End of the World Terminator

Chapter 820 Enterprising

Chapter 881 Enterprising

Gu raised his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"A law?"

"Yi, you forgot one thing."

Gu suddenly stretched out his hand to grab it, and the broken sword that had fallen to the ground and connected to the hilt immediately flew back to his hand.

"I was also the master of this world."

A smile suddenly broke out on Gu's face, and he suddenly threw the broken sword.

"Whoops!" ~ In the sound, the broken sword cut through the void and suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, the broken sword appeared above Yi's head.


Yi raised his head suddenly, frowned, reached out to recall the long black sword, and blocked it above his head.

With a sound of "Choke!!", the broken sword struck the long black sword, and several sparks suddenly appeared.

"What? It doesn't work!"

Yi's expression suddenly changed, and he raised his sword to block the broken sword with all his strength.

The broken sword was suddenly thrown up, but quickly flew into Gu's hand.

"Huh~, when you change the rules, I will change them back."

Gu's face was quite pale, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead. The smile on his face faded, and he suddenly said in a deep voice: "Slay the Dragon!!"


The broken sword passed through the air and rushed into a crack. The next moment, the broken sword appeared above Yi's head and fell quickly.

The momentum is astonishing! !

Yi's face condensed slightly, and he swung out his sword. With a sound of "Choke!!", the broken sword was immediately knocked away.

Then, Gu stretched out his hand, and a thunder ax appeared in his hand.

The next moment, Gu held a thunder ax and struck at Yi.

"Bang!!" There was a loud sound, and a huge ax rose from the sky, carrying unparalleled power, and crashed down.


The explosions continued, shaking the entire moon.

The Tianzhu of Buzhou Mountain trembled continuously.

The nine-headed strongest man surrounding the spherical luminous body stared at the sky fearfully, like a frightened bird, daring not to move.

However, the weak practitioners or ordinary people in the four air fortresses did not feel anything.

Godlike war.

How do ants feel?

Qin Tian opened his eyes and looked up at the dark clouds covering the sky. After a brief silence, he slowly stood up.


Qin Tian let out a long breath and rose into the sky.

He quickly flew to a position level with the Nine-Headed Powerful Ones, then lowered his head and looked at his hands.

"Memories, so many memories."

Qin Tian suddenly let out a sigh of relief and said, "It's been more than ten thousand years."

"After thousands of reincarnations, I am finally complete."

Qin Tian took a deep breath and slowly flew towards the spherical luminous body.

He didn't use spatial powers, he didn't cover his tracks deliberately, and his speed was neither fast nor slow.

Soon, the nine-headed strongest man discovered Qin Tian's figure.

"Why is this human here?!"

"It's strange. This human being must have been seriously injured just now. Why does he act like he's fine now?!"

"Does this human being still want to destroy Buzhou Mountain!?"

"Damn humans, do you always like to come here to die?!"


Voices full of surprise and disdain kept ringing.

Among the nine powerful ones, two monsters with human bodies and snake tails and armors were the first to stand up and stretched out their hands toward Qin Tian.

"Bang!!" ~ In the sound, two thunder pillars passed through the air, carrying green fireworks, and blasted straight towards Qin Tian.

Qin Tian did not dodge or block, and continued to run forward.

Soon, he was swallowed up by the thunder, and with a "Boom!!" sound, it was like thunder on a clear day, a blue fireball exploded from the air, and smoke billowed into the sky.

"Hmph! This human doesn't even hide. I thought he could use space powers."

That was obviously a male, the monster with human body and snake tail frowned and said.

The other female snake-tailed monster sneered and said: "This human being, I'm afraid I suddenly had a short-circuit and I was so scared!"

The seven-headed monster watching the battle suddenly became commotion.

"This human being has endured a blow from the Fuxi Emperors. Even if he doesn't die, he must have been seriously injured."

"Hmph! This guy who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth dares to rush up to us alone. Could it be that he thinks he is Gu?"

"I think humans have been completely burned by the soul-killing green flames, and not even the dregs have been left behind."


Words full of contempt rang out one after another.

The nine-headed most powerful monster looked at the explosion with deep disdain.

Then, all the nine-headed monsters heard a slight cough.


The sound was very soft but clearly audible.

All the nine-headed monsters were stunned.

Except for the giant dragon, the other monsters frowned at this time.

"Speaking of which, I have never fought against you."

A strong wind blew up, blowing away the thick smoke.

Qin Tian, ​​who was covered in flame armor, removed the brown barrier like mountains around him.

Then, he waved his hand and took out the Sky-Breaking Hammer.


The Skybreaking Hammer suddenly became as long as an arm and as thick as a thumb.

Qin Tian stretched out two fingers and stopped two inches in front of the Sky-breaking Hammer, then bent his fingers and gently pulled them back.

"Kaka~!" In the sound, a white light string appeared on Qin Tian's finger.

The light string connected the two ends of the Skybreaking Hammer.

When Qin Tian pulled the light string, the Sky-breaking Hammer also bent.

"Choke!!" In the sound, a white light group appeared on the light string.

Qin Tian raised the sky-breaking hammer that turned into a bow and pointed at the monster closest to him, a male and a female, with human bodies and snake heads.

"This guy is different from just now!!"

The giant dragon was the first to notice something was wrong and said: "This feeling, could it be that it's the Tianzong realm?!"

The other eight monsters looked surprised.

Among the Fuxi Emperors pointed at by Qin Tian, ​​the male one suddenly snorted coldly and said: "Pretentious!!"

"I still don't believe how capable you are!!"

The male monster roared angrily, reached out and pulled out an emerald-green flute.

In another change, the female monster also took out a guqin.

Qin Tian frowned slightly when he saw this.

Just when he thought the two monsters were going to have a concert, the male monster took the lead and played the flute.


A low sound like a horn suddenly sounded.

Qin Tian felt his mind wander, and then, transparent wind blades formed a giant net and fell towards him.

"Mountain Forging Technique!!"

Qin Tian's body lit up with brown light, forming numerous mountains. With the sound of "Bang~!!", the wind blades struck the mountains and collapsed one after another.

However, the sound of the flute didn't stop, and the wind blade kept slashing at him like an endless stream.

The brown mountains trembled.

Qin Tian frowned slightly. The sound of the flute seemed to have some kind of magic power. It could make him constantly recall bad things and make him unable to concentrate.

He concentrated and silently recited the method of breathing in and out, forcing himself to calm down his chaotic mind.

Then, the sound of the piano suddenly sounded.

Qin Tian suddenly felt as if a demonic voice was filling his ears, and his chest felt like a huge stone was pressing down on him. His face was suddenly covered with a flush, and he couldn't help but open his mouth and spit out blood.

"His grandma's, is this an ultrasound?!"

Qin Tian's eyes turned red. When he saw the female monster strumming the strings again, he immediately aimed at it and released the light strings.

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