End of the World Terminator

Chapter 755 Harvest

Chapter 812 Harvest

Although these monsters live in the soil and look like earthworms, they are not without ears.

When two flying fortresses flew over their heads, these monsters became panicked.

Qin Tian looked at the scenes on the screen of monsters running around, and his brows began to furrow.

"Last time, in the territory where I encountered the dolphin-like monster, I encountered the king of monsters. Although his strength was not that strong, his size should not be underestimated."

Qin Tian looked a little solemn and suddenly asked the system to connect to Changbai Mountain.

"General Li, prepare your weapons. If anything unusual happens, we will launch an attack."

Qin Tian said towards the screen.


On the screen, Li Xuanyuan's face was solemn, and he immediately saluted and said.

Qin Tian changed the picture on the screen back.

The two flying fortresses continued their advance.

Half an hour later, electronic sound suddenly sounded.

"Didi! A powerful energy reaction occurred, and it is suspected that the king of monsters has appeared!"

On the screen, huge tentacles appeared one after another, and on the top of the octopus, there was a pair of blood-red eyes.

This monster is huge, more than a thousand meters long. When moving in the soil, its huge tentacles rapidly expand and contract, making it extremely fast.

Qin Tian smiled after seeing the monster.

Although the monster was large, it was not as big as he expected.

"System, how strong is this monster?"

"The energy response is close to the limit!"


Qin Tian was about to take action when he heard the sound of "咻~!" and was stunned for a moment.

And the electronic sound also sounded again.

"Didi, Changbai Mountain Fortress just launched a sword river!"

On the huge screen, a sword river rushed out of Changbai Mountain and pierced the ground.

"Uh, system, how is the monster doing?"

"It has been killed! Jianhe directly penetrated it, thousands of meters deep into the ground."

Qin Tian pursed his lips and called Li Xuanyuan.

"I say, General Li, be careful in the future and don't tire Zhan Feng Ruyun to death."

Qin Tian said calmly.

"Haha, it won't happen next time, not again."

Hearing this, Li Xuanyuan smiled awkwardly.

Qin Tian brought Mianmian back again.

For the next six hours, the two aerial fortresses kept moving forward and encountered fifteen monster kings. All of these monster kings were destroyed by Jianhe.

Li Xuanyuan was no longer nervous, but he was always much faster than Qin Tian in issuing attack orders.

Qin Tian was quite helpless about this, but did not stop him.

Late in the night, the two forts came to rest on a plain.

Qin Tian took people to visit Changbai Mountain.

During the first flight, the people in Changbai Mountain were not greatly affected. However, several hundred people were sent to the hospital because they did not fasten their body straps when taking off from the fortress.

Qin Tian deeply sympathized with these people and asked Li Xuanyuan to impose heavy punishments!

And they used loudspeakers and video projections to drag these patients out and spank them in front of everyone.

Only in this way can people remember it for a long time.

Qin Tian is doing this for their own good.

After returning to his residence, Qin Tian looked at Qin Gen, chatted with Xiyan for a while, and then went to Huang Ling's room, but was pushed out by Huang Ling.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Tian was quite surprised.

"I have it! It's been three months!"

Huang Ling puffed up her chest, pointed to her stomach, and said.

Qin Tian was silent for a while before he reacted.

"You, what did you say?!"

"I said, someone is going to be a dad again!!"

Huang Ling spat and said.

Qin Tian's eyes suddenly burst out with dazzling light, and Huang Ling immediately hugged him.

"What are you doing? Put me down!"


Qin Tian laughed wildly and pushed Huang Ling onto the bed as if he were stupid, then put his head on Huang Ling's belly.

"What are you doing!"

Huang Ling's face turned red, she picked up a pillow and hit Qin Tian's head wildly.

Qin Tian let Huang Ling smash him, and hugged his waist with great happiness, and said: "Jiao'er, how about giving me another son? I just want to be a couple with Ling Xia."

Anyway, with Qin Gen, Qin Tian thought that if he died, his soul would definitely be with Qin Gen, so he planned to set up this baby marriage.

"Bah, it's a girl!"

Huang Ling grabbed Qin Tian's ears and twisted them hard.

Qin Tian casually teased Huang Ling, and shouted: "Hello, my daughter, my dear, uh, my wife, please give our daughter a name."


Huang Ling bit her lip and said, "Let me go first."

"If you don't let go, I will hold you for the rest of my life."

"Okay then, just keep hugging me!"

Huang Ling hit Qin Tian twice with the pillow, then fell asleep with her pillow on her head.

Qin Tian slept happily that night.

After getting up in the morning, he took Huang Ling and announced the news of her pregnancy in front of everyone, and then took Huang Ling to the floor of the hospital.

Cha Bai opened a separate ward for Huang Ling. Qin Tian had a conversation with Huang Ling before returning to the control room.

The Flying Fortress rises again and moves on.

In the following ten days, the Sky Fortress encountered more than a hundred monsters. Some of these monsters were strong and weak, but the strongest ones were not strong enough to require Qin Tian's personal action.

The two air fortresses arrived at their destination smoothly.

Ten days later, at noon, after Qin Tian killed a white dragon with fireworks, he directed the aerial fortress to fall to the ground.

Then he left the fortress and flew to the top of the mountain.

At this time, it was late winter and early spring, and the grassland was full of green.

The waist-deep wormwood grows extremely luxuriantly.

The breeze blew by, setting off a wave of green.

Qin Tian let out a sigh of relief and suddenly had the intention of jumping up and roaring.

However, he quickly restrained this desire and turned to look at Xie Chunqiu and forward Tenglong behind him.

"The situation is not right. The king of monsters around here is still very active. What is the situation with that soul?"


Xie Chunqiu looked confused and hesitated for a long time before saying, "Maybe there was an accident."

"No matter what accident happened, the soul should still be there. You can go and shout."

Qin Tian said directly.


Xie Chunqiu immediately rose into the air, then formed seals with his hands, and shouted loudly. His voice was extremely loud and quickly echoed throughout the world.

The lingering sound lingered for a long time.

Then, there was silence.


The sound of wind rose suddenly, and the strong wind roared by.

Then, there was silence again.

Xie Chunqiu frowned, turned to look at Qin Tian, ​​then formed the seal again and shouted loudly.

This time, its voice was louder and the earth trembled.

After the lingering sound, a low cry suddenly sounded.


The low hum was intermittent and seemed weak.

Qin Tian's face condensed slightly, and Xie Chunqiu had already shot out.

Ten minutes later, Xie Chunqiu returned and brought back a toad as big as a basketball.

This toad's whole body was glowing with green light, and there were two blood-red lines on its forehead, which actually formed the character "人".

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