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Chapter 113 Technical Core

Discovered one of the basic raw materials of Chunrong Dan: Xumai Glue

Characteristics: Yijin, cleansing marrow, rejuvenating meridians and unblocking meridians, traditional Chinese medicine

Method of harvesting and processing: Take the whole plant of mutated dragon bean and use it as medicine, including fibrous roots, stems, leaves and pods. When the bean pods are ripe but not condensed, the essence of each part is condensed at room temperature, allowing them to blend naturally, and the elixir is obtained, which is like black ointment and purple color.

Method of refining the medicine: This is a combination of pills, regardless of each other. Each pill is needed. When the elixir is formed, the magic is cast to unite all natures into one, and the magic power is sealed and not dispersed. When taken, it can help people naturally transport the spiritual effects into the body.

The system prompt is not text, but a kind of consciousness information that appears in the soul, but it can be "translated" into text when expressed.

For example, if the information "mutated dragon beans" appears in Yuanshen, it will naturally be accompanied by relevant explanations.

Dragon bean is another name for wing bean, also known as tropical soybean. The first part of the project not only opened up a large area of ​​​​farms in the Beisuo River Basin, but also sown many seeds of original crops in the wild fields, and mixed with various plants to grow naturally.

Only in a suitable natural wild environment can mutant dragon beans appear, and the probability is about one in 10,000. Its main vine is much thicker and shorter than ordinary winged beans, like a dragon climbing between the vegetation.

A winged bean plant usually produces many pods, but a mutant dragon bean plant only produces one pod, which is several times larger than an ordinary bean pod, and the seeds cannot be reproduced.

Usually after the beans mature, the pods will gradually dry out until they burst. The so-called "ripe" state means that the beans have grown to a ripe state, but the pods have not yet begun to dry up and are still fully biologically active.

The reason why the "system" popped up this prompt was because Hua Zhenxing happened to see a mutated dragon bean plant in the wild.

The system's introduction to Xumai Glue is different from the first two medicinal materials. It not only introduces the raw materials, processing methods, and the final elixir, but also introduces how to use it in the process of refining Chunrong Dan.

Among the elixirs, Xumaijiao is a "traditional Chinese medicine", which means a neutralizing medicine. Hua Zhenxing has a feeling that it may be one of the heaviest materials in the entire elixir recipe, and even the core of the technology for refining the Chunrong elixir.

The Spring Beauty Pill Hua Zhenxing dreamed of consisted of 360 pills. Each pill had different ingredients and needed to be taken in a specific order and on a specific day. However, the system prompts that each of these elixirs requires the use of continuous pulse glue, and it even relies on it to achieve spiritual effects.

Hua Zhenxing inexplicably remembered a popular Internet sentence in Dongguo today: Chunrong Pill without the Pulse Renewal Glue has no soul!

Many elixirs that assist spiritual practice are even equivalent to poison if eaten by ordinary people. Even if Hua Zhenxing tried his best to avoid this problem in the process of refining Chunrong Pill and make it non-toxic, it is still difficult for ordinary people to absorb the spiritual effect of transporting and transforming it. The continuation of pulse gel can solve this problem.

How to explain this process? In a sense, using the pulse-continuing glue medicine is equivalent to using the power of spiritual consciousness to fold a paper airplane. The paper airplane is no longer an ordinary paper airplane and can rely on the user's senses.

Then use the Xumai Glue to mix each pill, and the process of condensing the pill is equivalent to entrusting the magic power of the alchemist, and it is much better than the so-called paper airplane technique.

The person who takes the medicine can naturally absorb the spiritual effect of each pill without even realizing it, just like a master is casting a spell to help her invisibly. The elixir refined in this way not only has some special magic power, but also has a certain "intelligence".

With Hua Zhenxing's current ability, he could refine the continued pulse glue, but if he used the continued pulse glue to refine an elixir that met the requirements, he still couldn't do it. There's no need to try this, he knows very well that he doesn't have that ability yet.

If possible, he could use the Immortal Core, which is the kind of tender green crystal, mixed and refined with the Meridian Glue, and processed into an "ordinary person's version of the Thousand Years Pill" for those who are still unable to use the elixir on their own. Go and take it, such as Zha Xin and the Poseidon tribesmen who are practicing the art of nourishing energy.

Many medicinal materials in the world are consumed and processed by boiling them to dissolve their active ingredients. This is the most common decoction. But there are also some medicinal materials that must be kept at room temperature during processing and refining and cannot be boiled, otherwise their active ingredients will be destroyed. Both the Immortal Core and Sumai Guo fall into this category.

For such ingredients, industrial processing methods mainly include pressing and extraction. Squeezing is like pressing oil, and extraction at room temperature usually uses some special solvents to extract it, such as using ether to extract artemisinin.

Hua Zhenxing doesn't have a clue yet as to what industrial method can be used to produce the continuous pulse glue. He can only wait and figure it out with the R\u0026D department in the future. The method he can use now is the technique of spiritual consciousness refining.

The entire mutated dragon bean must be used as medicine from roots to canes, including branches, leaves, and pods to extract its effective effects. Each part of it has different special effects. The reason why the whole plant is extracted is because some natural fusion changes will occur during this process. The final elixir is the continuation of the pulse glue. Refining it separately will not have this effect.

Seeing the system's introduction to Xumai Glue, Hua Zhenxing's expression became a little weird, because he actually knew it!

Last time, he found crab-claw oak in the so-called Kingdom of Gods. Hua Zhenxing recognized it as something that Old Man Yang had used to make drinks for him since he was a child. He had applied this pulse-sustaining gel many times and taken it internally.

The pulse-continuing gel is like a black ointment. When applied evenly on the body, it turns dark purple. When Old Man Yang taught him Kung Fu, he often asked him to apply a layer of purple mud all over his body... Yes, it should be this kind of thing!

Old Man Yang didn't say what it was called at the time. Anyway, in Huazhenxing's opinion, it was purple mud. It turned out to be processed in this way. No wonder it had a light bean flavor. Huazhenxing is not only applied but also eaten. This product can be applied externally or taken internally.

Hua Zhenxing can now process the continued pulse gel, but he is not yet capable of using the continued pulse gel to make elixirs, unless he has advanced further and mastered at least the fourth level of nourishing the essence.

Now he finally understood why in that dream, the Chunrongdan Group had 50,000 intermediate Yangyuan Technique instructors. If it wanted to achieve industrialized mass production, it also needed a huge number of professional and technical talents.

Since the mutated dragon bean was discovered and it was the right time to harvest it, Huazhenxing refined the continuous pulse glue on site. A whole dragon bean plant, including the roots, stems, leaves and pods, can weigh more than ten kilograms wet. The resulting glue is less than ten grams, and is rolled into black mud balls about two centimeters in diameter.

This harvest has exceeded expectations. Hua Zhenxing can refine it so quickly. Thanks to the foundation he has laid recently, he can refine one kilogram of gold from the mine every day!

In the pavilion of the Palm Manor, Ke Mengchao was not around. Yang Tehong and Mo Shangtong were drinking tea and chatting, and a small tea table was set up.

Yang Tehong shook his head and sighed: "Oh, I don't know how many hairs I broke, and then I remembered to use the pulse-continuation glue. There is really no other way. This question Xiaohua asked is too difficult! I have to practice What Chunrong Pill..."

Mo Shangtong: "I really admire you this time. Who inspired you?"

Yang Tehong: "Of course I was inspired by Xiaohua. Those dragon beans are what he wants to plant. There is almost no possibility of mutation in the dragon beans planted intensively in farmland. Only natural scattering of seeds in a suitable environment can be done."

I had never seen anyone spreading dragon beans in such a large area of ​​natural environment, just to let them grow naturally, until Xiaohua did this. "

Mo Shangtong nodded and said: "With your ability, you can definitely think of several elixirs that can be used. But production is a key issue, and other similar elixirs do not have the conditions to be provided on a large scale.

If Xiaohua transforms the Beisuo River Basin and then transforms the larger Zhenxing River Basin in the future, and spreads dragon beans in this way, it is really possible to produce Xumai Glue on a large scale. "

Yang Tehong: "So, I was inspired by him."

Mo Shangtong: "When you say Xiaohua, you are praising yourself, be humble! What other inspirations have you received?"

Yang Tehong smiled: "Of course it's the Nine-turn Purple Golden Pill. Have you seen it?"

Mo Shangtong shook his head and said, "I've heard of it, but I've never seen it with my own eyes. It's basically impossible to refine something like that in legends. Unless there's some inexplicable fate, it's impossible to count on it."

Yang Tehong: "Actually, I also have the recipe for the Nine-turn Purple Golden Pill in my hand. After reading it, I gave up the idea of ​​refining it. It is too difficult to collect all the medicinal materials, let alone the medicine.

But the Nine Turns Purple Golden Pill also has a characteristic that allows ordinary people to take it. It's just that the process of taking it is extremely dangerous, and it takes at least seven or forty-nine days to be reborn. There must be an expert protecting it at all times to help it transport and absorb the spiritual effects.

As for Chunrong Dan, there is no need to make it so dangerous, and the requirements are far less high, but we can learn from this idea. An elixir with a large enough output is used to finally condense the elixir. When the elixir is formed, the mana of the refiner is concentrated to help the user transport and absorb it. "

Mo Shangtong nodded: "What's even more rare is that it's something Xiaohua is familiar with. He has taken it internally and externally since he was a child." Then he frowned and said, "The leaves and stems of the five-color sacred lotus are such precious things, so you can combine them into Xiaohua That stick?”

Old Man Yang waved his hand coolly: "No matter how precious it is, it's just a stick. It's useless if you leave it at home."

Mo Shangtong: "Oh, it's just a stick? So many times I wanted to borrow it for research, why didn't you agree? You also said that it is a treasure passed down by the ancestor and should never be given to others easily..."

Old Man Yang: "Yes, it was passed down from my ancestor, so I can't give it to others easily. I only give it to others. Are you my descendant?"

Mo Shangtong refused to talk to him about this and asked, "Then why didn't you tell Xiaohua?"

Yang Tehong waved her hand again, and said in an awesome voice: "I have acted in such a free and easy style throughout my life!"

Mo Shangtong snorted coldly: "Speak like a human being!"

Old Man Yang changed his tone: "Even if I tell him, he still can't fully understand. If he treasures the stick too much, he will worry about gain and loss, and become burdened with it and lose its original purpose. After all, he is still a child, and he cannot expect to reach a higher level. It’s so high all of a sudden, so it’s better not to know.”

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