Enjoy the world

Chapter 145 Lian Na’s kindness

This childish remark made Dr. Luo very angry. Fortunately, he was already used to Hua Zhenxing's style and would not care about anything anymore.

The awarding of honors was done by Rozchild, and it was also the reward after he invested so many resources in Princess Ketiya, which made him truly have the noble status of the upper class.

Although this identity is said to be useless, it is actually of no use at all. It is said to be useful in certain situations. It is like being plated with a layer of gold, making it more convenient to do many things, and Rozchild himself really needs it.

However, there must be a high-sounding reason for this kind of thing. The award cannot be given for no reason, otherwise it will be difficult for Her Royal Highness the Princess to arrange it even if she has such intention.

Hua Zhenxing came to Brussels and connected Rozchild and Locke. The sensational incident of the Forgan Foundation and Mr. Forgan's "admirable experience" gave Rothchild the best opportunity to operate.

Princess Ketiya is also happy to have the icing on the cake, which is beneficial to her. It can not only create a positive image of the royal family, but also win praise from the people and the media.

Rozchild not only arranged for himself and Locke to be honored together, but also specially invited "Feng Zibin" to be included. This is entirely a good intention, and it also has many intangible benefits for the identity of "Feng Zibin".

In fact, Rozchild knew in his heart that Locke really had no glorious deeds to commend him in the ten years he had been in Port Feso.

As for himself, his experience as an aid doctor is certainly worthy of praise, but there are many doctors in international hospitals, including many aid doctors. He is neither the one who has contributed the most, nor the one who has paid the most, and his working hours are also very short. In fact, it is difficult to deserve this reputation. .

Many of the things Huazhenxing has done in Fiso Port are truly admirable and have never been done by anyone else. It is precisely because of this subconscious mind that Luochaide arranged for "Feng Zibin" to be included. It was not simply about the benefits but also thinking about Xiaohua.

But after careful consideration, Hua Zhenxing’s words also make sense. Rozchild now lives in Brussels, and the Forgan Foundation is also registered here. Many of their affairs are within the jurisdiction of the country. There was no procedural problem with the commendation given by the King's family.

However, Hua Zhenxing is neither a citizen nor a resident of the country of Beli, nor has he done anything for the country of Beli, nor has he even had any relationship with him. What honor did the royal family of Beli Kingdom award him?

According to Master Ke's words, to seek political power while not in one's position is to violate the rules. I'm afraid this is still the mentality of the sovereign state that has mastered the right to speak and values.

Rozchild could only smile bitterly and said: "This is not a bad thing. After all, it is to commend charity and convey a correct belief to the world. It is not you Xiaohua who is awarded the honor, but the identity of 'Feng Zibin', also I won’t embarrass you.”

Hua Zhenxing nodded and said: "Yes, I know you have good intentions, so I didn't object. As Feng Zibin, I didn't have any embarrassment. One day, I hope she does something worthy of my admiration and gratitude, and I can do the same Give her a commendation and a title."

Rothchild smiled apologetically and said, "You can definitely do it!" Then he changed the topic and said, "This award is for charity. What do you think of these philanthropists and charitable organizations? I always feel that you seem to have prejudices against them. "

Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said: "No, I have no prejudice. No matter how you say it, these charitable donations are not a bad thing and deserve encouragement and praise. They are a help in times of need, saving people in urgent need, and sometimes they can save people's lives."

Rozchild was a little surprised and said: "So you think so highly of this. Is it because you feel that you have grown up recently, so have you changed your mind? I feel that this is not like the original you."

Hua Zhenxing still shook his head: "I am still the same person, and this evaluation is not very high, it is just a fact. The charitable donations I saw in Fiso Port are actually equivalent to Lian Na's kindness."

Rothchild was already smiling with a hint of amusement, but now his expression froze, as if he had eaten something and suddenly choked on it.

It's so interesting to talk to Hua Zhenxing. I don't know who taught this kid. Many of his ideas are simply off guard, and it seems that he hasn't learned to hide too much.

Lian Na's kindness becomes more and more worthy of consideration the more we think about it!

Of course, Rothchild already knew the truth about the Fulgan Foundation incident, otherwise he would not be able to cooperate with Locke on many things. Apart from the three old men, he was the one who knew the most about the inside story of this series of events, including Feng Zibin's identity.

Lian Na couldn't bear to see Locke being killed, so she used paper airplanes to tell him to run away quickly. Her kindness could indeed save someone's life, otherwise Locke wouldn't be alive today.

But did Lian Na's kindness change the essence of the problem, face the core contradiction and solve it? It doesn't, or even doesn't help.

Frick and others used trumped-up excuses to massacre their colleagues and cover up the evidence. She was unable to stop it and did not expose it. All she could do was secretly warn Locke.

The apparently innocent Locke, who was supposed to be the heir to the Fulgrim family, had to go on the run. If he was not capable enough or was unlucky, he would have been dead long ago, and there would be no chance for Frick to come looking for him again.

When the Forgan Foundation discovered Locke's whereabouts again, Lina's kindness still warned Locke to escape quickly.

Even though she already knew the truth of all the incidents, she still hoped that Locke would complete the deal, hand over the Book of Inheritance, leave with a donation, and continue her life on the run.

But what is the true face of the matter? That Book of Inheritance belongs to Locke, and the entire Fulgrim Foundation belongs to Locke. Everyone, including Lina, is actually just an employee providing management services to Locke.

If Locke is regarded as one side, and Frick and others are regarded as the other side, Lina actually chose to side with Frick, but her kindness saved Locke's life by chance.

Maybe there was a reason why she made this choice in the first place, maybe it was understandable, maybe it was excusable. For example, she did not fully understand the truth of the incident, and for example, Frick and others were too powerful and she was unable to change anything, which would be more beneficial to herself.

But no matter what, Lina spent the past ten years squandering the Fulgen family's wealth and enjoying the life of a noble lady with fine clothes and fine food. This is the essence of the problem. Ke Mengchao once used Hua Zhenxing's mouth to spread the word, which stung Locke and made him really understand it clearly.

When the veil was torn and Locke launched a thorough counterattack, Lina, who had to face reality again, began to realize that what Locke really needed was not her kindness, but that she needed self-salvation because she was lucky enough to be alive.

This may be another helplessness, another multiple choice between emotion, reason and interests. It is not known whether she has truly awakened. Anyway, Hua Zhenxing sees it very clearly. This does not require any sophisticated vision, but only requires seeing through the essence.

Rozchild also had a similar adventure experience as Locke. Fortunately, he met Hua Zhenxing. Hua Zhenxing clearly chose to side with Dr. Luo, fighting a bloody road to escort him away and going to where he wanted to go. Only then would Dr. Luo be where he is today.

After returning to Fesuo Port, Hua Zhenxing killed Jin Datou, which meant his break with the world around him. It can be said that the transformation of Huazhenxing from just dreaming to realizing dreams began with escorting Dr. Luo.

Looking back at what kind of role "Lian Na's kindness" can play, it is very intriguing.

Hua Zhenxing has lived in Fesoport since he was a child, and is used to seeing all kinds of charitable organizations from all over the world. Their work is not meaningless, and the spirit of many staff members is commendable, but Fesoport is still Fesoport!

In Fesoport, the average life expectancy of the locals is only in their early thirties. In Fesoport, people die of homicide almost every day. Countless people smoke leaves and scorpions every day. There is no hope in Fesoport.

Hua Zhenxing couldn't find an accurate way to describe the kind of charity that Rozchild mentioned, but "Lian Na's kindness" became the best explanation, and he almost regarded it as an idiom.

Seeing that Luo Childe was thoughtful and silent, Hua Zhenxing added: "Huanxiang Industrial has a vice president named Lei Dajin. He used to be a township poverty alleviation cadre in Dongguo. Because of his outstanding work, he was later promoted to that position. A senior county official in a large, impoverished mountainous county.

While he worked there, locals also received many charitable donations. He once talked about the past and the current situation of Fiso Port. I remember one sentence very clearly: It is a real good thing to make those who have been donated no longer have to accept charity. "

Lei Dajin was reluctant to talk more about his past in Dongguo, but when analyzing his work goals, he also mentioned his experience in poverty alleviation work.

Simple relief donations cannot solve the problem. What really needs to change is people's environment and their own concepts, from thinking patterns to behavior patterns.

Some people always like to say, "It is better to teach someone how to fish than to teach someone to fish." It seems very reasonable, but in fact, in many cases, it is empty talk. If the environment and consciousness do not change, what will happen if you teach someone to fish step by step?

Not to mention where to find fishing places, even fishing rods and fishing nets can be sold for wine. Lei Dajin has seen too many such cases with his own eyes. Some people really don't know how to fish, don't have fishing gear, or just don't want to.

For a few years, the government had a special poverty alleviation policy, asking cadres to call on poor mountain people who had the conditions to raise pigs. Piglets and feed were provided free of charge, and technicians were sent to provide guidance from door to door.

But after the poverty alleviation cadres left, some families ate the piglets, which were suitable for roast suckling pigs. When the market opened, many people set up stalls there to sell feed.

Lei Dajin was still a township chief at the time, and township chief Lei also constantly changed his work strategies according to the situation, and he also paid close attention to another thing, which was to let those children go to school no matter what, especially girls...

Hua Zhenxing told Lei Dajin's past, and Luo Child came back from his meditation and asked curiously: "Does this Secretary Lei disapprove of Dongguo's poverty alleviation policy?"

Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said: "No, you misunderstood. He agreed and firmly supported it, and believed that that is the real great good! No matter how difficult the process is, the ultimate goal of the work is to prevent those people from relying on or having to rely on others. Accept charitable donations again.

He himself said that without those measures, many people would never learn to change themselves. Some people cannot be saved, but after all, there are still many people who have walked out of the quagmire. We can only try our best to help those who are willing to change.

All correct policies must be able to improve the environment and change people at the same time. This process may be very long, and may even require an entire generation to re-cultivate a world view. "

Rothchild: "A very touching story and a very respectable person."

Hua Zhenxing: "Yes, according to Princess Kedia's approach, he should actually be awarded a medal!"

Rozchild obviously didn’t want to dwell on the topic of honors anymore, looking at the oil paintings hanging on the wall, he recalled: “I am also deeply touched by what you said.

When I was in Fiso Port, whenever new aid doctors arrived, I would remind them not to spend money to give alms to those lying on the streets. Although I was once such a homeless person in the United States, I still have to remind them.

Most of those people are drug addicts. Many of them carry blades, their consciousness has been distorted by the drugs, they cannot distinguish between good and evil, and their behavior is completely abnormal. It is not bad to rob them of all their money, but they may also stab them. "

Hua Zhenxing sighed: "Let's not talk about this! In fact, I also saw people like that on the streets of Brussels."

He grew up in Fiso Port, how could he not understand these situations. The New Alliance currently has no other solution for people like the ones Rozchild mentioned. If anyone wants to continue to be an addict, the Klin District can only expel them.

Some people may ask, why not set up a rehabilitation center to take in and treat these people? This is too easy to say, but it is an unaffordable luxury for Port Fiso. Countless things that need to be done but are not yet qualified to do are more important than it.

Rozchild waved his hands knowingly: "Then let's not talk about this! Tell us about what you have seen and heard these days. How does it feel to come to Brussels?"

Hua Zhenxing: "This is my first time going abroad. When I come to a legendary developed country and a modern international metropolis, I can only try to stay calm."

Rozchild wondered: "Calm down?"

Hua Zhenxing: "If I always make a fuss, Manman will think I am ignorant."

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