The old man was in a mess, but he was still alive.

Jiang Fan found a female survivor who was nearly 50 years old in Block A at random during his perception.

Jiang Fan knew her.

Her name was Zheng Lanlan, a rich woman who had seduced Zhou Tianhao in the group.

However, the wealth of human society is now worthless, and Zheng Lanlan has become one of the countless survivors, lying on the ground starving.

Zheng Lanlan was probably sick, the light in her body was obviously dimmer than that of others, and her will bubble was more fragile than that of other survivors, shaking very violently, and it looked like it could break at any time.

“It seems that physical condition will also affect the strength of will.”

Jiang Fan’s heart moved, and his consciousness directly pierced Zheng Lanlan’s will bubble, and used her consciousness to create a plate of fragrant roast duck.


Zheng Lanlan stared at the sky outside with lifeless eyes, her whole body was hot and painful.

The day before yesterday, she was bitten by a small black bug, and then she had a high fever.

Without a doctor or medicine, Zheng Lanlan could only wait to die.

Am I going to die? Zheng Lanlan thought unwillingly.

I still have three houses, and I can collect 20,000 yuan in rent every month. I am so unwilling!

Why me!

Damn bug, why did it bite me when so many people didn’t bite it!

Zheng Lanlan was full of resentment, but she had nowhere to vent it, and she had no strength to vent it.

The last food had been eaten, she had been hungry for a day, and could only lie on the ground and wait to die.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a plate of golden roast duck on the balcony railing!

Zheng Lanlan was stunned.

It was not there a second ago!

Am I hallucinating because of hunger?

She licked her chapped lips involuntarily.

It must be an illusion!

Then, the aroma of roast duck came.

Zheng Lanlan, who had endured hunger for a long time, began to drool wildly.

There is a fragrance!

It is real!

Zheng Lanlan could no longer bear the temptation of roast duck. She completely ignored the unreasonable things, climbed up with difficulty, and staggered towards the roast duck.

“Roast duck! My roast duck!”

Her face was twisted and crazy. She grabbed the roast duck and felt greasy on her hands.

Just as she was about to put it in her mouth, the roast duck disappeared, and then appeared again, floating half a meter above her head.

“No! My roast duck!”

Zheng Lanlan struggled to grab it from a high place and screamed angrily:

“This is my roast duck! Mine!”

Unfortunately, every time she was about to grab it, the roast duck would change its position.

Zheng Lanlan danced with joy, anxious and angry.

The other survivors in the room silently watched Zheng Lanlan waving her arms at the balcony air.

“Zheng Lanlan is crazy.”

“Maybe she’s hungry.”

“The fever burned this woman’s brain!”

Finally, the roast duck appeared 1 meter outside the iron railing.

Zheng Lanlan jumped out of the iron railing without hesitation, grabbed the roast duck in mid-air, and then fell to her death.

The other survivors just watched numbly:

“Another one jumped.”


Jiang Fan withdrew his gaze with satisfaction. He had a certain understanding of hallucinations:

“Hallucinations can not only simulate vision, but also smell and touch. I guess taste is not a problem.”

“The consumption of creating hallucinations is much less than forcing consciousness.”

“The simpler the hallucination, the less energy it consumes. The more realistic the hallucination, the greater the consumption.”

This ability is very useful!

Jiang Fan came up with various ways to trick people in an instant.

So far, he has two nine-star abilities, subspace shuttle and will link.

Coupled with the burst of Qi and blood and the strengthening of physical fitness, it has both frontal combat capabilities and sneak attack and life-saving capabilities, almost fully maxed out!

In addition, there is Su Jin’s healing ability waiting for him to harvest.

Jiang Fan laughed.

He took out a bunch of perception fruits and ate them.

Unfortunately, he didn’t get a star after eating for a long time.

The sky gradually darkened.

Jiang Fan was going to go home and rest after practicing the breathing method a few more times.

The traces of the white fox and aquatic creatures landing and the large number of superpowers discovered today made him vaguely worried about the future.

“There are more and more powerful enemies, and the world is becoming more and more dangerous. Strength is the root of everything!”

Exhale, inhale.

Exhale, inhale.


Jiang Fan repeatedly filled [Qi] and then consumed it, four times in a row.

Through continuous practice, he found some changes.

The overall capacity of [Qi] seems to have increased a little bit?

Each time it is filled

[Qi], the number of ghost maneuvers increased from 10 to 12!

“Can the capacity be increased?”

Jiang Fan was surprised.

He [looked at] the green [ginger] in his body.

[Ginger] has grown up!

Moreover, several protrusions grew on the [ginger], and the whole thing looked more stretched and brighter.

“Could it be… [Qi] is the fertilizer of [ginger]?”

Jiang Fan practiced for a while and went home.

The women had already unscrewed dozens of barrels of pure water in advance and filled a bathtub.

Su Jin asked curiously:

“What is this for?”

Tang Xuerou smiled:

“Take a bath.”

“Take a bath with pure water!” Su Jin couldn’t believe it.

Many people outside don’t even have enough drinking water, and Jiang Fan actually takes a bath with pure water!

How much supplies did he store in advance!

Su Jin was shocked, but he made up his mind to stay here.

Compared to starving outside, this place is simply heaven!

No normal person would be willing to leave.

When Jiang Fan returned home, Liu Mengyao took the initiative to help Jiang Fan take off his coat gently.

Bai Xinjie brought wet wipes to wipe Jiang Fan’s sweat.

Even Tian Tian, ​​who had not been very proactive, came forward and handed Jiang Fan a bottle of his favorite iced cola.

There are more and more women, and every woman is afraid of being abandoned, so she dare not relax at all.

Su Jin looked at a group of women competing for beauty in front of Jiang Fan, a little at a loss, and a little blushing.

Jiang Fan just enjoyed the service of the women, said nothing, and went back to his room to rest after taking a shower.

The women looked at Su Jin jealously, and went back to their rooms in groups of three or two.

Soon only Su Jin and Hu Lili were left in the living room.

Hu Lili said enviously:

“According to convention, tonight belongs to you.”

Ah? Su Jin was very shy.


6 o’clock in the morning.

The sun rises.

Su Jin is still sleeping.

Jiang Fan walks to the window, and the golden sunlight shines on the boundless red fog, showing a gorgeous orange-yellow color.

If you only look at such a beautiful scenery, who would have thought that the red fog has become a dense forest of primitive killing?

More and more big trees are poking their heads out of the red fog, growing madly towards the sky.

Various birds are hovering above them.

They are very smart and rarely fall into the red fog.

Suddenly, a huge cat jumped out from the treetops, grabbed a bird, and fell back into the red fog.

Jiang Fan watched all this quietly, silently using his perception to observe the status of the survivors downstairs.

After a night, no one was poisoned.

Moreover, Jiang Fan keenly discovered that the light on their bodies was brighter.

“It seems that the mutant frog meat is not only non-toxic, but also seems to be very good for the body!”

Jiang Fan secretly rejoiced:

“How is Zhang Ziling?”

He opened the blue portal and walked into the subspace.

In the dim subspace, the subspace anchor point on Zhang Zilin’s body is as conspicuous as a torch.

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