End of the World Terminator

Chapter 744 The arrival of the king

Chapter 800 Wang Zhi

"You, what?! No! This."

Zhan Feng Ruyun had gradually come to his senses, but Qin Tian had already pushed him to the designated position.

Then, Qin Tian pressed the button on the console.

Before Zhan Feng Ruyun could protest, his feet felt empty and he fell downwards.


Screams rang out from the slide.

Qin Tian walked to the entrance of the slide and yelled: "Don't forget, if you dare to use your powers on the slide, I will break your legs!!"

After saying that, Qin Tian closed the slide entrance.

In the end, Zhan Feng Ruyun didn't dare to use her powers and flew out of the slide honestly.

Qin Tian turned towards the huge screen and said: "System, aim at Zhan Feng Ruyun and turn on the loudspeaker system."


On the huge screen, the figure of Zhan Feng Ruyun appeared.

A microphone stretched out from the console and came to Qin Tian's mouth.

Countless huge iron trumpets appeared from Mount Emei.

"Lao Zhan, move forward and set off fireworks where it rains. By the way, don't stay too far away from the Sky Fortress, otherwise, there will be no reinforcements."

Through the loudspeaker device, Qin Tian's voice was amplified countless times.

Zhan Feng Ruyun was shaken all over. He turned his head to look at Qin Tian with a sad face, and finally flew forward slowly.

In the control room, Qin Tian took a handmade cigarette, lit it, and started smoking slowly.

Zhan Feng Ruyun's strength is pretty good, even higher than Xie Chunqiu's. He can handle just a few golden dragons.

Qin Tian breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the picture on the screen, feeling particularly relaxed.

He just watched Zhan Feng Ruyun walking into the heavy rain with great confidence.

Then, Zhan Feng Ruyun stretched out his hand, and a long green sword rose into the air, rushed into the cloud, and exploded with a "Bang!!" sound.

No movement.

Zhan Feng Ruyun waved his hand again, and the five cyan swords flew through the air and flew into the clouds. "Bang!!" ~~ The swords exploded one after another.

The wind was raging, and the sea of ​​clouds was rolling.

"Is there any movement?"

In the control room, Qin Tian's eyes were slightly blurred. Suddenly, countless cracks appeared in the dark clouds, and countless golden lights fell from the cracks, reflecting through the rain curtain.

And in the high sky, illuminated by countless rays of golden light, Zhan Feng Ruyun frowned slightly, and formed seals on his hands. "Buzz~~!!" In the sound of "Buzz~~!!", countless green long swords appeared beside him.

Zhan Feng Ruyun shouted angrily, and countless long swords flew to his head, gathering into a river of swords and spinning continuously.

From behind the dark clouds, five glittering golden dragon heads poked out. Each of the dragon heads was as big as a house, with blood-red eyes and exposed fangs. Even though they were resplendent, they were still extremely ferocious.

"Old man?"


"What a powerful momentum."


Voices full of doubts and surprises rang out one after another, and five golden divine dragons poked their bodies out from the dark clouds and hung above Zhan Feng Ruyun's head.

"A bunch of beasts!!"

Zhan Feng Ruyun showed contempt on his face, stretched out his hand and said, "Whoosh~~!" With the sound, the sword river rose through the air and rushed towards the golden dragon.

The golden dragon seemed a little surprised. Two of them were the first to open their big mouths and spit out two bolts of thunder.

Thunder fell rapidly and hit the Jian River with a "Boom!!" sound.


Zhan Feng Ruyun snorted coldly, waved his hands quickly, and countless green swords rose into the sky, making the sword river even stronger.

"Bang~~!!" In the sound, the thunder disintegrated inch by inch, and the sword river rose into the sky.

Seeing this, the other three golden dragons also opened their mouths and spit out thunder. The five golden dragons used their full strength to finally block Jianhe.


The endless swords rushed into the thunder and turned into nothingness.

But the thunder was unable to make any progress.

Zhan Feng Ruyun was fighting one against five. He suddenly shouted loudly, and the seals on his hands changed again. Three cyan yin and yang fish pictures suddenly appeared around him. Endless long swords rushed out from the fish pictures, and three sword rivers surged up, swiftly and violently. It dispersed the thunder incomparably.


Zhan Feng Ruyun waved his hands, and with a "Bang!!" sound, the four sword rivers suddenly spread out, and countless long swords stabbed at the five golden dragons.



Amid the miserable howls, the bodies of the five golden dragons were penetrated by thousands of long swords, blue blood was spilled, and golden scales were scattered.

Soon, countless dismembered pieces of flesh fell from the sky.

The rise of killing the phoenix is ​​like a cloud, and there are several laughs.

In the control room, Qin Tian shook his head. Although he had been prepared, seeing these golden dragons being so unbearable made him feel a little contemptuous.

Then, he heard electronic sounds.

"Didi, we found a large number of golden dragons approaching. The strength of these golden dragons is extremely strong. Six of them are even close to the limit."


Qin Tian was a little surprised.

"Six heads are close to the limit? It seems that this golden dragon clan is much stronger than the black dragon clan."

Qin Tian took a puff of his cigar and suddenly felt uneasy.

"Among ordinary golden dragons, there are those close to the limit. So what kind of existence would it be if it were the king of golden dragons?"

Qin Tian was quite nervous and stared at the screen intently.

On the screen, Zhan Feng Ruyun also noticed the approaching golden dragons, but he didn't care at all. With a wave of his hand, sword rivers rushed into the dark clouds.

Then, Zhan Feng Ruyun formed a seal in his hand, "咻~~!!" In the sound, the entire blue sword river dispersed immediately, and countless long swords dispersed, stabbing towards the golden dragons.

Those swords were extremely fast, cutting through the clouds like lightning.

And those golden dragons opened their huge mouths one after another.

"Bang!!" ~~ In the sound, countless thunder and water jets spurted out from the dragon's mouth.

Most of the long swords collapsed, but a few broke through the thunder and water pillars, and actually struck the golden dragon.

"Crack!!" ~~ In the sound, dozens of golden dragons howled loudly, and fell to the ground with holes all over their bodies.


Zhan Feng Ruyun laughed loudly, and immediately raised his hands high. Green light bloomed between his palms, and soon, a huge green sword rose into the sky.

"Today, I'm going to kill you all!!"

Zhan Feng Ruyun was very excited and ran towards a golden dragon with his giant sword.

With a sound of "Shua!!", the giant sword passed through the air and struck directly on the head of the golden dragon. With a sound of "Bang!!", the head of the golden dragon was split into two.

Zhan Feng Ruyun reappeared and raised his sword to slash horizontally. The two golden dragons failed to dodge in time and were split into two in an instant.


With the rise of Zhan Feng Ru Yun Sha, he kept swinging his sword and started to chase the dragons.




With roars of anger, the six-headed golden dragon flew in front of Zhan Feng Ruyun and sprayed out six water jets together.

Zhan Feng Ruyun slashed out a wind blade with one sword, which actually scattered the water column. Then, he ran in front of a golden dragon and slashed it down with all his strength with his giant sword. With a "Crack!!" sound, the golden dragon was immediately killed. split into two.

"Haha~! Is this all you have?"

Zhan Feng Ruyun raised his sword and swept across, cutting the two golden dragons into two pieces, and laughed.

Then, a very sudden voice sounded from deep in the sky.

"Human, don't kill my tribe again!!"

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