End of the World Terminator

Chapter 775 Arrangement

Chapter 835 Arrangement

"It has been several years since the Dragon and Phoenix survivors arrived here."

"The fertile land of the Central Plains has been ravaged by these monsters. How many Chinese people are left alive?"

Qin Tian let out a light breath, picked up a cigar, and puffed lightly.

"Where are you?"

"Where will you be?"

Qin Tianxu raised his eyes and patrolled the riverside with doubts in his eyes.

No one answered him.

For all races, every place along the Yellow River is accessible.

They can appear anywhere.

Qin Tian frowned and thought for a long time, finally sighed and returned to the fortress.

Late at night the next day, countless helicopters flew to the other side of the Yellow River, nearly 10,000 soldiers were dropped, and then monitoring systems and intelligent systems were installed everywhere.

At the same time, survivors from various places along the Yellow River were also found and transported back to the north of the Yellow River.

Qin Tian met with these survivors and placed them in the rear.

Soon, he discovered through the intelligent system on the other side of the Yellow River that the monsters were a hundred thousand miles away from the Yellow River and were gathering in more and more numbers.

"A storm is coming."

Looking at the picture transmitted back by his intelligent system on the other side of the Yellow River on the huge screen, Qin Tian let out a sigh of relief and his face became particularly solemn.

"System, call out the dangerous and hidden place on the other side of the Yellow River."

Qin Tian paused, then looked at the people under the high platform and said, "We want to build more hidden military facilities on the other side. This project must be done quickly!"

"Zhuge Qin Demon!"


"Does the poisonous mist that Ling Yun deployed before still exist?"


Zhuge Qinmo nodded heavily and said: "The formula left by Minister Ling is in the system. In fact, we have started making it a long time ago, and now we have accumulated more than a hundred tons of volatile venom."

Hearing this, Qin Tian slightly raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Well, when building those military facilities, transport the venom there as well."

"These two things must be done together. Li Xuanyuan, Zhang Fengtian, and Xu Qiming. Each of the three of you is responsible for a certain area. I give you permission to use all the manpower in the four fortresses!"

Qin Tian waved his hand and said: "These projects must be completed within five days. I will ask the system to send the design drawings to you later."


Qin Tian waved for everyone to go down, and said to the huge screen with a solemn expression: "System, are there any signs of being touched by the devil?"

"No, but the system has discovered some powerful existences. Judging from the energy reactions in these existences, I am afraid they are not inferior to the devil."


Qin Tian frowned suddenly and said, "What kind of monsters are these? How many are there in total?"

Three squares immediately appeared on the huge screen.

In one of the squares is a fox with nine tails and blood-red fur all over its body.

In the other two squares, there are two humanoid monsters, a man and a woman.

The male monster's head was on fire, his body was as red as burning coals, and he was wearing dark red armor.

The female monster is wearing a white silk robe, half-breasted, snow-white skin, and furry pointed ears. She has a pretty face and black hair.

"Nine-tailed fox?"

"Are the other two monsters similar to the nine-tailed fox?"

Qin Tian frowned and said: "If we add four demon gods, there will be seven such existences."

"System, have any of these monsters shown any special magical powers, such as teleportation?"

"No, when these three monsters appeared, they just patrolled and walked around and did nothing else."

Hearing this, Qin Tian sighed softly and said, "Then you continue to pay attention. If there is anything unusual about these powerful monsters, notify me immediately."


After issuing the order, Qin Tian followed the metal slide and left the control room.

He came outside the fortress and looked into the distance with his knowledge, but he saw nothing.

The monsters were still too far away from him.


Qin Tian took a breath and returned to the fortress.

Late that night, nearly 400,000 people crossed the river overnight and rushed to various places on the other side of the river.

Construction of hidden facilities begins.

Zhang Fengtian, Xu Qiming, and Li Xuanyuan also rushed to the other side of the river to conduct the battle in person.

Qin Tian nervously watched the construction conditions in various places in the control room.

Four hundred thousand people crossed the river. Even though these people had pieces of bamboo in their mouths and their feet were wrapped in thick cloth, there was still a lot of movement when the plane was transporting them and when they were doing construction.

Qin Tian was worried about attracting the attention of those monsters, so he stared at the screen without blinking.

The night passed like this.

Qin Tian didn't sleep all night, but he was very satisfied because the monsters did not attack and the construction progress in various places was very fast.

"One more night and most of the facilities will be finished."

Qin Tian let out a sigh of relief and ordered all the 400,000 people working on the project to stop and take cover.

Then he went to sleep for two hours before returning to the control room.

"What's the situation now?"

Qin Tian said to the huge screen.

"Everything is fine, there is nothing unusual about the monsters."


Qin Tian picked up a cigar, took two puffs, and then said: "Get through to Zhang Fengtian, Xu Qiming and Li Xuanyuan."


Three squares immediately appeared on the huge screen.

Zhang Fengtian, Xu Qiming and Li Xuanyuan all appeared in the square.

"How are you?"


Zhang Fengtian's eyes were a little red and he said.

"no problem."

Xu Qi was obviously excited, with a smile on his face, but the bags under his eyes were indeed dark.

"I'm fine."

Li Xuanyuan yawned and said with a tired face.

"You guys just hold on one more night."


Qin Tian asked the system to adjust the screen back to the monster.

"What are these monsters thinking?"

Qin Tian frowned slightly, thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

He sighed softly, and after instructing the system to notify him immediately if there was any discovery, he came to the spiritual tree.

He sat quietly in front of the spiritual tree and finally calmed down.

Six hours later, there was a sudden buzzing in his pocket.

He was slightly startled, and immediately took out his cell phone and found a red light on it. He flew down the mountain and turned on the cell phone.

"what's the situation?!"

"Didi, we found a large number of flying monsters starting from the monster group and circling along the Yellow River, seeming to be looking for something."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned suddenly and said, "How are Zhang Fengtian and the others?"

“What happened to those people on the other side of the river?”

"Most of the more than 400,000 people are hiding in the underground bunkers dug last night. Only a few are camping on the ground. But I have already informed that these people are evacuating to the bunkers closest to them. They are coming at their speed. Look, it shouldn’t be discovered.”


Qin Tian felt a little relieved. After rushing into the control room, he asked the system to call up the scenes on the other side of the river.

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