End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 3: Mercenary system

The zombies outside were slamming the door, and the hinges of the fixed iron doors began to show signs of looseness, and the walls were grayed out as if they could rush in at any time. The wounds on the savior's body shed more and more black pus and blood, and the body faintly emits the same stench as the zombies. Wu Ye is able to guess again without seeing it. This is a sign of corpse.

How to do?

Is it really necessary to kill this man?

Wu Ye is not sure if he really got the hand, but he knows that even if he really killed the man, he could really throw him out of the wall, and his body would not be able to drag all the zombies. - If he is a zombie, he definitely prefers to live. He just didn't know the running ability of the zombies just now, so he can now run the ghosts with these two legs that are shaking and shaking.

How to do? Can't you sit still?

By the way, what is the compulsory task just now?

Wu Yegang thought, his head suddenly hurts, and there is a lot of information out of his mind.

It turns out that he will cross this ghost place and give thanks to this ‘cosmic mercenary system’. Before the system was activated, he bought the dZi beads when he went out to travel on the plateau last year. He felt that the simple atmosphere of the beads was very close to the eye and he was always on his body until he was exposed to a fatal danger. The system was activated.

The 'Cosmic Mercenary System' is a high-level brain that was developed by the higher civilization during the war. The purpose of the initial research and development was to develop a training plan for intelligent life, to maximize its life potential, and ultimately to arbitrarily an ordinary wisdom. Life forged into a warrior. The 'mercenary system' played a huge role during the war. After the war, it was boycotted and finally withdrew from the historical stage and destroyed the finished product chain. It is undeniable that the 'Cosmic Mercenary System' is indeed an extremely great and practical invention. Therefore, even with government intervention, the 'mercenary system' is still banned and active in the black market transactions of higher civilizations.

The 'cosmic mercenary system' bound by Wu Ye is the circulated and improved product in the black market. As for how the system flows to the earth, it is impossible to test, but it is certain that the improved system possesses the worm. The hole function allows the binder to navigate through the parallel planes that establish the connection. The fly in the ointment is that after the system is activated, only two planes can be connected randomly. After the connection is established, it cannot be changed. In addition, it is necessary to pass through the wormhole not only enough specific energy but also a certain amount of points.

In addition, in addition to having a unique set of training tasks, the system also has a trading platform that can exchange energy and points for corresponding items, which are divided into four categories: food, medicine, weapons, and exercises. Things can be seen in Wuyekou. Oh, but after watching the redemption rules, he retired.

After a general understanding, Wu Ye’s evaluation of the system is: the golden finger is thick and strong, and it is very potent to use. Compared with the Golden Finger system in the "Star Mercenary", it is simply weak and completely incomparable.

However, for Wu Ye, the 'mercenary system' has two advantages. First, although the system does not release or transfer the binding after the system is activated, it does not complete the task and the same as the host of the overlord treaty; second, on the On the basis of one, after he has enough points, the system can let him return to Earth to continue his rice worm life.

Based on these two points, Wu Ye feels that he has not yet returned home, so he has the goal of struggle.

Regarding specific energy, the system will formulate corresponding energy requirements according to different environments. In the current environment, the specific energy required by the system is the energy core of the d(death) virus infected person.

There are two ways to obtain points: one is to kill the d-viruses, and the other is to complete the system release task. The task is divided into two kinds, one kind of random task, which can be received or not, without penalty but less reward; one is mandatory task, the default is accepted, the task fails to deduct all the points of the host, and gives different degrees of meat-body punishment, Corresponding to this, the rewards of mandatory tasks are rich, not only with more points, but also with random material rewards.

Wu Ye has passed the information in his mind. The general rules of the system are these. The specific details can only be gradually learned in the process of application.

The most important thing at the moment is to find a way to escape the group of people who are coveting his flesh-body.

Wu Ye’s mind was moved, and a virtual control panel appeared out of nowhere. This control panel can only be seen by the host. The panel is small and looks like the size of a 14-inch computer screen. There are only four large, bare icons on it. Simplified Chinese: Mission, Redemption, Portal, and Newbie.

Wu Ye ordered a newbie package, the panel changed, the icon became: d virus vaccine x1, low-level d virus malignant infection repellent x3, pure water 60

"Why are you just a little something?" Well, give a weapon, don't ask for ak47, let's give it a novice knife.

A few gray icons suddenly appear on the panel: a set of low-level protective clothing, rifle x1, bullet x100, field knife x1, ordinary motorcycle x1, gasoline x50l, low-level d virus infected detector x1.

[The above items have been converted into energy, and the host is awakened in time. The cold electronic sound of the ice rang again.

Wu Ye feels that there is a stock of arrogant taste, Nima transformation has been transformed, why bother to show it to him, is this not intentionally stimulating people? For the first time, Wu Ye felt the maliciousness from the system Sensen.

The impact of the door outside is getting more and more fierce. Wu Ye does not have time to continue to mourn the disappeared items, and quickly click on the collection button at the bottom of the panel.

The option appears again below the system: Are you sure to receive a newbie package?

When Wu Ye clicked, the panel disappeared, and a black big mountaineering bag appeared in his hand, and the bulging sac was quite heavy. Wu Ye quickly opened, and according to the icon just seen, the zombie eviction agent was taken out. The black high-pressure iron spray bottle, in addition to no word and no pattern, looks like a cottage version of insect repellent. Wu Ye took the subconscious and shook it twice. The big bottle was still ringing. Wu Ye holding the dead horse as a living horse doctor's mentality, after three or two steps across the big iron gate, a burst of spray against the door.

A yellow smoke rolled out.

Nima, this is the expulsion agent, this is a biochemical weapon!

Carrion is stinky enough? This stuff is a hundred times more stinky than carrion!

auzw.com Wu Ye was so stinky that he couldn’t wait to throw his nose away. He squeezed his nose and sighed with anger, and the zombie smell was far more sensitive than humans. The smell of yellow smoke was enough for them to be smoked. They also mixed with things that made them disgusted. Soon the zombies left, and soon after, the impact of the outside was getting smaller and smaller, and the impact of the door disappeared completely. Wu leaves through the door to see the zombies disappeared. Second, my heart finally relaxed, my legs were soft and almost squatted on the ground.

The smell of the repellent was too stinky. Wu Ye did not dare to wait. He walked quickly to Qin Wuhua’s side and took up the mountaineering bag. It took a lot of effort to get people to get up and pull it and get someone to get one. Empty room.

"It’s really a pig, it’s crushing the old man.” Wu Ye panted and put the person on the dusty concrete floor in the house and took the syringe with the vaccine from the backpack. Wu Hua recalled his "Resident Evil" and various kinds of compulsive American dramas. Combining his own experiences, he chose to give Qin Wuhua injection from his arm from the neck, the arm vein and the buttocks.

Wake up your life is mine, your, understand? After the injection, Wu Ye dropped the syringe and sat down on the ground, patted Qin Wuhua’s face ‘fierce’.

After a short break, Wu Ye found that she was hungry and had a chest back. He took a tube of nutrients from his backpack. The nutrient, also without any indication, looks like toothpaste. Whether it is appearance or size, he unscrews the cap and squeezes a large sputum into his mouth.

Hey, is this a strange smell? !

It’s the taste of the overnight meal! Sour is not sticky, it is a soaring, is it something people eat?

Wu Ye is simply not swallowing, spit is not, and finally cross the heart, filled a large bottle of mineral water and finally swallowed the nutrition ‘xiang’. The second is very naive, and he never touched the disgusting thing again.

After Wu Ye put the nutrients together, they slammed the system and found that they had completed a mandatory task [Emperology Escape], task rating: g.

[Do you receive a mission reward? ]

Wu Ye is expecting another press.

Integral 10, medical alcohol x1.

"Well, it's a mandatory task. How can I only have 10 points? It's too little." Wu Ye is very disappointed. It only needs to open the portal but the score needs 1000 points. Does this mean that he still has good luck? Wu Ye thought of the ferocious zombies, and her heart was awkward.

Forget it, the boat is naturally straight to the bridge, does it not have points to kill the zombies? The mosquito is small and the meat is only 1000 points. It will always be enough.

I don't know how my parents are now, they should already know that he is missing now? I am sure that I am worried. Wait, the system is passively activated when he encounters a fatal crisis. He remembers that he got on the car, and then... then he seems to be asleep, what happened after he fell asleep?

"System, what fatal crisis did I encounter?" Wu Ye faintly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something.

[Death-killing hallucinogens, high-speed car accidents. 】

"How is it possible?" Wu Ye was very surprised. He loves to play, but the old man at home is keeping a tight eye. He himself is also measured and never plays anything special, such as drugs. There is no reason for the system to lie to him. He is absolutely impossible to take drugs. Wu Ye faintly feels that he seems to have lost a key memory, but no matter how he remembers, he only remembers that he had a big brother sent to pick him up. He got in the car, then fell asleep, then opened his eyes and went to this strange and terrifying world.

No, after he fell asleep, it seems that something has happened.

Wu Ye can't think of life and death, can only ask the system, the system's cold reply: [pre-activation event, no data record. 】

In the end, what happened after he got on the bus?

He has never complained. If someone shoots him, will the family be in danger?

Further, this time the matter is directed at him personally? Or against the entire Wu family? Wu Ye was lost in thought.

Another time and space, in a bright and stylish office.

"Are you sure that the person is really in the car?" A man in a suit and a squat was sitting at his desk, frowning, his fingers banging on the table without a moment, and the atmosphere in the room was a glimpse.

The man standing at the desk, his face is not good, wearing a black suit, head down, but the atmosphere of the whole body is a bit stunned, he said: "Yes, boss, I saw Wang Jian to help him on the car, always trailing He got on the high speed and witnessed the car accident."

"What about the man?" the man asked, frowning, his eyes as a torch.

"...I really don't know." He also wondered why the good end person would suddenly evaporate. "She has given him enough amount of hallucinogens. Even if he is lucky enough to escape, I guarantee that he will never survive." ""

"In fact, you have been with me for so many years, you should understand that I hate the unexpected things happening." The man is still careless, but Li Jingzhou knows that he has become angry.

"Sorry, I messed up."

"Forget it, anyway, our plan is already very successful. After a while, you will inform Andrew and tell him that the cooperation plan is ahead of schedule. I will go home in the afternoon and help me to put l\'!--pbtxt520xs-->

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