End of the World Terminator

Chapter 797 Determination

Chapter 857 Decision

"Brother, we are in big trouble this time."

Qin Tian walked to the ice coffin and said.

No one answered him.

"You said those monsters surrounded us and wanted to kill us all?"

Qin Tian pursed his lips and said, "Although I also hope that all the troubles can be solved together, this time it is really a bit tricky."

"If you were here, how would you solve this matter?"

Qin Tian looked at the ice coffin, almost talking to himself.

Still no one answered.

Qin Tian was silent for a long time, and finally took a breath and said: "Brother, if you have a spirit in the sky, or a soul, remember to entrust your dream to me."

"You have to come up with an idea for me in this battle."

After saying that, Qin Tian turned around and walked out of the cave.

He returned to the control room.

Then, each order passed through the system and was transmitted to the entire Central Plains and to the entire Hebei.

The hundreds of millions of people in Qin Tian's hands were all terrified.

After the fear passed, people united.

No one can stay out of the racial war.

All the people are soldiers, even children and women take up arms and practice continuously every day.

Drones and robots travel to and from various places, and a large number of landmines and remotely controlled poison gas canisters are buried.

In the following week, countless messages and pictures were delivered to the Magic City, Mount Emei.

Qin Tian stared at the screen every day, looking at the monsters gathering in the north, west and south, but found nothing except their constant movement.

There are more and more monsters.

"Tsk, when will these monsters take action?!"

Qin Tian rubbed his eyes. During this week, he and Wang Haotian took turns staring at the screen day and night, not daring to slack off at all.

However, the monsters never went too far.

This situation made Qin Tian very uneasy.

At this moment, electronic sound suddenly sounded.

"Didi, there is talk of an unknown monster appearing ahead. Its internal strength can be compared to that of an A-level water superpower."


Qin Tian frowned slightly, and saw a monster that looked like a shark, but was brown and yellow all over, as if covered with a layer of mud, and had blood-red eyes on the huge screen.

Judging from the data printed on the screen, this shark is about eight meters long.

What surprised Qin Tian even more was that this shark-like monster actually had arms and legs, and its arms were even thicker than Qin Tian's thighs.

"System, how big are these monsters? Appearing in that location?!"

"Only one has been found so far, and it appeared very close to the coast! It just left! The nearest drone has been sent to investigate."


Qin Tian's eyes widened slightly, but he saw a sea and a beach appearing on the screen.

And in the distance, a huge, flat thing, like a shark's back, was cutting through the water and waves, heading into the distance.

The image quickly moved closer to the flat thing.

Qin Tian also clearly saw the large shadows appearing under the sea water. Then, a water column suddenly broke through the sea surface, and countless snowflake-like particles appeared on the screen.

"The drone has been shot down."

Upon hearing this, Qin Tian immediately clenched his fists and said, "Record this scene and summon Zhang Fengtian and others to discuss the matter!"


Everyone arrived soon.

Qin Tian immediately told everyone about the monster appearing in the sea.

Everyone was surprised, and after the surprise, they began to be afraid.

"Commander Qin, if monsters appear from the coast, we will really be surrounded!"

Qin Junjie covered his head, with a look of panic on his face, and said: "We must notify all places, and at the same time, we must arrange mines and poison gas along the coast. Also, our four fortresses are too close to the sea. If monsters in the sea land, we will be very It may be exposed, and when the time comes, there will definitely be a battle with it.”

"But when we don't know the movements of the monsters and haven't formulated a corresponding strategy, it would be too passive to rashly conflict with them."

"We should retreat inland immediately!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Qin Tian thought for a while and then said: "Qin Junjie, where do you think we should retreat to?"

"The middle flow of the Yellow River."

Qin Junjie paused and then said: "First inquire about the movements of the monsters, then determine the battle plan and put it into action. All of this takes time, and the monsters must not be able to see our movements!"


Qin Tian nodded, sighed softly, and said: "You are right, we did not expect that monsters would appear in the sea before, and we did not know where the monsters in the sea were at this time, and how far away they were from us. How close, to put it bluntly, they could land at any time!”

"It's time for us to evacuate the beach."

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

Qin Tian let out a long breath and said, "Everyone, go get ready. I hope we can still make it in time."

The crowd will disperse.

Electronic sound suddenly sounded.

"Didi, host, there are many monsters in the sea, and the number of monsters is increasing!!"

A red light lit up in the control room, and countless squares appeared on the huge screen.

Various monsters appear from those squares.

There are things in the water, things that can fly, things with legs and feet, everything in all kinds of shapes.

Qin Tian frowned slightly and said, "Are these monsters going to land?"

Under the high stage, everyone's expressions changed.

Qin Junjie was the first to shout: "Commander Qin, the situation is critical, we should retreat immediately!"

"Is it too late to retreat now? It will also expose our position! It will also lower the morale of our army!"

Zhang Fengtian roared angrily and said to Qin Tian: "Commander Qin, let's fight! Only by repelling the monsters first can we retreat calmly!"

For a moment, everyone looked at Qin Tian.

Qin Tian lowered his head and looked at the console. After a moment of silence, he said: "Zhang Fengtian, Xu Qiming, Li Xuanyuan."


Zhang Fengtian, Xu Qiming and Li Xuanyuan all saluted and said in unison.

"Listen, you three, immediately take Mountain No. 1, Mountain No. 2 and Changbai Mountain Fortress and retreat to the rear!"


After the three of them finished speaking in unison, Zhang Fengtian's expression suddenly changed and he said, "Commander Qin, what about you?"

"You don't know why you are asking."

Qin Tian let out a sigh of relief and said, "In this situation, can you leave without me breaking it off for you?"


Everyone was shocked, and then very moved.

"Commander Qin, how can I let you take care of the aftermath? It's most appropriate for me to do it!"

Li Xuanyuan's eyes were filled with tears, he beat his chest and shouted.

"Nonsense! Li Xuanyuan, with your little strength, can you cut off the rear?!"

Zhang Fengtian coughed slightly and said, "I am the most suitable person for this kind of thing!"

Li Xuanyuan still wants to fight.

Qin Tian waved his hand and said: "This kind of thing is nothing to argue about. Don't I still know what you are capable of?"

"Who here except me is sure to escape from the siege of monsters?!"

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