End of the World Terminator

Chapter 884 Looking for the Giant

Chapter 961 Looking for the giant

A giant made of ice.

A pterosaur formed from lava.

Now, is it something water gathers again?

Qin Tian stared at the winding body on the screen and frowned slightly.

"Commander Qin, this creature can attack like a violent wind, and can use space magic to teleport over long distances. Many places along the Mediterranean Sea have been attacked by it, and conventional weapons are ineffective against it."

Wang Haotian's face looked quite solemn, he paused, and then said: "According to the latest statistics, millions of soldiers and civilians have been killed by it on the Mediterranean coast of the United Empire, because this monster comes and goes too fast, and very quickly. If they don’t stay in the same place, we won’t be able to track them, but the Dragon and Phoenix survivors haven’t had any conflict with them for the time being, so we don’t know what their combat capabilities are yet.”


Qin Tian sneered and said: "There is no battle. I don't think they dare. These monsters are different from those pterosaur-like monsters. They can use the magical power of space and understand the laws of space at a glance. There are a few more Do the surviving members of the Dragon and Phoenix clan dare to go against them?"

Hearing this, Wang Haotian fell silent.

The picture on the huge screen changed again.

This time, what appeared on the screen was indeed a desert.


Qin Tian frowned slightly and saw several ridges appearing on the desert.

Soon, several things that looked like bamboo shoots and had a golden luster all over their bodies broke out of the sand.

"Commander Qin, this kind of creature appears in deserts and Gobis all over the world. We don't know its full picture yet, but we know that it must be very huge. What appears on the surface should only be a part of this monster."

Wang Haotian took a long breath and said: "The Dragon and Phoenix relics once sent people who could escape to the ground to check. However, these monsters were crushed to death by the sand before they even got close to the desert! It is obvious that these creatures have extremely strong abilities." The ability to control soil.”

Hearing this, Qin Tian twitched the corner of his mouth and said to the screen: "System, call Zhuge Qinmo over."


Zhuge Qinmo quickly arrived at the control room.

Qin Tian asked him to look at the video on the screen, and he rolled his eyes.

"Sure enough, it confirms my previous thoughts. The world-destroying race still appeared. However, because Yi Shang was trapped and Tiandao had no independent consciousness, it created four kinds of monsters at will. In fact, as long as there is one kind of world-destroying race, it will be enough."

Zhuge Qinmo pushed up his glasses and said: "Based on the information we have in hand, I tried to make a guess."

After a pause, Zhuge Qin said: "First, these world-destroying races should all be constructed from a single spiritual power."

"Secondly, these races have extremely high combat effectiveness. They all have magical powers of various laws. They are extremely powerful and have an overwhelming advantage over most of the dragon and phoenix survivors."

"Third, these races should still be making preparations, and there may not be enough of them."

Zhuge Qinmo took a long breath, and then said: "I suggest that we should take the initiative to prepare money for these creatures and eliminate them."

Hearing this, Qin Tian nodded solemnly and asked: "How to take the initiative to attack?"

"First eliminate the creatures on the Antarctic continent and in the deserts around the world. As for the creatures in the lava and the creatures that move in space, it is much more troublesome and we can only stay behind."

Zhuge Qinmo paused and then said: "Whether it is the United Empire or the Chinese Kingdom, they should be ready for war at this time."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly, sighed softly, and said, "How many troops should we dispatch?"

"No need for troops."

Ling Yun shook his head and said: "For a group of world-destroying races that understand the laws of heaven and earth, no matter how many modern troops or dragon and phoenix survivors are sent, it will be of no use. Only strong men who also understand the laws can deal with them."

"Uh, you mean, I'm going alone?"

Qin Tian asked, feeling quite depressed.

"There's nothing you can do about it, but during this period, you can have people select individuals with spatial magical powers from the dragon and phoenix survivors around the world, and let them guard against the body made of water and the pterosaurs gathered by fire."

"But even these dragon and phoenix survivors can only defend themselves at best."

Zhuge Qinmo shrugged his shoulders and said.

Hearing this, Qin Tian sighed lightly.

"Ling Yun, you are responsible for selecting the Dragon and Phoenix survivors."

Qin Tian nodded towards Zhuge Qinmo, then looked at Wang Haotian beside him, and said: "You and Ying Yu take turns watching the screen. If you find anything, let me know!"


Qin Tian then looked at the huge screen and said, "System, give me the locations of Antarctica and deserts around the world."


A fluorescent green holographic map immediately appeared on the huge screen.

Countless red dots appeared on the map.

Qin Tian looked at the map and said secretly: "Xiao Jin, write down these locations."

"Yes, scanning starts. Scanning ends, data recording begins. Data recording completed!"


Qin Tian nodded and activated the superpower in his body.

His figure disappeared immediately.

The next moment, he appeared above a patch of white snow.

At this time, it is autumn, and there are only winter and summer in the north and south poles.

Therefore, as soon as Qin Tian arrived at the Antarctic, he saw the white snow falling all over the sky.

"Well, Xiao Jin, search the surrounding area to see if there is any trace of the ice giant!"

"Yes! Search started. Search completed. The host has not been found within a radius of one kilometer."


Qin Tian pursed his lips, and then used his supernatural powers to focus on his eyes. A flash of red immediately burst out between his eyes, and the scenery in his eyes also changed drastically.

He flew high into the sky and looked into the distance, but he saw a vast expanse of white around him, but there was no trace of the giant.

In desperation, he had no choice but to choose a direction and flew there.

His speed was very fast, and even though he had reservations, he still crossed the entire Antarctic continent in one minute.

"What happened? Where did those creatures go?!"

Qin Tian flew to the top of a snow mountain, looking left and right, frowning.

He pondered for a while, then chose a direction and drove quickly.

A minute later, he crossed the Antarctic continent again.

"What the hell! Did these creatures know that I was looking for them and hid them on purpose?!"

Qin Tian had searched all over Antarctica, but still couldn't find any trace of the giants. He suddenly felt depressed. After pondering for a while, he still didn't believe that these giants would disappear out of thin air, so he searched carefully.

However, he still found no trace of those monsters.

"Uh, forget it, I'll go to the desert to find another creature first."

Qin Tian was about to give up. However, just when he was about to ask Xiao Jin about the location of the nearest desert, the sky suddenly darkened.

"The polar night in Antarctica?"

Qin Tian looked at the darkening sky, frowning slightly, but saw another gorgeous light curtain suddenly appear on the night.


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