The two of them were beaten to a pulp.

Zhang Zilin couldn’t bear it any longer and moved.




Half a minute later, several people were lying on the ground, all knocked unconscious.

Zhang Zilin knocked several people down without even taking a breath, and snorted coldly:

“Yang Jiawei, take some people to tie them up! I’ll go upstairs and take a look!”


Zhang Zilin didn’t know if there was a burrowing mutant among these people, and it didn’t look like it, so she climbed upstairs.

There was no one below the 21st floor.

On the 22nd floor, where the red fog couldn’t cover, there was still no one.

She came to the top two floors and finally saw a group of disheveled survivors.

Everyone was tied up, tied in a string in the room, unable to move.

Most of the men were injured and in tattered clothes.

There were very few women, and they were all concentrated in two rooms.

They were stripped naked and bruised all over.

Zhang Zilin’s face changed completely.

How could she not know what happened.

Boss Ma’s group captured all the others and treated them as slaves!

There were few women because they were all tortured to death, so naturally there were few.

During this period, Zhang Zilin saw many criminal gangs, and there were many more brutal ones than this.

However, these gangs only captured a dozen people at most.

Now there are more than a hundred people in front of him!

This was the first time Zhang Zilin had seen so many people.

Her teeth were clattering:

“Scum! Damn it!”

The tied survivors were immediately excited when they saw Zhang Zilin in a police uniform.

“Has the country come to save us!”

“Comrade police, save me! Save me!”

“Comrade police, go and catch Ma Shanshi! Don’t let him run away!”


After Zhang Zilin rescued everyone, many people were so excited that they shed tears.

The surviving relatives hugged each other and cried bitterly.

The rescued woman hugged her family’s head and cried.

Some people were too weak to stand up.

Some people had to have their limbs amputated because of long-term binding.

But in the current situation, there are no conditions for amputation, and they can only wait to die.

The scene was in chaos.

Zhang Zilin found a few people in good physical condition and called up the survivors downstairs.

The survivors brought by Zhang Zilin have been trapped in low buildings for this period of time.

They came to the high-rise for the first time and stood above the red fog.

They looked at the unobstructed sky with obsession, and felt open-minded. The ordinary scenes in the past are now intoxicating.

The survivors in the building could no longer control their emotions when they saw Ma Shanshi and his men. They started to punch and kick:

“Damn! My parents were beaten to death by these bastards. You didn’t expect that this day would come to you!”

“Ma! You dared to have sex with my wife. I’ll castrate you!”

“Jin, we have a good relationship. Why do you treat me like this!”

“You took away all the food in my house. My son starved to death! I’ll kill you!!!”

“You are a property security manager. You actually arrested the owner. Is there any law?”


After a while, Ma Shanshi and his men fell in a pool of blood.

Zhang Zilin watched all this silently without stopping them. He let the survivors vent their emotions.

Yang Jiawei trembled and whispered:

“Leader, is this too much?”

How could Zhang Zilin not know that this was lynching and illegal.

But what could he do?

Could he control this group of angry people?


Do I have the conditions to judge and imprison Ma Shanshi and others and give them the legal sanctions they deserve?


Zhang Zilin sighed:

“In troubled times, heavy punishments are used, and those who kill must pay with their lives.”

Yang Jiawei smiled awkwardly.

The survivors who followed Zhang Zilin were all secretly glad.

If they had not followed a powerful and righteous superpower like Zhang Zilin, their fate would not be much better than that of the group of people in front of them.

After venting, the survivors soon calmed down.

After all, they were still hungry and thirsty, and they didn’t have much physical strength at all.

Just now, they were emotionally excited and exhausted, and now they all lay on the ground in a slump.

Everyone looked at Zhang Zilin, hoping that she would lead everyone to survive.

Zhang Zilin had a headache.

Zhang Zilin didn’t have to worry about food and drink. Ma Shanshi’s group must have hidden a lot of food, enough to cope with a few days.

She just had a headache with many trivial matters.

Distribute food, settle survivors, and try to treat patients with mild illnesses.


At this time, a middle-aged couple came over with a smile.

The man bowed and introduced himself:

“Officer, my name is Sun Jianmin, and I am the director of the street office where this community is located. This is my wife, Li Ailing.”

Staff of the street office? Zhang Zilin breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said:

“Yang Jiawei, you and Director Sun are responsible for organizing the manpower, taking out the materials looted by the evil forces, and dividing them equally among everyone.”

Yang Jiawei nodded:

“Okay, leader.”

Sun Jianmin was overjoyed.

This is a good job with a lot of money!

Li Ailing’s eyes also lit up, and she even licked her lips unconsciously.

The other survivors who were rescued were somewhat dissatisfied.

Why should he be allowed to distribute the materials?

However, they had just been rescued and did not know Zhang Zilin’s character, so no one dared to openly challenge Zhang Zilin’s authority.

Sun Jianmin bowed and shook hands with Yang Jiawei:

“Hello, Director Yang, you command and I will execute.”

Yang Jiawei waved his hand awkwardly and said:

“Don’t call me Director, I’m just an ordinary citizen.”

Sun Jianmin was disdainful in his heart, but said:

“It’s okay, it’s okay, the past identity is nothing, new methods in the new era!”

Zhang Zilin glanced at Ding Zhengli, his condition was getting worse.

Dr. Du gave him a simple bandage to stop the bleeding, but the wound was too dirty and it would probably get infected.

We must find medicine immediately!

Zhang Zilin didn’t delay any longer and asked:

“Director Sun, I want to ask you something.”

Sun Jianmin hurriedly said:

“Leader, you tell me!”

“Don’t call me leader. My name is Zhang Zilin.” Zhang Zilin waved her hand and said directly:

“Someone fired a gun in this community before. Do you know who it was?”

“This…” Sun Jianmin was embarrassed:

“We have been locked up all the time, so we really don’t know.”

Zhang Zilin frowned and asked again:

“Then do you know who has a lot of food in the community?”

Sun Jianmin nodded hurriedly:

“I know this! There is a very unreasonable convenience store clerk in our community. He has a lot of food and even exchanges food for women! Alas, people’s hearts are not as they used to be!”

When Sun Jianmin said this, he remembered the photos of girls that Jiang Fan had posted in the group before, and he was extremely jealous.

Li Ailing added fuel to the fire and said:

“Yes! That guy tricked a few questionable women to follow him! A bunch of cheap women, eating meat and rice every day, and throwing away what they can’t finish, they will be punished by God!”

Other survivors followed suit:

“Yes, yes, yes! Free food and accommodation, the food is very good!”

“What do you mean by free food and accommodation? Isn’t it Jiang Fan! That stinky boy used to be a convenience store clerk in our community, earning 3,000 yuan a month, but now he is shaking! Bah!”

“We don’t even have steamed buns. When there was no power outage, I saw him posting hot pot videos!”

“What’s hot pot! He still has steak to eat!”

“Jiang Fan would rather throw away so much food than help everyone! It’s outrageous!”

“Now is a disaster period, the food belongs to all survivors, why did he eat it all?”

“Wasteful is a crime!”


Everyone scolded Jiang Fan.

Zhang Zilin ignored everyone’s jealousy and analyzed useful information from everyone’s chatter.

Steak, hot pot, exchanging food for women?

Throw away what you can’t finish?

This guy is not short of food at first glance.

In this era, who else can not lack food?

Who else can it be except the one who can drill the ground!

He can drill the ground and go out to find food.

When others dared not to move, he must have moved a lot of food from the nearby supermarket, so he dared to waste it.

Li Ailing’s mobile phone still had power, so she turned it on to show Zhang Zilin the historical messages in the group.

Zhang Zilin saw the message sent by [Free Food and Accommodation], as well as the photos of rich food and beautiful women, and her heart became more certain.

It’s him!

Jiang Fan is the one who drills the ground!

Jiang Fan exchanged food for women, and Zhang Zilin naturally despised him.

But she noticed that the women in the photos all had ruddy faces and radiant looks, and they were obviously not abused.

Zhang Zilin’s hostility was greatly reduced.

Based on this point alone, this man named Jiang Fan can now be considered a good person…

Jiang Fan should not be a bad person by nature, but the ability he suddenly gained made him lose himself. I have to save him!

I will definitely be able to influence him to join my team. He can help me rescue more survivors and go to the TV station rescue point!

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