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Chapter 108 Congratulations to the New Alliance

After Wang Feng collected it, Mo Shangtong asked: "Xiao Meng, are you stopping my plan to continue injecting capital just because you saw the current situation?"

Ke Mengchao was slightly flattered: "I have seen it, but I haven't seen it either. The start-up capital of 100 million yuan is already a lot, and you can't be too spoiled. We don't interfere in many things, and Xiaohua has to figure it out on his own. To solve it, this is also an exercise for him.”

According to Huazhenxing's plan, Huanxiang Industrial actually has a large funding gap, mainly due to the acquisition and continued investment in the construction of heavy oil power plant projects. The total investment required for this project is as high as 124 million yuan.

If Huanxiang Industrial takes over the procedures to build a heavy oil power plant, the Guilin government cannot provide a guarantee, and they cannot get a loan from the China Development Bank of East China. This is an unplanned expenditure.

The 100 million meters of gold that Mo Shangtong gave to Huazhenxing was stated to be a one-year budget. It was originally used for projects in the Kelin District and the agricultural reclamation plan in the Beisuo River Basin, and did not include the power plant project.

However, the power plant project is too important. Without sufficient power supply, production and life will not be guaranteed, and many subsequent plans will be impossible to discuss.

Huazhenxing solved the funding problem on its own and first used the first unplanned income.

He once took the initiative to "rob" Jindianxing's business and purchased almost all the mineral gold stockpiled by various forces in Afriso Port. The main reason for doing this was to complete the system task. The system asked him to find a way to solve the source of the gold, so he came up with a way and successfully solved it. Then he decided not to be restricted by system tasks for the time being, and decisively activated Jindianxing's alchemy workshop.

Despite this, there is actually a gap of more than 20 million meters of gold. However, Huazhenxing made a decisive decision based on intelligence last night to divide its forces into three groups to eradicate the forces involved in Beigang Freight and Civilized Trade. The focus was on raiding the lairs of these two criminal groups and finally solving the problem.

It seemed like this was an accident, because no one knew in advance that the two gangs would hide so much cash and other property. If they had kept most of the money in the bank, Huazhen Bank would not have made such a big gain.

However, this unexpected gain was achieved through Hua Zhenxing's own efforts, which made the three old men very satisfied. Old Man Yang shook a palm leaf fan and said, "Old Mo, the principal I lent you was more than this, right?"

Mo Shangtong replied: "Of course what I said counts. The amount of support that can be given to Xiaohua is limited to tens of billions of dollars, but it is impossible to allocate it immediately. Since I said the budget for the first year is the 100 million , it’s best not to give more within a year.”

Ke Mengchao smiled and said: "I don't know who wanted to increase the budget, but I stopped it. When I announced the alchemy task, you two were not happy because you were afraid of tiring the children.

In fact, I had foreseen at that time that Xiaohua's funds might be insufficient, so I specifically pointed out a way. Now it turns out that this is indeed the case, and Xiaohua handled it very well and was not burdened by system tasks. "

Yang Tehong sneered and said: "Since ancient times, you have been the boss with your talk, so go ahead! Xiaohua handles it well, that is his own ability, and it was also taught by me. As for the thought of alchemy, it is not because Teacher Xiao Ding found the gold mine , what does it have to do with you?"

Mo Shangtong did say at the beginning that the amount of funds he could provide Xiaohua was limited to tens of billions of gold. It is hard to say how much it would be, but it would definitely be more than that 100 million anyway. No one knows how much money Yang Tehong lent him, but judging from what he just said, it is probably at least several hundred million meters in gold.

A while ago, Huanxiang Industrial was short of funds for the power plant project. Mo Shangtong did have the idea of ​​continuing to inject capital, but Ke Mengchao stopped him and asked him to wait and see.

Ke Mengchao ignored Yang Tehong's sarcasm, and turned to Comrade Mo Shang: "Additional funds are definitely needed, and we will wait until the end of the year. My suggestion is that the subsequent additional capital injection will mainly be used for the first part of the project, which is the non-stop project. After all, the plan outside Suogang is to help Xiaohua build his Huanxiang Country."

Mo Shangtong nodded and said: "The biggest funding gap in the short term for the first part of the project is the third phase of the Beisuo River Basin reconstruction project, which is the hydropower station project in the upper reaches. It is impossible for Huanxiang Industrial to come up with this money at the moment. Let’s stop embarrassing the children.”

Who cares and who is happy about the destruction of the two criminal groups, Beigang Freight and Civilized Trade? The answer is that no one cares and almost everyone is happy.

They once had a monopoly on the upper reaches of the underground drug and arms trade, and no one else could get involved. Now many gangsters think they have a chance to replace them.

This is like the New Alliance closing the North Bay Casino after absorbing the Golden Gang. Other casinos in Fesoport are very happy because they have lost a strong business competitor.

The North Bay Casino has been renovated and has become the business premises of the Fesoport Supply and Marketing Branch. After an investigation by the project department, and based on the actual local conditions, it was decided to temporarily cancel the plan to build a department store in Fesoport, and merge the originally planned department store business into the supply and marketing cooperative.

But there are also some people who are very unhappy. For example, Charles' cousin Lieutenant Colonel Konu is very angry today. Just now, the colonel, the top officer at the station, called him over, and the two had a big fight about the latest case in the central area.

The colonel believes that someone used heavy weapons in the central area. This is no longer a case that the local police can solve. It is time for the garrison guarding the front to intervene. The perpetrators must be found and severely punished.

Konu insisted that the garrison should not intervene in local affairs. Besides, investigating public security cases is within the scope of the police's responsibilities. Did the Fiso Port police find evidence and find out who did it?

The colonel said that this is the request for help from the Port of Feso police. The police felt that they were powerless to deal with such brutal gangsters, so they asked the garrison to intervene.

Konu retorted, since the police did not find any evidence, how could the garrison intervene? The colonel sneered. Everyone knows who Beigang Freight and Civilized Trade has offended recently. It must be the New Alliance!

Konu was very angry. Those two criminal groups had offended many people over the years. How could they prove to be a new alliance? Besides, they first attacked the alchemy workshop of the New Alliance, and then sent people to assassinate the leader of the New Alliance, Ciel. Could it be that the New Alliance couldn't fight back?

Why didn't the police deal with it in the first place? Even if it couldn't be solved, why didn't you ask the garrison for help? Military, since you did not interfere in the first place, you should not interfere now!

In short, the two of them had their own opinions and broke up unhappy. Lieutenant Colonel Konu was still sulking after returning to his barracks. In fact, he also inquired about the situation and it had nothing to do with the local police.

The Fiso Port police are not the U.S. Bureau of Investigation. They don’t even have the ability to examine and analyze the remains of the explosion. At first, they thought the explosion was caused by the weapons and ammunition brought by the two groups. Later, I heard that the two groups’ lairs were Someone copied it, and then suspicion was raised on the New Alliance.

But suspicion is suspicion. The police have not found any evidence and have no intention of investigating. What are they investigating? Do the police want to take revenge on the two criminal groups of Beigang Freight and Civilization Trading?

In order to maintain order and eliminate hidden dangers to public security? If the local police had this kind of heart and ability, how could so many neighborhoods in Fesoport be like this?

The one he really wanted to pursue was the lieutenant, the boss of the peacekeepers. After all, a fortress he was in good condition was bombed, and there were still people outside who suspected that he was responsible for the incident. He really couldn't swallow this sigh of relief.

But the lieutenant did not dare to go directly to trouble the new alliance, so he came to seduce the colonel of the garrison who had friendship with him. The lieutenant's purpose is to put pressure on the new alliance through the military, to get an explanation and compensation.

Konu also knew very well that the colonel did not really want the garrison to cause trouble for the new alliance. Wouldn't that be a mess? The colonel just wanted to use the opportunity to extort money.

Beigang Cargo is in the arms business, so how could it not have anything to do with the local garrison? The colonel has also received a lot of benefits from them. But the colonel was not seeking revenge for those bastards from Beigang Freight. He just heard that the New Alliance raided the lairs of the two gangs and must have made a fortune, so he wanted to take the opportunity to blackmail them.

Konu knew the purpose of the colonel's search for Konu, because the colonel knew about his relationship with Charles, and he wanted to send a message to Charles through him, so that Charles would understand something and take the initiative to fulfill the benefits.

But Konu is not willing to do this, why! So he ignored the colonel's hints and was about to remind Charles when he returned to the barracks. The guards came in to report, and his nephew Charles brought someone to deliver wine again.

Lieutenant Colonel Konu was taken aback and quickly sent a team of people, ordering them to take Charles to his barracks immediately, and ordered additional guards to be posted outside to guard and protect him.

Charles often came to deliver wine, and he was already familiar with the soldiers in the garrison. He was also very popular here. The people he brought were never checked or blocked. This time, Wang Fengshou also mixed in with the wine delivery team and entered the military camp. .

Charles was taken to Konu's room under the protection of the guards. As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said: "Uncle Konu, I came to see you again, and this time I brought the latest wine! You look angry, Who made you unhappy?"

Konu grabbed him and said: "You shouldn't be here now, Colonel Lucas is going to cause trouble for your new alliance!"

Ciel glared and said, "Why did the New Alliance offend Lucas? What trouble did he bring to us?"

Konu told what had just happened, and Ciel curled his lips and said, "Can he still order the army to march into the Klin area and start a war with the new alliance?"

Konu: "That's not possible. The soldiers come from all the neighborhoods here. If the commander gave such an order without any reason, they wouldn't do it. Lucas just wants to extort a favor, and now you have sent it to your door yourself. , it will be difficult if it falls into his hands. You can't stay long, I will send my own people to escort you back quickly. "

At this moment, the guard came in and reported: Colonel Lucas accidentally discharged and shot himself to death while maintaining a valuable pistol in his collection!

Charles looked at his stunned cousin and smiled: "On behalf of the New Alliance, I congratulate you on becoming the top officer of the local garrison! The New Alliance will fully support your transformation and rectification of military camp affairs."

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