Chapter 612: Forced

"Well, I should remind you that one hour is up."

When the survivors saw Qin Tian, ​​Qin Tian tried to use a gentle voice and said.

Everyone was silent for a while.

The burly man who shouted first suddenly pulled out a big knife from his back, pointed at Qin Tian, ​​and shouted: "Who are you?"

Qin Tian glanced at the burly man lightly, then ignored him, then looked at the survivors surrounded by everyone, and said, "Who is your leader?"

Everyone was silent again.

"Who are you?!"

The burly man shouted again.

Qin Tian didn't even look at the burly man, and said to the others: "The time has come. Who is your leader? Quickly remove the tents blocking the road."

This time, the middle-aged man who had dealt with Qin Tian before could not sit still, and took the lead in saying to his companions: "See, I didn't lie to you. Everyone, listen to me and move the tent quickly."

"Can't withdraw!"

The burly man suddenly roared, then raised his eyes, looked at Qin Tian carefully, then glanced at the three people behind Qin Tian, ​​and actually said to the middle-aged man: "Old Wang, these are the ones you mentioned. Are you a canned person? It’s all in vain that you brag about how awesome you are, but the leader is actually a brat."

"Did you make a mistake? Are you asking us to evacuate the tent? Humph! Why?!"

After saying that, the burly man's eyes slightly widened, and he looked around Qin Tian's body with his bloodshot eyes. A greedy look suddenly appeared on his face, and he said: "You actually gave the cans to others. It seems that your food is quite good." It’s enough, but the little you took is too little, not enough!”

The burly man looked behind him again and said, "Don't you think so?!"


There were many echoes in the crowd.

Qin Tian's face darkened, he glanced at the people in front of him, then looked at Ling Yun, and said: "It seems that these guys are not going to reason with us."

Ling Yun raised his eyebrows, pushed up his glasses, and said: "Capture the thief first, capture the king, and get rid of the leader, and then the rest will surrender."


Qin Tian nodded.

The two of them did not lower their voices when they spoke, as if they were deliberately letting others hear.

In response, the burly man sneered again and again and said: "You guys, don't be so bluffing, I'm not a coward like Wang Zhang. When I first learned boxing from my apprentice, you two young boys were still nursing? !”

"I'm not afraid to tell you, back then I went to Shaoshi Mountain, practiced Iron Cloth Shirt, Iron Head Kung Fu, and learned Jeet Kune Do. With your two small bodies, I can knock down a group of people with one hand!"

After saying that, the burly man danced a set of swords and flowers on the spot. The dance was "whooshing" and the wind was blowing. There was a burst of cheers from the people behind him, and some even clapped their hands.

The burly man was extremely proud for a moment, looking at Qin Tian with eyes full of contempt and disdain.

Qin Tian was speechless for a while.

After a moment of silence, he walked towards the burly man.

"Look, this young man is coming over. He doesn't really want to fight Brother Dai, right? This is too overestimating his own capabilities. Brother Dai has a real guy in his hands."

"Tsk, tsk, young people are arrogant and will be in bad luck."

"This guy must be an idiot. If he hits the knife edge, he will definitely be taught a lesson later. There is something wrong with his head."

"Brother Dai, come on, you'd better take off this man's clothes. Damn it, it's time to change my pants."


All kinds of words full of disdain and contempt sounded out one after another.

The burly man's companions did not think highly of Qin Tian.

Even the twenty survivors who had been in contact with Qin Tian at the beginning shook their heads.

"Hmph! This man really dares to stand up. He will die later."

Wang Zhang also had a worried look on his face and sighed softly.

The burly man laughed several times, pointed his knife at Qin Tian, ​​and said, "Boy, you are so courageous! It's a pity that you don't overestimate your capabilities."

Qin Tian rolled his eyes and suddenly said: "What's your name?"

"My name is Dai Yun, uh, why do you ask this?"

"If I fail later, I can carve a tombstone for you."

"you wanna die!"

The burly man was furious, raised his sword, took a lunge, and then jumped.

The whole movement is done in one go, as fast as a rabbit leaps and an ape leaps.

The burly man raised his sword high and slashed it across the sky, as if he was going to chop off Qin Tian's head.

Facing this swift and violent blow, Qin Tian remained motionless, only stretched out a hand and raised a finger.

There was a cry of surprise among the survivors.

Wang Zhang simply closed his eyes, not wanting to see the scene of flesh and blood flying everywhere.




The steel knife in the burly man's hand suddenly shattered. He screamed and flew out involuntarily. After falling to the ground, he covered his bloody palm and screamed again and again.

Everyone fell silent, staring at Qin Tian with wide eyes.

Qin Tianze slowly walked up to the burly man and said in a very cold tone: "Do you accept it?"

The burly man shrank back, his face full of fear.

"I ask you, are you convinced?"

"Uh, I accept it."

The burly man was covered in cold sweat. The severe pain in his hands made his face turn pale and he rolled on the spot.

"Just take it."

Qin Tian snorted coldly and looked at the others.

"I'll give you five more minutes to clear the way for me immediately."

Qin Tian ordered directly.


After a moment of silence, everyone dispersed and began to evacuate the tent, and the burly man was also carried away.

"It seems that violence is the most effective."

Qin Tian chuckled and took a cigarette.

"Oh, people are like this sometimes, they won't obey if they don't fight."

Ling Yun walked to Qin Tian, ​​sighed and said.

Qin Tian handed Ling Yun a cigarette, looked behind him, and handed another cigarette to Zhang Fengtian. After thinking about it, he also handed one to Xu Qiming.

Before the four of them finished smoking, they saw that the tunnel had been vacated, and they returned to the van together.

And when the skeletons appeared in front of these survivors, they immediately caused bursts of exclamations.

Qin Tian asked the skeletons to stop while passing through the camp.

Leave time for Ling Yun to negotiate with the survivors here. '

Qin Tian sat on the roof of the car and smoked a cigarette.

The negotiations ended quickly, and Ling Yun took Xu Qiming to start building a greenhouse.

Qin Tian obeyed Ling Yun's instructions and left behind a hundred skeletons.

And when he directed the skeletons to leave, many survivors knelt down toward the van and could not stop hearing their gratitude.

Among those who knelt down and worshiped, Qin Tian even saw the burly man from before.

"After all, we are human."

Qin Tian took a deep breath, accompanied Ling Yun, and waved to the survivors.

After leaving the camp, Ling Yun entered the laboratory.

Qin Tian knew through Xiao Jin that Ling Yun was checking the bone monster, so he didn't pay attention. He stayed quietly for a while and then returned to the van.

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