Chapter 637 Crush

"Here he comes! The human is here!"

"Then the human took out a giant hammer! Could it be that he made this giant hammer himself?!"

"Using a giant hammer as a weapon, we would be at a disadvantage if we use our arms to block it, use weapons!"

The three lizard heads of the humanoid monster all opened their mouths, and its six palms flipped over and took out six weapons.

Two golden broadswords, two green short spears, and two blue broad swords.

"We have weapons, let's go!"

"Wait a minute, this human being is stronger than us. If we use this weapon to fight with that giant hammer, we will suffer a loss!"

"It makes sense, let's change it to the big guy!!"

The six palms of the humanoid monster turned over again, put away all six weapons, and then took out two huge hammers.

The hammer is white all over, like gold or jade. The pole is two meters long and the top is rectangular. It is as big as the top of the giant hammer in Qin Tian's hand.

The monster held a long pole with three hands and waved the hammer, making a "whoosh!" sound.

"Go ahead, this monster has a lot of treasures!!"

Qin Tian's eyes lit up, a smile appeared on his face, and his figure accelerated.

"Then humans are speeding up, let's go!!"


"Go all out to dampen his spirit!!"

The humanoid monster roared several times, jumped up, green light appeared frequently around its body, and its speed surged, soaring into the sky.

The two figures turned into two beams of aurora and rushed toward each other.

"Bang!!!" was heard with great force, blowing away endless snowflakes. The ground shook, cracks spread, "bang bang" sounds were heard everywhere, and smoke and dust billowed.

The next moment, the two figures that collided with each other suddenly separated. The three lizard heads of the humanoid monster spurted out blue blood, flew out, and fell heavily to the ground. With a "Bang!!" sound, they were smashed out. A huge pit.

Qin Tian stood there, looking at the giant hammer with cracks on the top. He suddenly felt distressed and put the hammer away, then looked at the huge hammer in his other hand.

"Good stuff, I'll take it."

Qin Tian said lightly and put the hammer into the self-control space.

At this moment, the humanoid monster had rushed out of the giant pit, staggered, and fell to the ground, its body covered with snowflakes.

"Go to hell, you beast."

Qin Tian glanced at the humanoid monster coldly, took out his halberd, and flew over.

"It's bad, I'm really going to die this time! The difference in power is too huge, this human being is so strong!"

"Please call for reinforcements! Let King Kong come to the rescue! Only King Kong can deal with this guy!"

"Why do you invite me? This guy has already run away when King Kong arrives! Hurry up and do your best!"

A green light suddenly appeared on the humanoid monster, blowing up the snowflakes falling on it, and stood up suddenly.

"This human has changed his weapons to short weapons! Okay, let's use short weapons too and fight him!"

"Even if it means death, we must maintain the dignity of the Dragon and Phoenix clan!"

"Come on!"

The humanoid monster waved its six arms and immediately took out two knives, two swords, and two spears. It stood up and flew towards Qin Tian.


Qin Tian snorted coldly, and the two-color flames suddenly ignited on his back. He actually gathered eight pairs of two-color flame arms and picked up sixteen two-color flame knives.

"You have more hands than me, right? OK, come on!"

Qin Tian rode the dragon down and faced the humanoid monster.

"Come on! Let's fight to the death!"

The humanoid monster roared angrily, but suddenly stopped, then turned abruptly and plunged towards the ground.

"what's the situation?!"

Qin Tian's expression changed slightly, and he was in a state of shock and confusion when he saw the humanoid monster landed on the ground, leaped towards the distance without even looking back.

"Nah! Is this guy trying to run away?!"

Qin Tian reacted suddenly and immediately became furious and chased after him.

"Ah! That human is coming after me!"

A lizard head looked at Qin Tian and exclaimed.

The humanoid monster jumped even more vigorously, and its jumping route was still S-shaped, constantly turning sharply and repeatedly.

Qin Tian cursed angrily, pulled up the flame bow one after another, and shot out bunches of black flames, hitting the ground with a "Bang~!" noise, but he still failed to hit the monster.

"Nah! Xiao Jin, analyze the running pattern of this monster!"

"Yes, start collecting data. After data collection is completed, start analyzing data. Data analysis is completed, host, please follow my instructions."


A blue screen appeared in front of Qin Tian. A curve appeared on the screen, corresponding to the monster's movement trajectory. A small red dot appeared on the curve.

He immediately pulled up the bowstring, aimed at the red dot, and released it suddenly.

"Boom~!" In the sound, a jet-black fireball flew out, and during the movement, it quickly expanded into a huge fireball with a diameter of 20 meters, and crushed it away.

Extremely cold temperatures spread out, and under the fireball, the monster that had just changed its position was shaken all over and raised its head sharply.


"how come?!"

"We are obviously running around blindly! How do humans know that?!"

With a "Boom!!" sound, the fireball exploded into a sea of ​​pitch-black fire, covering the ground.

Thick smoke billowed into the air.


A sneer appeared on Qin Tian's face, and then he heard Xiao Jin's voice.

"Host, the monster's body is changing. Its limbs are swelling. It seems to be getting bigger. It is suspected that it will transform into its true body."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly, and an expanding body soon appeared on the blue screen in front of him.

The body hasn't completely changed yet, but three dragon-like heads can already be seen.

Qin Tian frowned slightly, but he didn't want to waste any more time with this monster, so he immediately used his superpower and poured it into the mouth of the flame dragon under his crotch.

The flame dragon then opened its big mouth, and with a "Bang!!" sound, a bunch of two-color fireworks gathered into a rotating pillar of fire and spewed out of the dragon's mouth and flew down.

At the same time, three heads popped out from the billowing smoke, and their mouths opened wide at the same time.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" In the sound, endless thunder surged out and soared into the sky.

With a sound of "Boom!!!", thunder and fire collided, powerful force overflowed, and strong winds raged out.

Qin Tian frowned slightly, and the superpowers in his body poured into the flame dragon crazily. "Bang~~!" In the sound, the fire was fierce, and the two-color flame pillars moved forward quickly, and soon scattered the thunder and fell straight down.



Amid the explosions, the earth cracked, and blazing white and pitch-black fireworks scattered everywhere, burning fiercely.

The huge body rolled and roared in the fire, and finally jumped up violently, staggered into the ruins, rolled several times, and then burrowed into the ground.

The monster was very fast and had penetrated more than half of its body in an instant. However, Qin Tian's halberd was one step ahead of it and pierced its tail.

"Poof!!" With a sound, the short halberd pierced into the flesh, and blue blood spattered.

The next moment, Qin Tian, ​​who was about to pull the huge monster out of the ground by its tail, heard Xiao Jin's voice.

"Host, this monster is having its tail docked."

"Fuck! This guy knows how to do this?!"

Qin Tian cursed secretly and waved out his palm.

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