Chapter 935 Cave

After discussing everything, Qin Tian chatted with the golden orangutan and the red-haired child for a few words. After listening to the golden orangutan's repeated expressions of loyalty, Qin Tian took out his mobile phone.

"System, notify Xu Qiming and ask him to contact Liu Yun, and then ask him to send the location of the Dragon and Phoenix survivors to the system."


Qin Tian put his cell phone back into his pocket, said goodbye to the two ancient apes, stepped on the Sky-breaking Hammer, and flew towards the Emeishan Fortress with satisfaction.

Knowing the location of the Dragon and Phoenix survivors and what they were going to do, a big stone in Qin Tian's heart finally fell to the ground. He did not use his powers to teleport, but spent half an hour flying to the Emeishan Fortress. Arrived in the control room.

When he walked to the high platform, electronic sound suddenly sounded.

"Didi, a map came from Xu Qiming."

"Okay, show it!"

As soon as Qin Tian finished speaking, a fluorescent green holographic map appeared on the huge screen.

A small red dot appeared on the map.

"Is this the center of the North Pole?"

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and said to the huge screen: "The system will notify Ying Yu and ask him to come over and take my place. In addition, when Wang Haotian wakes up, inform him to come over and replace Ying Yu during the day. If there are any special circumstances, we will notify him immediately." notice me."


After hearing the system's answer, Qin Tian disappeared directly. When his figure appeared again, there was already a sky of ice and snow under him.

The wind howled and the snow fell.

The boundless night was dyed a bit bewitching and weird by the blood light in the sky.

The white snow also glowed with blood in the blood light, as if it were blurred flesh and blood, which was both monstrous and terrifying.

On top of this blood, Qin Tian did not see the long-lost dragon and phoenix survivors, but he saw colorful particles that were put together and moved regularly.

"Is this a magic circle?"

"It seems that there are indeed practitioners! Could it be that those dragon and phoenix survivors have found a way to break the formation and are in the formation?"

Qin Tian frowned slightly, then landed from the air and came to the colorful particles. Then, with his spiritual eyes, he easily passed through these particles, and the scenery in front of him changed drastically.

The bloody snow was still everywhere, but not far away was a high mountain.

The entire mountain was covered with white snow, as if it were made of ice, but on the mountainside of the mountain, there was a huge dark hole.

In front of the cave entrance, there are many figures standing.

The bodies of these figures are covered with white snow, as if they were ice sculptures, and most of them have human shapes.

These figures are all dragon and phoenix survivors.

Qin Tian frowned slightly and said secretly: "Could it be that the offensive magic circle was triggered?"

He looked at the entrance of the cave intently, and sure enough he found many colorful particles lingering at the entrance.

He looked at the number of ice sculptures lingering at the entrance of the cave, and was surprised to find that there were more than a thousand of these dragon and phoenix survivors dead here.

"It seems that this sect hidden underground has some tricks up its sleeve."

Qin Tian twitched the corners of his lips, and activated his powers, trying to teleport to the entrance of the cave, but found that he couldn't teleport.

"It seems that this space is also imprisoned."

Qin Tian let out a breath, then stepped on the Sky-Breaking Hammer and flew towards the entrance of the cave. He quickly arrived at the entrance of the cave, and then passed through the colorful particles very naturally.

Then, he found himself in a tunnel that went all the way down to the depths of the ground. The light was so dark that he could hardly see his fingers.

"It seems that the magic circle guarding the passage has been destroyed."

Qin Tian picked up a cigar, lit it, and looked around while smoking.

"It seems that this kind of attack array has not been set up for a long time. It is possible that the people in the cultivator sect noticed that the dragon and phoenix survivors broke in, so they set up this kind of array."

Qin Tian stepped on the Sky-Breaking Hammer and said to himself as he flew downwards.

This tunnel is very long. At first, the air in the tunnel was very cold, but soon it became hot.

After flying for about two hours, Qin Tian suddenly discovered that two tunnels appeared in front of him, which turned out to be a fork in the road.

At this fork in the road, he found two more corpses. Both corpses were humanoid and wearing armor. One of them had a tail growing from the back of his butt.

Obviously, these two corpses are members of the Dragon and Phoenix clan.

When Qin Tian discovered the two corpses, they were standing in front of a tunnel at the fork in the road. Their bodies were already covered with ice and snow, just like the thousands of ice sculptures at the entrance of the cave.

"Is there also a formation here?"

Qin Tian observed for a while with confusion, but found no five-color particles representing supernatural powers.


"Even if the formation is destroyed, there should be residual energy left. Why is there nothing now?"

Qin Tian was suspicious. He stood in front of the two corpses and pondered for a while, and said to himself: "Moreover, when the golden-haired orangutan gave me this address, he said that the kings of monsters were looking for a passage. Why now, it seems that these monsters The king has obviously found a passage, which is inconsistent with the information the golden orangutan gave me."

"Could it be that this is a trap?"

Qin Tian looked at the tunnel in front of the corpse for a while, and then looked at another tunnel without a corpse.

"The purpose of placing these two corpses here is to lead me to another tunnel?"

Qin Tian snorted coldly and flew towards the tunnel where the corpse was standing. As soon as he entered the tunnel, a heat wave hit his face.

The temperature in the air rises sharply.

Qin Tian was not afraid of the high temperature and continued to fly forward.

The temperature in the tunnel is getting higher and higher, and there are waves of warm wind blowing against my face.

The wind means there is an exit.

Qin Tian speeded up, but quickly stopped.

He discovered three more humanoid corpses.

There was no ice or snow on the bodies of the three corpses, but they seemed to have been soaked in water. They were all wet and fell to the ground. One of the corpses was covered with scales, and the other two corpses were wearing red armor.

"The monsters shouldn't have been dead for a long time in the past three days, and they should have been frozen to death."

Qin Tian carefully observed the water stains on the corpses and naturally deduced that these monster kings must have frozen to death not long ago.

This surprised him.

"Did I think wrong just now? It was not the attack formation that froze these monster kings to death, and those two corpses were not placed to confuse me."

"Tsk, how on earth did these monster kings freeze to death?!"

Qin Tian was surprised, but also a little confused. After observing for a while, he stepped on the Sky-Breaking Hammer full of doubts and continued flying towards the depths of the tunnel.

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