The more you look at the snake eyes, the more you will see.

Array energy?

Just by looking at the pair of snake eyes, he gained a huge array energy!

Chen Yan opened his mouth. He could feel the Broken Saint Tree's desire for the yellow light, as if it was a nutrient that was countless times more valuable than the blood and qi elixir.

The intoxication lasted only a moment.

The next moment, there was only one word in Chen Yan's mind.



The powerful force flowed from his legs, and the soil under Chen Yan's feet exploded in an instant, and the whole person rushed out like an arrow.

All the strength in the body seemed to burst out at this moment, and the fatigue brought by the morning mountain running was swept away. Chen Yan's legs seemed to have lost all perception, running on the mountain road like a machine.

Even jumping between tree trunks at a close distance, both hands and arms were used to change the direction of the body.


Behind him, there was a friction sound.

Chen Yan did not dare to look back at all, but took out a handful of stones from the schoolbag and put them in his pocket while running.

Boom boom boom~

The sound of collision sounded from the right rear, getting closer and closer.


The green snake was actually in a relatively static position with Chen Yan at this moment, and a pair of scarlet snake eyes showed human greed.

The next moment, it pounced on Chen Yan.

Chen Yan's face changed slightly, his arms raised, and the strength flowed from his waist into his arms.


A stone was thrown out instantly, and in the scarlet snake's eyes, a trace of greed condensed at this moment, and then the sound of the stone hitting the snake's head resounded.

With a bang, the giant snake's front body suddenly paused, and its long snake tail hit a tree trunk.

It was obviously a little confused by the stone.

After hitting the target, Chen Yan was slightly happy, and the next moment his body tilted and hit a tree trunk.

The strong impact made him feel that his blood was flowing backwards in an instant, and a sharp pain came from his chest.

In the world of consciousness, various colors are mixed.

Orange, yellow and green.

Orange is generated by Chen Yan's continuous running at this moment, and yellow is the formation energy caused by Chen Yan looking directly into the eyes of the green snake, but it cannot be absorbed.

As for green...

Like yellow, it cannot be absorbed.

[Tip: Physical energy is detected, and the Broken Holy Tree cannot absorb it. The Broken Holy Tree needs to be upgraded to level three. ]

I hit the tree and generated physical energy?

Can getting beaten make you healthy?

Chen Yan shook his head. He had captured all the changes in the real world and the world of consciousness, but he was a little confused at the moment.

He didn't have time to think about these things, but started to escape again the next moment.


The hissing sound of the green snake behind him obviously brought the beast-like murderous intent, which was extremely dangerous.


Chen Yan threw another stone, and this blow hit the green snake's jaw.



Time passed slowly.

"Two people died. We came too late. The one who attacked should be the Qingju snake, but now that snake is gone."

At the place where Li Xuan and his son were killed by the giant snake, the tall man in black uniform frowned and examined the bloody scene. He could almost imagine what happened at that time.

"I can't stop them. These people know they will be in danger, but they just can't be stopped."

The man named Luo Pushin sighed into the walkie-talkie in his hand:

"Come over and deal with it. I just came here to rest for a day. How come I encountered so many things in half a day?"

Luo Pushin complained, and then he didn't pay attention to it anymore.

Qingshan is the treasure of the entire Luoyang County. How many people want to make a fortune by relying on Qingshan and leave here completely?

Many people live in pain and hardship, because the hope in their hearts is the most deadly poison.

Or recalling his childhood, Luo Pushin walked slowly down the mountain, and his eyes shrank at some point, looking around.

Looking at the new soil turned up on the ground, and the traces left on the tree trunk after being hit by something.

"There is another person!?"


Luo Pushin narrowed his eyes, and based on the various phenomena left on the mountain, he could guess what happened.

The Qingju snake has always lived in the depths of Qingshan, and only crawls down the mountain when it is chasing prey.

Following the traces left by the Qingju snake hitting the tree trunk and turning over the soil, Luo Pushin's footsteps sped up, leaving a long dark shadow in the dense forest.

In his mind, he seemed to have seen the scene that he was about to see.

It was nothing more than a pool of blood.

The Qingju snake was very fast, and ordinary people could

There is no way to escape the capture of the Qingju snake.

Who is an ordinary person?

Almost everyone in Qingshan Town is an ordinary person.

But Luo Pushin's face changed.

No wonder he didn't notice it when he went up the mountain, because the man didn't run directly down the mountain.

Instead, he was winding on the way down the mountain.

This is a very smart method, because the Qingju snake is the fastest when it runs down the mountain with its body close to the ground.

But the problem is that ordinary people will not escape like this. Whether they can think of this method is another matter. The main thing is that running like this is also tiring. The biggest possibility is that you will run out of energy and be swallowed by the Qingju snake.

"Is it a warrior?"

Luo Pushin looked at the traces on the ground and fell into speculation:

"It may be a warrior who has just awakened and has no combat experience."

Luo Pushin was just guessing, but when he saw one place, his eyebrows raised slightly.

But he saw that on the tree trunk five meters away, a piece of bark was broken, revealing the damaged white cambium.

Following the track, Luo Pushin saw a stone embedded in the soil.

This force... doesn't seem to be from someone who has just awakened his Qi and blood.

Anyway, when he just awakened his Qi and blood, it was impossible for him to reach this kind of strength.

Luo Pushin felt strange in his heart. He could understand the thoughts of the fugitive.

He could choose an escape route that would allow him to live longer in a short period of time, and he could also make a certain counterattack.

It's a bit interesting.

Most people can't do this when escaping from life and death.

Luo Pushin jumped between the tree trunks and finally found a string of blood on the soil. His heart suddenly choked.

He hurt the Qingju snake.

He must be an old hand at running in the mountains.

But that's not right. If he awakens his Qi and blood, he will be a warrior. He can team up with other warriors to enter Qingshan.

Various contradictions emerged in his mind, and Luo Pushin sped up.

Until the hissing of the green snake, the sound of the collision, and the low roar of the young man intertwined, the scene in front of him covered all the speculations.

It was a young man in a white T-shirt, constantly running between the mountains and forests, wandering between the tree trunks scattered on the mountain, and constantly throwing stones in his hand at a green giant snake ten meters away from him.

The soil flew and the branches broke.

Luo Pushin stood on the crown of a 30-meter-high spruce tree, his feet stepped on the branches as thick as fingers, as light as a bird, holding his arms and looking down.

He did not rescue the young man immediately.

The moment he saw the young man's face, Luo Pushin had a slight scrutiny.

But soon, a question emerged in his mind.

This young man... Why doesn't he use blood?


The stone bombarded the green snake's body, splashing a pool of blood. Chen Yan's footsteps were not slow, stepping on the tree trunk and rushing to the left.

With a bang!

A thick snake tail hit the place where Chen Yan was standing before, and smashed a huge pit deeply.

Danger, danger, danger!

Chen Yan was panting, his whole body was covered with mud, and sweat mixed with mud. From a distance, he looked like a mud man.

[Breaking Saint Realm: Level 2 (1/15)]

[Breaking Saint Fruit:

Strength: (99/100)

Blood (9/100)

Skill: (27/100)]

Chen Yan was in a life-and-death situation, and the [Strength] Breaking Saint Fruit was growing rapidly and was about to mature.

Almost, just one point left.

Chen Yan had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

The reason why he dared to spend his energy to fight with this green snake was not just to live a little longer and then be eaten by the green snake.

He was very tired, and his muscles were torn in many places due to the intense running and movements.

But there is only one last bit of the [Power] Holy Fruit left. As long as he takes it, all the negative states of his body will be cleared.

Not only that, his strength will also increase dramatically, so his chances of escaping will be greater.


"This child, hasn't awakened yet?"

On the treetops, Luo Pushin's eyes showed surprise.

This is a natural divine power, an absolutely high talent, very suitable for the horizontal training.

Even Luo Pushin couldn't help but have a little love for talent at this moment.


"I'm running out of strength."

On the treetops, Luo Pushin looked at the young man who was avoiding the giant snake below, and sighed in his heart.

This young man should be a local genius. If it weren't for him today, he would definitely die in the mouth of the Qingju snake.

He knew the temptation of Qingshan to the locals, but coming here at such a young age, even if he was very smart and had a high talent, was still too rash.

But the next moment.

Luo Pushin's eyes condensed slightly.

But the young man in the white T-shirt below suddenly paused, as if he had frozen in an instant.


The Qingju snake hissed, and its huge tail suddenly whipped towards Chen Yan.

On the treetop, Luo Pushin sighed lightly, squatted slightly, and was about to attack.


As he sighed lightly, Chen Yan's eyes suddenly widened, and the muscles on his arms undulated, as if a surging force was flowing through, and the fire stick in his hand suddenly attacked.


The iron stick hit the huge green snake tail, the former bent, and the latter suddenly sank at the same time, and sparks even burst out from the friction between the stick and the scales.

The snake tail, which was as thick as two people hugging, was suddenly smashed away and hit a big tree next to it. The latter made a "crack" sound and was broken in half.


The Qingju snake burst out with a hiss of wild anger, looking at Chen Yan ferociously.

Chen Yan frowned, and the fire stick in his hand had been bent to 90 degrees, and it was obviously unusable.

Just now, I took a [Force] Holy Fruit, and even with the greatly increased power, I couldn't break the green snake's body.

Throwing away the fire stick, Chen Yan took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with a bright light.

But without waiting, he kicked his legs and attacked the green snake, his right fist clenched.

In coordination with his breathing, the flow rate of blood in his body changed.

It seemed that he punched a hundred times, a thousand times, and ten thousand times.



A bright red light emerged from Chen Yan's fist, dazzling thousands of times.

In an instant, it hit the green snake.

In an instant, between the ripples of red light, a thin and blurred girl appeared on the opposite side of Chen Yan, shouting and punching, and punching together with Chen Yan.

In an instant, Luo Pushin's mouth opened wide, and there seemed to be thunder roaring in his mind.

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