End of the World Terminator

Chapter 729 Entrustment

Chapter 785 Entrustment

"In the following time, I could only rely on one person after another, using my human body to absorb the increasingly thin spiritual power on the earth, hoping to strengthen my soul."

"However, every time I transfer it to someone else, it consumes my own spiritual power. Sometimes, in a person's lifetime, I can only replenish the lost spiritual power."

"Recovery is rare."

"And even if I recover, I can't be Yi's opponent, so I gradually despair."

Ling Yun's face looked quite depressed, but his eyes quickly lit up, and he looked at Qin Tian with a burning gaze.

"Until one day, I met an extremely broken soul that was almost undetectable."

"Qin Tian, ​​that Yuan Shen was extremely weak at the beginning. In fact, it cannot be called a Yuan Shen at all, but is just a separated part of a certain Yuan Shen."

After a pause, Ling Yun sighed softly and said: "When I found it, it had been lingering for many years, but it was still very weak."

"It was also because of its weakness that it was able to avoid Yi's search."

"I told you before that the soul in you is Yi's inner demon. This is not entirely correct, because if it is just the inner demon, it should be an extremely evil and violent existence."

"I infer that when Yi got rid of his inner demons, he also cut off all his human emotions. Inadvertently, he left behind such a soul."

"And this soul is the only hope to defeat Yi."

Ling Yun took a deep breath, raised the corners of his mouth, and said: "The ruler of heaven and earth is Yi, and no one can replace him. Even if I return to my peak, I will always be under the law of heaven, and I will still be an ant."

"But this soul is originally a part of Yi, so it can naturally replace him."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly and was silent for a while before saying, "That soul is in my body now?"

"Oh, of course."

Ling Yun smiled slightly and said: "For thousands of years, I have been waiting and carefully protecting this soul. In order to let it grow and hide it from Yi, I even split my own soul, sealed it, and helped it cultivate. .”

"But even so, in this life, the soul has only grown half."

"That's why I agreed to your time travel in the future because I want to make this soul complete."


Qin Tian's eyes widened slightly, and he said in shock: "Ling Yun! You, when you fought against the Twelve Emperors, you still lost on purpose?!"

"That's not entirely true. The main reason is that the law of heaven is blocking it. Yi wants the human race to perish."

Ling Yun shook his head and said: "In that decisive battle, it seemed that we had the advantage, but I knew better than anyone else that under Yi's care, the Twelve Emperors would definitely win. I was just doing my best at that time."

"Moreover, even if we win that decisive battle, I can still convince you to time travel. There is no need to do so."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned, thought deeply, and then said: "Ling Yun, then Yi Hui can't detect the soul in you?"

"He didn't take any action against you?"


Ling Yun smiled and shook his head, saying: "It is not easy to find me. After all, I am the former master of heaven and earth. Unless I take the initiative to stand up, Yi will only regard me as a powerful soul."

"After all, after thousands of years, there are quite a few powerful souls in China. I'm just a little stronger than them."

"Moreover, Yi seems to be busy with something recently and has no time for him to pay attention. Even if I show off my power today, it will be difficult to attract his attention."

"However, if I die, he will definitely notice."

Ling Yun put away his smile, his face darkened slightly, and said, "Qin Tian, ​​I don't have much time. You have to promise me something."


Qin Tian gently clenched his fists.

Ling Yun raised his head slightly, looked in front of him, and was silent for a while before saying: "I have lived for thousands of years, and I am used to the vicissitudes of life and the sea."

"I understand that all things will eventually lose their original color under the wash of time, but I never thought that I would have a sister in this life."

"Qin Tian, ​​Ling Jiao will be back soon, you have to take good care of her."


Qin Tian's body trembled slightly, and there was a glint in his eyes.

"Also, after this battle, all the soldiers and civilians in the air fortress can be integrated into the army after they have been on the battlefield."

"In addition, the powerful superpowers in the fortress are severely depleted. Zhou Hao and the others are the new force I leave for you."

"Xie Chunqiu, he will assist you with all his strength. You can use it with confidence and restore the sword formation as soon as possible. Now, three demon gods have escaped. They are threats, but in this battle, we killed hundreds of thousands of monster kings. The large surrounding area will definitely become unclaimed land, so leave here first, then go north, fight to the north, fight to the north, and then march eastward to meet up with Li Xuanyuan and the others."

Ling Yun raised his hand tremblingly, and Qin Tian immediately stood up, sat beside the bed, and held his hand.

Ling Yun's hands were cold, as cold as ice cubes.

"Qin Tian, ​​you have to believe me, I'm ready for everything."

Ling Yun raised another hand and stretched it towards Qin Tian's forehead.

Qin Tian was slightly startled, but remained motionless and allowed Ling Yun to press his hand on his forehead.

Ling Yun smiled.

"Qin Tian, ​​from now on, you have to rely on yourself."

"Qin Tian, ​​in the past you couldn't feel Yi's soul because of the seal. Now, I'll help you unlock a corner of this seal."

"That ray of my soul has been with you for thousands of years. It would not be good for you to break all the seals rashly. But as long as the seal is loose, you will slowly break it."

After saying that, a burst of thunder and lightning burst out from Ling Yun's palm.

Qin Tian's whole body trembled slightly, and there was a burst of coldness, which disappeared again in the blink of an eye.

Then, Ling Yun's hand dropped, and his head also dropped.

Qin Tian slightly stared, and after a while, he softly called: "Ling Yun."

Ling Yun didn't respond.

Qin Tian was so frightened that he stretched out his hand tremblingly. Unexpectedly, Ling Yun's body tilted and fell down, right into his arms.

"Ling Yun! Don't be joking!!"

Qin Tian pushed Ling Yun anxiously, then stretched out his hand and tried it under Ling Yun's nose, his expression suddenly changed.

"Ling Yun!!!"

Qin Tian looked up to the sky and howled, tears streaming down his face.

At the same moment, countless red clouds floated over the Sky Fortress.

The red cloud seemed to be on fire, moving with the air fortress, and countless snowflakes fell from the red cloud.

On the air fortress, wherever there was soil, new buds sprouted. Those buds quickly expanded and bloomed into white lotus flowers.

Birds that flew from nowhere and were not afraid of radiation circled under the red clouds and screamed sadly.

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