End of the World Terminator

Chapter 742 Golden Dragon

Chapter 798 Golden Dragon


Qin Tian chuckled softly and said: "Do you think you will be out of trouble when I come back? Dream on, General Li. Since you have been a leader for so long and have so much experience, I may let you go. Is this such a talent?"

Hearing this, Li Xuanyuan suddenly fell silent.

Qin Tianze waved his hand and said: "Recently, please restrain yourself and don't have any conflicts with the Golden Dragon clan. If everything goes well, I still have about a month's journey before I can get to you."


Afterwards, Qin Tian chatted with Li Xuanyuan for a few more words, then closed the conversation, walked out of the fortress, and flew to the bottom of the mountain.

Since the cave at the top of the mountain was built as Lingyun's mausoleum, Xie Chunqiu built a cave next to the peach grove at the foot of the mountain and made elixirs in it.

According to Xie Chunqiu, only by refining elixir outdoors can the elixir absorb as much of the natural spiritual power between heaven and earth as possible.

Qin Tian thought this was pure fart.

Since you are going to make alchemy outdoors, why bother building a cave to cover it up?

Moreover, weren’t the huge rocks at the entrance of the cave used to seal the entrance?

Qin Tian landed at the entrance of the cave and was speechless as he looked at the entrance blocked by huge rocks.

Zhan Feng Ruyun, forward Teng Long and Nalan Guang, who had been staying outside the cave and had been looking forward to it for a long time, immediately came up to salute Qin Tian.

"Okay, how long will it take?"

Qin Tian waved his hand and said to the three people in front of him.

"Mr. Qin, logically speaking, it should be at noon, when the Yang Qi is the strongest in the day, which is the time for the elixir to be completed."

Zhan Feng Ruyun nodded with certainty and said: "Only in this way can the newly released elixir absorb the essence of the sun! Increase its medicinal properties."


Qin Tian turned to look at the sky that had been dyed red by the sunset, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "You mean, we have to wait until noon tomorrow?"

"Uh, cough."

Zhan Feng Ruyun coughed twice, smiled awkwardly, and said: "According to logic, the furnace should be turned on at noon, but I don't know why, but it took a long time."

On the side, the forward Tenglong nodded heavily and said: "Mr. Qin, I think that this brother Xie may not be practicing the Yang Dan, but the kind of elixir that absorbs the essence of the night. It should be at midnight." The elixir will be completed."

"Mr. Qin, I think what senior forward said makes sense."

Nalan Guang also nodded.

Qin Tianze raised his eyebrows.

The elixir is formed at noon, absorbing the essence of the sun?

The midnight elixir is formed, absorbing the essence of the night?

Qin Tian didn't quite understand, but it sounded like it would be better to have the elixir at noon. In comparison, no matter how you drop the essence of the sun, it would be more powerful than the essence of the night.

Then, he looked at the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave with some suspicion, and suddenly frowned.

"Could it be?"

Qin Tian walked to the entrance of the cave in a few steps, put his ear against the boulder, listened carefully for a while, and heard a slight swallowing sound. At that time, he thought to himself: "Xiao Jin, what's going on inside?"

"Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, Xie Chunqiu is drinking."


A screen suddenly appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes. On the screen, Xie Chunqiu was sitting with his legs crossed and imageless at the stone table. On the stone table were a jar of wine, a small bowl, and a pile of small objects. There are more than a thousand of them, all shining with golden light, and each one has a pill as big as an egg.

Xie Chunqiu then raised his head and took a sip of wine, then placed an elixir in a bowl, poured the wine in, roasted the elixir with a strong fire, and drank it all in one gulp, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Qin Tian suddenly understood why this guy insisted on refining elixirs in the cave, and why he blocked the door with a huge stone.

"What the hell!!"

Qin Tian was furious and punched the boulder.

With a sound of "Bang!!", the boulder was penetrated immediately.

After slashing the phoenix like a cloud, the forwards Tenglong and Nalan Guang were startled. Before they could stop him, Qin Tian had already sent out a strong gust of wind, blowing away the gravel at the entrance of the cave.

Then, the three of them saw Xie Chunqiu, who was sitting at the stone table in the cave, holding a bowl and staring.

At the same time, the three of them also saw a large number of elixirs shining with golden light on the stone table.


After a strange silence.

Xie Chunqiu suddenly stood up with a smile, then raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and then said: "I just made the elixir, and you guys are here. It's better to come early than to come by chance. Come, I'll treat you all to a drink. Let's Let’s celebrate together.”

“Celebrate your paralysis!!”

Zhan Feng Ruyun's beard was almost sticking up to the sky, and he shouted: "I'm still wondering why you didn't come out for so long. It turns out you were hiding in there and eating alone. You bastard, you don't deserve to be a son of a man!"

"Brother Xie, what you did in this matter is a bit unethical."

Striker Tenglong said with a sullen face and angrily.

Zhan Feng Ruyun directly rolled up his sleeves and looked at Qin Tian with fear.

Qin Tian walked to the table silently, took away more than a hundred elixirs, patted Xie Chunqiu's shoulder and said, "Thank you very much."

After saying that, Qin Tian left.

"Sir, walk slowly."

Xie Chunqiu looked at Qin Tian's leaving figure and was about to cry.

When Qin Tian patted him on the shoulder, he deliberately injected a burst of spiritual power, which interrupted the flow of spiritual power in his meridians. For a moment, he was unable to display his strength at all.

"Old man!!"

As soon as Qin Tian left, Zhan Feng Ruyun and forward Teng Long pounced on Xie Chunqiu.

"Ouch! Don't be impulsive, let's sit down and have a drink!"

"Ah~! Don't slap me in the face!"

Xie Chunqiu was pinned to the ground and ravaged by two guys, while Qin Tian returned to the room with the elixir.

He distributed the elixirs to Xu Qiming and others, among whom Xiyan and Huang Ling each received twenty.

He himself got up in the middle of the night and took one.

Feeling, well, nothing.

Maybe it's because Qin Tian's skills are too deep. These elixirs are great for others, but they are of little use to him.

He was a little depressed, so he simply gave away all the elixirs early the next morning. Zhou Yunjia was still not satisfied after giving away more than ten pills, and kept pestering him, so he sent him to Xie Chunqiu.

The Flying Fortress moves on.

In the following twenty-six days, Qin Tian encountered more than fifty monster kings. Most of these monster kings were killed by fireworks. The few who could withstand the fireworks were mostly killed by Zhan Feng Ruyun. .

Qin Tian only took action once, against a monster that looked like a crow, but it lost its true essence and transformed into a golden crow.

This fake Golden Crow only had about 30% of the strength of the real Golden Crow, but even so, Qin Tian used more than twenty moves to kill it.

Twenty-six days later, when the air fortress landed on a plain, Qin Tian ran out of Mount Emei and flew to the top of the mountain.

"It seems that the territory ahead should be where those golden dragons are."

Qin Tian looked at the sparkling water in the distance, frowned slightly and said.

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