End of the World Terminator

Chapter 750 Weapon Refining

Chapter 807: Weapon Refining

"The Flame Sword is the magical weapon used by the first generation of human kings when they first came out. It is also the first magical weapon in the history of cultivators."

Xie Chunqiu looked at the shining golden sword with a sigh on his face.

"The sun-breaking mirror is a powerful magic weapon created by the first generation of human kings in their confrontation with all races. It contains the divine light that destroys the heaven and the earth. When combined with space powers, its power is unparalleled!"

Forward Tenglong looked at the round mirror with emotion on his face.

Qin Tian looked at these two old antiques that had lived for ten thousand years, coughed slightly, and said, "Well, you two, quickly think about how to use these two things? I always feel uncomfortable."

Hearing this, forwards Tenglong and Xie Chunqiu looked at each other, then both turned around and saluted Qin Tian together.

"Mr. Qin."

Xie Chunqiu sighed softly and said: "It's not that we don't want to help, but it's because we are so busy that we really can't help."

After a pause, Xie Chunqiu stretched out his hand and pointed at the Flame Sword and the Broken Sun Mirror, and said: "Both of these are relics of the ancestors, and the methods of using them were also created by the ancestors. It can even be said that unless the ancestors, No one can exert the greatest power of these two things, even if they have combat skills!"

"Moreover, after the ancestors handed over these two magic weapons, they even taught the foreigners combat skills. However, those combat skills were lost among the human cultivators following the ancestors' battle."

"So, when we don't have combat skills, Mr. Qin feels uncomfortable using them. It's normal."

"Actually, even the former Golden Dragon King may not be able to fully control these two magical weapons."

Hearing this, Qin Tian pursed his lips, then suddenly let out a long sigh, and said rather disappointedly: "Is there nothing we can do?"

Hearing this, Xie Chunqiu fell silent.

Forward Tenglong suddenly said: "Actually, the best magic weapon should not belong to other people."

"Mr. Qin, you can definitely refine a divine weapon yourself!"

Hearing this, Xie Chunqiu's eyes lit up and he said: "Yes, Mr. Qin also has inner fire, and the Firework Sword and the Sun-breaking Mirror are both made of the strongest iron in Haoyu, which can be used as materials for weapon refining!! "


Qin Tian frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Is it feasible?"

“Of course it works!!”

Xie Chunqiu and forward Tenglong both nodded heavily and said.

Xie Chunqiu added: "As long as Mr. Qin refines the magic weapon by himself, he can create combat skills that are consistent with the magic weapon. The power will definitely be unparalleled!"

Hearing this, Qin Tian also made up his mind and said: "In that case, okay, I will practice it myself and have a look!"

Renovation work on Changbai Mountain is continuing.

Zhan Feng Ruyun has already gone there to build a cave.

After screening, Qin Tian asked Zhao Yu to take Qin Junjie's place and handle the civil affairs of the Sky Fortress.

At this time, he had become a hands-off shopkeeper and had a lot of free time. He made up his mind and came to Xie Chunqiu's cave that same day.

"Refining weapons, you have to concentrate on it. You have to be in seclusion for at least ninety-nine and eighty-one days, and use your heart's fire to create a magical weapon."

Xie Chunqiu pointed to a large cauldron and said: "There are protective formations on the Flame Sword and the Broken Sun Mirror, but in order to recast them, they must be refined first, and their formations must be broken."

"But the magic formations on these two divine weapons were designed by our ancestors. It would be difficult to remove them with just this big cauldron. My suggestion is to recall Zhan Feng Ruyun, and let me, Brother Qianfeng and Zhan Fengru Let's use our strength together to destroy this magic circle."


Qin Tian handed the Flame Sword and the Sun-breaking Mirror to Xie Chunqiu, and then said: "How long do you need?"


Xie Chunqiu and forward Tenglong looked at each other and said, "At least ten days."

"Okay, I'll explain it to my family as well."

Qin Tian reached out and patted Xie Chunqiu and forward Tenglong on the shoulders before leaving.

He first went to see Huang Ling and Xiyan, and after telling the two women about the matter, the two women behaved differently.

Xiyan lay in his arms very gently, telling him to go in peace and not worry about anything else.

Huang Ling opened her mouth and bit his shoulder, biting him for a long time, but said he was too hard to grow strawberries, and threatened to castrate him if he dared to take the opportunity to find another woman.

He was very tolerant of both of his wives and gave good advice to them all.

After comforting the two women, he told Xu Qiming and others the news.

In the following days, he stayed with Huang Ling and Xiyan.

Until the tenth day.

Qin Tian took Huang Ling and Xi Yan outside a ward.

"how's it going?"

Qin Tian asked Cha Bai who was guarding the door.

"The child is healthy."

After a pause, Chabai added, "It's a girl."

"Well, there must be nothing wrong with Zhao Lili's body."

Qin Tian patted Cha Bai on the shoulder and instructed.


"If something abnormal happens when the child is born, remember to notify me immediately!"

"My subordinate understands!"

Cha Bai paused, suddenly trembled all over, and said excitedly: "Mr. Qin, do you think this child could be?"

"I have no idea."

Qin Tian shook his head and said: "But since Ling Yun allowed Zhao Lili to have this child, he must have his intentions."


Cha Bai nodded heavily and said, "I will definitely take good care of Zhao Lili!"


Qin Tian took the two girls and left with peace of mind.

"Husband, is my brother still alive?"

In the elevator, Huang Ling couldn't help but ask.

"I have no idea."

Qin Tian shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Your brother is so smart that he is almost a monster. I can't guess what he is planning in his heart."

Hearing this, Huang Ling pursed her lips and said, "I still don't believe it, my brother died like this!"

"Uh, I don't believe it either."

Qin Tian nodded in deep agreement.

Xi Yan on the side sighed and said, "Husband, what are you going to name Ling Yun's child?"


Qin Tian looked at Huang Ling and said, "You are the child's aunt, what do you think?"

"Well, let's just treat Ling Xia. My brother's name is Ling Yun, Yun Xia."

"Oh, not bad."

Qin Tian smiled.

This little wife is better at naming than the eldest wife.

Qin Tian felt quite pleased.

The three of them arrived in front of Xie Chunqiu's cave together.

"I'm in, and eighty-one days later, I'll be back."

Qin Tian reached out and caressed the faces of Huang Ling and Xi Yan, holding the two women in his arms. After a while, the stone door of the cave suddenly opened.


Qin Tian let go of the two women and turned towards the entrance of the cave.


Xiyan suddenly shouted.


Qin Tian turned around in surprise, only to see Xi Yan waving to him and saying: "This morning, Qin Gen will call daddy!!"

"Ha ha."

Qin Tian laughed twice, turned around and walked into the cave entrance.

"Mr. Qin."

The forward Tenglong, Zhan Feng Ruyun and Xie Chunqiu all saluted Qin Tian and said.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, everyone."

Qin Tian waved his hand, looked at the cauldron in the cave with some confusion, and asked, "What should I do next?"

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