The old man was very happy.

"That's Chen Yan, right?"

"He's really working hard."

"Indeed, he's working hard, but awakening Qi and blood is not something that can be done overnight. He's been ill for a year and is still a long way from being able to do it."

Behind the teaching building, a group of people walked out and looked at Chen Yan, who was sweating on the playground, in surprise.

It was Zhang Qingsi and others.

It was not a small matter for Zhang Qingsi to awaken Qi and blood. Until after school, many teachers helped Zhang Qingsi stabilize Qi and blood, and it was only now over.

After awakening Qi and blood, he is a warrior.

Even if the classmates who were traveling with him saw Chen Yan, they were at most surprised. Their attention was basically on Zhang Qingsi.

"Brother Zhang, I heard that Teacher Xia Tong will give you private training tomorrow."

On the side, Hu Yuan looked at Zhang Qingsi with envy.

Xia Tong is not a martial artist, but he is good at fighting. He used to charge students for private training.

The price of one hour is more than two hundred, but now private training Zhang Qingsi is free.

Even teachers often have the intention of making friends with students who have awakened their blood and qi. After all, awakened blood and qi are destined to be stronger than them in a short time.

"I don't want to go, but he insisted on private training me." Zhang Qingsi said nonchalantly, with helplessness.

"I'm really envious. Teacher Xia Tong defeated his peers who had awakened blood and qi just by relying on martial arts skills."

Hu Yuan sighed, still holding Zhang Qingsi's clothes in his hand, feeling a little fortunate. Fortunately, he has always been very flattering to Zhang Qingsi, and now showing goodwill is not deliberate.

Seeing Chen Yan in the distance also noticed him, his face turned cold and he shouted:

"Don't forget, one thousand!"


The night in Qingshan Town still carried the residual heat of the day.

Walking on the street, shirtless men can be seen everywhere sitting on the stone steps on both sides to cool off.

Chen Yan walked to the T-junction at the end of the street familiarly, and a fragrance mixed with seasonings such as sesame and sesame came to his nose.

It was a store selling fried noodles.

In the store, a man with a beard, a dark complexion, and a faded light blue factory uniform just put down the wok and spatula, and chatted with a shirtless man in front of the stall.

"You should pay it back. You owed one thousand yuan for half a year, and Hu Yuan hasn't had a medicinal bath this year."

The shirtless man spoke with a little dissatisfaction.

"Brother, you also understand my family's situation..." The man named Chen Yuhu said with a sad face:

"One thousand yuan is not a big sum, you must pay it back tomorrow."

The shirtless man frowned and changed the subject:

"Your son is about to take the college entrance examination, and he has never taken a medicinal bath. Why don't you try the inner circle of Qingshan."

The man named Chen Yuhu frowned:

"The inner circle is too dangerous. Someone just died in the next village yesterday."

"The brave will die of overeating and the timid will die of starvation. I'm not doing this for my thousand yuan, you should also think about it."

The shirtless man said, carrying the fried noodles he had just made, and just as he was about to leave, he saw Chen Yan.

"Uncle." Chen Yan smiled.

"Well, it looks like you've recovered well." The bald man glanced at Chen Yan, then fumbled in his pocket and put two one-dollar bills on the table:

"Give me two first, and the remaining one will be given next time."

"No need." Chen Yuhu replied without raising his head. The shirtless man looked at the two dollars on the table and stretched out his hand, then retracted it and left.

Chen Yan walked into the store. He only heard a vague conversation between Chen Yuhu and his uncle Hu Zeyuan just now, but still spoke:

"The back mountain is too dangerous. Every year there are towns..."

"Don't worry about it, I won't go." Chen Yuhu looked at Chen Yan and smiled, picked up the pot skillfully, and began to pour oil.


After Chen Yan put his schoolbag on the table, he began to wait for the meal.

"I heard that Zhang Qingsi in your class has awakened his blood and qi?"

The sound of cooking rang out, and Chen Yuhu's hands kept working, and he asked.


"Don't be too stressed. I don't know how Zhang Qingsi's family got rich last year."

Chen Yuhu sighed. Last year, Chen Yan was hit by a car and almost died.

Zhang Qingsi's family got up.

Things are unpredictable.

Chen Yuhu beat three eggs in a bowl and cut two ham sausages.

"Too much, Dad." Chen Yan held back the saliva that was about to flow out and spoke quickly.

"I can't sell it all. Please help me eat more." Chen Yuhu took out a bag of beef from under the stall, quickly cut the beef, and added it to the fried noodles.

It's a bit luxurious.

But when I think of the taste of beef,

Chen Yan couldn't help drooling when he heard it.

Soon, the fried noodles were ready. Chen Yuhu brought the noodles to his son's table and said with a smile:

"Go back after you finish eating. I'll sell you some more."


The aroma of fried noodles came to his face. Chen Yan picked up a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth to chew. In an instant, the aroma was overflowing. The beef fried with lard had a special fragrance, which was very mellow.

Although his muscles were no longer sore after eating the [Power] word breaking holy fruit, he was really hungry.

Chen Yuhu smiled and looked at his son. When he was about to say something, another customer came and he got busy.

In this state, even if Chen Yan ate steamed buns dry, it would be no problem to eat ten at a time, let alone such a bowl of fried noodles.

"Dad, another bowl."

Chen Yan finished eating quickly, and his appetite suddenly became bigger, which surprised Chen Yuhu a little, but he soon smiled and fried a second bowl for Chen Yan.

"Zhenwu Bonus..."

Zhenwu Bonus is a very common and generous student subsidy. There are three classes in the third grade of Qingshan High School, and each class has one quota.

Once you get it, it is a cash subsidy of 20,000 yuan. More importantly, you can choose to learn the Qi and Blood Gong method and the breathing method of the horizontal martial artist.

But there is only one in each class.

Chen Yan's eyes condensed.

Zhang Qingsi has awakened his Qi and Blood, and he is indeed a strong enemy.

[Breaking the Saint Realm: Level 1 (2/3)]

[Breaking the Saint Fruit:

Strength: (0/100)

Blood (5/100)]

I broke through the limit once, and the [Blood] word breaking the Saint Fruit reached 5%.

Why is it so slow?

Chen Yan was a little annoyed. He saw that it was not difficult for Zhang Qingsi to awaken his Qi and Blood.

However, with another fruit, the breaking the Saint Realm can be upgraded, which is a good thing.

"Dad, why did you buy a machete?" Chen Yan suddenly noticed a new half-meter-long scimitar placed in the corner of the store.

"Oh, someone else left it here." Chen Yuhu said while cutting vegetables.


The fried noodle shop closes at 12 o'clock, so Chen Yan will go home first.

Qingshan High School is outside South Street, and Chen Yan lives in Lijia Village in the north.

To go home, Chen Yan has to walk from South Street to North Street, and then walk for another 20 minutes on the rural road.

"You can go to the park on the North Street to measure your strength."

Chen Yan muttered to himself while running. Only schools have standard dynamometers.

But there are stone blocks with weights marked in the North Street Park. Two days ago, Chen Yan could pull up a stone block weighing 150 kilograms after taking a [Power] Broken Saint Fruit.

Now it will only be stronger. Chen Yan feels that his body feels much lighter when he walks.

The [Power] Broken Saint Fruit seems to act on the whole body.

In the world of consciousness, strands of orange light emerged, and a trace of new green also appeared on the branches of the Broken Saint Tree that had grown the [Power] Broken Saint Fruit.

As long as you exercise, the fruit will grow.

As for the [Blood] fruit, it grows too slowly.

In Qingshan Town, there are very few people who awaken their blood and qi, only one in a hundred.

Of course, Chen Yan also wants to awaken his blood and qi, but a year of illness has made him lag behind students of the same grade in all aspects.

He kept running and came to North Street, which is the most prosperous place in Qingshan Town.

There are five or six-story buildings on both sides, and the only supermarket in the whole town is also here.

The aroma of barbecue slowly came, and the neon lights on the street were very bright.

In front of a restaurant, more than 30 people were sitting on the open-air tables and chairs. They were eating and drinking, and many of them were talking drunkenly, but their voices sounded a little childish, not like the voices of adults.

Two barbecue stoves were working at the same time. When Chen Yan ran closer, he found that the most people sitting there were his classmates.

Almost half of the whole class came.

"Come and drink, Zhang Qingsi is so awesome, I really have to call him Brother Zhang from now on."

"I used to call him Brother Zhang, but you're just calling him that now, you're so tactless."

"Brother Zhang is so generous, I haven't had such a good time eating for a long time."

"Hey, that seems to be Chen Yan."

"Where? I didn't see him."


Zhang Qingsi was drinking beer when he heard his classmates calling Chen Yan's name. He looked towards the street and saw only a thin back running into the darkness.

"Chen Yan, let's have a drink together."

Zhang Qingsi took a look and said indifferently.

This sound was covered by the noise, so Chen Yan naturally couldn't hear it.

Zhang Qingsi didn't care.

"This kid, don't give face, Hu Yuan."

A boy smiled evilly and looked at Hu Yuan. Hu Yuan is Chen Yan's cousin, and basically all the classmates in the class know it.

"Don't worry about him."

Hu Yuan waved his hand, a trace of disdain flashed across his eyes:

"He's just a fool, a poor bastard."


A bald man walked to the barbecue stall. Some classmates looked over and asked politely:

"Hello, uncle."

"Okay, okay, you guys eat." The bald man named Hu Zeyuan laughed, glanced at Zhang Qingsi inadvertently, and then said to Hu Yuan:

"Hu Yuan, come here, I want to tell you something."

"What?" Hu Yuan frowned, but still left his seat.


Chen Yan came to Beijie Park and passed a crabapple forest about five or six meters wide before coming to the small garden where the stone pillars were placed.

The day after tomorrow, the punching strength will be measured. As long as the punching strength reaches 160 kilograms, you will be eligible to compete for the Zhenwu bonus.

This assessment will eliminate most people.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Chen Yan is one of the majority, and the reason is simple.

Chen Yan has not experienced the fighting skills teaching in the second year of high school, which means that even if Chen Yan's strength increases, he still has too much to exert his strength on punching.

"But if you have enough strength, you can make up for the lack of skills."

Chen Yan muttered as he came to the stone pillars that had been standing for who knows how long.

Seeing a stone pillar with [200KG] engraved on it, Chen Yan bent down, stretched out his hands, and held the metal rod embedded in the stone pillar.

Just as he was about to pull it up, he heard a conversation in the crabapple forest.

"Dad, why are you giving me so much money?"

That was Hu Yuan's voice.

"Take this three thousand. You will pay for the barbecue later. Do you understand?" Uncle Hu Zeyuan's voice sounded.

"Buy it, but Dad, it's so much money."

"This is not for you to spend. Take this money and treat Zhang Qingsi more. You are still young and don't understand what awakening blood and qi means. If you have a good relationship with Zhang Qingsi, the fate of our family will change." Hu Zeyuan spoke earnestly.

"I know, Dad." Hu Yuan nodded seriously:

"By the way, has Chen Yan's family paid back the money?"

Hu Zeyuan said in a slightly speechless tone:

"I'll go ask for it tomorrow, don't worry about it." He changed the subject:

"By the way, it seems that we need to test our punching strength. There is a reward of 1,500 yuan. You have to test it well for me!"

"Don't worry, Dad. I can do 200 deadlifts. The teacher also said that I can punch standardly. I can pass it."

The two left after talking.

In the small garden, Chen Yan's face was calm, but there was an inexplicable bitterness in his heart.

Thinking of the sad and worried look of his father and sister when he just had a car accident, the corners of his mouth trembled.

At least he was cured, at least he was still alive.

At least he still had a pair of fists and a body of bones.

There seemed to be an inexplicable force flowing in his body, and Chen Yan held the iron rod on the stone pier.


The friction between the stone pillar and the ground produced a sound, and the blood vessels on Chen Yan's arms bulged. Under the surging power, the stone pillar weighing two hundred kilograms suddenly left the ground and was lifted up by him.

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