> Fortunately, this time it was also lucky.

The location of the mountain spring water refresh is also only 100 meters away from the landing of the ship.

Without the assistance of an ox cart, Ning Feng and An Yucheng can easily complete the installation of the bamboo drainage device.

It took Moyo half an hour for

the bamboo drainage device to successfully channel the mountain spring water into the "tin water tank", and the

preliminary work of landing on the island was completed.

"Well, the fresh water resources are also solved."

"Next, you only need to find the two cows, and you can collect the supplies as usual."

Saying that, the more Ning Feng thought about it, the more speechless he became, this matter could have been avoided!

It's a waste of time looking for cattle.

An Yucheng also spread his hands and sighed, ╮(〉_〉)╭: "Hey, the matter has come to this, it can only be like this."

Ning Feng didn't say more, and directly read the location of the two cows with his golden finger in his heart

, fortunately

, the two cows did not run very far, and they were only a few hundred meters away from the ship at most.

Perhaps knowing that the tiger was not chasing, he found a place to eat grass again.


Ning Feng took An Yucheng and ran towards the location of the scalper.

In just a few minutes

, the two successfully met two cows, which

have been raised for so many days, naturally they know the owner.

Although they were frightened just now, Ning Feng and An Yucheng took them, and they naturally would not resist.

After successfully connecting the cattle with the wooden cart

, it is time to collect materials, and

Ning Feng's plan today is to collect more "iron ore" to prepare for the upgrade in 2 days.

Therefore, he called An Yucheng a piece as well.

Anyway, An Yucheng ate the amplification fruit, and his physical fitness was already upgraded by a notch compared to before.

Even if she can't move a large piece

of "iron ore", at least it is not difficult to dig out the "iron ore" out of the soil through a "pickaxe", right?

In this way,

two people digging "iron ore" may be solved in the morning.

In the afternoon, it was not too late for the two to go to collect other supplies.

It's better than Ning Feng wasting time now to take An Yucheng to find crops, and then take a detour to collect "iron ore" to save time.


Like Ning Feng's plan

, in one morning, the two successfully mined all the "iron ore" on this island.

At the same time

, Ning Feng also collected more than 1,000 kilograms of "stone".

"Stone" is a thing that can make a lot of stone tools.

Like stone tables and stone benches, they are made of "stone".

However, the average survivor has "wood" to make wood, and no one is stupid enough to collect heavier "stone" to make these things.

And the reason why Ning Feng collected "stone" was naturally not for stone tables, stone chairs and other things.

In addition to stone tables and chairs, "stoves

" can be made like "stone" + "soil".

In the future, if you have "cement", you can also make "stone houses" and "bunkers" together with "stone".

Not to mention whether the "stone house" is useful or not

, at least that "bunker", Ning Feng felt that it was very necessary!

So it's not much of a problem to collect some "stones" in advance.

After returning to the ship and storing all the collected materials in the [Ship Warehouse], the

second "tin tank" that was replaced was almost full.


Ning Feng took advantage of the trend and changed a new "tin water tank" to go up.

Immediately, the two began to eat.


for the tiger, Ning Feng didn't see any trace of it for the time being

, but when he returned from transporting "iron ore" in the morning, he found a lot of bloody animal carcasses,

so it should be hunting.

Anyway, there is a wild boar carcass on the beach, and it is estimated that it will eat it when it is hungry.


After lunch

, the two did not stop, and

it happened that the remaining "material treasure chest" was located

on the east side of the island, so Ning

Feng took An Yucheng towards the crop field on the east side of the island.

Arriving at the eggplant field

, Ning Feng arranged for An Yucheng to stay here alone to pick

first, while he continued to go deeper along the way, intending to find the "material treasure chest" first, and then come back to help her.

After the division of labor was clear, the two did not delay and got busy.

This busy, and then it was dusk again.

Although the two failed to pick all the crops and fruits on the island, at least they picked all the crops and fruits they loved to eat.

As for

the tiger, it was not clear when Ning Feng would return

, anyway, when he and An Yucheng came back with the ox cart, the tiger was already very consciously lying on the deck of the ship, resting.

In order to prevent the tiger from scaring the cow away again

, Ning Feng also deliberately ordered the tiger to get into the central control room, and then led the ox cart with An Yucheng and approached the boat.

After everything is in place and the two cows are transferred to the private island, the next step is to take back the bamboo drainage device, and today's task is successfully completed.


Returning to his private island again

, Ning Feng's first thing was to order the tiger to forbid approaching the cattle and sheep pen, to prevent the tiger from scaring the chickens, ducks, cows and other animals out of their souls.


, he hurriedly went to the [Navigation System Screen] on the island, and put a lot of materials on the shelves to purchase the "material treasure chests" produced by today's [Trading Hall].

After the listing was completed, Ning Feng directly opened [Production].

I plan to solve the "stove" in the house first.


, a huge house, the stove is still a shabby iron barrel, that is too affecting the perception.

What's more, it is indeed inconvenient to cook rice in an iron bucket.

This stove in [Crafting] can hold two pots at the same time.

After cooking, cooking and stir-frying can also be carried out at the same time, which is much more convenient.

With the stove, An Yucheng is naturally much happier as a person responsible for cooking every day.

For her, this thing can help her save trouble and worry.

After learning that the stove was built, she couldn't wait to cook, and she couldn't stop it.

After dinner

, nothing special happened, and after the two washed, they went straight to lie down and rest.



Ning Feng and An Yucheng chose to sleep in a rare way.

Yesterday's handling of iron ore and stone really tired them.

Usually, they don't have the opportunity to sleep in, but now that they have

the opportunity, they naturally won't miss it.

They basically slept until after 9 o'clock before waking up.

If it weren't for the fact that the tiger was hungry, he would have entered the house and kept licking Ning Feng's face.

Ning Feng even planned to continue sleeping for a while.

After being woken up, Ning Feng's sleepiness gradually disappeared.

After he got up and washed up, feeding

the tigers and the livestock on the island,

Ning Feng and An Yucheng began to harvest mature crops and cultivate the fields as usual.

Today is actually the same as usual

, but for Ning Feng, today is extremely long and difficult.

Because as soon as 0 p.m. arrives, the experience of the ship will reach the upgrade standard!

He was going to stay up until 0 tonight, upgrade the ship and sleep again!

So, he really can't wait for 0 to come soon!


Author ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧: Tomorrow's chapter is to upgrade the content of Lv3, it's time to come, it's coming! Stay tuned! In addition, cheekily, ask for something "generate electricity for love", thank you! Really eat the soil!

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