Enjoy the world

Chapter 103 Herding Sheep

In the process of building the Kelin District and transforming the Beisuo River, there will be many trivial conflicts and disputes among the people, which are all resolved by Charles. If it were people like Hua Zhenxing who came forward, it would easily lead to unnecessary conflicts.

Two days ago, some local people wanted to herd their sheep inside the barbed wire fence. Of course, the patrol team on duty at the entrance to the agricultural reclamation area refused to let them go. As a result, the two sides argued for a long time, but each said his own thing. It was like a chicken talking to a duck. Many herders gathered around to watch.

Hua Zhenxing also rushed there after hearing the news, but just watched with cold eyes. It was not suitable for him to mediate in this kind of matter. Several old men had warned him long ago that since he wanted to carry out the Beisuo River reconstruction project, there would definitely be a lot of "little things" to deal with.

These small matters are not like major events like eradicating the Golden Gang, which can be solved with violence at one go, but they must be handled properly. Such daily routines are opportunities for observation and learning, and are even helpful for understanding the physical and mental realm in practice.

According to the standards summarized by Hua Zhenxing himself, he is fully qualified to obtain the third-level Yuan Yang Master certificate, and he has also asked Old Man Yang for advice on the cultivation of the fourth-level Yuan Yuan Technique. But Old Man Yang advised him not to be anxious, even at his age. Many things cannot be solved by cultivation level. Only by observing and participating in world affairs more can he make up for his shortcomings.

All in all, Old Man Yang believes that what Hua Zhenxing needs most now is not to improve to the four realms of cultivation, but to increase his knowledge, and it is best to experience both big and small things.

Hua Zhenxing ran to the scene of the conflict to watch the excitement. Sure enough, he saw something wrong. This was probably not a simple emergency, but someone who wanted to cause trouble.

This narrow strip of land surrounded by barbed wire is not in the urban area. It is several kilometers away from the nearest rural village. In previous years, after the rainy season, a few people would indeed go to the edge of the prairie in the north to graze. They were far apart from each other. How could so many people gather at once?

This 40-kilometer-long gill grid at the southernmost end of the agricultural reclamation area is of very high specifications and very expensive. It is difficult to destroy and almost impossible to climb over by manpower alone.

There is a gap and three portals on this network protection line. The gap at the westernmost end is a migration route for wild animals. Barbed wire fences have also been pulled up on both sides of the route, and the bridge is currently being repaired.

The three gates are all on the east side near the city of Fiso Port. They are for people's daily access. Of course, construction and farming teams cannot climb over the barbed wire.

Due to the good relationship between Huanxiang Industrial and the construction unit, Mr. Lei also gave away several small projects for free, including duty watchtowers on both sides of each portal and a material transfer warehouse.

What was blocked today was the middle door. Standing outside the door through the gill net, you could see the lush vegetation on the tidal flats and large areas of well-growing farmland.

The floods caused by the heavy rainy season have receded, and the wide river channels have gradually narrowed and disappeared, leaving only intermittent pools of water in low-lying areas. But this year's situation is different. In three places, the waters formed by the heavy rainy season have not disappeared, forming large wetlands.

The engineering team built three shallow dams on the seasonal river channel. The project is very simple, just use the bulldozer. Whether it is weeds or various scattered crops, they grow extremely fast during the rainy season. Today, the barbed wire fence is a rare place with abundant water and grass around Fiso Port.

Chief Engineer Lei Yunjin is an expert in water conservancy. He has ready-made Dongguo experience to refer to when building infrastructure here. On the other hand, certain lessons from Dongguo can also be avoided. For example, the Beisuo River has not built dams on both sides in most areas. When the heavy rainy season arrives, the river is allowed to expand freely into large wetlands.

Huanxiang Industrial's farm is built on a high ground and will not be submerged even when the floods are the greatest. In other areas that are not suitable for large-scale development, some crops are scattered to allow them to grow naturally.

A river without dams for most of its length would not exist in the traditional agricultural areas of the East, because it was densely populated and many wetlands were gradually reclaimed into farmland throughout history. People built dams to prevent floods. The river channel is also becoming narrower. Nowadays, many places have begun to re-treat, returning farmland to lakes and rivers, and widening river channels to restore wetlands.

In the Beisuo River Basin, comprehensive planning can be made from the beginning to retain the wide valley and retain rainfall to cultivate wetlands, which is very helpful in improving the climate of local small watersheds.

The small dry season after the heavy rainy season is the hottest time in Port Fiso, but you can feel a little cooler immediately when you walk here. Looking at the lush green water and grass inside the barbed wire fence, it must be a good place for grazing sheep, so someone drove the sheep here.

The reason for the guard's obstruction was simple. This was already a piece of land bought by Huanxiang Industrial. Crops and various crops had just been planted. Every blade of grass was owned by an owner. How could they let sheep in and cause harm?

The shepherd who caused the trouble was very excited, claiming that his ancestors had been grazing sheep here for generations, and the lush water grass here was a gift from God. Someone actually enclosed it with barbed wire, which was taking away their ancestral pasture.

Hua Zhenxing almost wanted to curse after hearing this, because there was no one in Fesuo Port whose ancestors had lived here for generations. If there were, they were the tribe that had died out in the "Kingdom of Gods".

The history of this city is only a hundred years old. It was built at the end of the colonial era. It was originally an inconspicuous small fishing port. Most of the residents in this city have moved here in the past fifteen years.

Hua Zhenxing has lived here since he was a child, and Uncle Mo and Old Man Yang also like to take him to visit the surrounding areas. When he can remember, there was no one grazing cattle in the Beisuo River area.

Herders have only appeared here in recent years. The land in the seasonal river valley is fertile, but the vegetation is fragile. It has shown a trend of desertification in recent years. Where is the pasture? It’s just that the vegetation this year is so good that I want to let the sheep graze!

This kind of scene is more fantasy, and there is no reason to explain. The shepherd is even confident. The more people gather, the more confident he feels, and he even wants to force his way through the level.

The patrol members on duty have guns, uniformly issued standard weapons. They can disperse the crowd with just a shot, and they can beat these people to tears even with sticks.

But that is not appropriate, as it may lead to larger-scale conflicts in the future, and may also put Huanxiang Industrial on the opposite side of certain local tribes. Huazhenxing engaged in farming in order to cope with famine and avoid riots. Of course, he did not want to provoke riots himself.

At this moment, Ciel finally arrived, bringing with him a group of bodyguards and followers. The locals actually knew Charles, and the emotional besiegers became very respectful and humble, taking the initiative to move out of the way and taking off their hats and bowing.

Charles came to the door and asked about the situation. At this time, someone had built a simple podium out of wooden boxes. Even the microphone and speakers were set up. The power supply was connected from the guard box next to it.

Ciel was not here to quarrel, but to speak. Even if someone wanted to argue with him, the momentum and volume would not be equal at all.

Charles asked loudly: "There is a place on the bank of the Feso River where a large banana forest grows. Why don't you drive your sheep there to eat bananas?"

The Fiso River is the river that flows all year round in the south of the city, or it can be called the Nansuo River. Of course there is this place that Charles mentioned. It is the banana forest he manages himself, and bananas are harvested every year to make banana wine.

Someone answered below: "That's someone else's banana farm, and it has an owner."

Charles: "Yes, that is the land owned by the owner. The owner planted bananas. It is not a place where others can graze casually. Then on the other side of the banana orchard, there is an oil palm plantation, and further south there is a cocoa plantation and livestock The company's planting base, why don't you go there to graze?

Everyone here knows why! According to our ancient tradition, whose sheep gnaws on someone else's field must compensate the other person for the sheep.

Some people say this is their ranch, so please show proof! None of you can produce evidence, but these people behind me can produce land deeds to prove that this is the farm they bought.

Everyone knows that half a year ago this place was a deserted beach. Someone bought the land and built it into a farm, and then you drove the sheep here. Now I bear witness to everyone and witness the ancient rules. Do you want to compensate each other for all the sheep? "

The onlookers were talking in low voices, but for a long time no one retorted loudly, and there was no microphone even if they wanted to. Charles continued: "I will give you an opportunity to bring a message to those livestock traders and tell everyone that the opportunity to obtain high-quality feed is in exchange for labor..."

Behind these shepherds are actually the livestock merchants of the Port of Africa. They purchased livestock and exported them overseas. They were once the most important source of foreign exchange for the Port of Africa. Only they could incite so many herdsmen to cause trouble.

Hua Zhenxing was very angry, but no matter how angry he was, he had to solve the problem. This agricultural reclamation area produces not only grain, but also various green fodder and green storage fodder. For example, the vine branches and leaves of adzuki beans are high-quality fodder.

Shire announced on the spot that the new alliance can hire everyone to enter the agricultural reclamation area and harvest feed in the designated area and in the designated method. The reward will be shopping coupons issued by the Fesuo Port Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

With these shopping coupons, you can go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy supplies, or you can buy feed on site. It may not be harvested by yourself, but it can also be other types of feed that have been processed and used to feed cattle, sheep, and camels. No problem.

The cooperation between New Alliance and Huanxiang Industrial provides labor opportunities not only for harvesting feed, but also for tending farmland, building canals, harvesting cassava, etc. These jobs can also be exchanged for shopping vouchers, which can then be used to buy feed or other items.

Some of the onlookers cheered loudly and expressed their gratitude, and some recited Charles's speech "Labor Creates the World". It is not known who arranged these people, but they were all local indigenous faces.

Seeing that a conflict had been resolved, a bodyguard suddenly rushed onto the stage and stood in front of Charles, and then a gunshot was heard from the crowd. Someone shouted: "Catch the assassin, someone wants to assassinate Charles!"

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