Enjoy the world

Chapter 124: Peeling off the cocoon

"Locke, do you recognize this last name?"

The day after Hua Zhenxing returned to Port Fiso, he made an appointment with Locke to meet at the grocery store. He pushed a piece of white paper from the stone table to Locke with "Diesebume" written on it.

Locke's face turned pale instantly, and his lips were trembling slightly. It took him a long time before he said: "I know it, it is my teacher's last name..."

Hua Zhenxing: "This surname is rare!"

Locke said in a daze: "This is the old Hanson spelling. My teacher comes from the Dawson family with a long history."

Hua Zhenxing: "I have never heard you speak Hansen before, but you are very proficient in it. Since you know this surname, do you know these three emblems?" As he spoke, he picked up the pen and drew a brief sketch on the white paper. Distinguished three badge marks.

Locke stood up at some point and pointed at the white paper. He was trembling from his shoulders to his fingertips. He was obviously a little out of control. If the person sitting opposite was not Hua Zhenxing, he might have taken action.

Just listen to his trembling voice: "How do you know these three badges?"

Hua Zhenxing said calmly: "The science of noble emblems is boring, and it is not a secret. You can still find it if you want to. You tell me what you know first, and then I will tell you what I found. Keep it up. Calm down, don’t get excited, it’s absolutely safe here!”

Locke sat down again, pressed the table with both hands tightly, stared at the white paper and said: "These are the emblems of three ancient families. They have a common ancestor, namely Dawson, Luson, and Moson." family……"

It seems that Locke has received education in badge science, but the information he received is obviously tampered with history, and the content is consistent with the information that Hua Zhenxing found online.

After he finished speaking, Hua Zhenxing drew another badge and asked, "Do you recognize this badge?"

Locke shook his head and said, "It's very similar to those three badges, but I haven't seen them before."

Hua Zhenxing handed over another folder: "It seems that there is a big problem with your historical education. This badge belongs to the Fulgen family."

After reading this information, Locke was surprised and confused. He raised his head and said, "What's going on? I know about the Fulgan Foundation, but I don't know anything about the Fulgan family and this history."

Hua Zhenxing took out another ring and put it on the table: "Then do you know this thing?"

Locke almost jumped up, as if he suddenly saw a poisonous snake, his pale face turned red instantly and said: "Why is it in your hand!"

Hua Zhenxing: "I picked it! Tell me what it is first, and then I'll tell you what happened. According to what you just said, this ring should be the emblem of the Lucerne family."

Locke took a few deep breaths before speaking: "This is the token of the head of the Luson family. My teacher Mr. Dawson also has the same ring, but the emblem is different."

Hua Zhenxing: "Where is that ring now?"

Locke: "He gave it to me before he was killed, but I don't have it with me now. It's stored in the safe of Huifeng Bank."

Hua Zhenxing: "What is the name of the current head of the Lucen family?"

Locke murmured: "Frick." His eyes seemed to lose focus as he spoke, as if he was recalling a nightmare.

Hua Zhenxing: "It sounds like you are very afraid of this person. You don't need to worry anymore. This person is dead. The ring was found on the hand of a corpse. This person died in the mountains west of Feso Port. It seems that His name is Frick Luson."

Locke breathed quickly: "What kind of person was that, and how did he die?"

Hua Zhenxing shrugged and said: "Who knows! The deep mountains and wilderness are full of dangers. He might have been killed. This kind of thing is too common. Or he might have been injured or poisoned. This situation is not uncommon. It was a person who was engaged in exploration and investigation. When he got to him, the body had been disposed of and the ring was his relic."

Locke exclaimed: "This is impossible! Frick is so powerful beyond imagination, how could he die accidentally?"

Hua Zhenxing: "There are many impossibilities in this world, such as violating the laws of nature, but this does not include this kind of thing. No matter how powerful a person is, he also has weaknesses. Even if he is a high-level monk, the practice of divine magic itself has many risks, and it cannot be done Even if he can kill himself, he is a human being after all, not a god. He may have died of his own reasons, or he may have been careless."

Locke's voice was a little hoarse: "It's possible that someone else is wearing his ring."

Hua Zhenxing: "I have a photo here. Do you have any impression of it?"

Hua Zhenxing opened his cell phone and showed a photo, which was actually taken by himself. It did not show the wound on Frick's chest, only his face after death.

Locke stared at the screen of his phone, clenching his teeth, the tendons on his cheeks bulging, his hands clenching fists involuntarily, and his knuckles turned white. After about ten seconds, the power suddenly released again. He sat slumped on the stone bench, lowered his head and covered his face with his hands, letting out a burst of weird crying and laughter.

Yes, this is a sound that sounds like crying and laughing at the same time, or it starts out as laughter and then turns into crying. The face is covered with hands and the sound is a little suppressed, but it has a feeling of release.

Hua Zhenxing didn't say anything for the time being, just sat there quietly and waited. Today, he did not reveal all the information he knew once, but revealed it bit by bit like peeling off the cocoon.

Locke's psychological defense is indeed strong, and he has not taken the initiative to talk about what happened back then, but judging from his reaction at the moment, it is estimated that the heat is almost over.

In the early hours of this morning, three old men had already warned Hua Zhenxing to pay attention to the propriety and warmth of his words in front of Locke, and the specific details were Hua Zhenxing's own on-the-spot performance.

After several minutes, Locke finally wiped away his tears, looked up again and said, "Hua, I'm sorry, I'm a little out of control. You must be curious as to why I reacted like this."

Hua Zhenxing: "I'm just waiting for you to say it!"

Locke's real name is Avagi, and his teacher is the head of the Dawson family, and people respectfully call him Mr. Dawson. What Locke has known since childhood has just been described.

As far as he knew, Dawson, Luson, and Moson were three families with a long history and shared a common ancestor. They later jointly established a family foundation, the Forgan Foundation.

Locke has been studying with Mr. Dawson since he was a boy. Mr. Dawson was first a fourth-level magician and was later promoted to a fifth-level magician. Locke was very talented and loved by Mr. Dawson. He became an excellent trainee magician in his early twenties.

Behind the Fulgrim Foundation is actually a group of monks, perhaps more appropriately called the Fulgrim Friars. Among this group, the one with the highest level of cultivation is Frick, the head of the Luson family. I think that when Locke escaped, Frick was already a sixth-level great magician. Now it is not clear whether his cultivation has improved again.

When Locke was sixteen years old, he became Mr. Dawson's apprentice and met Frick's daughter Lina. Lian Na was two years younger than him, and they developed a liking for each other after being in contact for a long time. It was the age when love first started. Although Locke doesn't have much hair left now, he was still very handsome back then, and he was also the most outstanding among the apprentices of the Fulgan Order.

Locke has always had a low self-esteem, and he knows that his status is far from worthy of Lian Na. But Lian Na didn't seem to care about this and often encouraged him and hinted at him, and the two finally began to date in private.

When he was nineteen years old, the two of them enjoyed the first wonderful time in their lives on the soft grass among the trees in the wild... Even thinking about it now, the feeling of happiness is still electrifying.

Lian Na was also worried that her father would not agree with her affair with Locke. The two were only dating secretly in private, and Lian Na was still young at the time, so there was no need to be too anxious about many things.

Locke swore in front of Lina that he must become an official magician and then a great magician. Only then can he be worthy of Lina's identity, and Frick would no longer object to their relationship. What a beautiful youthful sentiment, both impulsive and inspiring!

This wonderful time passed for another three years, and Locke was twenty-two years old. To describe it in the language of the novel, his cultivation had reached the peak of the third level of divine arts. His teacher, Mr. Dawson, told him that he had the hope of breaking through the fourth level and would soon become a formal magician. Mr. Dawson himself had also reached the point of breaking through the sixth level and was about to become a great magician.

But something unexpected happened suddenly. One night, Locke received the paper plane sent by Lian Na as usual, but the content on it was not a love message, but a secret message that only two people could understand, telling him to run away immediately, without hesitation or anything. Trust everyone around you, especially everyone who is on guard against Lu Sen and the Mo Sen family.

Locke didn't know what happened, but he trusted Lina and immediately packed up his things and left the residence. As soon as he left, members of the Lucon and Moson families attacked the Dawson family's residence, and a fierce battle broke out.

Locke was also attacked on the way to escape. Boen, the son of Polly, the head of the Luson family, and two other people stopped him. These three people are responsible for guarding the perimeter of the station to prevent any fish that slip through the net from escaping. Locke broke through the interception and escaped with all his strength, but was also injured by Bo En.

After encountering an interception on the way to escape, Locke learned that the Lucen and Moson families had joined forces to attack the Dawson family. Lian Na might have heard the news in advance and gave him a temporary warning.

Frick was flying over the battlefield to prevent unexpected situations and rescued his subordinates in time. Mr. Dawson's magical cultivation was more powerful than usual. Although he was eventually killed, he also successfully entangled a large number of attackers. After cleaning up the battlefield, Frick did not find Locke, and then heard the news that Locke had escaped.

Why all this happened, Locke didn't know. It may be because he is fighting for control of the Fulgrim Foundation, which is a huge wealth beyond ordinary people's imagination, or because Mr. Dawson is very promising to become a great magician, which is what Flick does not want to see.

Later, Locke saw public reports that Mr. Dawson and his entourage all died in an accident, and even Avaji's name appeared in the list of victims.

That was ten years ago. Locke traveled to several places after escaping. Although he was very careful, he almost died twice, both because he tried to contact Lian Na or investigate the truth of the incident that year. Finally, he came to Port Feso incognito and became the boss behind the Golden Gang...

His hidden injuries have never healed. They were not only injured by Bo En, but also because he broke out desperately when he broke out and overused his magical power, which damaged the source of life.

Locke's cultivation has not improved over the years. He is still a trainee magician, but he is getting better and better at playing with paper airplanes. It wasn't until he met Hua Zhenxing that he was completely cured of his hidden wounds and was expected to become an official magician.

This is the experience Locke told. After listening to it, Hua Zhenxing frowned and said, "Don't you think there is something that cannot be explained? You just gave Mr. Dawson his ring to you before he was killed. Why did he do this?" ?”

While speaking, Hua Zhenxing stared at Locke's eyes, as if he wanted to see something. Locke lowered his head and said: "Just two days before the accident, the teacher found me, not only gave me his ring, but also gave me a book and asked me to keep it well, and also said something very strange.

The teacher said that he is about to become a great magician, but no one is absolutely sure about this kind of thing. If something happens to him in the process, I will take my things and leave immediately. Don’t tell anyone, and don’t talk to anyone again. Anyone who contacts me should never come back unless he becomes a great magician in the future.

I asked him why at that time, but he refused to explain clearly. He only said that it was just in case, and he also said that he hoped that nothing like that would happen. Maybe he was too worried. Now it seems that he may have expected something.

I was confused at the time, but I was ready to leave at any time as the teacher asked. That’s why I reacted so quickly when I received Lina’s message. My idea was to leave first and then try to contact the teacher..."

Hua Zhenxing suddenly said something incomprehensible: "Locke, your original name was Avaji. You are only thirty-two years old this year, but you look a bit older. I thought you were thirty-four."

Locke didn't know how to answer, so Hua Zhenxing continued: "You have become younger recently, and you have new hair growing on your forehead."

Locke is obviously balding now. He looks like he is at least forty-three, not to mention thirty-four. However, his complexion has been getting better and better recently, and there are thin golden stubbles growing on his forehead, which looks a bit hairy. of.

Locke said with some embarrassment: "Then thank you for teaching me the art of nourishing energy and helping me heal my hidden wounds... Why are you saying this?"

Hua Zhenxing asked an unexpected question: "I also want to ask, what is your surname and who are your parents?"

Locke: "My parents were just ordinary farmers, and they have both passed away. My surname is Jensen, and my original name was Avaji Jensen."

Hua Zhenxing took out another box and handed it over: "Here is a birth certificate, which was also found on Frick's body. This birth certificate is very special. It also comes with a foot mold of the newborn's left foot and full fingerprints of the right hand.

This newborn has the same name as you, Avaji Forgan. He must be thirty-four years old this year, two years older than you. Locke, you are not too tall, but when you were five or six years old, did you ever feel that you were taller than your peers? "

Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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