End of the World Terminator

Chapter 98 Residence

Chapter 106 Residence

"This is the specific situation. You can only unite and fight for your own lives."

Like last time, Ling Yun told every survivor he found where the body of the King of Monsters was, revealed his identity as a criminal police officer, and frightened more than a hundred survivors into the supermarket.

Probably after observing the escape of those mountain-like monsters, these survivors quickly believed Ling Yun's words, and each of them regarded him, Qin Tian and others as their saviors.

Then, Ling Yun effortlessly told about the construction of the base area, and immediately received responses from all the survivors, including Chen Yu.

The next step is to formulate charters, elect leadership groups, and elect monitoring organizations.

In the end, Ling Yun took away a group of skeletons from Qin Tian and taught the survivors step by step how to make biogas bombs, gunpowder, grenades and landmines, and also conducted simple training.

In the end, Ling Yun considered that the number of survivors in this area was small, so he asked Qin Tian for permission and left forty skeletons behind.

It only took Ling Yun one day to do all this.

Then, Qin Tian commanded the skeletons to pick up three cars and, followed by less than a hundred survivors, continued to move toward the west.

"The number of people this time is slightly smaller. Those monsters like meat mountains are still wandering around. It may be difficult for these people to form a large scale."

The convoy began to move forward. Ling Yun suddenly pushed up his glasses and said to Qin Tian: "What I mean is, can you use skeletons to chase those monsters around here and try to create a safer place for this newly established base?" environment."

Hearing this, Qin Tian said nothing, stretched out his hand directly out the window, summoned 300 skeletons, and ordered these skeletons to attack any monster that dared to kill humans within a kilometer range.

Three hundred skeletons quickly dispersed.

Qin Tian smiled slightly at Ling Yun and signaled him to stop worrying.

Ling Yun raised the corners of his mouth, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

And Ling Jiao, who had been staying in the back seat and playing with her mobile phone, suddenly stretched out her long and fair neck and said to Qin Tian: "I said, why do you listen to my brother so much? Along the way, my brother Just do whatever you are asked to do. Will the future you do the same? By the way, are you married in the future?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian glanced at Ling Jiao, was silent for a while, and said: "Your brother is not an ordinary person. Your brother and I are close friends. As for whether I will get married in the future, haha, I won't tell you."

After saying that, Qin Tian took out Bao Tianzi, turned to look out the window, put the cigarette in his mouth, lit it and started smoking.

"Hmph! Forget it if you don't tell me!"

Ling Jiao pouted in dissatisfaction, retracted her body back to her seat, and started playing with her phone again.

Qin Tianze fell into deep thought. All he inherited were some memories of future Qin Tian. What was certain was that future Qin Tian was not married when he traveled through time.

In other words, the women who could marry Qin Tian in the future are already dead.

Qin Tian blew out the smoke out the window with some sadness, but Xiao Jin's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Host, there are many modern buildings a thousand meters ahead."


Qin Tian nodded, not surprised.

I heard Chen Yu say that there is a small town nearby, and now I just met it.

The convoy continued to move forward.

Suddenly, Ling Yun opened his eyes, looked at Qin Tian and said: "By the way, there is one thing I have always wanted to ask, what did you use to defeat that monster?"

After a pause, Ling Yun looked puzzled and continued: "When I hid in the tunnel, I heard an extremely harsh sound, as if there were thousands of extremely fine needles flying through the air."

"And when I climbed out of the tunnel, you had already won and started to set fire to the monster's body. Although the monster's body was burned by the fire, I could still see its injuries. It was all over the body, and the whole body was completely damaged. It rotted, as if it had been chopped into pulp by random knives."

"What exactly did you do? How many cuts did you make in that short period of time? To be able to chop such a huge body into that shape."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was silent for a while, and then said with a confused face: "I don't know exactly what it was. When I was smashed into the soil by the monster's hammer, I seemed to see a figure and felt it from my Dantian. A surge of heat, and then my powers became more refined, and a message appeared in my mind, but strangely, the message was difficult to describe in words, and I almost launched the attack based on feeling."

He was also very confused at this time. If the message could be described in words, he would not recommend sharing it with Ling Yun. But strangely, this message was more like a feeling.

A simple feeling that after practicing it thousands of times, you become familiar with it and can do it as easily as raising your hand.

It's almost instinctive.

It seems like it's something that comes naturally.

Hearing this, Ling Yun pondered for a while, then shook his head and said: "I have not seen the move you used to defeat the monster. My opinion is, can you demonstrate it again."

"Haha, I can't."

Qin Tian shook his head directly. This time, not only Ling Yun, but also Ling Jiao who was playing on her mobile phone also raised her head in surprise.

Then, Qin Tian said helplessly: "After that move is used, it is indeed very powerful, but the consumption is equally astonishing. It will not only use up 90% of my superpowers, but also use up my physical strength. If I used it just for demonstration, I don’t know how long it will take to recover.”

Hearing this, Ling Yun nodded and sighed: "If this is true, this kind of move cannot be used indiscriminately. Only when you encounter a character as powerful as the previous monster can you see its true appearance. However, this is not a bad thing. .”

Qin Tian smiled slightly and added: "There is a small town ahead. I think we should be able to stop there and replenish some supplies."


Ling Yun closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Qin Tian continued to look out the window, while Ling Jiao continued to play with her phone.

There was silence in the car, and the convoy continued to move forward, probably because there were skeletons following the convoy in front and behind, and those monsters like mountains of flesh that were wandering nearby were all avoided.

The entire convoy encountered no danger along the way and quickly entered the town.

"Xiao Jin, is there a place to stay nearby?"

Qin Tian looked at the dilapidated cement buildings around him, sighed softly, and asked.

"Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, walk four hundred meters forward and there is a large hotel."

Upon hearing this, Qin Tian immediately directed the skeletons to carry the car towards the restaurant.

Soon, the convoy arrived in front of the hotel.

It is a four-story building about ten meters high with solar panels on the roof.

The glass on the second, third and fourth floors of this building was all broken, and the iron gate to the backyard where parking could be parked had been torn to pieces and fell to the ground beside it.

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