Chapter 707 Patrol

Under Xiao Jin's detection, Qin Tian determined that there was nothing wrong with the food, then he drank tea and ate corn.

As for the conversation with Uncle Li, he left it to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun and Uncle Li chatted without a word, but Uncle Li seemed flattered and answered all questions. He sent someone to kill the fattest sow in the village, saying that he would make a whole pig feast later.

When the sow's cry sounded outside the wooden house, Uncle Li went out to give instructions.

Ling Yun just said to Qin Tian: "The security team are all low-level superpowers. By the way, the people here call them outer disciples."

"Well, as an outer disciple, it's like a cultivation novel."

Qin Tian rolled his eyes, looked up at a chandelier, and said, "If it weren't for this thing, I really doubt that I have traveled through time."


Ling Yun chuckled lightly, but suddenly his face became solemn and he said: "Qin Tian, ​​I found out something very interesting."

After a pause, Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said, "Those immortal disciples who came to collect taxes used a gourd that can hold a lot of grain."

"This thing sounds a bit like a legendary magic weapon. In fact, it should be more similar to something that can emit spatial powers, just like the original statues."

Hearing this, Qin Tian pursed his lips, frowned slightly, and said, "Is it a magic weapon? Well, such high-end things have come out. It seems that this time it will be a bit tricky."

"Hey, will we encounter the same flames as last time? If we do, it will be really troublesome."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Ling Yun let out a breath and said, "However, I have also made some preparations."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was slightly startled, his heart tightened, and he immediately said: "Have you prepared? What preparations have you made? Ling Yun, what are your plans?!"


Ling Yun smiled faintly and said, "Don't be nervous, I didn't actually do anything."

"I'll go, your smile is so fake!"

Qin Tianwei stared and said, "Tell me honestly, what exactly did you do?!"

"Qin Tian."

Ling Yun looked into Qin Tian's eyes and said, "Do you believe me?"


Qin Tian opened his mouth slightly, and after a while, he lowered his head in frustration and continued to chew the corn.

When the others saw that Qin Tian was speechless, they all shut up and drank tea and ate corn obediently.

"By the way, Ling Yun, speaking of magic weapons, I also have a spiritual stone here, which belongs to the Black Dragon King. You will absorb it later."

Qin Tian suddenly took out a spiritual stone from his self-made space and handed it to Ling Yun.


Ling Yun took the spirit stone, and a blue electric arc immediately lit up in his hand. With a "click!", the spirit stone suddenly cracked, and the mist-like material in it was continuously exported by supernatural powers and introduced into Ling Yun's palm.

"I'm going, Ling Yun. I want you to come down and absorb it, not now."

Qin Tian stared and said.

"It doesn't matter. I'll absorb it first and then digest it slowly. If there is a fight later, I can also be of some help."

Ling Yun replied lightly, but the energy pouring into his palm became extremely fast. After a few minutes, the spirit stone became transparent.

Such rapidity shocked Qin Tian and said: "Ling Yun, is it really okay for you to inhale so much at once?"

"Do not worry."

Ling Yun shook his head and said: "The cultivation methods in the literature are very useful. I now have more than three hundred dantians, and I can accommodate any more."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was slightly startled, but also relieved.

Everyone who had been listening to these two people was slightly stunned.

Zhou Yunjia was the first to exclaim, "More than three hundred dantians? How is this possible? A dantian's internal energy is very powerful when it is trained to the extreme. If there are more than 300 dantians, wouldn't it be heaven-defying!"

Hearing this, Xiyan and others also looked shocked and looked at Ling Yun.

"Although this method seems very powerful, it may also have unknown dangers. The specific situation cannot be judged until the documents are fully translated. I am also taking risks in my practice."

Facing everyone's gaze, Ling Yun smiled and said.

Everyone was silent, but Xiyan and Zhao Yu both looked worried and looked at Qin Tian.

At this time, the wailing of an old sow suddenly came from outside the wooden house. The sound was horrific.

Qin Tian twitched the corner of his mouth and suddenly lost interest in eating pork.

However, at this moment, the sound of gongs and drums was heard outside the house.

The sound was not loud, but Qin Tian's keen hearing could still hear it clearly.

And Xiao Jin's voice also sounded in Qin Tian's ears.

"Host, there are sixteen superpowers approaching, including one D-level superpower and one C-level superpower."


Qin Tian looked at the two figures appearing on the screen in front of him, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"They're here, let's go."

Ling Yun immediately stood up and spoke first.


Qin Tian nodded and stood up.

Seeing this, Xiyan and others also stood up.

Everyone walked out of the cabin together.

"Uh, why did you come out?"

Uncle Li, who was instructing everyone to slaughter pigs, was stunned when he saw Qin Tian and others. He immediately came forward and asked.

"The people we were waiting for are already here, let's just say goodbye."

Ling Yun smiled at Uncle Li and walked straight past him.

Qin Tian looked at the fat pig that was lying on the ground with blood coming from its neck. He pursed his lips and followed Ling Yun quickly.

Uncle Li wanted to stay at that time, so the two of them immediately sped up, and Xiyan and others also sped up.

After all, everyone has superpowers. Uncle Li can catch up, but he will be thrown away quickly.

After leaving the village, Qin Tian saw sixteen supernatural beings walking towards him.

The two leaders, one tall and one short, one fat and the other thin, were both wearing red vests, black leather pants, brown leather boots, with their hair loose and sunglasses.

The rest of the superpowers are uniformly dressed in black and white clothes.

That kind of clothes is the uniform style worn by high school students in Huaxia High School.

And these superpowers also wear sunglasses on their faces.

One of the superpowers held a gong in his hand and struck it once every step he took.

A person with superpowers has a big drum around his waist, and he also beats it every step of the way.

"What the hell are these people doing?!"

Qin Tian's eyes widened slightly and he was speechless.

Ling Yun on the side twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Probably, this is also the so-called rule, but the person who made this rule may have some problems in his mind."


Qin Tian looked at Ling Yun and said directly: "Go and be reasonable."


Ling Yun nodded and stood directly in front of everyone without saying anything.

And the sixteen superpowers who were beating gongs and drums soon saw Qin Tian and others.

"Well, are you the ones looking for us?"

Among the two leaders, the thin man took off his sunglasses first and asked with confusion on his face.


Ling Yun nodded, raised his hand, and gathered a thunder pen.

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