Chapter 641 Again

Negotiations with the survivors took a relatively long time.

Ling Yun came back with a solemn expression.

"We're not passing through here."

Ling Yun sat in the passenger seat, pushed up his glasses, and said, "People in this camp have seen sphinxes before. It is said that these sphinxes have appeared thousands of meters ahead. .”

"In other words, we still haven't bypassed this monster's territory. I just built a greenhouse for the people here, leaving the sixteen skeletons behind. There is no need to go there again."


Qin Tian frowned slightly and asked, "What should we do?"

"What else can we do? Keep going around."

Ling Yun took out a map, observed it for a while, and then said: "First follow this tunnel and retreat about 60,000 meters. There is a station there. Let's go out from there and walk 80,000 meters west. We can find a horizontal Let’s go to the subway station and try walking another 300,000 meters.”


Qin Tian looked helpless and could only reach out and hold the microphone and said: "The car turned and started to retreat."

The van immediately spun around.

Qin Tian stretched his hand out of the window and used his powers to widen the wall.

After the van stopped, he pressed the microphone again and said: "Turn on the propulsion device, increase the power to the limit, and move forward at full speed."

With a sound of "Bang!!", the van started to move forward at full speed.

The distance of 60,000 meters took the van only ten minutes.

Then, Qin Tian cleared the exit, directed the van to fly out of the subway station, and started to move westward close to the ground.

During this period, he encountered a monster patrolling the area. He quickly ordered the van to stop by the roadside and blocked the van with an arched earth wall, thus successfully avoiding the monster's detection.

When he arrived at the subway entrance, he found that half of the entrance was buried. He quickly used his earth power to clear it and directed the van to fly in.

He then directed the van to speed up.

In the following hours, he met several groups of survivors, but left all the negotiation with these survivors to Ling Yun, who also successfully completed the task.

However, before the van reached its destination, Qin Tian received a reminder from Xiao Jin.

"Host, a monster was found in the tunnel ahead. There is a water-type superpower reaction in its body, similar to an F-level superpower."

"Uh, have you exceeded the territory of the flying monster?"

Qin Tian pursed his lips, and a blue screen appeared in front of his eyes, and on that screen, a blurry shadow soon appeared.

The figure was very huge, and its whole body was glowing with red light.

"This is a rhinoceros?!"

Qin Tian slightly stared. The figure on the screen, except for the blood-red eyes and the red body, looked very much like a rhinoceros in the zoo.

"Qin Tian, ​​send the skeleton to test it out."

Ling Yun patted Qin Tian on the shoulder and reminded him.


Qin Tian stretched his hand out of the window and immediately summoned ten skeletons, making them run towards the rhinoceros-like monster.

The battle started quickly and ended quickly.

In just tens of seconds, ten skeletons were shattered into pieces.

Qin Tian could see clearly that the rhinoceros-like monster faced the siege and went on a rampage without flinching. It easily knocked ten skeletons apart.

What surprised him even more was that the scars on the monster were covered with white foam, and when the foam dissipated, the wounds had healed.

"The self-healing ability is very strong, but the method is very similar to the golden dragon I met in the jungle before."

Qin Tian frowned slightly, looked at Ling Yun, and said, "If we continue walking, we will definitely pass through the territory of this kind of monster."

"That's right."

Ling Yun nodded, suddenly took out the map, looked at it for a while, and then said: "We still have to walk another hundred thousand meters to reach the station, but we don't necessarily have to go there. I mean, we You can go back 30,000 meters and open directly to the top of the tunnel. After exiting, walk 200,000 meters west, and you can reach a vertical subway."


Qin Tian immediately pressed the microphone and said: "Turn and retreat."

After saying that, Qin Tian stretched his hand out of the van again, activated his powers, and widened the wall.

After the van finished rotating, Qin Tian pressed the microphone again and said: "Turn on the propulsion device, speed up."

Ten minutes later, the van arrived at its destination.

After determining the location, Qin Tian activated his earth-type abilities and tried to be as careful and as slow as possible to open up the soil above.

Then he directed the van to fly out of the tunnel.

The van stayed close to the ground and accelerated.

During this period, Qin Tian encountered two giant eagle-like monsters. Each time, he directed the van to stop by the roadside and quietly waited for the monsters to fly by.

The special glass of the van worked. Although the giant eagle's vision was sharp, it never noticed the people in the van.

Finally, the van arrived safely in the underground tunnel.

"Now, we should bypass the sphinx's territory."

Qin Tian let out a breath and directed the van to move forward in the tunnel, but soon heard Xiao Jin's reminder.

"Host, a thousand meters ahead, a sphinx-faced monster was found. It was detected that there was a powerful fire-type supernatural reaction in its body, which is comparable to that of an A-level psychic!"

"Fuck! The ghost is still here!!"

Qin Tian cursed angrily, then looked at Ling Yun and said, "What should we do? Should we go back to the previous tunnel and continue around?"

Ling Yun frowned slightly and pondered for a while, then shook his head and said: "After we go back, we have to pass through the territory of rhinoceros-like monsters, and there are countless monsters in that tunnel. We are likely to alarm the monsters in that territory. King of Monsters, if there is too much movement, the King of Sphinxes will also be attracted."

"It seems there is no other way. Qin Tian, ​​escape to the ground. Open a tunnel directly from the ground. Even if it leaves traces, don't worry about it. Leave first. We have been delayed long enough."

Hearing this, Qin Tian sighed lightly, held a cigarette in his mouth, activated the earth element power, pressed the microphone, and said: "Slowly descend."

The van suddenly descended and soon reached the ground.

Then, Qin Tian pressed the microphone and said: "Stop descending, turn on the thrusters, maintain power, and move forward at a constant speed."

"Bang~!" With the sound, the van started to move forward.

Qin Tian smoked a little while activating the supernatural power in his body and opened a tunnel from the ground.

"Fortunately, the sphinx monster didn't notice us."

When the van followed the tunnel and passed under the sphinx monster, Ling Yun let out a light breath and said.

Qin Tian smiled slightly and felt relieved.

For the next eight hours, the van kept moving in the underground tunnel.

The supernatural power in Qin Tian's body was so powerful that he was not afraid of consumption. However, when Ling Yun told him to stop, he still felt tired.

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