tell him directly."

O'Heim's head lowered, and he bowed slightly: "I'm sorry, this is my lack of consideration! This matter indeed has nothing to do with Her Highness the Princess, and she has no knowledge of this cooperation project, but is very concerned about it. The status of vaccine development.”

They didn't know that although they were careful when talking, the conversation was also heard by Hua Zhenxing. The content of the conversation confirmed Hua Zhenxing's judgment just now, and it was indeed related to the matter at the International Hospital.

At the beginning, he learned from Dr. Luo that many multinational pharmaceutical groups were conducting undisclosed research at Fisoport International Hospital, and even brought drugs that had not yet been approved for marketing and were still in the clinical development stage to international hospitals for testing.

Drug trials are a necessary part of research and development, but the people who participated in the drug trials did not know this. They thought they were coming for a physical examination or normal treatment. Jin Datou once specially organized this kind of thing, and Dr. Luo's pursuit was related to this.

It seems that this O'Haim is probably Jin Datou's original employer, and even if he is not himself, he cannot be separated from it. Rozchild has now become a shareholder of the pharmaceutical group under O'Heim's name, and he has also introduced O'Heim to Huazhenxing. The purpose is definitely not to let them negotiate a cooperation.

At this time, Hua Zhen walked towards Rozchild, used his spiritual consciousness to pick up the sound, and said three words in Dongguo: "Jin Datou?" He tilted his chin in the direction of O'Heim.

Rozchild could hear it, but he didn't know how to use the same method. He just nodded and said, "My friend, can we go together in my car later?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Okay! Call Locke up again. We can have a good chat and have another drink by the way."

When they left the Laken Grand Garden Palace, the entourage was surprised to find that the three lords and gentlemen actually asked their female companions to go back first, and they actually got into the same car!

Are you going somewhere to celebrate or have fun? However, starting three days ago, the country's government issued a new round of the strictest epidemic control orders. All entertainment venues have been closed, including those open to the public in casinos and entertainment venues, and outings have also been strictly restricted. Maybe they have some private place.

Rothchild drove the car himself, and Locke sat in the passenger seat. After driving a certain distance, Rozchild said: "Don't worry about talking in the car, no one will hear you."

Hua Zhenxing got straight to the point: "Do you also think that O'Haim is Jin Datou's employer behind the scenes?"

Rothchild: "The employer behind Jin Datou's organization of people to participate in drug experiments is indeed Oheim Pharmaceutical Group. But this may not be Oheim's personal decision, and this kind of thing is not a personal behavior.

As for who hired Jin Datou to kill me, there is no evidence, and it is impossible to get any more evidence. I can only say it's probably him, but I don't know if there's anyone else besides him. "

Why can't we get the evidence? Because Hua Zhenxing killed Jin Datou and his closest confidants on the way back. And even if Jin Datou is still alive, just relying on the confessions of a few gangsters in Fesoport and the lack of other evidence will not convict the big shot in Luobazhou.

Locke interjected: "Even the actions of the group are determined by people, and they will eventually be implemented by someone or some people. Someone has found the magicians of the Fulgen Foundation and wants them to deal with you, and the mastermind behind the scenes is also Is this Oheim?”

Rozchild: "It may or may not be the case. I also doubt it, but there is no evidence either. The person who came out to find the Fulgen Foundation has already escaped. Even if he is captured, I'm afraid he won't be able to find the real mastermind."

Hua Zhenxing: "You suspect that he is the person who wants to get rid of you behind the scenes, and you are still cooperating with him now?"

Rozchild sighed: "It's not cooperation, I just bought the stocks of their pharmaceutical group. If you want to find out what this group has done, the best way is to take control of it personally.

Unfortunately, I can't do it with my current strength. I just hold part of the shares and can arrange a director seat. "

Locke: "Are you doing this for self-protection?"

Rothchild sighed sadly again: "Yes, I did this just to protect myself. I thought that the matter was over and I myself became a shareholder of the Oheim Group, so they would not have to deal with me anymore.

But this time when Xiaohua found me, I realized that there were actually people colluding with the Fulgen Order and still wanted to kill me. It might be O'Heim, or it might be someone else. This feeling of not knowing who it is is the scariest thing. "

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