End of the World Terminator

Chapter 765 Recovery

Chapter 824 Restoration

Under normal circumstances, when Qin Tian enters samadhi, his mind will be completely empty, and he will even feel that his soul has left his body and is floating without support.

But this time, he felt that there seemed to be something more in his mind.

The scene from the previous battle with the demon appeared in his mind over and over again, flashing through his mind like a revolving lantern.


Qin Tian frowned slightly. In this situation, he couldn't calm down at all.

He pursed his lips, but reluctantly opened his eyes.

Under a hanging branch, a red fruit stretched out in front of him.


Qin Tian stretched out his hand and saw the fruit falling into his hand. He frowned slightly and opened his mouth to take a bite.

The taste of spiritual fruit is still the same as before, sweet and delicious.

Qin Tian finished the spirit fruit in several mouthfuls and tried it again, but found that he still couldn't calm down and couldn't help but open his eyes.

"What's going on?"

Qin Tian frowned slightly, then stood up again. Suddenly feeling a little melancholy, he rose into the air.

He turned around and saw the light of day emerging.

In the distance, many corpses can be seen, which were transported down from the aerial fortress.

Qin Tian held a cigarette in his mouth, took a few puffs silently, and sat cross-legged in the air.

"I always feel like, what have I gained?"

Qin Tian's face was covered with doubts. After taking a few deep puffs of cigarette, he reached out and took out the Sky-Breaking Hammer.

"what is it then?"

Qin Tian wielded the Sky-Breaking Hammer with one hand and danced "whooshing" in the wind.

He suddenly raised the Skybreaking Hammer and pointed it at the ground.


"咻~!" With a sound, the Sky-Breaking Hammer suddenly lengthened and inserted into the ground.

Qin Tian held the end of the hammer in one hand and moved slowly, and the Sky-Breaking Hammer also moved slowly with his hand.

"Bang~!" In the sound, endless smoke and dust rose from the ground, and lines were plowed out on the ground.

Qin Tian suddenly pressed hard, and with a "Bang!!" sound, the ground shook slightly.


"Hey~!" In the sound, the Sky-breaking Hammer changed back to its original shape.

Qin Tian fell from the sky and soon stood on a cliff, looking down the mountain.

The gentle breeze blew Qin Tian's clothes and messed up his long hair.

He was silent for a moment, and suddenly he felt that sense of separation again, and that separation was like a thin membrane. It seemed that as long as he stretched out his hand, he could touch the outline of what was behind the membrane.

He relied on his feeling and stretched out his hand into the air, but only touched the air, which made him feel even more irritated.

"Asshole! What on earth is it!?"

Qin Tian fiercely clenched his fists and shouted angrily.

No one answered him.

Between heaven and earth, only the sound of wind is quiet.

Qin Tian finally put down his fist and turned back to the fortress.

He rested for a few hours in the morning and went to the control room.

"Connect the forts."

Qin Tian said directly towards the huge screen.


Three squares immediately appeared on the huge screen.

Within the square, Li Xuanyuan, Zhang Fengtian and Xu Qiming appeared.

The three of them all looked a little tired, but when they saw Qin Tianhou, they immediately saluted.

Qin Tian coughed lightly and said, "How is everything going?"

"All good."

Li Xuanyuan took the lead.

Zhang Fengtian sighed softly and said: "The troops and superpowers are all in place, and most of the wounded in the medical facilities are receiving treatment."

Xu Qiming also nodded and said: "The troops are in place and the wounded are receiving treatment."

"Okay, let's move on."

Qin Tian let out a breath and said: "In ten days, we should be able to arrive in Kyoto. In the previous battle, the King of Monsters around us should have been cleared. The next journey should be smooth."

"So, take this opportunity to take back Kyoto!"


Qin Tian waved his hand, and the picture on the huge screen suddenly changed.

"System, turn on the flight device and let Xie Chunqiu go to the energy warehouse."


"Rumble~~!" With the sound, the four high mountains began to rise and soon hung in the air.

"Target, Kyoto, move forward at a constant speed!"


The Flying Fortress is still moving forward.

Qin Tian smoked a cigar and looked at the screen.

The previous battle was too brutal. Tens of thousands of the monster kings were killed, leaving the surrounding monsters completely empty.

In the next nine days, the journey to the four fortresses was smooth and smooth.

Every time after the fortress stopped, Qin Tian arranged for soldiers to go around to look for survivors, and found some surprises.

Several of the resistance groups left by Ling Yun came after hearing the news, and their number was no less than 200,000.

Qin Tian was very happy and personally met with the leaders of these resistance organizations and arranged for most of them to enter the No. 1 Mountain and the No. 2 Mountain.

"It would be great if this guy Ling Yun is still here."

At dusk on the ninth day, Qin Tian looked at the people on the screen who were carrying firearms and undergoing training, but seemed to have high morale. While Qin Tian was happy, he was also a little sad.

In addition to the resistance army, Qin Tian also accepted more than 100,000 survivors. However, in comparison, the combat effectiveness and quality of the survivors in the resistance army were significantly higher than that of ordinary survivors.

These survivors were also given to Mountain No. 1 and Mountain No. 2.

After handling some affairs, when the four fortresses stopped, Qin Tian came to the outside of the fortress.

He stood on a cliff and looked at the end of the distance.

With his eyesight and using the knowledge technique, he could already see the current Kyoto.

It was a ruin composed of broken walls.

What was once a high-rise building, what was once the capital of China, is now a pile of rubble.

Qin Tian let out a long sigh, his heart full of sadness.

Come to think of it, it all started here.

Qin Tian picked up a cigarette and started smoking in silence.

He remembered clearly that when he was rushing to the execution ground in Kyoto, he encountered those skeletons, and then what happened next.

Monsters are rampant.

The devil is in power.

There is no daylight.

A wry smile appeared on Qin Tian's face, but he secretly said: "Since everything started from here, then when I come back here, I want to bring everything to an end."

"At least, regaining Kyoto is the beginning of my ending to all this."

Qin Tian put out his cigar, turned around and returned to the Sky Fortress.

In the early morning of the next day, four flying fortresses took off and flew towards Kyoto.

Six hours later, the four flying fortresses successfully landed on the outskirts of Kyoto.

The helicopter immediately flew into Kyoto and began to search for survivors and collect some supplies.

With the help of thermal imaging radar, the survivors were quickly discovered, one by one, and then boarded the helicopter.

More and more survivors were either found or heard voices and came out of their hiding places.

As a metropolis that once had a population of hundreds of millions, even though it had been poisoned by all races for more than two years, there were still many people who survived.

People rushed out of the stinking ditches, basements, sewers, and all the places where they could hide, forming a torrent, pushing and supporting each other, and rushing towards the sky fortress.

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