End of the World Terminator

Chapter 818 Becoming a King

Chapter 879: Becoming a King

too strong.

The strength shown by Yi was really too strong.

Everything in the world seems to be completely controlled by it.

With a casual movement, the vast natural spiritual power will turn into a sharp blade, harvesting monsters at will.

Qin Tian can also drive natural spiritual power, but it is far inferior to Yi at this time.

"This is the fourth state of using a little bit of power after entering the heaven, coupled with the eyes of the spirit."

"Back then, Guben also had this kind of power, but it's a pity that he couldn't use it."

Next to Qin Tian, ​​Yi, who was wearing purple armor, sighed lightly, suddenly waved his hand, and Tianzhu disappeared.

The battle in the sky has also disappeared.

What appeared immediately was darkness indeed.

Yi was dressed in white, sitting in the dark void.

Qin Tian looked at Yi sitting not far away, then at Yi standing next to him, then looked around, but saw continents one after another.

Some of these continents are barren, some are full of life, and some are very dull.

Qin Tian pursed his dry lips and returned his gaze to Yi beside him.

"Look, all the changes started at this time."

"My birth was also at this time."

Yi's voice was full of calmness, as if he was describing something that had nothing to do with him.

Qin Tian frowned slightly and looked towards Yi sitting in the air.

Yi sat motionless in the air, his eyes closed and his face indifferent.

Qin Tian realized that something was about to happen and couldn't help but frown.

He waited quietly for a while, but then he heard a gust of wind.

At this time, Yi was at an extremely high altitude, separated from the mainland, and there should have been no wind.

But the wind just showed up.

The white clothes on Yi's body were blown away, and the black hair on his head was blown away.

Then, Qin Tian saw Yi open his eyes.

Wisps of starlight emerged from Yi's eyes, and they seemed to contain endless stars.

"how so?"

"Everything in the world has destiny and cause and effect."

"Even if you transform into the way of heaven, you still can't avoid it?"

A dark vortex suddenly appeared in the depths of Yi's eyes. The dark vortex spread rapidly, and the endless starlight was swallowed up by it.

"Then, how can we transcend?"

"Beyond all this, free from all shackles?"

Yi stared at his hands with dark eyes, muttered to himself, and then suddenly fell into silence.

"He, what's wrong with him?"

Qin Tian looked at Yi who fell silent and frowned.

Yi suddenly raised his head and stared in front of him with his dark eyes.

For a moment, Qin Tian felt that he saw him, and his eyes suddenly widened.

However, he soon realized that he was wrong.

“To transcend, you must first give up.”

“To break free, you must first sink.”

"What a reincarnation, hahaha~, I understand!!"

Yi laughed loudly, and his dark eyes suddenly lit up like stars again.

The laughter stopped suddenly!

Yi closed his eyes again, his expression cold and solemn.

Qin Tian didn't dare to express his anger and stared at Yi.

He had realized that something astonishing was happening.

Soon, he saw phantoms appearing around Yi.

Those phantoms are like moving pictures one after another, flashing quickly, flowing quickly, and over and over again.

After this scene lasted for a while, Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and the shadows suddenly gathered together and turned into a sphere as big as a palm.

The surface of the sphere was emitting dazzling white light, and countless pictures were flashing through it.

Yi stretched out his hand to hold the ball of light and was silent for a while, with a trace of reluctance on his face.

"From today on, I will no longer be complete. Go and go through hundreds of lives and thousands of reincarnations to make myself complete, and wait for the day you return."

"That's when I break through the way of heaven!"

Yi threw the ball of light towards him.

The ball of light suddenly turned into a meteor, passed through the sky, and fell into the continent below.

Qin Tian watched the ball of light fall, and while he was in shock, he heard Yi beside him say: "That ball of light is me."


Qin Tian turned his head in shock, only to see that Yi, who was wearing purple armor, had crouched down and turned to look at him.

After a moment of shock, Qin Tian frowned and was about to speak when he saw Yi suddenly shake his head.

The next moment, Yi in white clothes disappeared.

Qin Tian looked at the darkness on both sides and the narrow road below him, and was quite shocked. Then, he heard Yi's voice.

"Are you clear now?"


"Don't you still know?"

Yi, who was wearing purple armor, showed a touch of disdain on his face.

Qin Tian was silent for a moment and then said, "Did he arrange all of this?"

"That's right."

A smile spread across Yi's face, he stood up suddenly, walked to Qin Tian, ​​looked down at Qin Tian, ​​and said with piercing eyes: "Yi's inner demon does not exist at all."

"I was actually separated by Yi on his own initiative to help him become a more perfect and powerful existence."

"Yi transformed into the way of heaven, and was bound by the way of heaven himself. It was difficult to improve his cultivation, so he thought of a way to create a person to help him break the shackles."

"Then, devour."

Yi paused and then said to Qin Tian: "Did you know? The reason why Gu discovered me was not a coincidence, but Yi needed Gu to discover me."

"Yi knows that Gu will protect me and teach me. With Gu's help, I will gradually become stronger and complete, and eventually challenge him."

"So, everything Gu did over the years has never escaped Yi's eyes."

"The only time was Gu's fake death."

Yi took a long breath and said: "Gu has noticed Yi's thoughts a long time ago, and Gu is also planning it."

"Ling Yun's death in this life of Gu was to end his protection for you. At the same time, he deliberately used power to expose his position and let Yi notice. Yi could no longer see through Gu's steps and found that many things were beyond his control. He was afraid So, he tried every possible means to force Gu out and planned to kill Gu."

"And when Yi was held back by Gu, I could tell you all the truth. I don't have much time. Gu fought for us with his own sacrifice."

"Qin Tian, ​​I have been reincarnated for hundreds of lives before I can cultivate such a soul. Are you ready?"

"Are you ready to accept this gift and then take on this burden?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian was silent for a while, then nodded heavily and said, "I'm ready!"

Hearing this, Yi smiled.

"Crack~!" The sound was like cracking silk, and the black flames on the sides of the two people were suddenly covered with cracks, and then "Crack~~!" shattered.

Then, flowers suddenly bloomed all over the ground.

The flowers are fragrant and colorful.

Qin Tian looked around in shock, but saw Yi suddenly stretched out his hand and placed it on his head.

"Qin Tian, ​​from today on, you are the king of men."

"The third generation human king!!"

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